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PNP: Jay maysa han ko ammo pero digita nga PNP they are designated as searching
team idi implementation search warrant and Investigator and searching officer under
implementation of the search warrant
Interviewer: Kaano iti date of arraignment.
PNP: Investigator iti makaamo kadagita nukwan
Interviewer: Banna ken Marcos ti ayan ni PO3 Walong kenni
PNP: Hindi, separate digita, from that digita gamin composite from other station to
implement the search warrant kasi simultaneous deta dati, 17 search warrant deta. 1
day implementation of search warrant. I was designated that day a mapan jay Burgos,
Ilocos Sur.
Interviewer: Adda kanya-kanya yo a designation idi kwa sir
PNP: Oo, Actually deta a search warrant I applied 6 search warrant that week. 1 week
kam a nagsecsecure search warrant
Interviewer: Ti plea ni Oscar?
PNP: Not guilty
Interviewer: Naifile digjay kwa tay kaso.
PNP: After the search warrant 1 day, ififile din nila yun kasi may narecovered dun na
evidence based on the search warrant
Interviewer: Sir, malagip mo nu ana dgijay na ana kanyada, naala
PNP: Anjakamo, supposed to be interview’n yo kadagita ket ni investigator
Interviewer:Sir diba digijay accused ket adda nukwa digijay ana jay plea bargaining
agreement a mapaspasamak nukwa kuma
PNP: Oo nu iadvise ni lawyer na, by the advise of your lawyer and assistance, ket Iplea
bargain the met nukwa, lower offensive a.
Interviewer: Adda ba previous criminal record ni accuse
PNP: Awan pero based on the ana, not in this report a ,not in the documents, adda
digita records na kadami a in possession suna ti paltog isu gapu na a naapplyan suna
search warrant.
Interviewer: Sir mabalin maamwan nu sino tay ana, kase ket naamwan yo a in
possession kano ti paltog.Nu sino dijay whistle blower
PNP: That’s called the confidential informant, cannot be disclosed, even the kwa cannot
disclosed the informant in the apply of search warrant
Interviewer: Kasano yo naamwan a ni Oscar ket in possession ti ammunition and hand
PNP: Upon the report of the confidential informant, then we process, we also contact
validation and the validation convince us to believe that the subject person, Oscar itself
is in possession of those illegal
Interviewer: Diba sir jay search warrant ano ammunition and 2 pistol
PNP: Hindi, 2 45 pistol and ammunition and the other search warrant is the violation of
explosive, so that is, naapplyan. Dalawang application, dalawang search warrant
Interviewer: Sa atin yung isa lang. so pistol and explosive device
PNP: Ganito kasi yung process in applying search warrant. 1 violation, 1 search
Interviewer: Di binasa mi jay statement jay police jay partly opened durabox, usually
awan ngamin ijay search warrant nga nakaindicate jay other explosive device. Ket ang
nakalagay lang don is pistol and ammunition ket isu ti quesquestionaran tayo. Ngem
mabalin da maconfiscate dijay upon plain view lang
PNP: Oo, ganun lang talaga, upon seeing the explosive then confiscate kasi explosive
yun diba
Interviewer: Pero haan ngata a question mark dijay?
PNP: Hindi mahirap kasi ijustify sa plain view e, nu plainview without entering, without
opening that is a plainview pero pag nagenter kana sa room its not a plainview na
Interviewer: Mabalin mo nukwa ukagen digijay gamit da ijayen sir or
PNP: Hindi, mistake kasi, detoy gamin ti quesquestionek dati eh,, kasano nga iplainview
ket nagopen ka diba. Inopen mo jay drawer nakitam
Interviewer: So allowed, nu agsearch warrant ka pwede kayo agopen ti.. even though
awan ijay nakalist jay search warrant jay masapol yo a kitaen yo sir
PNP: Oo kasi, kastoy kuma, sample ti subject ti search warrant ket pistol, then you open
the drawer nakakita ka ti drugs, possible a drugs, ana garod aramidem dijay, you
confiscate the drugs, so you also believe that’s drugs.
Interviewer: So iconfiscate the latta
PNP: Iconfiscate da latta, any contraband arising from the search warrant without in the
search warrant maconfiscate da amin uray haan a nakalista pero depende na yon sa
investigator kung paano ipwepwesto dun sa affidavit kasi diba ang requirement dun
minsan yung search in unlawful arrest pero sa building iba naman yung term dun, may
nagsabi sakin na CIDG kasi hindi yung magiging ebidensya sa korte kasi minsan,
dipende yun sa imbestigador kung paano niya gagawin yung affidavit. Macoconvince
mo yung sa fiscal office at sa korte.
Interviewer: Idi nasearch jay contrabands dinamag ba ken accused nu adda liscense to
possess or inconfiscate da lattan based on verification report on July 6, 2017
PNP: Hindi from the very beginning the judge issued a search warrant on a necessary
requirement. Ano ba yung certificate from FEO na he is not in possession or he is not
registered of any firearm
Interviewer: about jay inventory sheet, why need a separate inventory sheet
PNP: Diba ang search warrant don, is firearm and explosive, ganun din, kasi separate
violation yun
Interviewer: COPY OF PNP-FEO Certification attesting that, oscar is not a licensed nor
a registered firearm holder of any kind and caliber. naipresent da ba detoy ta
PNP: Yes, it’s part of the case folder presented in the prosecution, it’s for the
investigation of the prosecutor. Kasi wala naman, hindi naman iimbesitgahan ng
prosecutor kung wala yun e. Upon presentation non, kapag walang yung certification
from FEO dismiss na yon. Kaya rinerequired yon. Paano naman madedetermine na
illegal possession talaga siya kung walang certification or kung hawak ng accuse yung
certification iprepresent niya madidismiss yung kaso kasi may certificate naman siya na
legally possession ng firearm.
Interviewer: Same document ba nukua dijay memorandum ken certification nga
naggapo ti PNP-FEO, attesting that a holder has no license to posses the subject
PNP: Ang binibigay samin is a memorandum but the court may warrant the FEO to
issue the certificate, pero the same content
Interviewer: Naipresent ba tey subject ammunitions ken explosiven jay courten?
PNP: Yung mga ebidensya nayon yung explosives kasi, winiwithdraw ng PNP to secure
the court, hindi naman itatago sa court yung ebidensya e. Sinesecure dito sa Campo
may mga ordinance and specialist na naghahandle don, winawarrant yon ng korte para
iprepresent niya
Interviewer: sinnot nagtestimony nga police for the prosecution?
PNP: Yung: mga tatlo nayun pero may dalawa pa pero may barangay official
Interviewer: why did they seize the phone? They are not contraband per se
PNP: That thing siguro kasi adda ti, naiimplement deta nga simultaneous search
warrant because kitkitaen mi dijay kaso nga napasamak jay Marcos iddi kasi doon na
person a naapplyan search warrant adda iti link na kadijay napasamak ijay Marcos iddi.
Between the mayor and vice-mayor
Interviewer: Sir adda man follow-up question ko, simultaneous dijay inubra yo a pinag
ana, regarding kadagita a kaskaso. Ammo yo garod nu mano pay digijay on-going ti
kaskaso na
PNP:Oo, Awan ti ana kon ma’am kasi deta nga ana keta awan ti render kon, siyak lang
ti application ti search warrant that respondent kasi addu deta mga 6 ti inaapplyak deta
addu kami from office mi(12:51-onwards after word a office mi jak naawatan ta group a
kunana) ditoy Pmobile group ken CIDG. Tallo nga office nga nagapply deta nga search
warrant 17 ken addu kami a tao nga nagapply almost 7 kam sa nga applicant. That 17
search warrant bale siyak 6
Interviewer: So awan nukwa ti ana yon sir
PNP: Awan bale command activity ngamin deta nukwan, command operation. Isu nga
digitay designated nga investigator ni Chief Investigator ti Provincial Office ti mang
monmonitor digitan
Interviewer: Ngem awan idea’m kadetan sir
PNP: Awan ma’am ngem in general nu search warrant ngamin mostly deta ket jay 3
nga mismo nagsearch, 2 a searcher ken 1 investigator,bale 4 da including team leader
nga officer ijay kasi deta nga ana ket adda officer nga kadwa da deta, jay investigator
adda jay scenario jay investigator na deta
Interviewer: Ana digijay circumstances before nga natiliw ni Kuya Oscar
PNP: Deta nga ana before a panakatiliw na ket implementation of search warrant, so
awan met circumstances nga ana kasi in implement mi metlang jay court order para
kenkuana, para jay balay na gayam ken kenkuana has been the respondent to the
search warrant
Interviewer: Nagsurveilance ba digitay police
PNP: Before the application? Yes kasi necessary dijay nga requirements dijay search
warrant application
Interviewer:Sir is there a possibility nga syempre haan mo maikat nga tay accused ket
iraise na nga naplantaan suna
PNP: Kaadwan na met nga accuse wenu respondent ibagbaga na a naplantaan suda
pero jay gamin planting evidence dijay ti maysa a kakarigatan nga iraise kasi agbalin
nga alibi dijay. Diba mostly nga matiltiliw ket planting kunada. Shabu kadakwa, Kasla
jay lately ijay Marcos’n ibaga da nga detoy lang armas ko dijay ti iparparang na so
paltog na dijay duwa, pangalan ngarod dijay pulis ti imula na ti kasjay met diba.
Interviewer: Even the police haan nga authorize a aggigem iti Granada adda lang
specific nga tao, member of the PNP nga specific nga agiggem ti kakasta nga banag
Interviewer: So 100% nga haan a possible or mabalin nga maplantaan suna
PNP: Yes ma’am kasi kunak met kenka before the application of the search warrant, the
confidential informant tell to the PNP nga isuna in possession ti kasjay nga banag
Interviewer: Ana digitay requirements ti panagapply ti search warrant
PNP: Dijay documentation, application applyam jay ana dapat jay ayan ti application
specific ijay applayan nga violation, then specific jay things nga ap-applyam, dijay ti ana
na tapos jay affidavit iti applicant necessary dijay nagapply ti search warrant diba, tapos
digijay affidavit pay after jay surveillance report na, nu sino digijay nagsurvey, napan
nagsurvey ken digijay daduma pay dijay specific nga place dapat maipresent mo kenni
judge dijay place na, nu sit maipresent mo jay picture jay balay na ken maipresent mo
pay kenni judge jay sketch ti balay na. Exact location, madali lang naman yung exact
location e may google map naman tayo diba, tapos yung picture ng bahay, punta ka
don picture’n mo, ang mahirap don yung sketch ng bahay jay uneg balay da, the rooms,
the cr and even the kitchen
Interviewer: So sabali ti agapply sir, sabali ti agsurvey ken sabali ti ag..
PNP: Jay witness mo , jay mangibaga nga nakita na jay contrabad ijay balay na or in
possession na
Interviewer: So yung witness mangi..
PNP: Mangjustify ti balay, jay rooms da jay balay ken jay item nga contraband ng ain
possession na.
Interviewer: ni confidential informant
PNP: Dijay ti kaimportantean ni informant, ngem adda digijay application ti search
warrant nga even jay PNP Personnel isu pay ti deponente or witness tayon nga
nakakita tay item ngem ti very risky nga ana na ijay damagen ni judge nga nakitam la
ngarod nga contrabando dijay igigaman na apay haan mo paylang tiniliw in your
presence diba. Adda met depende met jay rason tay pulis dijay kasi tapnun maanamet
baka ti kuna jay pulis siguro “baka ad addu pay ti maalak kasi firearm jay nakitak kasjay.
Nu ti search warrant subject ti search warrant mo ket paltog adda ti galling jay FEO
Camp Crame nga memorandum requested by the office nga detoy respondent mo ket
haan nga authorize or registered firearm holder. Nu met Granada the same nga haan
nga authorize ngem nu met illegal drugs dapat adda iti ana na certificate from chemist
or crime laboratory office nga isu dijay natestby, su nu drugs gamin ket adda testby na
pelang itestby da pelang suna then ijay magatang initially magatang kenkuana,
mapacrimelab to convince the judge nga ususto nga selling isuna

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