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Bache – Espacio no cubierto

 However, little information/attention/work/data/research ...

 Nevertheless, few studies/investigations/researchers/attempts ....
 Although considerable research has been devoted to ... , rather less attention has been paid
to ....
 Previous research has tended to focus on ...,rather than on ..../ has concentrated on ....
 These studies have emphasised ...,as opposed to ....
 Most studies have been content to ....
 So far, investigations have been confined to ...

 The purpose/aim/objective/goal of this study/research/ investigation is to

 This study/research aims/seeks/attempts
 The hypothesis

Vocabulario frecuente


Descripción de los pasos

 Telephone interviews were conducted.

 The interviews were conducted for a state agency.
 A split ballot design was employed.
 Each quarter of the sample was asked.
 Three open-end and one closed-end question formats were investigated.
 Each question format was drawn from previous research and was selected to be illustrative
of one approach to asking age.
 The particular question format ... was randomly determined prior to the interview.

 Figure (2)/ chart/ diagram/ table/ graph/ figure/ … shows/presents

 As can be seen from/in chart/ diagram/ table/ graph/ figures/ statistics/ - As shown in Figure
 …. is indicated in figure (1).
 See figure 1/ (Figure 1 )
 Results/findings - show/indicate

Interpretación de datos

 Verbos: … seems/appears/ suggests

 Modales; will, would, may, might, can, could, should, ought to
 Adverbios: possibly (not)/perhaps (not)/ likely/unlikely/ presumably (not)/ probably (not)

The primary limitation to the generalization of these results is ... /The results of the present study
are also limited due to the fact that .../There are two major limitations in this study that could be
addressed in future research. First, the study focused on …. Second ….
The nature of our sample makes it difficult to generalise results to ...


In short/ To summarise /To conclude/ In conclusion/ finally ... we may say - it can/may be said that
… it can/may be estimated/calculated/inferred that


… must be done/… should be done/… is needed/... is necessary.

There is a continuing need for …/... should be considered. /… could/might/may be considered
It is recommended that ... It is advisable to …… is strongly recommended

Algunos Conectores
Ejemplificación For example, for instance, such as, including
Adición Moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition, and, also, as well as
Secuenciación First of all / To begin with /First/Firstly,
Second/ Secondly/Then/ After that
The next stage
Finally/ Lastly/ Last but not least
Razón Because of/ On account of/ Owing to porque
Causa Because/As/Since/Seeing that debido a
Propósito In order to, so as to, to, con el propósito de
Contraste Nevertheless no obstante
But pero
However sin embargo
In spite of/ despite a pesar de
Although/ Though/ Even though / aunque aún cuando
Resumen In short/ To sum up/
Conclusión In conclusion/
Consecuencia Therefore por lo tanto

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