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Journal of Quality Technology

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Yield-based process capability indices for

nonnormal continuous data

Piao Chen, Bing Xing Wang & Zhi-Sheng Ye

To cite this article: Piao Chen, Bing Xing Wang & Zhi-Sheng Ye (2019) Yield-based process
capability indices for nonnormal continuous data, Journal of Quality Technology, 51:2, 171-180,
DOI: 10.1080/00224065.2019.1571342

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Published online: 03 Apr 2019.

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2019, VOL. 51, NO. 2, 171–180


Yield-based process capability indices for nonnormal continuous data

Piao Chena, Bing Xing Wangb, and Zhi-Sheng Yea
Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, National University of Singapore, Singapore; bDepartment of Statistics, Zhejiang
Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China

Process capability indices (PCIs) are widely used to assess whether an in-control process meets confidence limits; coverage
manufacturing specifications. In most applications of classical PCIs, the process characteristic probability; kernel
is assumed normally distributed. However, the normal distribution has been found inappropri- estimation; nonparamet-
ric bootstrap
ate in various applications. In the literature, the percentile-based PCIs are widely used to deal
with the nonnormal process. One problem associated with the percentile-based PCIs is that
they do not provide a quantitative interpretation to the process capability. In this study, new
PCIs that have a consistent quantification to the process capability for both normal and non-
normal processes are proposed. The proposed PCIs are generalizations of the classical normal
PCIs in the sense that they are the same as the classical PCIs when the process characteristic
follows a normal distribution, and they offer the same interpretation to the process capability
as the classical PCIs when the process characteristic is nonnormal. We then discuss nonpara-
metric and parametric estimation of the proposed PCIs. The nonparametric estimator is based
on the kernel density estimation and confidence limits are obtained by the nonparametric
bootstrap, while the parametric estimator is based on the maximum likelihood estimation and
confidence limits are constructed by the method of generalized pivots. The proposed meth-
odologies are demonstrated using a real example from a manufacturing factory.

1. Introduction based on these PCIs, assume the value of Cpk is known.

The process yield, which is defined as the percentage
Process capability index (PCI) is widely used as an
of the process characteristic falling within the specifica-
indicator of process capability in terms of the ability to
tion limits, is then bounded by 2Uð3Cpk Þ1 and
produce output within specification limits (Polansky
Uð3Cpk Þ (Chen and Ye 2018), where UðÞ is the cumu-
2014). Numerous PCIs have been proposed in manu-
lative distribution function (CDF) of the standard nor-
facturing industries. Some commonly recognized PCIs
mal distribution. If both Cpk and Cp are known, the
include Cp ; Cpk ; Cpm ; and Cpmk (Ryan 2011, chap. 7).
process yield is exactly 1Uð3Cpk 6Cp ÞUð3Cpk Þ
When the process characteristic X has a normal distri-
(Perakis and Xekalaki 2016).
bution Nðl; r2 Þ; these four PCIs are given by
  The establishments of the aforementioned classical
USLLSL USLl lLSL PCIs are based on the (approximate) normality
Cp ¼ ; Cpk ¼ min ; ;
6r 3r 3r assumption on the process characteristic X (Ryan
USLLSL minfUSLl; lLSLg 2011, chap. 7). However, the process characteristic is
Cpm ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; Cpmk ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
6 r2 þ ðlTÞ2 3 r2 þ ðlTÞ2 likely to be nonnormal in various applications. For
example, the distribution of cycle time data is often
[1] skewed in the procurement process of some compa-
where USL and LSL are respectively the upper and nies (Aldowaisan et al. 2015). Similar observations are
lower specification limits of the process characteristic, found in some chemical processes, such as zinc plat-
and T is the target value. The values of USL, LSL, and ing (Wang et al. 2016). In addition, many nonnegative
T are often determined from engineering tolerances quality characteristics in manufacturing processes,
and/or from customers’ needs (Ryan 2011, chap. 7). such as diameter and roundness, are often nonnormal
To see how the process capability can be measured (Ryan 2011, chap. 7). The normality assumption is

CONTACT Bing Xing Wang School of Statistics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China.
Piao Chen is now affiliated with the Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore.
Color versions of one or more figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 American Society for Quality

also questionable in many service and transaction Although several transformation methods such as the
systems (Aldowaisan et al. 2015). Box–Cox transformation and the Johnson transform-
When the process characteristic X is nonnormal, a ation have been proposed (Tang and Than 1999),
serious consequence is that the process capability meas- none of these methods is exact and thus the trans-
ured based on Cp ; Cpk ; Cpm ; and Cpmk in Eq. [1] can be formation method is often not tempting for practi-
misleading (Wang et al. 2016). One natural remedy is tioners (Ryan 2011, chap. 7). On the contrary, given a
to first identify an appropriate distribution for the pro- known continuous CDF of X, our method to transform
cess characteristic data and then use PCIs tailored for X to normality is exact. In addition, the proposed PCIs
this distribution (Clements 1989; Rodriguez 1992). For are generalizations of the classical PCIs as they degen-
a nonnormal process, the percentile-based PCIs are erate to the classical PCIs when the process is normal,
probably the most popular ones (Kotz and Lovelace and they offer the same interpretation to the process
1998). The percentile-based PCIs were proposed by capability as the classical PCIs when the process is
Clements (1989) and are given by nonnormal. As a result, the proposed PCIs can be
USLLSL safely used in various practical applications, such as the
CpðqÞ ¼ and aforementioned supplier-selection problem.
X0:99865  X0:00135
  [2] Both nonparametric and parametric inference pro-
USLX0:5 X0:5 LSL
CpkðqÞ ¼ min ; ; cedures for the proposed PCIs are developed. The
X0:99865  X0:5 X0:5  X0:00135
nonparametric inference is based on the kernel dens-
where Xc is the c percentile of X. It is obvious that if ity estimation, which is a popular approach to smooth
X follows the normal distribution, then CpðqÞ ¼ Cp nonparametric estimation of a density (Wand and
and CpkðqÞ ¼ Cpk : The other two PCIs CpmðqÞ and Jones 1994). In addition, nonparametric confidence
CpmkðqÞ could be similarly obtained (Pearn and Kotz limits for the proposed PCIs are constructed by the
1994). Unlike the classical PCIs, the percentile-based nonparametric bootstrap. On the other hand, the
PCIs do not bear a quantitative relationship with the parametric estimator is based on the maximum likeli-
process capability. In other words, one cannot infer hood (ML) estimation, and confidence limits are
the process yield based merely on the percentile-based obtained by the generalized pivotal quantity (GPQ)
PCIs. Moreover, processes with different distributions method. Simulation studies are used to assess the pro-
but the same percentile-based PCIs are very likely to posed inference methods.
have different capabilities. Therefore, percentile-based The remainder of the article is organized as follows.
PCIs for different distributions cannot be compared The second section introduces the new PCIs and
directly. This is undesirable, as the PCIs are com- investigates their properties. The third section dis-
monly used as indices for tracking performance and cusses the nonparametric inference of the proposed
comparing several processes (Chen and Chen 2004). PCIs, and the fourth section discusses the parametric
For example, the process capability is an important inference. The proposed PCIs and the developed
criterion for companies in selecting suppliers (e.g., methodologies are illustrated by a real example from a
Linn et al. 2006). If the process distributions of the manufacturing factory in the fifth section. The sixth
suppliers are different, it would be misleading to com- section concludes the article.
pare the process capabilities of these suppliers based
on the percentile-based PCIs.
2. The proposed PCIs
In brief, the classical PCIs can only be used for a
normal process and the process capability cannot be As argued, the percentile-based PCIs for a nonnormal
quantified using the percentile-based PCIs. This study process fail to quantify the process yield, and they
aims to propose new PCIs that are capable of quanti- cannot be compared across different distribution fami-
fying the process capability for both normal and non- lies. This section proposes new PCIs that have a con-
normal processes. The underlying idea of the sistent quantification to the process yield. Consider a
proposed PCIs is to transform the process characteris- process characteristic X with CDF F(x). By the funda-
tic X to normality. In the literature, transforming the mental theorem of simulation, the random variable
process characteristic to normality and then using the F(X) follows the standard uniform distribution U(0, 1)
classical PCIs is an alternative method for the nonnor- when FðÞ is continuous (Casella and Berger 2002,
mal process. The primary impediment to the trans- Theorem 2.1.10). Therefore, the random variable
formation method is that the closeness of the U1 ðFðXÞÞ follows the standard normal distribution
transformed data to normality cannot be guaranteed. N(0, 1), where U1 ðÞ is the standard normal quantile.

This means that given X with a continuous CDF, the Yield ¼ 1U 3CpkðQÞ 6CpðQÞ U 3CpkðQÞ :
transformation Y ¼ U1 ðFðXÞÞ always ensures
YNð0; 1Þ: This relationship motivates the definition The preceding properties reveal the same properties
of our new PCIs. between the proposed PCIs and the classical PCIs in
Assume that the process characteristic X has a con- the case of two-sided specification limits. In fact, the
tinuous CDF. Let USL and LSL be the upper and case of one-sided specification limit is also common
lower specification limits of X. After the transform- in industry. Usually, a smaller-the-better process only
ation Y ¼ U1 ðFðXÞÞ; the upper and lower specifica- has an upper specification limit USL, and a larger-the-
tion limits of Y are then U1 ðFðUSLÞÞ and better process only has a lower specification limit LSL
U1 ðFðLSLÞÞ; respectively. Because Y is standard nor- (e.g., Hubele et al. 2005; Wang and Tamirat 2016). In
mal, its PCIs can be determined using Eq. [1]. Since such cases, Property 4 shows that the process yield
the process characteristic X is a transformation of Y, has an exact relationship with the proposed CpkðQÞ :
it is reasonable to require that the PCIs for X are the
same as the classical PCIs for Y, that is, Property 4. Consider a process characteristic X
with either an upper specification limit USL or a
CpðQÞ ¼ [3] lower specification limit LSL. If the proposed PCI
6 CpkðQÞ in Eq. [4] is known, then the process yield
and PðX  USLÞ (or PðX  LSLÞ) is exactly
Yield ¼ U 3CpkðQÞ :
min U1 ðF ðUSLÞÞ; U1 ðF ðLSLÞÞ
CpkðQÞ ¼ : [4]
The intimate relations with the yield are a major
The PCIs with respect to Cpm and Cpmk can be simi- advantage of the proposed PCIs over the percentile-
larly constructed as based PCIs when X is nonnormal, as the percentile-
based PCIs do not have a quantitative relationship
CpmðQÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [5] with the process yield. In addition, because the pro-
6 1 þ ½U1 ðFðTÞÞ2 posed PCIs quantify the process yield regardless of the
distribution families, they can be compared directly
even if the underlying distributions of the processes
minfU1 ðFðUSLÞÞ; U1 ðFðLSLÞÞg are different. As an example, consider two process
CpmkðQÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; [6]
3 1 þ ½U ðFðTÞÞ1 2 characteristics X1 and X2 with the same one-sided spe-
cification limit. If the distributions of X1 and X2 are
where T is the target value for X. different, the process yields of the two processes can-
Because the proposed PCIs for X are essentially the not be compared based on the percentile-based PCIs.
same as the classical PCIs for Y, it is not surprising to On the contrary, the proposed CpkðQÞ can be safely
find that the proposed PCIs inherit most of the good used for capability comparison. Next, we show that
properties from the classical PCIs. Some of the key the proposed PCIs have the following invari-
properties are summarized below, and the proofs are ance property.
given in the Appendix.
Property 5. If gðÞ is a strictly increasing function
Property 1. When X is normally distributed, on the support of X, the proposed PCIs are invariant
the proposed PCIs are the same as the classical under the transformation X ! gðXÞ:
PCIs in Eq. [1] defined for normally distributed
characteristics. The invariance property is useful in various cases.
For example, consider the lifetime X as the process
Property 2. If the proposed PCI CpkðQÞ in Eq. [4] is characteristic. The distribution of the lifetime is often
known, the process yield PðLSL  X  USLÞ is nonnormal, and the logarithm transformation of the
bounded as lifetime is often seen in many practical applications
2U 3CpkðQÞ 1  Yield  U 3CpkðQÞ : (Lawless 2003). In such cases, the percentile-based
PCIs based on the original data and the log-trans-
formed data would be different, which may confuse
Property 3. If the proposed PCIs CpðQÞ and CpkðQÞ
the practitioners. On the contrary, the proposed PCIs
in Eq. [3] and Eq. [4] are known, the process yield
are consistent as the logarithm transformation
PðLSL  X  USLÞ is exactly
is monotonic.

3. Nonparametric estimation distribution estimation, there are by and large two

methods in bandwidth selection, namely, plug-in and
This section develops nonparametric inference proce-
cross-validation (Polansky and Baker 2000). Since the
dures for the proposed PCIs. Nonparametric estima-
cross-validation method tends to choose smaller band-
tion of the proposed PCIs in Eqs. [3]–[6] requires a
widths more frequently than predicted and it generally
nonparametric estimator for the CDF FðÞ: Let
requires a large sample size to ensure good estimation
X1 ; :::; Xn be n independent and identically distributed
of the distribution function (Altman and Leger 1995),
(iid) copies of X. A natural nonparametric estimator
we suggest the plug-in method in estimating the pro-
for the distribution function is the empirical distribu- ^¼
posed PCIs, and the bandwidth has the form h
tion function Fn ðxÞ defined as the sample proportion 1=3
Cn ; where C can be estimated based on the
of the Xi’s that are not larger than x. However, Fn ðÞ
observed data and different estimation methods can
is a step function and thus it is not continuous.
be found in Altman and Leger (1995) and Polansky
Moreover, Fn ðUSLÞ ¼ 1 as long as the upper specifica-
and Baker (2000). According to our extensive simula-
tion limit USL is larger than the maximum observa-
tion (not shown), the triweight kernel and the plug-in
tion. As a result, estimates of the proposed PCIs in
method in Polansky and Baker (2000) achieve the
Eqs. [3]–[6] are not well defined because U1 ð1Þ ¼
highest accuracy in estimating the proposed PCIs.
1: To overcome this problem, the kernel density esti-
Therefore, we would recommend such a combination
mation is used to obtain a smooth estimator of F(x).
of K and h in real applications of the proposed PCIs.
In practice, a lower confidence limit of PCIs is
3.1. The proposed method much more useful than a single point estimator
(Chang 2009; Weber et al. 2016). For example, many
Let f(x) be the probability density function (PDF) of
companies have established threshold values for PCIs,
X. A well-known smooth nonparametric estimator of
and many purchasers would specify a minimum value
the density function is the kernel estimator, defined as
of the PCI in the purchasing contract (Wu et al.
^f ðxÞ ¼ 1 Kh ðxXi Þ; 2012). Because of the equivalence between hypothesis
n i¼1 testing and the confidence intervals (Casella and
Berger 2002, sec. 9.2.1), the lower confidence limit
where Kh ðuÞ ¼ Kðu=hÞ=h with K the kernel function
can be used to construct the acceptance region in a
and h the bandwidth parameter. Using the relation-
demonstration test where a supplier demonstrates the
ship between F(x) and f(x), it is easy to construct a
process capability to the purchaser. In the parametric
kernel estimator for the distribution function as
ðx setting for PCIs, many methods have been proposed
F^ h ðxÞ ¼ ^f ðt Þdt; in constructing the lower confidence limits of the clas-
1 sical PCIs (e.g., Pearn and Shu 2003; Chang 2009).
which can also be written in a similar form as the ker- However, few studies have focused on the nonpara-
nel estimator of the density, by metric setting. In this section, the nonparametric

bootstrap-t method is used for interval estimation.
1 Xn
F^ h ðxÞ ¼ Algorithm 1 summarizes the detailed procedure for
H ; [7]
n i¼1 h constructing a nonparametric lower confidence limit
Ðx of CpðQÞ : Nonparametric confidence limits for the
where HðxÞ ¼ 1 KðtÞdt: Substituting F^ h ðxÞ in Eq.
other proposed PCIs can be constructed in a simi-
[7] gives the kernel estimators of the proposed PCIs.
lar vein.
As seen from Eq. [7], we need to determine the
kernel function K and the bandwidth h in estimating Algorithm 1. Constructing a nonparametric lower
the distribution function. The choice of K is an issue confidence limit for CpðQÞ :
of less importance as many kernels such as the
Guassian kernel, the Epanechnikov kernel, and the tri- Step 1. Compute the kernel estimate F^ and C ^ pðQÞ
weight kernel generally work well (Wand and Jones based on the original data x1 ; :::; xn :
1994, sec.2.7). In practice, the selection of h based on Step 2. Generate M bootstrap samples each with
the data is a more complicated problem. If h is small, size n from F^ and then compute M kernel estimates
the kernel estimator may be undersmoothed and has ^
of CpðQÞ : Denote their standard deviation by se:
high variability. On the other hand, if h is large, the Step 3. Generate B bootstrap samples each with
kernel estimator may be oversmoothed and much of size n by re-sampling from the original data
the underlying structure is obscured. In the context of x1 ; :::; xn (with replacement).

Step 4. For each bootstrap sample in Step 3, com- 4. Parametric estimation

pute the kernel estimate F^ b and C ^ ðbÞ ; b ¼ 1; :::; B:
pðQÞ As shown in the third section, it is possible to use the
In addition, compute the standard deviation se ^b
^ ^ proposed PCIs in a nonparametric setting. When the
by Step 2 with F replaced by F b and let
sample sizes of the process data are not large enough,
tb ¼ ðC ^ ðbÞ C^ pðQÞ Þ=se
^ b ; b ¼ 1; :::; B:
pðQÞ or when there is sufficient prior information on the
Step 5. The 100ð1aÞ percent nonparametric lower
distribution of the process characteristic, it is useful to
confidence limit of CpðQÞ is computed as
assume a parametric model for the process character-
^ pðQÞ t1a se;
C ^ where ta is the a percentile of tb’s.
istic X (Ryan 2011, chap. 7). In this section, both
point and interval estimations of the proposed PCIs
3.2. Simulation study are discussed in the parametric setting.
A simulation is conducted to assess the performance
of Algorithm 1. Specifically, 95 percent nonparametric 4.1. The proposed method
lower confidence limits of CpðQÞ ; CpkðQÞ and CpmðQÞ are Assume that the CDF of X is Fðx; hÞ; where h is the
constructed by generating data from model parameters. Commonly used models include
WBðk; 1Þ; LNðl; 1Þ; and GAð#; 1Þ; respectively. Here, distributions in the location-scale family (e.g., the log-
WBðk; kÞ denotes a Weibull distribution with shape k normal distribution and the Weibull distribution) and
and scale k, LNðl; r2 Þ denotes a log-normal distribu- the gamma distribution, which are recognized as use-
tion with location l and scale r, and GAð#; bÞ ful models for the process data (Ryan 2011, chap. 3).
denotes a gamma distribution with shape # and rate Point estimation of the proposed PCIs is generally
b. For each considered PCI, k; l; and # are set as easy as ML estimators of the parameters can be uti-
0:5; 1; :::; 4:5; 5: The USL and LSL are respectively set lized. ML estimation for most of the popular paramet-
as the 0.999 and 0.001 percentiles of the true distribu- ric distributions can be found in Lawless (2003, chaps.
tion, which ensures that the process yield is as high as 4 and 5).
99.8 percent. The target value T, if required, is set as As argued, the lower confidence limit is of most
the mean of the true distribution. The kernel estima- interest in practice. In the literature, a multitude of
tors of the proposed PCIs are then obtained by using studies focus on constructing the lower confidence
the triweight kernel and the plug-in method in limits of the classical PCIs (e.g., Pearn and Shu 2003;
Polansky and Baker (2000). In addition, B is set as Chang 2009). Among all the possible methods for the
10,000 and M is set as 1,000 in Algorithm 1, and sam- classical PCIs, the GPQ method seems to have the
ple sizes n ¼ 50, 100, 200 are considered. Based on best performance in terms of coverage probabilities
10,000 Monte Carlo replications, the estimated cover- (Mathew et al. 2007). In this section, we show that the
age probabilities are shown in Figure 1. As expected, GPQ method can also be used for interval estimation
the performance of Algorithm 1 improves with the of the proposed PCIs.
sample size n. When n is large enough (e.g., n ¼ 200), The GPQ method proposed by Weerahandi (1993)
the coverage probability is reasonably close to the is a powerful tool for interval estimation of parame-
nominal value. ters in the presence of nuisance parameters. When

Figure 1. Coverage probabilities for the 95 percent nonparametric lower confidence limit when n ¼ 50, 100, 200.

GPQs for the model parameters are available, a GPQ Step 2. For each hðbÞ ; b ¼ 1; :::; B; compute the
for a function of the model parameters can be value of CpðQÞ defined in Eq. [4] and denote it
obtained by simply plugging in the parameter GPQs, as CpðQÞ :
ð1Þ ðBÞ
and then the confidence interval for the function can Step 3. Use the a percentile of fCpðQÞ :::CpðQÞ g as the
be constructed. Under mild assumptions, Hannig 100ð1aÞ percent lower confidence limit of CpðQÞ :
et al. (2006) showed that the GPQ method has asymp-
totically correct frequentist coverage. Successful appli-
4.2. Simulation study
cations of the GPQ methods have been reported in
Hannig et al. (2006, 2016), among others. Simulation is conducted to assess the performance of
The first step in applying the GPQ method to the the GPQ method in constructing the lower confidence
porposed PCIs is to find GPQs for the parameters h: limits of the proposed PCIs. The general setting is
GPQs for parameters of the location-scale parametric almost identical to that in the third section, second
distributions can be found in Krishnamoorthy and subsection. In brief, 95 percent lower confidence lim-
Mathew (2009, sec. 1.4.2), and GPQs for the gamma its of CpðQÞ ; CpkðQÞ ; and CpmðQÞ are constructed by
distribution are given in Appendix B. Once the GPQs assuming that X follows WBðk; 1Þ; LNðl; 1Þ; and
of h; denoted by Gh ; are available, they could be GAð#; 1Þ; respectively. The parameters k; l; and # are
plugged into Eqs. [3]–[6] to obtain the GPQs of the set as 0:5; 1; :::; 4:5; 5: The respective ULS and LSL are
proposed PCIs. For instance, the GPQ of CpðQÞ can be set as the 0.999 and 0.001 percentiles of the true dis-
constructed as tribution, and the target value T is set as the mean of
U1 ðF ðUSL; Gh ÞÞU1 ðF ðLSL; Gh ÞÞ the true distribution. In addition, B is set as 10,000
GCpðQÞ ¼ ; [8] and sample sizes n ¼ 10, 20, 50 are considered. The
estimated coverage probabilities shown in Figure 2 are
and the a percentile of this can then be used for con-
obtained based on 10,000 replications. As can be seen,
structing a 100ð1aÞ percent lower confidence limit of
the coverage probabilities are very close to the nom-
CpðQÞ : Although the exact distribution of Eq. [8] may
inal values regardless of the sample size n.
not be easy to obtain, it can be estimated through the
Monte Carlo simulation. Algorithm 2 summarizes the
procedure for constructing the lower confidence limit 5. Illustrative example
of CpðQÞ : Similar procedures can be applied to construct An example from a manufacturing factory is used to
lower confidence limits of the other proposed PCIs. illustrate the proposed methods. In the production
Algorithm 2. Constructing a parametric lower con- process of the factory, cutting machines are used. The
fidence limit for CpðQÞ : drill is one of the important components in the cut-
ting machine, and drills of different sizes are needed
Step 1. Generate B realizations of h from the distri- in the production process. In this study, we focus on
butions of their GPQs Gh ; and denote them drills of size 1.88 mm. Currently, the factory purchases
as ðhð1Þ ; :::; hðBÞ Þ: the 1.88-mm drills from two different suppliers. To

Figure 2. Coverage probabilities for the log-normal CpðQÞ ; the Weibull CpkðQÞ ; and the gamma CpmðQÞ when n ¼ 10, 20, 50 and the
nominal value is 0.95.

make a subsequent purchase decision, the factory is distribution is used to fit the lifetime data, and
interested in knowing which supplier is more reliable. Algorithm 2 is used for interval estimation. All these
The lifetime of the 1.88-mm drill is treated as the estimation results are shown in Table 3. As seen, the
quality characteristic and the comparison is based on difference between the nonparametric confidence limit
the PCIs. Lifetime data for the drills are collected dur- and the nonparametric point estimate is smaller than
ing the production process, as shown in Table 1. that of the parametric estimation. This is reasonable
According to the process record, all the drill lifetime as the nonparametric bootstrap generally requires a
data are collected from an in-control process. large sample size to ensure a satisfactory nonparamet-
Based on the histograms in Figure 3, the drill life- ric confidence limit (see the third section, second sub-
times of both suppliers seem to have skewed distribu- section), while the parametric lower confidence limit
tions. The log-normal distribution, the Weibull based on the GPQ method can be well estimated regard-
distribution, and the gamma distribution are then less of the sample size (see the fourth section, second
used to fit the lifetime data. Based on the values of subsection). Therefore, we suggest using parametric
models when the sample size is not very large (e.g.,
Akaike information criterion (AIC) in Table 2, the
n  100). At last, all the inference results indicate that
gamma distribution seems to provide the best fit.
the first supplier is more reliable, and this information
Because the lifetime is larger-the-better, the factory
may help the factory to select a better supplier.
sets LSL ¼ 80 and puts no restriction on USL, that is,
ULS ¼ 1: Given the one-sided specification limit,
Property 4 in the second section shows that the pro- 6. Conclusion
cess yield is exactly Uð3CpkðQÞ Þ: Therefore, CpkðQÞ This study is the first attempt at developing yield-
defined in Eq. [4] is used for comparison. On one based PCIs for nonnormal processes. In the literature,
hand, the kernel estimator of CpkðQÞ is obtained with the use of classical PCIs such as Cp and Cpk is based
the kernel function K set as the triweight function on the normality assumption of the process character-
and the bandwidth h is selected by the plug-in istic X. If X is nonnormal, the percentile-based PCIs
method in Polansky and Baker (2000). Algorithm 1 is cannot quantify the process yield, which limits their
then used to construct the nonparametric lower confi- usefulness in various applications such as the sup-
dence limits of CpkðQÞ : On the other hand, the gamma plier-selection problem. On the contrary, our pro-
posed PCIs degenerate to the classical PCIs when X is
Table 1. Lifetimes (in minutes) of 1.88-mm drill from normally distributed, and they have the same
two suppliers.
X1 135 98 114 137 138 144 99 93 115 106 132 122 94 98 127
122 102 133 114 120 93 126 119 104 119 114 125 107 98 117
Table 2. AIC values based on the log-normal, Weibull, and
111 106 108 127 126 135 112 94 127 99 120 120 121 122 96 gamma distributions.
109 123 105 Log-normal Weibull Gamma
X2 105 105 95 87 112 80 95 97 77 103 78 87 107 96 79
X1 390.08 391.96 389.87
91 108 97 80 76 92 85 76 96 77 80 100 94 82 104
X2 335.38 337.80 335.27
91 95 93 99 99 94 84 99 91 85 86 79 89 89 100

Figure 3. Histograms of the 1.88-mm drill lifetimes from two suppliers.


Table 3. Point estimates and 95 percent lower confidence Funding

limits (in parentheses) of CpkðQÞ and process yield by the ker-
nel estimation and by assuming the gamma distribution. Bing Xing Wang was partially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 11371322,
Kernel Gamma
11671303), the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science
X1 CpkðQÞ 1.022 (0.938) 0.953 (0.768)
Yield (%) 99.89 (99.75) 99.78 (98.93) Foundation of China (grant LY18G010003), and First Class
X2 CpkðQÞ 0.322 (0.237) 0.397 (0.287) Discipline of Zhejiang–A (Zhejiang Gongshang
Yield (%) 83.30 (76.17) 88.32 (80.54) University–Statistics). Zhi-Sheng Ye was partially supported
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(grant 71601138).
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X X i :
i i
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Since W is a monotone function of # (Iliopoulos 2016) approximately follows Nðl; r2 Þ; where the parameters have
based on the observed data, a GPQ G# for # can be the the following relationship:
~ XÞ
solution to log ðX=  ¼ c1 ðG# Þ þ ½c2 ðG# Þ1=2 Z½G# ; FW ðW  Þ;

where W is a random copy of W. Because FW ðW  Þ follows

 # 1 1
l¼ 1 and r2 ¼ : [A.1]
the standard uniform distribution, G# is actually the solu- b 9# 9# b2=3
tion to
  Once the data are transformed to normality, we can con-
log X=~ X
 ¼ c1 ðG# Þ þ ½c2 ðG# Þ1=2 ZðG# ; U# Þ;
struct GPQs of the normal parameters based on the trans-
where U# follows the standard uniform distribution. formed data. By using Eq. [A.1], we can then obtain the
As far as the rate parameter b is considered, we have GPQs of the gamma parameters (Krishnamoorthy and
 2 ð2n#Þ (Chen and Ye 2017). Conditioning on
Ub ¼ 2nbXv Wang 2016). According to our simulation results (not
U# ; we have Ub jU# v2 ð2nG# Þ; where U# Uð0; 1Þ: Given shown) in constructing the lower confidence limits of the
the observed data x1 ; :::; xn ; the unconditional distribution proposed PCIs, the performance of the GPQs based on the
of Ub can be obtained by integrating U# out, and is free of normal-based method is quite similar to that based on the
the unknown parameters. A GPQ for b can then be con- the Cornish–Fisher expansion as long as the shape param-
structed as eter is not too small. Because we aim to provide a general
Ub framework of parametric estimation of the proposed PCIs,
Gb ¼ :
2nx we do not show the simulation results based on the nor-
An alternative way to construct the GPQs of the gamma mal-based method. However, the normal-based method is
parameters is to use the normal-based method proposed in definitely a popular alternative when the gamma distribu-
Krishnamoorthy et al. (2008). The underlying idea of p the
ffiffiffiffi tion is selected for the process data and the estimated shape
normal-based method is that if XGAð#; bÞ; then 3 X parameter is not too small.

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