Monitoring Nonlinear Profile Data Using Support Vector Regression Method - QREI - 2018 PDF

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Received: 30 June 2017 Revised: 30 April 2018 Accepted: 16 July 2018

DOI: 10.1002/qre.2385


Monitoring nonlinear profile data using support vector

regression method

Chung‐I Li | Jeh‐Nan Pan | Chun‐Han Liao

Department of Statistics, National Cheng

Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
In today's manufacturing industries, if the quality characteristic of a product or
Correspondence a process is assumed to be represented by a functional relationship between the
Jeh‐Nan Pan, Department of Statistics,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
response variable and one or more explanatory variables, then the data gener-
70101, Taiwan, ROC. ated from such a relationship are called profile data. Generally speaking, the
Email: functional relationship of the profile data rarely occurs in linear form, and
Funding information the real data usually do not follow normal distribution. Thus, in this paper,
Ministry of Science and Technology of the functional relationship of profile data is described via a nonparametric
Taiwan, ROC, Grant/Award Number:
MOST 106-2410-H-006-007 regression model and a nonparametric exponentially weighted moving average
(EWMA) control chart is developed for detecting the process shifts for nonlin-
ear profile data in the Phase II monitoring.
We first fit the nonlinear profile data via a support vector regression model and
use the fitted values to calculate the five metrics. Then, the nonparametric
EWMA control chart with the five metrics can be constructed accordingly.
Moreover, a simulation study is conducted to evaluate the detecting perfor-
mance of the new control chart under various process shifts using the out‐of‐
control average run length. Finally, a realistic nonlinear profile example is used
to demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed nonparametric EWMA control
chart and its monitoring schemes. It is expected that the proposed nonparamet-
ric EWMA control chart can enhance the monitoring efficiency for nonlinear
profile data in the phase II study.

metrics, nonlinear profile data, nonparametric EWMA control chart, support vector regression

1 | INTRODUCTION profile. The illustration of profile data collection process

is shown in Figure 1.
In statistical process control, we usually apply control Based on the data types, statistical methods for moni-
charts to monitor quality of a process or a product by toring product and process quality profiles are commonly
using one or multiple quality characteristics. Recently, classified into linear profile or nonlinear profile monitor-
rapid development of distributed sensing and computer ing. The process changes occurred in a functional rela-
technology has facilitated a wide collection of data during tionship of the profile can be detected and classified by
system operations. Generally speaking, the quality of a the profile monitoring and control. During the past
process or a product characterized by a functional rela- decade, different methods have been proposed for profile
tionship between the response variable (y) and one or monitoring in both Phases I and II. In the Phase I study,
more explanatory variables (x) is usually referred to as a the parameters of the process are estimated based on a set

Qual Reliab Engng Int. 2018;1–9. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

FIGURE 1 Profile data collection


of historical data and used to establish control limits for profile autocorrelation of error terms in Phase II monitor-
Phase II monitoring. In Phase II, the data are sequentially ing. First, they proposed U statistic to eliminate autocor-
collected over time to assess whether the parameters of relation. Then, based on the adjusted parameter
the process have changed from the estimated values in estimation, a multivariate T2 control chart was designed
the Phase I study. In this paper, we focus our research to monitor the parameters of the model. Finally, they
on the Phase II study for timely detecting the shifts/ used average run length (ARL) to evaluate the detecting
changes in the process parameters. Due to the complexity performance of their proposed method. Woodall et al7
of parameters estimation involved in nonlinear profile and Woodall8 provided a detailed review on the use of
monitoring, Williams et al1 considered the use of non- control charts for monitoring process and product quality
parametric monitoring methods and the use of metrics profiles. Zi et al9 developed a nonparametric method (a
to measure deviations from a baseline profile. After multivariate sign EWMA control chart) for monitoring
applying spline smoothing techniques to model the verti- linear profile data in case where the normality assump-
cal density profile (VDP) data, they calculated the five tion is doubtful. Recently, Chiang et al10 investigated
metrics and employed an individual Shewhart control another operational and sensitive Phase‐II monitoring
chart based on the moving range (I‐MR chart) to establish method for the linear profile model that exhibits within‐
control limits. However, according to Montgomery2 and profile autocorrelation.
Pan et al,3 exponentially weighted moving average
(EWMA) and cumulative sum control charts are proved
to be more efficient than Shewhart control chart for
2.2 | Nonlinear profile monitoring
detecting the small sustained shift in process mean. Thus,
instead of using I‐MR chart, we propose a nonparametric Nonlinear profile monitoring, on the other hand, was
rank‐based EWMA control chart in Phase II monitoring. considered by other researchers, for instance, Walker
Moreover, a more efficient support vector regression and Wright,11 Williams et al,1 Moguerza et al,12 and
(SVR) method is used to detect and classify the process Hung et al.13 Williams et al1 proposed using three differ-
shifts in nonlinear profiles. ent T2 statistics for phase I analysis to monitor the coeffi-
cients resulting from a parametric nonlinear regression
model that was used to fit profile data. They also consid-
2 | L I T E R A T U R E RE V I E W
ered the use of nonparametric regression method and the
use of metrics to measure deviations from a reference
2.1 | Linear profile monitoring
profile. Hung et al13 proposed using SVR to fit in‐control
Linear profile monitoring was studied by several profiles. Then, they employed the moving block bootstrap
researchers, such as Kang and Albin,4 and Khedmati method to generate correlated samples for each in‐control
and Niaki.5 Kang and Albin4 proposed two control chart profile and obtain a simultaneous confidence region for
methods for Phase II monitoring of simple linear profiles the underlying functional relationship. The obtained con-
process. Their first method used a multivariate T2 control fidence region was used to monitor the real AIDS data
chart to monitor the coefficients of regression. The sec- collected from hospitals in Taiwan. In practice, the func-
ond one used EWMA and R control chart to monitor tional relationship of the profile data rarely occurs in lin-
the mean and variance of the regression residuals. Kim ear form and the real data usually do not follow normal
et al6 proposed a method based on the combination of distribution. Thus, in this paper, the functional relation-
three EWMA charts. They showed that their proposed ship of profile data is described via a nonparametric
method is superior to those proposed by Kang and Albin.4 regression model and a nonparametric rank‐based
Khedmati and Niaki5 considered the effect of between‐ EWMA control chart is developed for detecting the

process shifts for nonlinear profile data in Phase II denotes the mean absolute deviation, M4 denotes the
monitoring. absolute value of maximum deviation (disregarding the
direction of dissimilarity), and M5 denotes the sum of
squared differences between the predicted values for the
measurement yij and the corresponding baseline profiles.
Let Mj, p, j = 1, 2, …, be the pth metric for the corre-
3.1 | Developing a nonparametric EWMA
sponding jth profile in the Phase II study. The rank of
control chart for phase II monitoring
M with respect to the reference metric
n j, p o
Let yij be the measurement of the ith observations in the M 1;p ; M 2;p ; ; …; M *g−1;p
* *
can be calculated as
jth profile and xij be the vector of the corresponding  
R*j;p ¼ 1 þ ∑k¼1 I M j;p > M *k;p , where the indicator
explanatory variables such that i = 1, 2, …, nj for each  
j = 1, 2, …. When the process is in statistical control, function I M j;p > M *k;p ¼ 1 if M j;p > M *k;p ; otherwise,
the underlying model is assumed to be the indicator function = 0, and g − 1 is the sample
  size of referencen metric. The detailed o calculation of
yij ¼ f x ij þ εij ; i ¼ 1; 2; …; nj ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; (1) reference metric M *1;p ; M *2;p ; ; …; M *g−1;p is explained in
Section 3.2. Then, the standardized rank of R*j;p can be
where f (x) is a known function with certain degree of
calculated as
smoothness and the random errors εij are generally
assumed to follow some distributions. Without loss of  
2 * gþ1
generality, the nj are taken to be equal and the explana- Rj;p ¼ Rj;p − : (2)
g 2
tory variables are assumed to be fixed for different j's.
The predicted values byij of the measurement yij for the Replacing the individual observation by the standard-
corresponding explanatory variables are calculated based ized rank Rj, p, our proposed EWMA statistics can be
on the SVR model. Then, the five metrics for the jth written as Equation (3).
profile suggested by Williams et al1 can be calculated
as follows: EWMAj;p ¼ ð1 − λÞEWMAj−1;p þ λ Rj;p ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; (3)

 n  where EWMA0, p = 0 and λ is a smoothing parameter

M j1 ¼ sign max byij − e
yi with 0 < λ ≤ 1. Because the standardized ranks in
i¼1; …; n
Equation (2) follow a discrete uniform distribution on

1 3 1
n   the points − 1; − 1; … ; 1 − with mean zero
Mj2 ¼ ∑ byij − e
y i g g g
i¼1 g2 − 1
and variance , the control limits of our proposed
1 n  
 nonparametric EWMA control chart are defined as
Mj3 ¼ ∑ b yij − e
y i
n i¼1 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
λ g2 − 1
  ±LR (4)
Mj4 ¼ Mj1  2 − λ 3g2

where LR is determined based on Monte Carlo simulation

 n 2
Mj5 ¼ ∑ byij −e
yi to achieve a specified in‐control ARL.

where e y i is the reference profile for the ith observation. 3.2 | Constructing the reference profile in
The detailed calculation of e y i is explained in Section 3.2. Phase I study
In conducting the Phase II study, we adopt the concept
In this paper, we use SVR to fit profiles for describing the
of residual control chart and employ a nonparametric
functional relationship shown in Equation (1). The SVR
EWMA control chart proposed by Hackel and Ledolter14
is a supervised statistical learning algorithm for regres-
to monitor these five metrics. In other words, we consider
sion problem. In SVR, the decision variables are mapped
the metric for profile j as an individual observation and
onto a feature space, and a linear model in Equation (5) is
use a nonparametric EWMA control chart is to monitor
constructed in the feature space.
the mean change of these five metrics with n observations
over j time period, where M1 denotes the maximum devi- gðx; wÞ ¼ wT ϕðx Þ þ b; (5)
ation, M2 denotes the sum of absolute deviations, M3 where w is normal vector, ϕ(.) is a nonlinear

transformation function, b is bias term, and x is the 4 | T H E SI M U L A T I O N ST U D Y

explanatory variables, which are also called vector of
decision variables in SVR model. Suppose that we have In the simulation study, once the in‐control ARL (ARL0)
the Phase I in‐control data {yij, i = 1, …, n, j = 1…, is fixed at 370, the out‐of‐control average run length
(g − 1)}. For a given j, the quality of estimation is mea- (ARL1) is used to evaluate the detecting performance of
sured by the loss function L(yij, g(xi, w)), and the SVR our proposed nonparametric EWMA control chart after
model is formulated as a minimization problem as listed conducting 5000 simulation runs. As the exponential
in Equation (6). form is frequently occurred in relating y to x in nonlinear
profile data, we first assume that the in‐control nonlinear
1 n  
min kw k2 þ C ∑ ξ i þ ξ *i profile model follows an exponential form:
2 i¼1
subject to: yij ¼ 0:9 exp β0 þ β1 x ij þ εij ;

> y − gðx i ; w Þ ≤ ϵ þ ξ i where β0 = 0.5, β1 = 2, and the explanatory variable are
< ij
gðx i ; w Þ − yij ≤ ϵ þ ξ *i (6) fixed as xij = 0.01i, i = 1, …, 300 for each profile j. For ran-
> dom error terms εij, we consider the following two scenar-
ξ i ; ξ *i ≥ 0 ios: (1) a standard normal distribution N(0, σ) with
parameter σ = 1; (2) an exponential distribution with rate
where ϵ > 0 is a certain threshold, constant C > 0 is a
parameter θ = 0.5. Since a reference metric
penalization that can be viewed as a way to control n o
M *1;p ; M *2;p ; ; …; M *g−1;p obtained from Phase I study
over‐fitting, and ξi and ξ *i are slack variables. The loss
function is given by (see Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for details) is needed to construct
a Phase II control chart, an SVR model for obtaining
    the reference metric is built based on Phase I profile
 0  ; if yij − gðx i ; wÞ < ϵ
L yij ; gðx i ; w Þ ¼   : training data generated from the SVR model shown in
yij − gðx i ; wÞ − ϵ ;
otherwise Equation (6). In the parameter optimization process with
5‐fold cross validation, the optimal values of the parame-
The esp‐regression machine in R package e1071 (Mayer ters C and ϵ in Equation (6) are set as 512 and 0.0001,
et al15) is used to build the above SVR model based on respectively. Then, the reference metrics can be obtained
the training dataset collected from the Phase I study. accordingly. In this paper, the sample size of the refer-
Through the SVR model, the reference profile for the ence metrics is set as g = 21. The simulation results for
ith observation is calculated as yei ¼ ∑j¼1 y_ ij =ðg − 1Þ, various control parameter LR values under different λ
i = 1, …, n, where y_ ij is the predicted value for the corre- are summarized in Table 1.
sponding observation yij. Thus, the following reference For the random error terms following a standard nor-
metrics can be calculated accordingly: mal distribution or an exponential distribution, the simu-
lation results of ARL1 values with λ = 0.05 and λ = 0.1
 n o  under different shifts in parameter β0, β1, and standard
M *j;1 ¼ sign max y_ ij − e
y i  ; j ¼ 1; …; ðg − 1Þ derivation σ are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
i¼1; …; n
Note that the shifts in parameters β0 and β1 are defined
as β0 + δ and β1 + δ. The shifts in parameters σ and θ
  are defined as 1 × δ and 0.5 + δ for a standard normal
M *j;2 ¼ ∑ y_ ij − e
y i ; j ¼ 1; …; ðg − 1Þ
i¼1 and an exponential distribution, respectively.
As one can see from Figure 2, the ARL1 decreases as δ
increases and ARL1 increases as λ increases. The
1 n  

M *j;3 ¼ ∑ y_ ij − e
y i ; j ¼ 1; …; ðg − 1Þ
n i¼1
TABLE 1 Various control parameter LR values under different λ
with g = 21. for achieving ARL0=370
M *j;4 ¼ M *j;1 ; j ¼ 1; …; ðg − 1Þ λ 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
LR 1.37 1.77 2.10 2.18 2.17
n  2 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
M *j;5 ¼ ∑ y_ ij −e
y i ; j ¼ 1; …; ðg − 1Þ: LR 2.13 2.05 1.96 1.87 1.77

simulation results show that the detecting ability of the are almost the same under different shifts in various
proposed nonparametric EWMA chart increases when parameters when the random error terms follow a
the magnitudes of shift in parameter δ increase or the standard normal distribution.
smoothing parameter λ decreases. In most cases, the As one can see from Figure 3, the ARL1 decreases as
ARL1 of the nonparametric EWMA control chart with δ increases and ARL1 increases as λ increases. The
the metric M1 and M4 for detecting the shifts in various simulation results show that the detecting ability of
parameters are larger than those of M2, M3, and M5, the proposed nonparametric EWMA chart increases
ie, the detecting performances of the nonparametric when the magnitudes of shift in parameter δ increase
EWMA control chart with metrics M1 and M4 are worse or the smoothing parameter λ decreases. Note that the
than those of M2, M3, and M5. Note that the detecting detecting performances of the nonparametric EWMA
performances of the nonparametric EWMA control chart control chart with metrics M2 and M3 are the same;
with metrics M2 and M3 are the same; thus, only four thus, only four curves are shown in Figure 3. In other
curves are shown in Figure 2. The results are expected words, the detecting performances of the control chart
since the statistical forms of the two metrics M2 and M3 with metrics M2, M3, and M5 are almost the same under
differ only by a constant. Moreover, Figure 2 shows different shifts in various parameters when the random
that the detecting performances of the nonparametric error terms follow an exponential distribution. More-
EWMA control chart with metrics M2, M3, and M5 over, in most cases, the ARL1 of the EWMA control

FIGURE 2 ARL1 values under different shifts in parameter: A, β0; B, β1; or C, σ for the given λ = 0.05 (left panel) and λ = 0.1 (right panel)
when the random error terms follow a standard normal distribution

chart with the metric M1 and M4 for detecting shifts in density property of finished boards is the quality charac-
various parameters except β0 are larger than metrics M2, teristic required to be closely monitored. Each resulting
M3, and M5. Therefore, one can conclude that the profile consists of 314 density measurements, and the dis-
detecting performances of the nonparametric EWMA tance between two consecutive measures is 0.002 inch.
control chart with metrics M1 and M4 are worse than The original VDP data with 24 profiles are illustrated in
those of M2, M3, and M5. These results are expected Figure 4, where the depth of thickness of the particle
since the metric M1 and M4 did not use all the informa- boards ranges from 0 to 0.626 inch.
tion in the data set. To construct a Phase II control chart, we first employ
the SVR technique as mentioned in Section 3 to model
the VDP data. Note that the parameter C and ϵ are set
5 | A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE as 8 and 0.001, respectively, in Equation (6). Then, the
mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute percent
In order to demonstrate the practical application of our error (MAPE) for VDP data can be obtained and summa-
proposed control chart, the numerical example with rized in Table 2.
VDP data given in Walker and Wright11 is used for illus- According to Table 2, the average MAPE can be
tration purpose. In manufacturing the particle boards, the approximated to 0.49%, which indicates its percent

FIGURE 3 ARL1 values under different shifts in parameter: A, β0; B, β1; or C, θ for given the λ = 0.05 (left panel) and λ = 0.1 (right panel)
when the random error terms follow an exponential distribution

FIGURE 4 The original VDP data with 24 particle boards FIGURE 5 The 24 reference profiles after using SVR model to fit
[Colour figure can be viewed at] VDP data [Colour figure can be viewed at]

accuracy = 99.51%. Thus, we conclude that the fitted SVR

model for VDP data is adequate. The 24 reference profiles
obtained from the fitted model are shown in Figure 5.
Since the predicted values can be calculated from the
SVR model, the corresponding values of five (5) metrics
suggested by Williams et al1 are obtained accordingly.
Then, the nonparametric EWMA control chart with five
(5) metrics is proposed to determine which board is out‐
of‐control. Its upper and lower control limits are calcu-
lated based on Equation (4) with λ = 0.05, g = 21, and
LR = 1.37. In Figure 6, the nonparametric EWMA control
chart with five metric curves is plotted against the control
limits according to their sample IDs. Figure 6 shows that
all the VDP profiles using metric curves M1 and M4 are
in‐control. This result is consistent with the findings of

TABLE 2 The MSE and MAPE for VDP data

Profile MSE MAPE Profile MSE MAPE

FIGURE 6 The nonparametric EWMA control chart with five
1 0.0467 0.48% 13 0.0649 0.48% metric curves [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
2 0.0635 0.53% 14 0.0601 0.53% com]

3 0.0654 0.48% 15 0.0469 0.48%

4 0.0589 0.50% 16 0.0410 0.50% Williams et al.1 It is worthy to note that Williams et al1
5 0.0610 0.48% 17 0.0505 0.48% also pointed out the third profile is consistently higher
than all other profiles. But, the nonparametric I‐MR con-
6 0.0577 0.49% 18 0.0630 0.49%
trol chart proposed by Williams et al1 could not detect
7 0.0529 0.53% 19 0.0656 0.53% this an abnormal profile until the sixth profile, whereas
8 0.0525 0.49% 20 0.0501 0.49% our proposed nonparametric EWMA control chart with
9 0.0498 0.47% 21 0.0547 0.47% the metrics M2, M3, and M5 signals an out‐of‐control
10 0.0471 0.48% 22 0.0533 0.48% at the fourth profile, and these metric curves have the
similar patterns. Apparently, the detecting ability of our
11 0.0617 0.47% 23 0.0513 0.47%
proposed EWMA control chart outperforms the I‐MR
12 0.0509 0.49% 24 0.0533 0.49%
control chart proposed by Williams et al.1

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hyperbolic, or Weibull, etc. Hopefully, the results of this
research can serve as a useful reference for quality practi-
tioners when monitoring and controlling the process Dr Chung‐I Li is an assistant professor in the Depart-
quality for the nonlinear profile data in the Phase II study. ment of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University.
His current research interest is in the fields of Statisti-
cal Quality Control and Applied Statistics.
We are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their Dr Jeh‐Nan Pan is a full professor in the Department
helpful comments. The second author would like to grate- of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University
fully acknowledge financial support (MOST 106‐2410‐H‐ (NCKU). Professor Pan' expertise is in the fields of
006‐007) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of quality management and reliability engineering,
Taiwan, ROC. industrial statistics, and decision methods. He has
published 78 papers in both domestic and renowned
SCI/SSCI international journals such as IEEE Trans-
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Eng Int. 2007;23(7):925‐941. of Production Research. He holds MS and PhD degrees
in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University,
2. Montgomery DC. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. 6th
Lubbock, Texas. He is ASQ‐certified Quality and Reli-
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
ability Engineer. He has received numerous distin-
3. Pan JN, Li CI, Wu JJ. A new approach to detecting the process guished awards including three (3) Research and
changes for multistage systems. Expert Systems with Teaching Excellence awards from NCKU, four (5) best
Applications. 2016;62(11):293‐301.

paper awards from Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ)

How to cite this article: Li C‐I, Pan J‐N, Liao C‐H.
and Asian Network for Quality (ANQ). He has also
Monitoring nonlinear profile data using support
been elected as a CSQ fellow in 2016.
vector regression method. Qual Reliab Engng Int.
Mr Chun‐Han Liao is a graduate student in the
Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung

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