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Present continuous (I am doing) Study this example situation: Sarah isin her cat She ison her way to She is driving co work “This means: she i driving new, atthe time of speaking, Tre action i not fished Amifslare ing isthe prevent continuous: Tam (em | driving holbelt is (@heSete) | working welyouhh in doing something = I'm in the middle of doing i; P've stared doing it and Lhaven’e finished yet © Please don’t make so mach noise, I'm trying to work. (not I ty) [5 Where’ Mack?” “He¥ having a shower” (nor He has a shower) 1b Lets go out now: fan aning any more. (nor It doese® cai) party) Hello ‘Are you enjoying the pars? (not Do you enjoy) Vhats going on? (= Whats happening The action i not necessarily happening atthe time of speaking, For example: Stee is talking toa friend on the phone (Grading arly (We sou inte Steve is not reading the ook atthe rime of speaking. Hee means that he has started but has He is in the middle of reading it i inished i yet Some more examples: Kate wants to work in fal, so she earning ein, (but perhaps she is’ leaing Talian atthe cme of speaking) Sone friends of mine are building their oxen house, They hope to nih t next summer You can use che present continuous with today / thie week / this year ete. periods around now): ‘: You're working hard today. (ot You work hard roday te Yes, have a lor to do 2 The company I work forint doing so wll eis yea. We use the present continuous when we talk abour changes happening around now, especially with these vers fet change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start ig bee “The population ofthe world is increasing very fast. (not inereases) At fie didn’ like my job, but Vm beginning o enjoy it now. (not I begin) 1s your English ge beter 2 (not Docs your English Present continuous and present imple Units 2- Present tenes forthe future + Unit 19 “ar a wo Present simple (I do) Stuy this example station Alexis bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep He isnot diving a bus. (Hes asleep.) drut He drives abs. (He sa bus river DiivetsVvorkisido(s) teste present simple Tclvourhey drivelwork!do es Tctheitdrivafworlaidoes oe ‘We use he present simple ro alk about things in general, We use it 0 say that something happens al he time or repeated that something eae in general Nacses lok after patients hospitals sual go away at weekends. The earth gos round the sun The café open at 7.30 in the enoring. Remember: Twork 2. but He works... They teach .. but My ster teaches For spelling (oF) see Append 6 We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences: do Uwoyouthey $2 | vietyoulthey | dont Yo dees | heute i hehe doen T come from Canada, Where do you cone From 2 Adon go away very often ‘What does this word mean? (not What means tis word?) Rice dosent grow in cod climates In the following examples, do is ako the main ver (do you do / doesnt do et. 3 ‘What do you do? “I work ina shop. Hv always so ly, He doesn: do anything co hep “We use the presen simple ro say how fen we do things Iget up at 8 osock every moring. How oft do you go 10 the det? © Julie doce’ drink ten very often Robert wstlly goes away two or three mesa year I promise apologise ete Sometimes we do things by saying something, For example, when you promise todo something, you can say promise. when you suggest something, you can say suggest T promise | won't be at. (not I'm promising! 1D -Whatdo you suggest do?” “I sgest hat you Inthe same way we say: V apologise. Vadis. (inst 1 agree <1 T efise Present continuous and present simple 1 (lam doing and | do) Present continuous (am doing) ent simple do) We us the continuous for things happening | We use the simple for things in general or ator around the time of speakine. things tha hap The acton is not complet 1am doing ae one The water is boing. Can you tur it off?) Water boils at 100 degrees Listen to those people, What language Excuse me, do you speak English ate they speaking 1 Lets go out. test “tm boxy? "W Tem geting hung 1 Kate wants to work in aly, sa she's leering lela tom ofthe word is increasing very fs. fe doesot rain very snc in sume ‘Whar da you usualy do a wee always get hungry in the ten Tear to wim when they We ute the continuous for tenponar My parents ive in Lando. They have ted here al th es. Joh nt ly He works hand HI rey ant ating doing Labrays do orething) = 1 do every tie Tr always goto work by car. (not 'm always going) “Tow always doing something’ has 2 diferent meaning, For example Two more example 1 You're always watching television. You should do something more atv. {= You watch television to0 often) ‘Tim ie never satis. He' always complaining, (= He complains too much Present continsous and simple 2 Unit 4 Present tenes for the Future sit 19

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