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The conclusion of the learning theme



Introduction is an expression of introduction to know one's identity, we
need to introduce ourselves to a clearer communication process with
whom we talk, about what we are talking about and other conditions.

*Formal Introduction

Formal Introduction is used when you introduce yourself in a formal

room for example. Self in front of class, workroom, meeting
room  and Official forums, such as seminars ,. Formal intakes are used in
formal situations.

*Informal introduction is used when you introduce yourself to someone

at about the same age with you. Informal introduction id used in a non
formal situation. Usually used on unofficial events or forums, such as
introductions when in public meet new friends or friends. Commonly
used words are as follows :


In self-introduction and also in other communication activities, pronouns

are frequently used to prevent unimportant repetition
Pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, such as: I, you, it, they,
we, she, him, and us.

There are several types of pronoun: subjective, objective, passive

adjective and possessive pronoun.

No Subject Object Possessive Reflective

Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1 I Me My Mine Myself
2 You You Your Yours Yourself
3 We Us Our Ours Ourselves
4 They Them Their Theirs Themselves
5 She Her Her Hers Herself
6 He Him His His Himself
7 It It Its Its Itself
A. Subjective pronoun
Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam sebuah kalimat.
 I will go to Bandung tomorrow. (Aku akan pergi ke Bandung
 You are my cousin. (Kamu adalah sepupuku)

B. Objective pronoun
Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek dalam sebuah kalimat.
 Dinda will join us in volleyball team. (Dinda akan bergabung
bersama kami dalam tim voli)
 I told them about the news. (Aku sudah mengatakan berita
tersebut pada mereka)

C. Possessive adjective
Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak sebelum noun.
 This is her dress. (Ini adalah gaun miliknya)
 His car is red. (Mobilnya berwarna merah)

D. Possessive pronoun
Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak setelah noun.
 This hat is mine. (Topi ini adalah milikku)
 That house is theirs. (Rumah itu adalah milik mereka)


Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.
Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on
doing their best and even improve their performance.
(Compliment adalah sebuat ungkapan untuk mengapresiasi atau memuji
orang lain. Pujian atau apresiasi sangat penting untuk memberikan
semangat kepada orang lain sehingga mereka akan tetap konsisten
mempertahankan prestasi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya.)

When to express compliment:

(kapan mengekspresikan pujian)
-      On daily basis, (sehari-hari)
-     When someone has done his/her best, (Ketika seseorang telah
melakukan  yang terbaik)
-     When you visit someone’s house for the first time, (Ketika anda
mengunjungi rumah seseorang kali pertama).
-     If you notice something new about someone’s appearance. (Jika anda
melihat sesuatu yang baru dari penampilan seseorang

What + a/an/ adjective + noun

What a beautifull girl, she is! What toig car

How + adjective

How beatifull

How to + -ing

-Simple Future Tense

Pengguna ‘’will’’ and ’’be going to’’

’’will ’’ and ’’be going to’’ sama-sama diartikan dengan, akan tetapi ada
beberapa perbedaan dalam penggunaannya dalam kalimat

*Formula ’’will ’’

S + will +

Verba sentence

S + will + be +
Nominal sentence

* Formula ’’be going to’’

S + to be (is, am, are) + going to +


Verba sentence

S + to be (is, am, are) + going to + be +

Nominal sentence
#Example of ’’will ’’
> I will marry next year
> It will be rain

#Example of ’’be going to’’

> We are going to do our task tomorrow
> My grandmother is going to call me

#Will di gunakan untuk. 1. Menunjukan spontam news planning

EX. I will drink

2.Menunjukan offering (tawarah)

EX. I will help you
3.Menunjukan promise (janji)
EX. I will come if you invite me
4. Menunjukan refuse (menolak)
EX. I will not say anything

#Be going to digunakan untuk

1.jika terdapat evidence (bukti/fakta)
EX. Jojo is going to win the badminton competition
2. Jika bentuknya sudah ada planning (rencana)
EX. I’am going to bali next year


The word announcement means a spoken or written statement that tells

people, whether public community or limited to people of certain
institusion, about something. In other words, it is public or formal words
that announce something. The purpose of an announcement is to give

There are several kinds of announcement

1.Comersial: Commercial on radio, television, newspaper, magazine
or shops

2. Non-commercial: public service announcement, public event

announcement, school/aducation
announcement, business announcement

3. Personal: wedding announcement, newly-born announcement,


There are several purpose of announcement

1. To sell something
2. To compaign against/for something
3. To invite people to events
4. To ask people to do things
5. To publicize a formal personal event

There are some importaint points when reading a spoken

announcement so that the listeners would understand better and not
misinterpret the announcement

1. Clarity in reading each sentence

2. Correct pronunciation of each word
3. Intonation of each sentence
4. Pause at commas and paragraph
5. Volce volum

How to write an announcement

1. Be direct and coucise in your announcement

2. Write a shart, friendly announcement that’s to the points when
you’re sharing positive news
3. Reoognize what others have achieved in your announcement and
motivate your reader to reach similar goal


For: all student, teachers and staff

You are not allowed to drive yore car ar ride your motocycle to school if
you don’t have a driving license

*Essential grammar 2

Present perfect tense

Form: S + have/has + v3 o +since/for + adv. of

Affirmative and negative

I Ve (have) Worked in a restourant

We/you/they Haven’t
He/she/it Is (has) Worked in a restourant

Where have You eaten?

where has She been?

Preposifion of time:

~use “for“ to describe a period of time

Example: hera has hekd teacher supervisor positions for 15 years

~Use “since” to describe a point in time

Example: she has been at canon since 2010

~ “How long” is often used with the presen perfect

Example: How long have you been in this company

*Essential grammar 2

Past tense

He/she/it moved To bali in 1998

He/she/it Didn’t move To bali in 1998

When did I
why He/she/it To bali in 1998
*Essential grammar 3

Simple past tense Present perfect tense

1. The simple past tense refers to 1. The present perfect tense
an action that happened at a refers to an action that
definiti time in the past. happened at an indefinite
Example: - He did in 1990 time in the past
- She got morried Example: - she has when
when she was 23 always
The action is finished -she has written
20 songs
- I lived in medan
for a year (but The action can continue to
not now) the present

2. The simple past tense + time - She has lived

expressions there for 14
Example: - I worked there in years. (and she
2010 still does)
- There years ago 2. Time expressions + the
- An june 23 rd, present perfect tense
2010 Example:_since 2000
-Since i graduated
fom school
-Noun and adjectives

Nounsindude things, place, person, animal, and plant

Adjectives-describes a noun

So, adjectives followed by noun called noun phrase

Adjectives Nouns Noun phrase

Beautifull Girl Beautifull girl
Long hair Long hair
Short Nose Short hose
good boy Good boy
Sometimes noun phrase with more than 3 adjective

Opinion size age color nsionality material noun

Amazing Large Old Purple Chines wooden Chair
Beautifull litle Young Dark Indonesia girl
Power ad white n man
full itlian
The conclusion of the learning theme



Introduction is an expression of introduction to know one's identity, we

need to introduce ourselves to a clearer communication process with
whom we talk, about what we are talking about and other conditions.

*formal introduction
formal introduction is used when you introduce yourself in a formal
room for example. Self in front of class, workroom, meeting
room  and Official forums, such as seminars ,. Formal intakes are used in
formal situations.

*Informal introduction is used when you introduce yourself to

someone at about the same age with you. Informal introduction id used in
a non formal situation. Usually used on unofficial events or forums, such
as introductions when in public meet new friends or friends. Commonly
used words are as follows :


In self introduction and also in other communication activities, pronouns

ae frequently used to prevent unimportantmrepetion
Prounon is a word that takes the place of anoun, such as: I, you, it, they,
we, she, him, us.

There are several types of prounon* subjektive, objective, passesive

adjective and possessive prounon.

No Subject Object Possessive Reflective

Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1 I Me My Mine Myself
2 You You Your Yours Yourself
3 We Us Our Ours Ourselves
4 They Them Their Theirs Themselves
5 She Her Her Hers Herself
6 He Him His His Himself
7 It It Its Its Itself

A. Subjective pronoun
Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam sebuah kalimat.
> I will go to Bandung tomorrow. (Aku akan pergi ke Bandung besok)
> You are my cousin. (Kamu adalah sepupuku)
B. Objective pronoun
Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek dalam sebuah kalimat.
> Dinda will join us in volleyball team. (Dinda akan bergabung bersama
kami dalam tim voli)
> I told them about the news. (Aku sudah mengatakan berita tersebut
pada mereka)
C. Possessive adjective
Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak sebelum noun.
> This is her dress. (Ini adalah gaun miliknya)
> His car is red. (Mobilnya berwarna merah)
D. Possessive pronoun
Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak setelah noun.
> This hat is mine. (Topi ini adalah milikku)
> That house is theirs. (Rumah itu adalah milik mereka)


Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.
Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on
doing their best and even improve their performance.
(Compliment adalah sebuat ungkapan untuk mengapresiasi atau memuji
orang lain. Pujian atau apresiasi sangat penting untuk memberikan
semangat kepada orang lain sehingga mereka akan tetap konsisten
mempertahankan prestasi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya.)

When to express compliment:

(kapan mengekspresikan pujian)
-      On daily basis, (sehari-hari)
-     When someone has done his/her best, (Ketika seseorang telah
melakukan  yang terbaik)
-     When you visit someone’s house for the first time, (Ketika anda
mengunjungi rumah seseorang kali pertama).
-     If you notice something new about someone’s appearance. (Jika anda
melihat sesuatu yang baru dari penampilan seseorang

What + a/an/ adjective + noun

What a beautifull girl, she is! What toig car

How + adjective

How beatifull
How toig

-simple future tense

Pengguna ‘’will’’ and ’’be going to’’

’’will ’’ and ’’be going to’’ sama-sama diartikan dengan, akan tetapi ada
beberapa perbedaan dalam penggunaannya dalam kalimat

*Formula ’’will ’’

S + will + Verba sentence

S + will + be + Nominal sentence
* Formula ’’be going to’’
S + to be (is, am, are) + going to +
Verba sentence

S + to be (is, am, are) + going to + be +

Nominal sentence
#Example of ’’will ’’
> I will marry next year
> It will be rain

#Example of ’’be going to’’

> We are going to do our task tomorrow
> My grandmother is going to call me

#Will di gunakan untuk. 1. Menunjukan spontam news planning

EX. I will drink

2.Menunjukan offering (tawarah)

EX. I will help you
3.Menunjukan promise (janji)
EX. I will come if you invite me
4. Menunjukan refuse (menolak)
EX. I will not say anything

#Be going to digunakan untuk

1.jika terdapat evidence (bukti/fakta)
EX. Jojo is going to win the badminton competition
2. Jika bentuknya sudah ada planning (rencana)
EX. I’am going to bali next year

The word announcement means a spoken or written statement that tells
people, whether public community or limited to people of certain
institusion, about something. In other words, it is public or formal words
that announce something. The purpose of an announcement is to give

There are several kinds of announcement

1.Comersial: Commercial on radio, television, newspaper, magazine
or shops

2. Non-commercial: public service announcement, public event

announcement, school/aducation
announcement, business announcement

3. Personal: wedding announcement, newly-born announcement,


There are several purpose of announcement

6. To sell something
7. To compaign against/for something
8. To invite people to events
9. To ask people to do things
10.To publicize a formal personal event

There are some importaint points when reading a spoken

announcement so that the listeners would understand better and not
misinterpret the announcement

6. Clarity in reading each sentence

7. Correct pronunciation of each word
8. Intonation of each sentence
9. Pause at commas and paragraph
10.Volce volum

How to write an announcement

4. Be direct and coucise in your announcement
5. Write a shart, friendly announcement that’s to the points when
you’re sharing positive news
6. Reoognize what others have achieved in your announcement and
motivate your reader to reach similar goal


For: all student, teachers and staff

You are not allowed to drive yore car ar ride your motocycle to school if
you don’t have a driving license

*Essential grammar 2

Present perfect tense

Form: S + have/has + v3 o +since/for + adv. of

Affirmative and negative

I Ve (have) Worked in a restourant

We/you/they Haven’t
He/she/it Is (has) Worked in a restourant


Where have You eaten?

where has She been?
Preposifion of time:

~use “for“ to describe a period of time

Example: hera has hekd teacher supervisor positions for 15 years

~Use “since” to describe a point in time

Example: she has been at canon since 2010

~ “How long” is often used with the presen perfect

Example: How long have you been in this company

*Essential grammar 2

Past tense

He/she/it moved To bali in 1998

He/she/it Didn’t move To bali in 1998

When did I
why He/she/it To bali in 1998
*Essential grammar 3

Simple past tense Present perfect tense

3. The simple past tense refers to 3. The present perfect tense
an action that happened at a refers to an action that
definiti time in the past. happened at an indefinite
Example: - He did in 1990 time in the past
- She got morried Example: - she has when
when she was 23 always
The action is finished -she has written
20 songs
- I lived in medan
for a year (but The action can continue to
not now) the present

4. The simple past tense + time - She has lived

expressions there for 14
Example: - I worked there in years. (and she
2010 still does)
- There years ago 4. Time expressions + the
- An june 23 rd, present perfect tense
2010 Example:_since 2000
-Since i graduated
fom school

-Noun and adjectives

Nounsindude things, place, person, animal, and plant

Adjectives-describes a noun
So, adjectives followed by noun called noun phrase

Adjectives Nouns Noun phrase

Beautifull Girl Beautifull girl
Long hair Long hair
Short Nose Short hose
good boy Good boy
Sometimes noun phrase with more than 3 adjective

Opinion size age color nsionality material noun

Amazing Large Old Purple Chines wooden Chair
Beautifull litle Young Dark Indonesia girl
Power ad white n man
full itlian

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