Prova Global de Inglês

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Prova Global de Inglês (nível 5)

Ano lectivo 2004 / 2005

Duração: 90 minutos


Read the following text carefully:

Driven to death

The attractive Katharine Bamber, 16, was new to the school and was constantly bullied
by her schoolmates. She was accused of being “rich” and they tried to make her angry by
calling her names.
Neither the school nor her parents were able to handle the problem. The bullies were
not punished and at home although they knew the bullying was going on and how upset
Katharine felt, no one realized just how close she was to despair. In her note to her family
Katherine told them: “Dear family. I hate my life. People make it hell. I hate them for threatening
me and calling me names. I am very scared and hurt inside. I can’t take it any more. The only
way out I know is killing myself.” (…)
When Angela arrived home, the dog was in the garden and her mother asked her about
Katharine. Angela felt something horrible had happened. She rushed upstairs to Katharine’s
room, opened the door and found her lifeless body on the bed.
Katharine’s parents have been through such a terrible experience that they organised
The anti-Bullying Campaign and launched a foundation to help other victims of bullying, the
Katharine Bamber Memorial Fund. Since she died on March 21 st thousands of children and
adults from all over the world have written to the Bamber family.
“If we manage to save just one child’s life, Katharine will not have died in vain”, says her

1. Answer these questions about the text:

1.1. Describe Katharine Bamber.
1.2. How did Katharine feel at school?
1.3. Why did she kill herself?
1.4. What do you think the Katharine Memorial fund is for?
1.5. Do you agree with the title of the text? Justify your answer.
1.6. Do you also think that killing herself was the only way out?
2. Say if the following sentences are True or False. Justify all your answers.
2.1. Katharine’s parents ignored her problem.
2.2. At school she didn’t have friends.
2.3. Katharine’s schoolmates were constantly punished.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense of the verbs in brackets.
Katharine’s sister ……1…… (never / be) a good student. She …….2……. (not / study)
for the tests.
Last week she ……3….. (meet) a new friend, she ……4….. (be) older and he ……
5……. (love) computers!
Yesterday they …….6…… (work) the whole afternoon. While Sarah …..7….. (draw),
her friend …..8…… (write) an essay.
Now they ……..9…… (play) tennis but tomorrow they ……10….. (work) harder.

2. Rephrase the following sentences.

2.1. “I learned how to play the guitar during my summer holidays.”
She said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.2. “They will miss the city when they move to the countryside.”
My brother said …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.3. She bought a new computer yesterday.
A new computer ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2.4. “Now I am one of the best students here.”
He said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.5. He doesn’t pay much money for her work.
Much money ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.6. His parents are watching the new video game.
The new video game………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Join the following sentences by means of a Relative Pronoun.

3.1. Katharine’s sister is 14 years old. She is a student.
3.2. They have got Katharine’s diary. It is full of dramatic stories.
3.3. The woman is her teacher. She is in the photo.
3.4. Her aunt is a lawyer. I admire her work.

Choose one of the following topics and write about it.

1. Make a comment on this statement: “When we are teenagers friends play an important role in
our lives”
2. Imagine you have a friend who is having problems at home or at school and he/she has
asked for your advice. Write a brief letter to him/her.
3. Write about your best friend and about your concept of friendship

Good Work!

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