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How can systems survive

What are we doing today?

1. Do Now: Extremes (5’)

2. Challenge: Prepare to be very disturbed! (40’)
3. Be disturbed!! (10’)
4. What Next? Earthstones, $ & Research (2’)
5. Exit Ticket How prepared is school? (5’)
Drought Extreme Precipitation

Extreme Heat Wildfires

Hurricanes & Tropical Cyclones

Close To Home: Local Extremes

“Resilience refers to the capacity of [a natural or human system] to be prepared for

disruptions, recover from shock and stresses, and adapt and grow from a disruptive
experience.” (Dave Sanderson)
Resilience Challenge Part 1: Prepare to Be Very

Prepare your Biosphere for a major disruption that will happen in

50 minutes! Prove that after 5-7 days your biosphere will return to
the average humidity, temperature, and CO2 levels it had prior to
your disturbance, and earn your final earthstones.
If more than half of the Biospheres in your class can prove their resilience after a week of monitoring,
the class will receive the final earthstones.
Materials Directions
Per 2 students

🐛 Anything available outside your classroom 🌿 Choose only 1 fate card for your biosphere. Your card
to help prepare your Biosphere for a will indicate which of the following disruptions will
disruption occur in your biosphere:
⇾ Rainstorm: 1 cup of water will be sprayed into your
🐛 “Fate” cards to determine your disruption biosphere.
⇾ Heat wave: A heat lamp will be directed on your
Biosphere for 3-5 days.
⇾ CO2 Increase: 2 cups of rich moist natural soil will be
added to your Biosphere.
⇾ Deforestation: 2 cups of “organic material”
currently in your biosphere will be replaced with 2
cups of nutrient-depleted sand.
⇾ Increased cloud cover: Your biosphere will be moved
to the area of the room that receives the least
🌿 Prepare your biosphere for your disturbance using any
materials found outside the classroom.
Part 2: The Disturbance...Dun Dun Dun!

1. Choose 1 fate card per partner pair.

2. Bring your biosphere to the station in the classroom that
matches your fate card.
3. Follow the directions at your fate card station to create a
disturbance in your biosphere.
Resilience Challenge: “Fate” Cards


A system of high atmospheric A large rainfall event devastated Global CO2 emissions reached a
pressure brought a heat wave to your your area, causing flash flooding record high in 2018, primarily due to
area, causing record-breaking from three days of torrential burning of fossil fuels. CO2 levels
temperatures for three days! downpour! have now reached 407.4 ppm and
Disturbance: A heat lamp will be Disturbance: 1 cup of water will continue to rise.
directed on your Biosphere for three be sprayed into your biosphere. Disturbance: 2 cups of rich organic
days. soil will be added to your Biosphere.
Resilience Challenge: “Fate” Cards

Large-scale deforestation has A period of increased cloud cover in
resulted in erosion and depletion of your area resulted in cooling
nutrients in your local soils. temperatures and less sunlight overall
Disturbance: 2 cups of nutrient-poor due to the reflection of some rays back
soil will be added to your biosphere into space. Disturbance: Your
and 2 cups of “organic matter” will biosphere will be moved to the area of
be removed. the room that receives the least sunlight.
Materials Directions
Per 2 students
🌿 Follow the directions at your “disturbance station” to
🐛 Biosphere with pre-disturbance changes
create a disturbance in your biosphere.
🐛 “Fate” cards to determine your disturbance
🌿 Disturbance Stations include:
🐛 Materials and direction cards specific to
⇾ Rainstorm
each disturbance (these will be at your
⇾ Heat wave
⇾ CO2 increase
⇾ Deforestation
⇾ Increased cloud cover

7 Day Follow-up Materials: 7 Day Follow-up Directions:

🐛 Biosphere Resilience handout (1 per 🌿 Monitor your CO2, humidity, and temperature levels
person) each day for 5-7 days following the disruption and
note any changes in your system and cycles. Did any
🐛 CO2/temperature/RH monitors
change in your feedback loops occur?
🐛 Data charts/tables from past data
collection (1 chart per partner pair)
Exit Ticket - How resilient is your school?
5 mi hare
s Pair S

Imagine you know that on March 26, 2020 there will be a record breaking
rainfall with sustained winds of 50mph, list at least 3 research ideas for
what you might to do to understand how well your school is prepared for
such an event.

You can also research how different people think they are prepared. for this
kind of severe weather event.
Exit Ticket Continued...
Food for Thought

Think about structures and technologies such as:

● Electricity
● Water drainage
● Phone lines
● Trees nearby the school
What’s Next?
1. During the week: Monitor your biospheres for
1 to test resilience!
2. Next Class:
A. Earn your final earthstones
B. Earthstones sentence descramble! & earn
C. Introduce Phase 2: Research
Program Overview

By the end of Phase 1, you need to earn 5 earthstones to make

a sentence.

Each sentence that matches Wild Treasures’ is worth $50.

10 sentences = $500
But there’s a
Half of the earthstones you earn will belong to another group’s
sentence, and another group will have half of the earthstones you need!

5 earthstones = 1 sentence = $50

10 sentences = $500

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