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The venue of Remaining Matches

The delegate of Bayern Munich strongly believes that the Republic of Ireland is
currently the safest option. If the Irish Government permits, this could be the best
option for UEFA. As mentioned previously Ireland has started its “Four Team-
Tournament. With only 4 teams there will be reduced pressure on Irish stadiums
when compared to german stadiums. fewer matches at every stadium would make it
cheaper to host, and more convenient to maintain frequent sanitization.

Ireland has highly developed stadiums, well equipped to host any European
matches. They are approved by UEFA. While many argue that Germany is not a fair
neutral venue, this is not the case for Ireland. As previously mentioned there are no
Irish teams in the champions league.

Pay cuts

The COVID 19 pandemic has severely impacted all European clubs. Players and
directors at Bayern Munich have agreed to take temporary pay cuts.
Bayern players will take a 20% pay cut, The club's managers and employees have
also agreed to part-time working arrangements, which will also result in salary cuts.
At the same time, we are pulling together to prepare for a full-time resumption of
Bundesliga operations at any time.

Ways to raise revenue in close door matches

One method to deal with financial losses is to introduce the card box cutout fans at
stadiums. Currently being done by fellow Bundesliga Team Borussia MG (Borussia
Monchengladbach), it has worked favourably for them. They have managed to raise
over 228,000 euros, after selling 12,000 such cutouts. Furthermore, I believe that
introducing pay cuts on players can help ease the impact. Clubs may use these
funds as wages to staff/non-players. Bayern Munich has already enforced 20 per
cent pay cuts to first-team players. We look to increase the percentage of pay cut .

While Borussia MG, plans do donate this money, clubs dealing with extreme
shortages can raise money this way.

Measure to reduce risk once Champions League

Measures for safety, the delegate of Bayern Munich is suggesting for the venue are
First, the sports medical examination should be used as a fundamental screening
tool. By observing the history and examination results, we could identify subjects
potentially at risk. For example- Subjects with asthma, diabetes etc. Secondly,
conducting online interviews or the use of a single microphone in interviews and
disinfecting it each time could reduce the risk. Additionally Award ceremonies or
receiving awards or other forms of contact with the public (e.g. clubs or various
events) should be avoided or cancelled. Frequent Inquiries from players and
company staff, if there has been any contact with a person or a family member who
has returned from areas that are at risk should also be done. Besides these other
measures are to store personal items and clothing in bags and avoid leaving them
exposed in the changing rooms. Other essential measures would be to encourage
the use of automatic dispensers with adequate disinfectant cleaning solutions, both
in the changing rooms and in the toilets.

Calendar Clash Issue

With several European leagues set to resume league matches, It may be difficult to
introduce new fixtures of the champions league. If the pandemic situation should
permit it, one option would be to currently reschedule/cancel fixtures of domestic
competitions which clash with Champions League matches. Inter-country travel
would be far more difficult to organise and schedule when compared to Intra-Country
travel as it requires permissions, discussions between governments, managers etc
of the host and visiting country.

Should this outcome be possible it would be preferable that suspended domestic

competitions would restart with a different format in a manner which would still
facilitate clubs to qualify on sporting merit for the following UEFA Champions League

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