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Solitaire Squad Level WWII Combat, France, 1944


1  x  Aimed  Fire  with  personal  weapon   If  automa1c  weapon  and  mul1ple  target  in  hex,  choose  primary  target  an  apply  resul1ng  
crouching  or  standing   damage.  If  damage  >  0  roll  for  new  damages  for  next  target  and  apply  hits  if  new  damage  <  
previous  damage.  Repeat  for  each  subsequent  target.  

2  x  Snap  Fire  with  personal  weapon   Not  possible  with  a  bazooka

crouching  or  standing  

1  x  Aimed  Fire  with  crew  weapon   -

2  soldiers  +  prepared  weapon  

1  x  Snap  Fire  with  crew  weapon   -

2  soldiers  +  prepared  weapon  

1  x  Assault   Choose  Capture  or  Kill  Assault.  Check  Assault  Table.  Subtract  enemy  WS  to  Base  Hit  chance  if  
same  hex  as  enemy   WS≥+  1and  not  wounded/panicked

1  x  Prepare  Satchel   -
crouching  or  standing  

1  x  Throw  Satchel   If  failure,  use  scaVering  chart  page  24.  Satchel  can  be  thrown  into  an  open  tank  or  tank  hex  :  roll  
standing  (up  to  3  hexes),  no  LOS  needed   on  the  Satchel  outside  row;  Inc  or  Kill  result  =  tank  is  Disabled.  Same  procedure  for  car  +  roll  on  
Satchel  Outside  row  for  each  occupant.  Satchel  can  be  thrown  into  a  car  as  thrown  into  a  
building  :  roll  on  the  Satchel  Inside  row;  Car  is  Disabled,  determine  wounds  using  Prone  stance  
for  occupants.

1  x  Prepare  and  Throw  Grenade   If  failure,  use  scaVering  chart  page  24.  Grenade  can  be  tossed  into  an  open  tank  as  through  a  
crouching  (up  to  3  hexes)     building  aperture,  result  is  automa1c  kill  for  every  occupants.  Grenade  can  be  tossed  into  a  car  
or  standing  (up  to  6  hexes),  no  LOS  needed   as  thrown  into  a  building  :  roll  on  the  Grenade  Inside  row;  vehicle  is  Disabled  determine  wounds  
using  Prone  stance  for  occupants.  If  grenade  lands  on  the  car's  hex,  use  Grenade  Outside  row:  
Inc  or  Kill  results  =  car  is  Disabled  +  roll  on  Grenade  Outside  row  for  each  occupant.

1  x  Remove  Live  Grenade  /  Satchel     Must  succeed  a  PC  check  to  toss  grenade  in  other  hex
crouching  or  standing

1  x  Clear  Jammed  Weapon     use  Clear  Jammed  Weapon  Table,  add  WS.  B  result  =  weapon  breaks
crouching  or  standing  

1  x  Prepare  Bazooka     -
crouching  or  standing  

1  x  Prepare  Crew  Weapon     place  the  weapon  marker  on  its  "prepared"  side  (no  yellow  line);  weapon  stays  prepared  un1l  
crouching  or  standing   moved.

1  x  Stance  Change   1  free  stance  change  per  round  if  not  wounded;  1  MPA  otherwise.  Change  occurs  acer  
Paragraph  Check

1  x  Move   Crawling  takes  all  movement  points  (MPA).  Includes  moving  with  a  Crew  Weapon.

1  x  Move  &  Snap  Fire ½  MPA,  move  first  or  last

1  x  Move  &  Assault ½  MPA,  move  first

1  x  Drag  InacLve  Soldier  /  Move  Captured   Both  soldiers  must  be  on  same  hex.  Takes  1  empty  port  for  dragged  soldier  +  roll  a  die  for  each  
German   hex,  if  result  =  0,  solider  dies.  No  roll  for  captured  GER

1  x  Exchange  Equipment     Soldier  must  be  on  same  hex  as  equipment.  GER  equipment  takes  1  round  and  WS  -­‐  1  or  DS  -­‐  1  
crouching  or  standing check  for  US  solider  using  GER  vehicle  or  weapon

1  x  Load  /  Unload  InacLve  Soldier  from   all  must  be  in  same  hex;  inac1ve  solider  dies  on  a  roll  of  0)
Vehicle  

1  x  Command  AcLon  Give  Turn Commander  only,  with  command  radius  of  2.  Either  Give  Turn  to  Soldier  (not  Tank)  or  Make  
Soldier  Aware

“” means action is possible during Operations and Round phases

AMBUSH! Game by Victory Games. Play Aid by ruestchm (BGG)

AMBUSH! Solitaire Squad Level WWII Combat, France, 1944


1  x  Move  Slowly  (Vehicle)     Prohibited  hexes:  building,  rubble,  crater,  river,  river  and  woods  for  Large  vehicle  only
Cost  :  2  Crew  Points

1  x  Move  Fast  (Vehicle)     Tank  must  be  Open.  Implies  Accident  Check
Cost:  3  Crew  Points  

1  x  Load  Cannon    
 cost:  1  Crew  Point

1  x  Aimed  Fire  with  Cannon   Cannon  must  be  loaded.  No  ammo  check  nor  Jam  Check
cost:  2  Crew  Points

1  x  Aimed  Fire  with  Bow  MG   Target  must  be  in  front  arc.  No  ammo  check  nor  Jam  Check
cost:  2  Crew  Points

1  x  Snap  Fire  with  Bow  MG   Target  must  be  in  front  arc.  No  ammo  check  nor  Jam  Check
cost:  1  Crew  Point

1  x  Aimed  Fire  with  Coax  MG   Cannot  Load  or  Fire  Cannon  in  the  same  turn.  No  ammo  check  nor  Jam  Check
cost:  2  Crew  Points

1  x  Snap  Fire  with  Coax  MG   Cannot  Load  or  Fire  Cannon  in  the  same  turn.  No  ammo  check  nor  Jam  Check
cost  :  1  Crew  Point

1  x  Open  /  Close  Tank     Must  be  the  only  ac1on  taken

cost:  all  Crew  Points

“” means action is possible during Operations and Round phases


1.  Insert Mission Card in the sleeve as per Read paragraph XXX and mark the
scenario (usually Mission Card condition 1) sighting Y on the squad card only if
the paragraph is preceded by a "S"
2.  Mark current Condition level on squad record

Movement Check
Place Event Marker in hex and
Check each hex on movement for soldiers or conduct Event Check
vehicles (no check if Event Marker present) and line
up hex Number and Letter on the Mission Card
Paragraph actions
if XXX go to paragraph XXX and
Event Check Perception Check conduct actions

Line up die result with the Success if die result ≤ German Movement (red #)
RE column of the Mission solider PC (PC score may
Card to find possible be modified by paragraph Line up hex Number and Letter on the
paragraph number text) Mission Card then move GER marker
to hex coordinate noted in red or read
paragraph (if any).

Activation Check Accident Check Condition Change

Success if die result <=
Condition level (may be Success if die result <= DS; 1.  mark the new condition level on squad record
modified by paragraph if not roll again and check 2.  insert appropriate Mission Card in sleeve
text); if success go to on the Accident Table 3.  remove all Event markers.
Action Rounds

AMBUSH! Game by Victory Games. Play Aid by ruestchm (BGG)


1 – US Awareness Phase 3 – Action Phase

3.1. Initiative
Round 1 : Perception Check for each Roll one die for each side (US and GER);
US soldiers who can see GER soldiers keep the separated result for each side; 3.3. Roll for a new GER
of vehicles; if success, place soldier's Higher result has the initiative (aka: Action Number each turn.
AR Marker on the Complete space; if Advantage) (Exception : paragraph text
not, place in the Unaware space. that activated the GER may impose
Round 2 : Perception Check for all US
3.4. Resolve 1 action per
soldiers on map soldier / turn
3.2. AR Marker Placement
Advantaged solider first.
Round 3+ : All US soldiers are Use each die result to place the AR marker GER actions are done in
automatically aware on the AR track (columns) on either the letter order (e.g. Solider B
Advantage of Disadvantage half. If die before Soldier R). Check
result in the column is a red number and
card of the active GER to
solider is out of command, place the
2 – Event Phase marker in the Panic space, if soldier in
see reaction : paragraph
number or Special
command, add IN for each soldier in hex +
(not for Round 1) Reaction or Self-
commander's IN, if result <5 solider Preservation ("S" when
Conduct one Event Check with the panics. Wounded soldier go to the 1-turn
added result of 2 dice adjacent to US)

1.  Select target, check LOS 6.  Damage : 1d10 on Weapon Table. For vehicle, refer
2.  Select Aimed or Snap fire to the Vehicle Summary for effect. If a car is hit by
3.  Check Jam on weapon table (1d100) Bazooka and a passenger is hit, use Personnel result for
him and use Grenade Inside result for other passengers
4.  Calculate Base Hit Chance crossing target range and then car is Disabled. If a tank (open only) is hit, reduce
Base Hit on weapon table. Total Hit Chance = Base Hit
Chance + possible Modifiers + WS crew by 1. If tank (open only) is hit by bazooka, reduce
crew by 1 and roll on the Grenade Inside table for other
5.  Success on 1d10 ≤ Total Hit Chance. If vehicle is crew members (treated as Prone).
the target, roll one die to locate hit on the Hit Chart of
the Vehicle Summary. 7.  Check for ammo usage (1d100 on Weapon Table)


•  loose turn, move marker to Complete space,
place Prone and Wounded markers on soldier Conduct PC Check if a soldier enters hex. No check for Vehicle/
•  if solider was driving, conduct Accident Check Tank, automatic detonation. If failure, place Marker and solider
•  receive only 1 turn / round (not from Commander) suffers Indoor Grenade damages then…
•  2 MPA and no more free stance change •  Minefield : No effect for Tank. Car is disabled and soldiers panic.
•  Firing : WS – 1 modifier •  Boobytrap : Remove Boobytrap marker. No effect for Tank. Car's
•  Grenade/Satchel: WS – 2 modifier Driver PC check for entering hex, if failure, car is Disabled and
•  Assault : WS – 2 modifier, no WS defending soldiers panic.
•  1 port box only (drop equipment if any)
•  2nd Wound or INCAP = Incapacitated


•  loose turn, move marker to Panic space, place •  Die result : 0 is always a success, 9 is always a failure
Prone marker on soldier after the end of the turn
•  if solider was driving, conduct Accident Check •  Wood occupy all hex
•  commander looses command radius and •  Stacking limits : only apply for vehicles (2 per hex)
command capabilities •  Command capabilities : 2 hexes radius, may give turn to a
•  cannot use WS when defending vs assault soldier (move the AR marker of that soldier up one space in the AR
Marker Placement column) or may make US soldier aware (soldier
must be in command range)
•  Penetration results: see Damage Table of the Weapon chart. 3
•  loose turn, move marker to Inactive space, place level of penetration : Light, Medium, Heavy
Prone and Incapacitated markers on soldier
•  Running over soldier: If friendly soldier : make an Accident
•  no actions: only moved by another soldier
Check, success = vehicle miss the soldier; failure implies PC
•  cannot be intentionally attacked check for solider, success = soldier stays in hex, failure = roll for a
•  KIA: if moved d10 (on a “0”) or if hit again Bolt Rifle damage + vehicle car rolls on the Accident Table.
If enemy soldier: make Accident Check to hit enemy soldiers.
KILLED Enemy gets a PC Check. Inc result = enemy soldier is killed.
•  loose turn, move marker to Inactive space,
place Prone and Kill markers on soldier
•  can only be moved by another soldier AMBUSH! Game by Victory Games. Play Aid by ruestchm (BGG)

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