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Waiting for Superman

Waiting for Superman is a documentary which shows us some of the struggles education is going
trough in the United States.

1. On the documentary’s poster there is a quote: “The fate of our country won’t be decided in
a battlefield, it will be determined in a classroom”. According to what you saw on the video,
what does this quote mean?
Deisy Francisco
Anthony Bianca

2. During the documentary we could see the story of 5 kids. Describe them. It can be a
personality and physical appearance description.




3. Match the names with the correct definitions for each one of them.

1. It is the organizations of topics students have

a. Teacher’s union. (____) to learn during the period of time they are
on a course
2. They are schools that are known for giving
b. Lemmon Dance. (____) students a low quality education. For this
reason, each year the numbers of students
who stop going to school are increasing.
c. Public School. (____) 3. It’s an organization created to defend the
teacher’s rights and make sure there is no
distinctions made among teachers.
d. Curriculum (____) 4. It is a person who goes to a school in order to
learn about different topics trough the
subject seen in this place.
e. Tenure. (____) 5. It’s the process in which a school, that has a
bad teacher, gives him/her to another school
and also receives one who is known for not
f. Student. (____) having a good performance as a teacher.
6. It is the holding of the job. When people get
this title it is very difficult to fire or dismiss
g. Drop out Factories. (____) someone from their job.
7. It is a place in which people go to study for
no cost at all, since it is paid by the
Answer the following questions:

4.1. How long does it take for a teacher to get tenure?

a. 10 years.
b. 2 years.
c. 1 year.
4.2. There is a really great public school and your parents want to sign you in this school.
However, there are no enough spaces in the school. What does the school do in order
to choose the students who are going to be admitted?

a. Students take and admission exam. The best scores are admitted.
b. Students go through a random selection done by the school.
c. They gave admission to the people who live the nearest to the school.

4.3. KIPP schools have:

a. Decreased the reading and math skill on students who go to these schools.
b. Increase teacher opportunities to get tenure.
c. Increase math and reading skills on students who go to these schools.

4.4. In the documentary, it is shown in a school students have been having problem
learning some concepts about math. For this reason, their teacher decided to:

a. Make students present a quiz each class.

b. Create a dong for the students to learn the terms.
c. Have extra classes and tuitions for the students to understand the concepts.
5. The following are some images from the movie. Choose from the box the right topic the
documentary intended these images to explain.

The Curriculum that can be covered by a teacher.

Lemmon Dance


a._____________________ b.______________________ c._____________________

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