Stage 1

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Stage 1.

Enter to E-book/Online Content. Go to the Learning Environment, and enter to E-

book / Online Content (Contenido en Linea) to develop the activities of the E-book.

Stage number one performed

Stage 2.

Using conditionals. Go to the Module 1, section Activities, topic 1. Using conditionals,

and watch the video about “Jessica is getting married next month”. Analyze and

complete the sentences with the words you hear of the exercise that you find down of

Stage 3.

Using the present factual conditional

Read the explanation of Topic 2. talking about habits and their results,

and develop the activity that you find there. Take into account that this topic

work with the Present factual conditional or cero conditional.

According to the explanation, create five sentences using the structure of the cero

conditional or Present Factual Conditional and according to the images.

1. If you talk a lot, you will be thirsty.

2. if the girl studies, her mother is happy

3. if you mix red and yellow, you get orange

4. if he runs, he gets tired

5. If she eats well, she will be full

Stage 4: Development of topic 3 and 4.

Develop the activities of Topic 3. Talking about scientific facts, Topic 4.

Order of clauses in conditionals.

Stage 5: Apply the Future Factual Conditional Write 10 sentences using the Future

Factual Conditional, or First Conditional taking into account the explanation of Topic

6. Reading e-mail messages, and publish them in the Writing task forum. They must

be written for you, not copied from any web page.

1. If I study a lot, I will be a good entrepreneur

2. If I study a lot, I will be a good entrepreneur

3. If I work hard, I will buy my house

4. If I train every day, I will be in good health

5. If I play with the children, they will be happy

6. f I take care of my garden, I will have flowers

7. If I go to the farm, I will be very happy

8. If I clean my house, I will have a clean environment

9. If I exercise, I will have a good body

10. If I play soccer, I will score many goals

Stage 6. Recognize the Phrasal verbs Develop the practice activity of Topic 10.

identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in context,

publish the screenchots of the development of it in the forum. Then, identify the 21

phrasal verbs that are in these exercises, and write them in the chart you find below .
Write the phrasal verbs that you identify in the exrcise 10 and 11.

Verb particle Meaning

Broke down romper
come back volver
Eat out Comer afuera
Grew up crecer
find out descubrir
Pick up recoger
leave on dejar
turn down Bajar (volumen)
Turn on encender
Turn off apagar
passed away fallecer
warm up calentar
Plug in enchufar
call back Regresar ( llamada)
keep on continuar
Get along Llevarse (bien)
calm down Calmar.
Ask for Preguntar
money out Sacar dinero
broke up romper
gave up renunciar
Hand in entregar
Stage 7:Apply the phrasal verbs in a text. Choose 7 phrasal verbs from the exercise of

Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs; and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in

context, and write a text in past where you use them. You have to underline these

phrasal verbs to distinguish them in the text.

exactly three years ago my family and I were in San Marcos, a splendid municipality. We

had made the decision to go by taxi and thus be more comfortable to enjoy the landscapes

and their colors. While we were in the port we turned on the radio of the taxi that took us

and so we enjoyed ourselves. I turned off the music just to hear the noise of the birds. I was

a little worried because it was getting dark and we hadn't returned but my sister calmed me

down, I asked about the time since it looked a bit late, I plugged in the cell phone, it was

unloaded and I picked up the things I had left in the car.

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