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My life in this decade

Life in the twenty-first century is indeed full of adversity and challenges. People tend to have many
changes in their life either physical or emotional in order to adequately adapt to their never-ending
passion and desires. I am one of the human beings so I have got lots of hopes and imagination. However,
life is not a bed of roses and my life is also challenged by several things around me. I wished to pass the
exams with distinctions, attend the superb university, join a dynamic professional team to work, etc.

Looking back at my young self, I see a lot of things happening within my life. For years, school has been a
part of almost everything I do and it also changed my outlook on life the way I will never realize through
my own learning. There were a number of trips that I made with my family and friends and the
numerous adventures that I was a part of. These memories are as precious as treasure to me and
sometimes I recollect them with a sense of attachment and love.

As time does fly gradually day by day, the aspects of my life that I value have changed. Maturity and
inner peace become the most important and essential to me in this competitive era. I have tried to
sense things around me in a better manner than I was just a kid. My personality has shaped in such a
manner that I have started to like it more and more. I have appreciated the difficulties of life now and I
seldom cry in the face of adversity. Indeed I met with failure and wanted to give up my dreams but my
passion and desire to succeed never let me down. As a result, most of my dreams did come true and got
the best out of life.

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