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1. The study of human behaviour in groups is called ______.

a. anthropology
b. sociology
c. psychology
d. economics

2. Which of the following is true?

a. Consuming refers to decisions about buying products.

b. Consumer behaviour is about making people buy things.
c. Consuming does not refer to the ways in which people use products.
d. Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy products.

3. Any individual who purchases goods and services from the market for his/her
end-use is called a..................

a. Customer
b. Purchaser
c. Consumer
d. All these

4. -------------- refers to how an individual perceives a particular message

a. Consumer behavior
b. Consumer interest
c. Consumer attitude
d. Consumer interpretation.

5. Many sub-cultural barriers are decreasing because of mass communication,

mass transit, and a ___________________.

a. Decline in the influence of religious values

b. Decline in communal influences
c. Strong awareness of brands in the market
d. Strong awareness of pricing policies in the market

6. Which of the following is the most valuable piece of information for determining
the social class of your best friend's parents?

a. The number of years schooling that they had

b. Their ethnic backgrounds
c. Their combined annual income
d. Their occupations

7. _________________ refers to the buying behavior of final consumers.

a. Consumer buyer behavior

b. Target market buying
c. Market segment buying
d. Business buying behavior

8. A ________________ is a group of people with shared value systems based on

common life experiences and situations.

a. culture
b. subculture
c. lifestyle composite
d. social class

9. As a form of a reference group, the _______________ are ones to which the

individual wishes to belong.

a. secondary groups
b. facilitative groups
c. primary groups
d. aspiration groups

10. The stages through which families might pass as they mature over time is a
description of what is called the

a. Adoption process
b. Lifestyle cycle.
c. Values and Lifestyle.
d. Family life cycle

11. According to the buyer decision process suggested in the text, the first stage is
characterized as being one of __________

a. Awareness
b. Information search.
c. Need recognition
d. Demand formulation

12. How the consumer processes information to arrive at brand choices occurs
during which stage of the buyer decision process?

a. need recognition
b. information search
c. evaluation of alternatives
d. purchase decision

13. With respect to post purchase behavior, the larger the gap between
expectations and performance:

a. The greater likelihood of re-purchase.

b. The greater the customer’s dissatisfaction
c. The less likely the consumer will be influenced by advertising
d. The less likely the consumer will need sales confirmation and

14. If a company makes products and services for the purpose of reselling or
renting them to others at a profit or for use in the production of other products
and services, then the company is selling to the__________

a. Business market
b. International market.
c. Consumer market.
d. Private sector market.

15. __________ refers to the information a consumer has stored in their memory
about a product or service

a. Cognitive dissonance
b. Product knowledge
c. Product research
d. Marketing research.

16. ___________ develop on the basis of wealth, skills and power.

a. Economical classes
b. Purchasing communities
c. Competitors
d. Social classes.

17. Different social classes tend to have different attitudinal configurations and
_______ that influence the behaviour of individual members.

a. Personalities
b. Values
c. Finances
d. Decision makers

18. Marriage, childbirth, and divorce constitute the ________ that shape the
consumption pattern of individuals.

a. psychological life cycle

b. product life cycle
c. social status
d. critical life events

19. _______ portrays the "whole person" interacting with his or her environment.

a. Attitude
b. Personality
c. Lifestyle
d. Self-concept

20. At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a pyramid in the text)
are________ needs.

a. Esteem
b. self-actualization
c. social
d. safety

21. The relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society, which are
hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar values, interests, and
behavior constitute________.

a. Culture
b. Subculture
c. A social class
d. a family

22. Which of the following is NOT true regarding consumer behavior?

a. Organizations are applying theories and information about consumer behavior
on a daily basis.
b. It is often necessary to conduct research.
c. Consumer behavior is a complex, multidimensional process
d. The overall model of consumer behavior presented in the text is accurate in
predicting consumer behavior

23. The difference between all the benefits derived from a total product and all the
costs of acquiring those benefits is known as _____.
a. price
b. position
c. consumer behavior
d. customer value
24. The process of screening meaningful from non-meaningful information is known
as ____________
a. Routine
b. Picking
c. Selective evaluation
d. Selective Exposure

25. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, the need for fulfilment, for
realizing one's own potential, and for fully using one's talents and capabilities
are examples of __________ needs.
a. Physiological needs
b. Self- actualization
c. Safety Needs
d. Social Needs

26. _______________ is the tendency to twist information into personal meanings

and interpret information in a way that will fit our preconceptions.

a. Selective presentation
b. Selective distortion
c. Selective retention
d. Selective proportion

27. Utilitarian reference group influence is chosen in order to

a. Gain useful knowledge

b. Gain meaningful construct of self- concept
c. Obtain rewards or avoid punishments
d. Gain entry in to influential group.

28. Which 2 types of role behaviour are exhibited by family members?

a. Instrumental & Expressive
b. Instrumental & Economic
c. Rewarding & Expressive
d. Instrumental & Enhancing

29. Which of them is not a family member role in buying product?

a. Influencer
b. Initiator
c. Decider
d. Exposer

30. Complex buying behaviour is exhibited when there is

a. Significant brand difference and product is of high involvement

b. Few brand difference and product is of high involvement
c. Significant brand difference and product is of low involvement
d. Few brand difference and product is of low involvement

31. Psychological factors affecting buying behaviour does not includes

a. Attitude
b. Personality
c. Income
d. Learning

32. Which of the following is not a perceived risk

a. Performance risk
b. Presumed Risk
c. Financial Risk
d. Social Risk

33. ___________ is not a type of culture

a. Corporate culture
b. Subculture
c. National culture
d. Status culture

34. Which of them is not a function of attitude?

a. Emotional function
b. Value-expressive function
c. Ego-defensive function
d. Knowledge function

35. Primary formal groups include

a. College friends
b. Office Peers
c. Gym trainers
d. Cycling co partners

36. ___________ is not a technique to gain insight into problem identification of


a. Activity Analysis
b. Market Research
c. Problem Analysis
d. Recall Analysis

37. Which of them have coined a consumer behaviour model?

a. Bitner & Lovelock
b. Schiffman & Kanuk
c. Peter Drucker
d. Philip Keller

38. _____________can be defined as the aspect of our psyche that determines the
way in which we respond to our environment in a relatively stable way over time.

a. Perception
b. Personality
c. Motivation
d. Memory

39. Which of the following consumer buying behaviours requires the least effort?

a. High involvement buying situation.

b. New buying situation.
c. Routine buying.
d. Impulsive buying.
40. Demographic factors include
a. Age, income and personality
b. Age, gender and income
c. Lifestyle and personality
d. Internal drive to satisfy goals



1 B 9 D 17 B 25 B 33 D

2 D 10 D 18 D 26 B 34 A
3 A 11 B 19 D 27 C 35 B

4 D 12 C 20 B 28 A 36 D

5 A 13 B 21 B 29 D 37 B

6 D 14 A 22 D 30 A 38 B

7 A 15 A 23 D 31 C 39 C

8 C 16 D 24 D 32 B 40 B

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