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I. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one using no more than three words.

1. I think someone is following us.

I think we are being .followed.

1. We accept credit cards here.

Credit cards _____________________________________ here.

1. They didn't organise any festival at school last semester.

No festival ____________________________________________ at school last semester.

2. They built this hospital a year ago.

This hospital _________________________________ a year ago.

2. It is known that Fenning invented penicillin.

It is known that penicillin _________________________________ by Fenning.

3. They started this business in 1998.

This business ____________________________________ in 1998.

4. They don’t sell alcohol at night.

Alcohol ______________________________________ at night.

5. Maybe a party planner will plan their wedding.

Maybe their wedding ______________________________ by a party planner.

II. Write the article a, an, the or no article (-).

1. The Amazon river is located in --_ _ South America.

8. __________ Lake Garda is near __________ Alps.

9. My sister is __________ nurse. She works in __________ important hospital.

10. _________ pig is one of the most intelligent animals on _________ planet.

11. They were sailing in ___________ Pacific Ocean on ___________ big boat.

12. We will go to ____________ California next year. It is part of ___________ United States.
III. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. a) Although . Jack is a good student; he didn’t get good grades on his last test.

a) although b) whereas c) while

13. I am going to the dentist ________________________ get my wisdom teeth removed.

a) so b) because of c) in order to

8. I read a lot of novels _________________________ my brother prefers playing video games.

a) although b) whereas c) though

9. Marco is working out ______________________________ get stronger muscles.

a) so that b) in order to c) while

10. Janet is going to the market __________________________ she needs to buy some groceries.

a) as b) so c) like

11. I don't want to eat pizza today ____________________________ it is my favourite food.

a) although b) whereas c) while

IV. Complete the sentences using the causative (have/get something done) in the correct tense and the verb given.

(Pay attention to the time expressions)

1. Last month I had my TV fixed by an excellent technician. (my TV / fix)

18. Carl ______________________________ tomorrow morning. (his suit / make)

18. Mum ______________________________at the moment. (her essay / write)

19. I'm staying with my friends this month as I _____________________________. (my house / redecorate)

20. Jhony always ______________________________ after every match. (his football boots / clean)

21. My car broke down last week so I ______________________________. (it / repair)

V. Complete the sentences with relative pronouns: who, which and whose.

1. The boy whose dog bit me apologised to my parents.

22. We often visit our grandparents in Valparaiso _________________ is in Chile.

23. The children, ____________________ came to the party, are not from our school.

24. A guy ____________________ I know sold me this.

25. Mrs. Smith, ____________________ dog is a chihuahua, said she would come later.

26. What did you do with the money ________________ I lent you?

VI. Rewrite the following sentences using Reported Speech.

1. ‘I had a meeting with your Dad said Mum.

Dad told me that she had had a meeting with my dad.

27. ‘I was born in Mexico’ Maria told us.


28. ‘Do you live together?’ Jim asked.


29. ‘Where is the nearest bank?’ the woman asked.


30. ‘I can drive a lorry’ said Tom.


31. ‘Someone was knocking on the door insistently’ Paul said.


32. ‘‘I study languages in a good institute’ Jenny told me.


33. My uncle is visiting us next week’ said Andrew.


34. ‘I won’t sign the contract up’ the client said.


VII. Match the following sentences, beginnings and endings.

35. A law should be passed ______ a) in the local cinemas for free.

36. Students can bring ______ b) their own material if they want to.

37. Some books could be borrowed ______ c) the diagnosis and treatment to their patients.

38. Doctors have to explain ______ d) to own weapons.

39. The film should be shown ______ e) for more than a month at the library.

40. Teachers can’t be permitted ______ f) misbehaviour in the classroom.

41. A lot of time can be spent ______ g) to control people's sugar consumption.

42. People mustn't be allowed ______ h) on preparing adverts.

VIII. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.

43. Little kids ______________ use scissors without supervision.

44. You ______________ clean the kitchen up because I’ve already done it.

45. Workers ______________ wear a hard hat at the construction site for safety.

46. William and Tony ______________ do more exercise to keep healthy.

47. You ______________ eat so much junk food. It's not good for your health.

48. You ______________ wear a necktie at work on Fridays. Instead, put on casual clothes.

49. Irene ______________ feed her dog with that brand of dog food, which has poor quality.

50. You ______________ buy me a present. Just come to my party!

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