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Product Owner Entry Test 

Thank you for your interest in working with us. We want to get to know you better and 
see if you and Qrvey can be a great working match! 
This part of the process consists in doing a skills test for the Product Owner position. 
Please read carefully and ​follow closely​ the instructions given below.  
There are 2 parts to the test. Part 1 is about explaining your process, and Part 2 is doing 
examples of the material that you would deliver in the steps stated in your process.  
Client Request 
The client has sent a list of the calculations they need available in charts and 
visualizations and now we need to start the process of defining the requirements for 
integrating these calculations into our system and getting it in the requests queue so it 
gets done and delivered to the client in a ​short-term timeframe​. 
We would like to have the following list of calculations available for these charts: 
Type of Visualization: 
- Bar 
- Tables 
List of calculations: 
- Running Totals 
- Moving Average 
This is an example of the Running Total calculation: 

Part 1 - Process 
You are the Product Owner responsible for creating the requirement for getting these 
calculations to work in our existing visualizations, delivering the scope and technical 
specifications, the use cases, the type of data to be used and any other helpful 
information to the design and development teams to implement and deliver this feature 
to our client.  
Please ​clearly​ ​outline​ ​the step-by-step PROCESS you would follow​ in order to 
accomplish the successful delivery of the feature(s) to the client. What are the main 
artefacts or material needed to get the team working on this client request? 
Part 2 - Examples 
Please create a set of examples of the material you would need to accomplish the 
outcomes listed below. Make sure your examples are as detailed as possible. 
- User Requirements​ that explain the desired outcome of the chart. What are some 
basic use cases or scenarios for using these calculations. - ​Provide an example of 
a requirement definition document.-  
- Technical Requirements​ to explain the technical aspects of the chart eg. how 
should the calculations work for each type of chart? What is the expected 
outcome? What type of data is needed for the calculations to work? - ​Provide an 
example of a technical requirement including the information above. -  
- Designs ​- ​Provide an example of the brief/document/material you would give to 
the design team so they can create designs that meet the requirements. 
- User Stories for Development.​ - P ​ rovide a list of user stories needed to develop 
the calculations and an example of the structure the stories need to follow so the 
development team understands how to develop this feature. It is not needed to 
write a complete story, just the structure/outline of the story. 
- List of Questions: ​Provide a list of questions that you think need to be asked to 
developers, clients, Product Manager or other stakeholders that need to be 
involved in order to complete the requirement, designs and user stories.  
Please keep in mind that this is an entry test for a position that requires in depth 
knowledge of data analysis so it is important that you explain the process and technical 
requirements in depth.  
You can create any type of document to submit this test just make sure that you send it 
to us in PDF. 

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