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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

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A Markovian model for power transformer maintenance T

Zhenglin Liang , Ajith Parlikad
Asset management group, Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge, UK


Keywords: The condition of the insulation paper is one of the key determinants of the lifetime of a power transformer. The
Value of information winding insulation paper may deteriorate aggressively and result in the unexpected failure of power transfor-
Condition-based maintenance mers, especially under the presence of high moisture, oxygen, and metal contaminants. Such types of scenarios
Reliability engineering and power transformer can be prevented if the deterioration is detected on time. Various types of condition monitoring techniques have
been developed to detect transformer condition such as dissolved gas analysis (DGA) and frequency response
analysis (FRA). They are non-intrusive and provide early warning of accelerated deterioration both chemically
and mechanically. However, the accuracy of those techniques is imperfect, which means periodic inspection is
still indispensable. In this paper, we discuss the value of continuous condition monitoring for power transformers
and present a way to estimate this value. Towards this, a continuous-time Markov decision model is presented to
optimize periodic inspections, so that the cost is minimized and the availability is maximized. We then analyze
the performance based on the information from both discrete inspection and continuous condition monitoring
using DGA and FRA. The result shows the dissolved gas analysis can improve the availability and operation cost,
while frequency response analysis can only improve the availability of power transformers.

1. Introduction condition [6]. Abiri-Jahromi et al. have developed a two-stages main-

tenance management model that contains both mid-term and short-
Power transformers are critical assets in a power transmission net- term maintenance to maximize the serviceability of power transformers
work. A failure of a power transformer also may cause cascading failure [7]. Koksal and Ozdemir have improved the power transformer main-
and catastrophic blackout in the power grid. The necessity of increasing tenance using a Markovian model [8].
reliability and availability of power transformers can be analyzed di- As to the condition state of a power transformer is considered to be
rectly from a financial point of view. Between 1997 and 2001, the total discrete, most of the developed models are based on the Markovian
losses caused by power transformer failure in the US were over deterioration model. However, the deterioration of power transformers
286 million [1]. Moreover, the aging population of power transformers is oversimplified and modeled by Markov chain with a single dete-
has increased since 1975 [2]. These imply that it is expected to have an riorating path. Such an approach is inaccurate because it overlooks the
increase in power transformer failure, and the resulting load curtail- complexity of the deterioration of power transformers, such as the ac-
ment if the maintenance strategy remains the same. celeration deterioration of insulation paper caused by high moisture.
In literature, various types of maintenance models have been de- Because of this, the effective of condition-based maintenance that solely
veloped to address the problem of power transformer maintenance. relies on the periodic inspection is over-estimated. Therefore, to re-es-
Aldhubaib and Salama have developed a reliability centered main- timate the value of continuous monitoring, it is essential to improve the
tenance and replacement approach to optimize maintenance and re- deterioration model of power transformers. In practice, the accuracy of
placement to increase the lifetime of power transformers and reduce the condition monitoring is imperfect and may be interfered by op-
annual cost [3]. Dhople et al. proposed a set-theoretic method for eration signals and external signals. Therefore, even for the power
capturing the uncertainty in Markov reliability and reward model to transformers that have already installed the condition monitoring de-
maximize the availability of power transformers [4]. Abu-Elanien et al. vices, periodic inspection can still provide additional value to triangu-
developed a decision support system to determine the life expectancy of late the estimated condition information by condition monitoring. The
transformers from techno-economic perspective [5]. Lima et al. de- objective of the paper is twofold: optimize the condition-based main-
signed a two-level framework of fault diagnosis and decision making for tenance for power transformers; explore the value of online monitoring
power transformers with considering the loss for life caused by overload from the perspective of the lifecycle of power transformers.

Corresponding author at: Institute for Manufacturing, 17 Charles Babbage Rd, Cambridge CB3 0FS, UK.
E-mail address: (Z. Liang).
Received 17 September 2017; Received in revised form 29 November 2017; Accepted 25 December 2017
Available online 20 February 2018
0142-0615/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

Nomenclature accelerated deterioration process

λ ol the rate of successfully detected malfunctions by online
πij steady state probability of state (i,j ) monitoring device
λa infant mortality rate of power transformers 1/ μin the duration of periodic inspection
the deterioration rate of winding insulation paper from 1/ μc the duration of minor maintenance
state (i,0) at normal deterioration process 1/ μM the duration of major maintenance
λdi,1 the deterioration rate of winding insulation paper from 1/ μF the duration of corrective maintenance
state (i,1) in the accelerated chemical deterioration 1/ μR the duration of replacement
λdi,2 the deterioration rate of winding insulation paper from Cu the downtime penalty cost due to unexpected failure
state (i,2) in the accelerated mechanical deterioration Cp The downtime penalty cost due to maintenance and in-
λ fi,1 the transition rate from state (i,0) in the normal dete- spection
rioration to state (i,1) in the accelerated chemical dete- Cin′ the cost of periodic inspection
rioration CC′ the cost of minor maintenance
λ fi,2 the transition rate from state (i,0) in the normal dete- CM′ The cost of major maintenance
rioration to state (i,2) in the accelerated mechanical de- CF′ the cost of corrective maintenance
terioration CR′ the cost of replacement
λF the sudden failure rate of power transformer in the normal Col the annual cost of online monitoring device
deterioration process
λFd the sudden failure rate of power transformer in the

To achieve the objectives, in the second section, we use cause-effect aging. The accelerated chemical deterioration is a combination of three
analysis on different subsystems of the power transformer to identify interactive processes: pyrolysis, hydrolysis, and oxidation [11]. Hy-
the potential risk of acceleration deterioration of insulation paper drolysis is the dominant process in the accelerated chemical degrada-
caused by the malfunction of different subsystems. In section three, we tion. The rate of hydrolysis is dependent on the content of moisture and
develop a continuous-time Markov chain model to optimize the main- catalyzes by the acidity [12]. The increase of acidity is caused by the
tenance of power transformers based on the information from inspec- sludge formation as the result of oxidation. The sludge will also increase
tion and continuous monitoring. Section four analyzes the value of the temperature and accelerate the pyrolysis. The accelerated chemical
different types of online monitoring numerically. Section five sum- deterioration starts with the occurrence of contamination and moderate
marizes the concluding remarks of the paper. partial discharge. During the deterioration process, dissolved gas will
be generated. Eventually, the partial discharge will result in treeing,
2. Deterioration of power transformers tracking or even breakdown the winding insulation. The accelerated
mechanical deterioration is usually initialized by the loss of clamping
To systematically analyze the deterioration of power transformers to force or distortion of winding geometry, which is mainly caused by
identify the information that can be used to improve the modeling of abrasion under electric-magnetic forces [13]. Under accelerated me-
the power transformer. According to functionality and structure, power chanical deterioration, the partial discharge will proceed to creeping
transformers can be classified into seven subsystems: winding, magnetic and result in the breakdown of winding insulation.
core, insulation oil, bushing, tap changer, tank and cooling equipment. The aging of winding insulation is related to the moisture, acidity,
In practice, the condition of winding insulation paper is usually re- oxygen, containment level, and clamping forces. Empirically, abnorm-
garded as the index for power transformer condition [9] and [10]. The ality in these factors is usually caused by malfunctions of other sub-
deterioration of the winding insulation paper may accelerate under the systems. For example, inelastic gasket on bushing can increase the risk
presence of high moisture, oxygen, and metal contaminants. of excessive moisture, oxygen, and containment level and in turn ac-
In this section, we aim to identify the potential risks of the ac- celerate the rate of winding insulation aging and reduce the life of the
celerated deterioration of winding insulation paper caused by the power transformer. Malfunctions such as inelastic gasket can be re-
malfunctions of other subsystems using cause-effect analysis. In gen- paired with a minor cost if it is detected on time. However, the resulting
eral, the deterioration of winding insulation paper may accelerate in deterioration of the insulation paper is irreversible and will sig-
two ways: accelerated chemical aging and accelerated mechanical nificantly reduce the service lifetime of the power transformer.

Fig. 1. Malfunctions of subsystems that can cause an accelerated deterioration of winding insulation.

Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

Therefore, it is valuable to identify the malfunctions on different sub- corrective maintenance and the third is the cost of replacement. To
systems that may result in the accelerated deterioration of the insula- derive the analytic solution for Eqs. (1) and (2), we need to express the
tion paper. We have identified the malfunctions from the extant lit- steady state probabilities analytically. Firstly, this requires expressing
erature using cause-effect analysis. The result is illustrated in Fig. 1. all states with respect to a reference state for which we choose π0,0 . The
In practice, the malfunction rates of the subsystems of power expressions of all the states in term of π0,0 is shown in Appendix A. By
transformer are recorded as shown in [14]. As a result of the findings in recalling that the sum of all the steady state probabilities is equal to 1,
this section, we can identify the transition rate between normal dete- we can calculate π0,0 and in turn calculate the rest of steady state
rioration and accelerated deterioration for the winding insulation paper probabilities.
and refine the deterioration model of power transformers. In the next For power transformers in transmission networks, failure can be
section, we will apply this knowledge to formulate the deterioration catastrophic and is associated with huge penalty costs. It is important to
and maintenance model of power transformers in both distribution prevent failures and maximize the availability of power transformers.
networks and transmission networks. Here, condition-based maintenance is applied in addition to corrective
maintenance and replacement. Condition-based maintenance is a type
3. Deterioration and maintenance models for power transformers of maintenance strategy that recommends maintenance activities based
on the information acquired through periodic inspection or online
We use continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) to model the dete- monitoring. In practice, both periodic inspection and online monitoring
rioration and maintenance of power transformers. Practically speaking, have their limitations. In periodic inspection, the deterioration may
the maintenance strategy used for power transformers in distribution proceed to an unacceptable state or even failure state between the two
networks and those in transmission networks are different. We first successive inspections because of the stochastic nature of aging. The
model the deterioration and maintenance strategy for power transfor- limitation of online monitoring is that not all types of malfunctions can
mers in distribution networks. The state transition diagram is illustrated be detected by online monitoring. Therefore, it is practical to imple-
in Fig. 2. ment both types of monitoring on power transformers in transmission
In Fig. 2, the states are represented by two indices i and j . i is the networks.
index representing the condition of the winding insulation paper and j The state transition diagram for condition-based maintenance of
is the index that represents the type of deterioration. We classify the power transformers in transmission networks is shown in Fig. 4. The
condition of winding insulation i into 5 states (healthy, aged, defective, rate of periodic inspection is denoted as λin . If the inspection indicates
faulty and failure). Normal deterioration process is indicated with that the power transformer is in an acceptable condition (i < 3 at
j = 0 , while the accelerated chemical aging is presented as j = 1 and normal deterioration), it will lead to no further action as presented by
accelerated mechanical aging is represented as j = 2 . We denote λ fi,j as state (i,4) . If any type of accelerated deterioration of the winding in-
the rate of transition from condition state (i,0) to (i,j ) . In an accelerated sulation is detected, a minor maintenance will be applied as represented
deterioration process, power transformer reaches the deterioration by state (i,5) . The malfunctioned subsystems will be repaired and de-
failure state (4,0) faster than normal process. Apart from deterioration terioration will recover back to normal thereby prolonging the service
failure, we also consider sudden failure with probability λF , which is lifetime of the transformer. However, because the deterioration of
mainly caused by some exogenous events. In practice, if one of the winding insulation paper is irreversible, minor maintenance will not
power transformer subsystems has malfunctioned, the overall vulner- restore the condition of the winding insulation. We denote the state of
ability of transformer will rise. We represent the probability of sudden minor maintenance as state (i,6) where i < 3. The duration of the minor
failure during accelerated deterioration as λFd (λFd ⩾ λF ). The infant maintenance is 1/μ c with a cost Cc′. If i = 3, a major maintenance (3,6)
mortality rate λa is also considered in the first condition state. The will be implemented to completely overhaul the power transformer.
combination of all failure rates is a bathtub curve with diverse wear-out The major maintenance includes the replacement of the deteriorated
tails as shown in Fig. 3. winding insulation paper and can restore the condition of transformer
In Fig. 3, the wear-out tail is not only dependent on the type of the back to (0,0) . The duration of major maintenance is 1/ μM with a cost CM ′.
accelerated deterioration process it undergoes, but also on the timing of State (i,7) indicates the minor preventive maintenance that is im-
when the malfunctions result in accelerated deterioration. mediately scheduled after an early warning signal of a malfunction is
In some scenarios, the main objective of maintenance of power detected by online monitoring. The rate of such type of preventive
transformers in the distribution network is to retain its basic service- maintenance is λ ol . Because of preventive maintenance, the rates of
ability. Corrective maintenance is implemented after the sudden failure malfunction λ fi,1 or λ fi,2 are reduced. When the rate λ ol = 0 , the state
of a power transformer. It can effectively restore the transformer to the diagram indicates the scenario when maintenance strategy is based on
normal operating condition just before the failure. However, not all the periodic inspection only, without the support of online monitoring.
failures are repairable. After the breakdown of winding insulation, re-
placement of the power transformer is necessary to preserve the ser-
viceability of the power transformer. We denote the duration of cor-
rective maintenance as 1/ μF with a cost CF′ , and replacement time as
1/ μR with a cost CR′ . Meanwhile, failure also results in unplanned
downtime penalty Cu due to the risk of load curtailment. The avail-
ability of the power transformer A is shown in Eq. (1):
A = 1−μF ∑ πi,3 + μR π4,0
i=0 (1)
where πi,j indicates the steady state probability of the state (i,j ) . The
long-term operational cost C is shown in Eq. (2).
3 3
⎛ ⎞
C = Cu ⎜∑ πi,3 + π4,0⎟ + CF′ μF ∑ πi,3 + CR′ μR π4,0
⎝ i = 0 ⎠ i=0 (2)
In Eq. (2), the operation cost is a sum of three items. The first one is the Fig. 2. State transition diagram for deterioration and maintenance of power transformers
in distribution networks.
downtime penalty cost for load curtailment. The second is the cost of

Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

3 2 3 7
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
C = Cu ⎜∑ πi,3 + π4,0⎟ + Cp ∑ πi,4 + ∑∑ πi,j
⎜ ⎟
⎝ i=0 ⎠ ⎝ i=0 i=0 j=5

2 3 2 3
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
+ Cin′ μin ⎜∑ πi,4 + ∑ πi,5⎟ + Cc′ μc ⎜∑ πi,6 + ∑ ′ μM π3,6
πi,7⎟ + CM
⎝ i=0 i=0 ⎠ ⎝ i=0 i=0 ⎠
+ CF′ μF ∑ πi,3 + CR′ μR π4,0 + Col
i=0 (4)

In Eq. (4), the operation cost is the sum of the downtime penalty cost
for unexpected failure, downtime penalty cost for preventive activities,
inspection cost, minor maintenance cost, major maintenance cost,
correction maintenance cost, replacement cost and the cost of online
Fig. 3. A bathtub curve for the combination of different types of failure rates. monitoring.This condition-based maintenance model opens up a suc-
cessful way to find the optimal mean time between inspections to
When online monitoring is implemented, early warning signals of maximize the availability and minimize the operation cost with or
some malfunctions can be detected on time. As a result, the malfunction without online monitoring. In Section 4, a numerical case study is
can be repaired by a minor maintenance preventively before causing provided to demonstrate the approach and to assess the value of dif-
any non-negligible damage to the winding insulation. (i,7) represents ferent types of online monitoring.
the states for such type of minor preventive maintenances with a rate
λ ol . In this case, the rates of malfunctions are reduced due to the pre- 4. Value of monitoring
ventive maintenance that are enabled by online monitoring. Thus, λ ol is
equal to the reduced malfunction rate. We denote the cost of online In general, online monitoring is worthwhile only for power trans-
monitoring as Col . We assume that all the maintenance and inspection formers in transmission networks, and we restrict our focus to those.
activities will require the transformer to be stopped. The penalty cost The illustrative example is based on the parameter settings of 220 kV
per unit time for such stoppages is denoted as Cp . Because maintenance oil-immersed power transformers. We first aim to find the optimal mean
and inspection are preventive and prescheduled activities, Cp is sig- time between inspections to maximize availability or minimize opera-
nificantly smaller than Cu , which is caused by unexpected failures. With tion cost without applying online monitoring. Then, we optimize the
the similar method used for the distribution network, we can express mean time between inspections with different types of online mon-
the availability and operation cost respectively as shown in Eqs. (3) and itoring. Using that, we assess the value of different types of online
(4). monitoring.
To ease the understanding, we assume the deterioration rates of
3 2
winding insulation paper are independent of condition states. Degree of
A= ∑∑ πi,j
i=0 j=0 (3) polymerization (DP) is widely used as the measurement of the condition
of insulation paper. As shown in [15], 1/DP can be used as the condi-
tion boundaries for the aging insulation paper. Based on [16], the
condition of insulation paper reaches the failure state when DP is below

Fig. 4. State transition diagram for condition-based

maintenance of power transformers in transmission

Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

200. In our case, the condition states of Markov chain are classified From Fig. 8, we can see that the maximum availability is 99.48%
into five states using the DP as condition boundaries (1000–500, with DGA when the mean time between inspections is about 2 years.
500–333, 333–250, 250–200 and below 200). We reduce the Compared to the optimized availability without DGA, the improvement
number of parameters by using λn = λn0,0 = λn0,1 = λn0,2 = λn0,3, by applying DGA is 0.6%. When the mean time between inspections is
λd1 = λd0,1 = λ d1,1 = λ d2,1 = λd3,1, λ d2 = λ d0,2 = λ d1,2 = λ d2,2 = λ d3,2 , smaller than 0.4 years, little improvement can be made by using DGA.
λ f 1 = λ f 0,1 = λ f 1,1 = λ f 2,1 = λ f 3,1 and λ f 2 = λ f 0,2 = λ f 1,2 = λ f 2,2 = λ f 3,2 . The improvement in availability increases with increase in mean time
First, we consider the scenario without the online monitoring. The between inspections.
scenario is represented in the model as λ ol = 0 and Col = 0 . The para- Fig. 9 shows the operation cost under different mean time between
meters λ f 1 and λ f 2 are evaluated by experts according to the cause-effect inspections with DGA. The minimum operation cost is £85,895/year
analysis in Section 2. The overall numerical setting for all the para- with a mean time between inspection of 0.685 years. Compared to the
meters is shown in Table 1. In the table, the values of parameters for optimized operation cost without DGA, the savings is about £3855/
deterioration and maintenance duration are estimated based on the year. It is worthwhile to notice that when the mean time between in-
secondary data with the verification of experts. In practice, the values spection is smaller than 0.2 years, the operation cost without DGA is
of failure cost and maintenance cost may vary case by case. smaller due to the cost of online monitoring. The average rate of major
Based on the parameter settings, we can calculate the availability maintenance is reduced to 0.0504/year.
and cost of the power transformer using Eqs. (3) and (4). We plot the We will then investigate the performance of FRA. The accuracy of
availability and operation cost against the mean time between inspec- FRA to detect the mechanical related malfunctions is shown to be 90%
tions in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively. in [23]. In this scenario, the λ ol is:
Because both availability and operation cost are unimodal, we can
λ ol = 90% × λ f 2 = 0.0009/ year
find the optimal mean time between inspection to maximize the
availability using Eq. (5). and the λ f 2 is reduced to 0.0001/year. We assume Col remain the same.
dA The resulting availability and operation cost are illustrated in the
dλin (5) Figs. 10 and 11.
In Fig. 10, the maximized availability is 99.43% with FRA when the
Likewise, we can calculate the optimal mean time between inspection mean time between inspection is about 1.86 years. Compared to the
to minimize the operation cost using Eq. (6). optimized availability without FRA, the improvement by applying FRA
dC is 0.01%.
dλin (6) Fig. 11 shows the minimized operation cost for the power trans-
former with FRA is £91,840/year. It is even larger than the scenario
It can be found from Fig. 5 that the optimal mean time between in- without FRA. This is because the performance improvement cannot
spections to maximize the availability is about 1.7 years and the max- surpass the annual cost of online monitoring. The average rate of major
imum availability is 99.42%. From Fig. 6, the operation cost is mini- maintenance is reduced to 0.0517/year.
mized at £89,750/year, when mean time between inspections is around Table 3 compares the performance between DGA and FRA
0.33 years. The average rate of major maintenance is 0.0519/year. As shown in Table 3, DGA can improve the availability, reduce the
′ and CR′ would be smaller than
In practice, the cost setting of Cu,Cp,CM operation cost and reduce the average rate of major maintenance. But,
the default setting because protection systems, control algorithms and FRA only provides a relatively small improvement in availability and
redundancy of power systems can significantly reduce the impact of less reduction in the average rate of major maintenance. In the ex-
unavailability of the power transformer. Fig. 7 provides a sensitivity ample, FRA does not reduce the operation cost because the cost savings
analysis under different cost settings. is offset by the annual operation cost of online monitoring. In practice,
Fig. 7 presents the operation cost when Cu,Cp,CM ′ and CR′ are scaled FRA is even less effective, because of the lack of interpretability and
down to 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% of the default setting. The inspection hence is usually applied only for post-fault tests.
interval is optimized to minimize the operation cost under each cost
setting. The minimum operation cost and optimal inspection interval
are presented in Table 2. 5. Conclusion
From Table 2, we can see that the minimum of operation cost de-
creases linearly when cost is reduced. In addition, the optimal inspec- In this paper, we first analyzed the malfunctions that may accelerate
tion interval increases non-linearly. the deterioration of winding insulation paper. Then, we applied the
We now examine how online condition monitoring might further information to refine the deterioration model of power transformers.
improve the performance of power transformer maintenance. We con- We considered multiple types of failure rates of power transformers,
sider two types of online monitoring devices: dissolved gas analysis such as infant mortality, sudden failure, and deterioration failures, so
device (DGA) and frequency response analysis device (FRA). that the overall failure rate of power transformer follows a bathtub
DGA determines the concentration of dissolved gas and moisture
content. It is very sensitive to the change of key gases produced by the Table 1
chemical aging of insulation paper. The accuracy of DGA can be as high Parameter setting [14,17,18,19].
as 90% [20]. It means that DGA may provide early warning for 90% of
Parameter Vale Parameter Value
malfunctions that cause accelerated chemical aging of the insulation
paper. Hence, the transition rate λ ol is: λa 0.04/year μM 24.39/year
λn 0.105/year μF 12.05/year
λ ol = 90% × λ f 1 = 0.0027/ year
λd1 5.333/year μR 3.04/year
λd2 2.105/year Cu £53,000/day
and λ f 1 is reduced to 0.0003/year. According [21] and [22], we assume
λf 1 0.003/year Cp £3200/day
the annually cost for operating a condition monitoring is:
λf 2 0.001/year ′
Cin £1000
Col = €3000/year ≈ £2550/year λF 0.008/year CC′ £1900
λFd 0.048/year CM′ £600,000
With the same method, we can calculate the availability and op- μin 1095/year CF′ £5600
eration cost by applying DGA. The results are illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9 μc 91.25/year CR′ £1,000,000

Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

Fig. 5. Availability of the power transformer under different mean time between in-
Fig. 8. Availability of the power transformer under different mean time between in-
spections with DGA.

Fig. 6. Operation cost of the power transformer under different mean time between in-
Fig. 9. Cost of the power transformer under different mean time between inspections
with DGA.

′ and CR′ ).
Fig. 7. Sensitivity analysis under different cost setting (Cu,Cp,CM

Fig. 10. Availability of the power transformer under different mean time between in-
Table 2 spections with FRA.
Results from sensitivity analysis.

Percentage of the default cost Minimum operation Optimal inspection

curve with multiple wear-out tails. We developed analytical models for
setting cost interval
power transformer maintenance in the distribution network and
100% £89,750/year 0.3295 year transmission network using CTMC. A condition-based maintenance is
80% £72,414/year 0.353 year designed for power transformers in the transmission network. The de-
60% £55,017/year 0.392 year
signed condition-based maintenance model opens up a successful way
40% £37,503/year 0.467 year
20% £19,705/year 0.679 year to optimize the maintenance of power transformers according to the
information from both periodic inspection and online monitoring

Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

10 Table 3
Without FRA performance of DGA and FRA.
1.2 Optimal cost without FRA
With FRA
Optimal cost with FRA Online Benefit on Benefit on Reduction in the
Operation cost (£/year)

1.15 monitoring availability operation cost average rate of major

1.1 device maintenance

1.05 DGA 0.06% £3855/year 0.0015/year

FRA 0.01% −£2090/year 0.0002/year


0.9 Further work will be focused on extending this model to solve the
0.85 maintenance of a power system that is composed of multiples power
transformers, switches, and other devices.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Mean time between inspections (year)
Fig. 11. Availability of the power transformer under different mean time between in-
spections with FRA.
We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments and prac-
tical insights that have helped us in improving the quality of this paper.
devices. The value of DGA and FRA analysis were studied in a numer- This research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
ical case. The result shows that by applying DGA, both the availability Research Council (UK) and Innovate UK through the Innovation and
and the operation cost of the power transformer can be improved. Knowledge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (Grant EP/
However, FRA can improve only the availability of the power trans- N021614/1).

Appendix A

Expression of Steady States

State Expression State Expression

π0,0 1 π2,0 S2
π0,1 λf 0,1 π2,1 2 l λ di − 1,1 λf 2 − l,1
λ d0,1 + λFd
∑l = 0 ∏i = 1 S
λ di,1 + λFd λ d2 − l,1 + λFd 2 − l
π0,2 λf 0,2 π2,2 2 l λ di − 1,2 λf 2 − l,2
λ d0,2 + λFd
∑l = 0 ∏i = 1 S
λ di,2 + λFd λ d2 − l,2 + λFd 2 − l
π0,3 λF + λ a λFd 2 λf 0,j π2,3 λF λFd 2 2 l λ di − 1,2 λf 2 − l,2
+ μF
∑ j=1 λ d0,j + λFd
μF 2
+ μF
∑ j = 1 ∑l = 0 ∏i = 1 S
λ di,2 + λFd λ d2 − l,2 + λFd 2 − l
π1,0 S1 π3,0 S3
π1,1 λ d0,1 λf 0,1 λf 1,1 π3,1 3 l λ di − 1,1 λf 2 − l,1
+ S
λ d1,1 + λFd 1
∑l = 0 ∏i = 1 S
λ di,1 + λFd λ d2 − l,1 + λFd 3 − l
∏1i = 0 λ di,1 + λFd
π1,2 λ d0,2 λf 0,2 λf 1,2 π3,2 3 l λ di − 1,2 λf 2 − l,2
+ S
λ d1,2 + λFd 1
∑l = 0 ∏i = 1 S
λ di,2 + λFd λ d2 − l,2 + λFd 3 − l
∏1i = 0 λ di,2 + λFd
π1,3 π3,3 λf 2 − l,2
( λF
+ ∑ j=1
2 λf 1,j
λ d1,j + λFd )S + ∑
2 λ d0,j λf 0,j
j = 1 ∏1 λ + λ
i = 0 di,j Fd
μF 3
2 3 l
∑ j = 1 ∑l = 0 ∏i = 1
λ di − 1,2
λ di,2 + λFd λ d2 − l,2 + λFd 3 − l

λFd λ d0,j λf 0,j
λn0,0 + ∑ ∏1i = 0 λ di,j + λFd
S1 = 2
λFd λf 1,j
λn1,0 + ∑ λ f 1,j− λ
d1,j + λFd

2 2
λFd ∑
(∏ 2 λ di − 1,j
i = 1 λ di,j + λFd ) λf 0,j
λ d0,j + λFd
λni − 1,0 + ∑
λFd λ di − 1,j λfi − 1,j
(λ di,j + λFd )(λ di − 1,j + λFd )
S2 = 2
+ ∏i =1 2
λn2,0 + ∑
(λ f 2,j− λ
λf 2,j λFd
d2,j + λFd ) λni,0 + ∑
λ fi,j− λ
λFd λfi,j
di,j + λFd


Z. Liang, A. Parlikad Electrical Power and Energy Systems 99 (2018) 175–182

2 λf 0,j 2 λf 0,j 2 λFd λ d0,j λf 0,j

λ di − 1,j ⎞ λ di − 1,j
λFd ∑ ⎛⎜∏3i = 1 λ ⎟ λFd ∑ (∏3i = 1 λ ) λn0,0 + ∑ 1
di,j + λFd ⎠ λ d0,j + λFd di,j + λFd λ d0,j + λFd ∏ λ + λFd
j=1 ⎝ j=1 j = 1 i = 0 di,j
S3 = 2 + 2 2
λf 3,j λFd ⎞ λf 3,j λFd ⎞ λFd λf 1,j
λn3,0 + ∑ ⎛⎜λf 3,j − λ ⎟

λn3,0 + ∑ ⎜λf 3,j − ⎟ λn1,0 + ∑ λf 1,j −
d3,j + λFd λ d3,j + λFd λ d1,j + λFd
j=1 ⎝ ⎠ j=1 ⎝ ⎠ j=1
2 λFd λ di − 1,j λfi − 1,j 2 λf 0,j 2 λFd λ d2,j λf 2,j
λ di − 1,j ⎞
λni − 1,0 + ∑ λFd ∑ ⎜⎛∏i2= 1 λ ⎟ λn2,0 + ∑
(λ di,j + λFd)(λ di − 1,j + λFd) di,j + λFd ⎠ λ d0,j + λFd ∏3i = 2 λ di,j + λFd
3 j=1 j=1 ⎝ j=1
+ ∏i = 1 2 + 2 2
λFd λfi,j λf 2,j λFd λFd λf 3,j
λni,0 + ∑ λfi,j − λ λn2,0 + ∑ (λf 2,j − λ ) λn1,0 + ∑ λf 3,j − λ
di,j + λFd d2,j + λFd d3,j + λFd
j=1 j=1 j=1

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