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The web should be fast.

Executive Summary

Performance Report for:

Report generated: Thu, Apr 16, 2020 8:38 AM -0700
Test Server Region: Vancouver, Canada
Using: Chrome (Desktop) 75.0.3770.100, PageSpeed 1.15-
gt1.2, YSlow 3.1.8

PageSpeed Score YSlow Score Fully Loaded Time Total Page Size Requests

(81%) (61%) 34.3s 3.75MB 114

Top 5 Priority Issues
Defer parsing of JavaScript E (54) AVG SCORE: 73% JS HIGH

Optimize images D (64) AVG SCORE: 73% IMAGES HIGH

Serve resources from a consistent URL D (66) AVG SCORE: 91% CONTENT HIGH

Leverage browser caching C (71) AVG SCORE: 65% SERVER HIGH

M inify JavaScript C (78) AVG SCORE: 90% JS HIGH

How does this affect me?

What do these grades mean?
Studies show that users leave a site if it hasn't loaded in 4 seconds; keep
your users happy and engaged by providing a fast performing website. This report is an analysis of your site with Google and
Yahoo!'s metrics for how to best develop a site for optimized
As if you didn't need more incentive, Google has announced that they speed. The grades you see represent how well the
are using page speed in their ranking algorithm. scanned URL adheres to those rules.

About GTmetrix Lower grades (C or lower) mean that the page can stand to
be faster using better practices and optimizing your settings.

We can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around What's in this report?
improved website experience for your users. We use Google PageSpeed
and Yahoo! YSlow to grade your site's performance and provide This report covers basic to technical analyses on your page. It
actionable recommendations to fix these issues. is categorized under many headings:

About the Developer Executive: Overall score information and Priority Issues
History: Graphed history of past performance
Waterfall: Graph of your site's loading timeline
GTmetrix is developed by the good folks Technical: In-depth PageSpeed & YSlow information
at Carbon60, a Canadian hosting
company with over 24 years experience These will provide you with a snapshot of your performance.
in web technology.


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Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart
The waterfall chart displays the loading behaviour of your site in your selected browser. It can be used to discover simple issues such as 404's or
more complex issues such as external resources blocking page rendering.

Broda Wheelchair Seating | Com fort is Essential for Healthcare

/ 200 brodaseating.com 28.6 KB 241.8ms
ico.m in.js 200 analytics.influenceand… 1.9 KB 23.34s
w ti_like_post.css?… 200 brodaseating.com 950 B 151.3ms
style.m in.css?ver=… 200 brodaseating.com 6.3 KB 155.6ms
settings.css?ver=… 200 brodaseating.com 9.9 KB 156.3ms
font-aw esom e.m in… 200 brodaseating.com 7 KB 163.7ms
m agnific-popup.cs… 200 brodaseating.com 2 KB 183.1ms
slick.css?ver=1.9.1 200 brodaseating.com 721 B 183.5ms
iscw p-public.css?… 200 brodaseating.com 3.7 KB 183.9ms
ssb-ui-style.css?v… 200 brodaseating.com 776 B 184.3ms
font-aw esom e.css… 200 brodaseating.com 11.6 KB 194.4ms
m aster.m in.css?v… 200 brodaseating.com 18.3 KB 212.4ms
frontend-grid.css?… 200 brodaseating.com 2 KB 213.6ms
frontend.css?ver=… 200 brodaseating.com 1.9 KB 215.4ms
font-aw esom e.m in… 200 brodaseating.com 7 KB 221.7ms
js_com poser.m in.… 200 brodaseating.com 46.1 KB 280.6ms
bootstrap.m in.css… 200 brodaseating.com 20 KB 279.9ms
plugins.css?ver=5… 200 brodaseating.com 16.9 KB 280.4ms
shortcodes.css?v… 200 brodaseating.com 24.4 KB 283.7ms
style.css?ver=5.3.2 200 brodaseating.com 32.1 KB 314.1ms
responsive.css?ve… 200 brodaseating.com 2.4 KB 303.7ms
ie.css?ver=5.3.2 200 brodaseating.com 717 B 303.5ms
jevelin-dynam ic-st… 200 brodaseating.com 2.6 KB 303.2ms
css?fam ily=Encode… 200 fonts.googleapis.com 1.4 KB 148.4ms
Defaults.css?ver=3… 200 brodaseating.com 4.8 KB 303.3ms
w pvc_votes_displa… 200 brodaseating.com 15.2 KB 311.6ms
w pvc_votes_color… 200 brodaseating.com 1.2 KB 308.5ms
w pvc_vote_prettyP… 200 brodaseating.com 5.2 KB 308.9ms
w pvc_vote_fancyb… 200 brodaseating.com 4.9 KB 309.2ms
jquery.js?ver=1.12… 200 brodaseating.com 34.3 KB 355.1ms
jquery-m igrate.m in… 200 brodaseating.com 4.2 KB 326.2ms
w ti_like_post.js?v… 200 brodaseating.com 589 B 342.3ms
frontend.m in.js?ve… 200 brodaseating.com 2.9 KB 342.5ms
jquery.them epunc… 200 brodaseating.com 38.9 KB 356.7ms
jquery.them epunc… 200 brodaseating.com 18.3 KB 353.4ms
ssb-ui-js.js?ver=5.… 200 brodaseating.com 714 B 352.1ms
plugins.js?ver=5.3.2 200 brodaseating.com 83.4 KB 363.9ms
scripts.js?ver=5.3.2 200 brodaseating.com 12.7 KB 357.4ms
ga.js?grid=sBDcIXk… 200 ga.getresponse.com 1.3 KB 452.6ms
js?id=UA-72640927-1 200 googletagmanager.com 29.3 KB 188.3ms
Broda_Blue_logo.p… 200 brodaseating.com 5.9 KB 1.74s
css?fam ily=Ralew a… 200 fonts.googleapis.com 478 B 139.3ms
transparent.png 200 brodaseating.com 71 B 1.81s
w eb_encorerehab… 200 brodaseating.com 335.9 KB 2.56s
parallaxbg1.png 200 brodaseating.w pengin… 1.4 MB 2.39s

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Waterfall Chart
parallaxbg1.png 200 brodaseating.w pengin… 1.4 MB 2.39s
Broda_3079-1-sm a… 200 brodaseating.com 226.4 KB 2.82s
Synthesis-Tilt-Rec… 200 brodaseating.com 79.4 KB 2.9s
Synthesis-Tilt-Rec… 200 brodaseating.com 84.1 KB 2.97s
bat.js 200 bat.bing.com 7.4 KB 2.94s
w ristband-1024x36… 200 brodaseating.com 52.8 KB 3.04s
Brodo_White_logo… 200 brodaseating.com 3.6 KB 3.05s
blue-seal-200-65-b… 200 seal-stlouis.bbb.org 3.9 KB 3.21s
font-aw esom e.css 200 brodaseating.com 7.5 KB 272.7ms
anim ate.m in.css?v… 200 brodaseating.com 4.1 KB 280.7ms
prettyPhoto.m in.cs… 200 brodaseating.com 3.1 KB 279.4ms
ow l.m in.css?ver=6… 200 brodaseating.com 1.3 KB 279.5ms
css?fam ily=Ralew a… 200 fonts.googleapis.com 686 B 117.6ms
core.m in.js?ver=1.… 200 brodaseating.com 2 KB 318.8ms
effect.m in.js?ver=… 200 brodaseating.com 5.4 KB 424.2ms
effect-shake.m in.j… 200 brodaseating.com 834 B 479.3ms
m anifest.m in.js?ve… 200 brodaseating.com 678 B 540.9ms
vendor.m in.js?ver… 200 brodaseating.com 47.7 KB 598.1ms
scripts.m in.js?ver… 200 brodaseating.com 228.3 KB 714.7ms
bootstrap.m in.js?v… 200 brodaseating.com 10.2 KB 715.4ms
w pvc_vote_block_… 200 brodaseating.com 6.9 KB 788.3ms
w pvc_vote_prettyP… 200 brodaseating.com 9.6 KB 840.8ms
w pvc_vote_fancyb… 200 brodaseating.com 20.2 KB 905.4ms
w pvc_vote_validat… 200 brodaseating.com 12.8 KB 960.1ms
w pvc_count_dow n… 200 brodaseating.com 1.6 KB 1.02s
w pvc_vote_shortc… 200 brodaseating.com 11 KB 1.07s
jquery.lazyloadxt.e… 200 brodaseating.com 1.7 KB 1.13s
w p-em bed.m in.js?… 200 brodaseating.com 926 B 1.19s
js_com poser_fron… 200 brodaseating.com 6.1 KB 1.25s
vc-w aypoints.m in.… 200 brodaseating.com 3 KB 1.3s
jquery.prettyPhoto… 200 brodaseating.com 6.4 KB 1.36s
ow l.carousel.m in.j… 200 brodaseating.com 11.1 KB 1.42s
im agesloaded.pkg… 200 brodaseating.com 2.7 KB 1.48s
underscore.m in.js… 200 brodaseating.com 6 KB 1.53s
vc_grid.m in.js?ver… 200 brodaseating.com 5.2 KB 1.59s
com m ent-reply.m i… 200 brodaseating.com 1.3 KB 1.64s
analytics.js 200 google-analytics.com 17.7 KB 33.9ms
w p-em oji-release.… 200 brodaseating.com 4.6 KB 109.9ms
js?id=GTM-W455M… 200 google-analytics.com 27.6 KB 66.6ms
analytics.m in.js 200 cdn.segment.com 41.2 KB 51.8ms
0?ti=25127457&Ver… 204 bat.bing.com 173 B 102.1ms
LDIrapOFNxEw R-Bd… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 19.5 KB 186.9ms
Sim ple-Line-Icons… 200 brodaseating.com 29.4 KB 227.2ms
LDI2apOFNxEw R-Bd… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 19.5 KB 183.5ms
0?ti=25127457&Ver… 204 bat.bing.com 95 B 55.8ms
piw ik.js 200 cdnjs.cloudflare.com 21.4 KB 31.3ms
w idget-loader.js 200 w idget.happyfoxchat… 4.4 KB 147ms
fa-brands-400.w off2 200 brodaseating.com 68 KB 172.5ms
fa-regular-400.w off2 200 brodaseating.com 14.5 KB 180.9ms
index.php?ver=3&a… 204 ga.getresponse.com 104 B 93.8ms
POST start_trackin… 200 analytics.influenceand… 392 B 9.19s
1Ptsg8zYS_SKggPN… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 19.4 KB 149.6ms

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Waterfall Chart
1Ptsg8zYS_SKggPN… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 19.4 KB 149.6ms
1Ptug8zYS_SKggPN… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 20.2 KB 143.3ms
POST adm in-ajax.p… 200 brodaseating.com 1.7 KB 1.91s
POST start_trackin… 200 analytics.influenceand… 392 B 9.05s
1Ptrg8zYS_SKggPN… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 20.4 KB 104.5ms
1Ptrg8zYS_SKggPN… 200 fonts.gstatic.com 20.7 KB 97.6ms
fontaw esom e-w eb… 200 brodaseating.com 75.4 KB 248.1ms
revolution.extensi… 200 brodaseating.com 7 KB 64.6ms
revolution.extensi… 200 brodaseating.com 2.8 KB 74.7ms
revolution.extensi… 200 brodaseating.com 14.6 KB 74.1ms
revolution.extensi… 200 brodaseating.com 3.4 KB 110.1ms
loader.gif 200 brodaseating.com 2.5 KB 113.1ms
favicon.ico 200 brodaseating.com 465 B 70.6ms
w pe-com m on.css… 200 brodaseating.com 2 KB 58.3ms
careers-bg-1024x3… 200 brodaseating.com 42.8 KB 81ms
hands-on-phone-1… 200 brodaseating.com 48.9 KB 126.4ms
case-studies.jpg 200 brodaseating.com 107.8 KB 178.7ms
POST end_tracking… 200 analytics.influenceand… 277 B 667.4ms
POST end_tracking… 200 analytics.influenceand… 277 B 592.1ms
114 Requests 3.7 MB (7.3 MB Uncom pressed) 34.26s (Onload 25.57s)

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PageSpeed Recommendations

PageSpeed Recommendations

Defer parsing of JavaScript E (54) AVG SCORE: 73% JS HIGH

Optimize images D (64) AVG SCORE: 73% IMAGES HIGH

Serve resources from a consistent URL D (66) AVG SCORE: 91% CONTENT HIGH

Leverage browser caching C (71) AVG SCORE: 65% SERVER HIGH

M inify JavaScript C (78) AVG SCORE: 90% JS HIGH

M inify CSS B (87) AVG SCORE: 96% CSS HIGH

Inline small JavaScript A (92) AVG SCORE: 95% JS HIGH

Specify image dimensions A (97) AVG SCORE: 98% IMAGES MEDIUM

Specify a cache validator A (98) AVG SCORE: 96% SERVER HIGH


Enable compression A (99) AVG SCORE: 89% SERVER HIGH

Avoid bad requests A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CONTENT HIGH

Avoid landing page redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% SERVER HIGH

Enable Keep-Alive A (100) AVG SCORE: 99% SERVER HIGH

Inline small CSS A (100) AVG SCORE: 96% CSS HIGH

M inimize redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 89% CONTENT HIGH

M inimize request size A (100) AVG SCORE: 96% CONTENT HIGH

Optimize the order of styles and scripts A (100) AVG SCORE: 94% CSS/JS HIGH

Put CSS in the document head A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CSS HIGH

Serve scaled images A (100) AVG SCORE: 70% IMAGES HIGH

Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header A (98) AVG SCORE: 97% SERVER LOW

Combine images using CSS sprites A (100) AVG SCORE: 94% IMAGES HIGH

Avoid CSS @import A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CSS MEDIUM

Prefer asynchronous resources A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS MEDIUM

Specify a character set early A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CONTENT MEDIUM

Avoid a character set in the meta tag A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CONTENT LOW

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YSlow Recommendations

YSlow Recommendations

Add Expires headers F (0) AVG SCORE: 31% SERVER HIGH

M ake fewer HTTP requests F (0) AVG SCORE: 33% CONTENT HIGH

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) F (0) AVG SCORE: 29% SERVER MEDIUM

M inify JavaScript and CSS F (30) AVG SCORE: 74% CSS/JS MEDIUM

Reduce DNS lookups D (60) AVG SCORE: 73% CONTENT LOW

Compress components B (89) AVG SCORE: 90% SERVER HIGH

Use cookie-free domains C (70) AVG SCORE: 56% COOKIE LOW

Avoid URL redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 89% CONTENT MEDIUM

M ake AJAX cacheable A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS MEDIUM

Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CSS/JS MEDIUM

Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter A (100) AVG SCORE: 99% CSS MEDIUM

Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CONTENT MEDIUM

Reduce the number of DOM elements A (100) AVG SCORE: 91% CONTENT LOW

Use GET for AJAX requests A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS LOW

Avoid CSS expressions A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CSS LOW

Reduce cookie size A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% COOKIE LOW

M ake favicon small and cacheable A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% IMAGES LOW

Configure entity tags (ETags) A (100) AVG SCORE: 96% SERVER LOW

M ake JavaScript and CSS external (n/a) CSS/JS MEDIUM

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