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IN ASIA: 1990-2010

A Quantitative Analysis

Anthony H. Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
And Robert Hammond

September 14, 2010

Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 2

The 2010 Asian Military Balance

THE 2010 ASIAN MILITARY BALANCE ..............................................................................................................2
SECTION 1: .................................................................................................................................................................5
FIGURE 1.3: TOTAL MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN MILITARY FORCES IN 2010 ..........................................................8
FIGURE 13A: TOTAL ACTIVE MILITARY MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 .............................................8
SECTION 2: .................................................................................................................................................................9
ARMY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT FOR MAJOR ASIAN POWERS ......................................................9
FIGURE 2.1: ARMY MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS ...................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 2.2: ARMY MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 1990, 2000, 2005 AND 2010 ........................................ 10
FIGURE 2.3: ARMY EQUIPMENT IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS ...................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 2.4: MAIN BATTLE TANKS IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 1990, 2000, 2005 AND 2010 .................................... 12
FIGURE 2.5: MAIN BATTLE TANKS IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 ....................................................................... 13
FIGURE 2.6: ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010......................................................... 14
FIGURE 2.7: LAND WEAPONS IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 ................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 2.8.: ARTILLERY STRENGTH IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 .................................................................... 16
SECTION 3: ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
NAVAL MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT FOR MAJOR ASIAN POWERS .................................................. 17
FIGURE 3.1: NAVY MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS ...................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 3.2: NAVY MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 1990, 2000, 2005 AND 2010 ........................................ 18
FIGURE 3.3: NAVY EQUIPMENT IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS ...................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 3.4: NAVAL SURFACE COMBAT SHIPS IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 ..................................................... 22
FIGURE 3.5: SUBMARINE WARFARE CAPABILITIES IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 2010 .............................................. 23
SECTION 4: ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
AIR FORCE MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT FOR MAJOR ASIAN POWERS .......................................... 24
FIGURE 4.1: AIR FORCE MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS .............................................................................. 25
FIGURE 4.2: ASIAN AIR FORCE MANPOWER IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS: 1990, 2000, 2005 AND 2010...................... 26
FIGURE 4.4: FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS BY TYPE: 2010 ...................................... 28
FIGURE 4.5: ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT IN MAJOR ASIAN POWERS BY TYPE: 2010 ................................... 29
SECTION 5: ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
US FORCES IN THE PACIFIC .............................................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 5.1: US FORCES IN THE PACIFIC IN 2010: EQUIPMENT BY TYPE AND LOCATION ......................................... 31
FIGURE 5.2: US FORCES IN THE PACIFIC IN 2010: FORCES BY ROLE AND LOCATION ............................................... 33
SECTION 6: ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
NUCLEAR CAPABLE FORCES IN THE PACIFIC ............................................................................................ 35
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 3

FIGURE 6.1: US AND ASIA NUCLEAR CAPABLE FORCES ........................................................................................... 36

FIGURE 6.2: CHINESE MISSILE FORCES: 2010 .......................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 7: ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
THE MILITARY BALANCE IN NORTHEAST ASIA ......................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 7.1: NORTHEAST ASIAN MILITARY MANPOWER IN 2010 ............................................................................. 41
FIGURE 7.2A: ARMY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN NORTHEAST ASIA................................................................. 42
FIGURE 7.2C: NORTHEAST ASIAN ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES: 2010 ................................................................ 45
ARMORED VEHICLES: 2010 ..................................................................................................................................... 46
FIGURE 7.2E: NORTHEAST ASIAN ARTILLERY STRENGTH: 2010.............................................................................. 47
FIGURE 7.3A: NAVY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN NORTHEAST ASIA ................................................................. 48
FIGURE 7.3B: NORTHEAST ASIAN NAVAL COMBAT SHIPS: 2010 .............................................................................. 51
FIGURE 7.3C: NORTHEAST ASIAN NAVAL COMBAT SHIPS BY CATEGORY: 2010 ..................................................... 52
FIGURE 7.3D: NORTHEAST ASIAN SUBMARINES BY TYPE: 2010 .............................................................................. 53
FIGURE 7.4A: AIR FORCE MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN NORTHEAST ASIA ......................................................... 54
FIGURE 7.4B: NORTHEAST ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010 .......................................... 55
FIGURE 7.4C: NORTHEAST ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE: 2010 ............................................... 56
FIGURE 7.4D: NORTHEAST ASIAN ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010....................................... 57
FIGURE 7.4E: NORTHEAST ASIAN ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE: 2010 ........................................... 58
2010 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
SECTION 8: ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
THE MILITARY BALANCE IN THE TAIWAN STRAITS ................................................................................ 60
FIGURE 8.1A: COMBAT GROUND FORCES: 2010 ....................................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 8.1B: MAJOR GROUND UNITS: 2010............................................................................................................ 62
FIGURE 8.2A: COMBAT NAVAL FORCES: 2010 ......................................................................................................... 63
FIGURE 8.2B: CHINESE NAVAL UNITS: 2010............................................................................................................ 64
FIGURE 8.3A: COMBAT AIR STRENGTH: 2010 .......................................................................................................... 65
FIGURE 8.3B: MAJOR AIR UNITS: 2010 .................................................................................................................... 66
SECTION 9: ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
THE MILITARY BALANCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ......................................................................................... 67
-FIGURE 9.1: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ACTIVE MILITARY MANPOWER IN 2010 ............................................................... 67
FIGURE 9.1: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ACTIVE MILITARY MANPOWER IN 2010 ................................................................ 68
FIGURE 9.2A: ARMY MANPOWER IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ............................................................................................ 69
FIGURE 9.2B: ARMY EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ............................................................................................. 70
FIGURE 9.2B: ARMY EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (CONTINUED) ...................................................................... 72
FIGURE 9.2D: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES: 2010 ................................................................ 74
ARMORED VEHICLES: 2010 ..................................................................................................................................... 75
FIGURE 9.2F: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ARTILLERY STRENGTH: 2010 .............................................................................. 76
FIGURE 9.3A: NAVY MANPOWER IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ............................................................................................. 77
FIGURE 9.3B: NAVY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.................................................................. 78
FIGURE 9.3B: NAVY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (CONTINUED) ........................................... 79
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 4

FIGURE 9.3C: SOUTHEAST ASIAN NAVAL COMBAT SHIPS: 2010 ............................................................................. 82

FIGURE 9.3D: SOUTHEAST ASIAN NAVAL COMBAT SHIPS BY CATEGORY: 2010 ..................................................... 83
FIGURE 9.3E: SOUTHEAST ASIAN SUBMARINES BY TYPE: 2010 ............................................................................... 84
FIGURE 9.4A: AIR FORCE MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA .......................................................... 85
FIGURE 9.4B: AIR FORCE MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ......................................................... 86
FIGURE 9.4B: AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (CONTINUED) ............................................................... 86
FIGURE 9.4C: SOUTHEAST ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010 .......................................... 88
FIGURE 9.4D: SOUTHEAST ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE: 2010 ............................................... 89
2010 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 90
FIGURE 9.4F: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010 ....................................... 91
FIGURE 9.4G: SOUTHEAST ASIAN ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE: 2010............................................ 92
SECTION 10: ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
THE MILITARY BALANCE IN SOUTH ASIA .................................................................................................... 93
FIGURE 10.1: SOUTH ASIAN ACTIVE MILITARY MANPOWER: 2010 ......................................................................... 94
FIGURE 10.2A: ARMY MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA ....................................................................... 95
FIGURE 10.2C: SOUTH ASIAN ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES: 2010 ...................................................................... 97
FIGURE 10.2E: SOUTH ASIAN ARTILLERY STRENGTH: 2010 ..................................................................................... 99
FIGURE 10.3B: SOUTH ASIAN NAVAL COMBAT SHIPS: 2010 ................................................................................. 102
FIGURE 10.4A: AIR FORCE MANPOWER AND EQUIPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA .............................................................. 103
FIGURE 10.4B: SOUTH ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010 .............................................. 104
FIGURE 10.4C: SOUTH ASIAN FIXED WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE: 2010 ................................................... 105
............................................................................................................................................................................... 106
FIGURE 10.4E: SOUTH ASIAN ROTARY WING COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY BRANCH: 2010 .......................................... 107
FIGURE 10.4F: SOUTH ASIAN ATTACK AND ARMED HELICOPTERS BY TYPE: 2010 ............................................... 108
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 5

Section 1:
Military Expenditures
and Manpower for
Major Asian Powers
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 6

Figure 1.1: Military Expenditures by the Major Asian Powers as a Percentage of GDP:

Based on data provided by SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute. Data for North Korea is unavailable.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 7

Figure 1.2: Military Expenditures by the Major Asian Powers: 2000-20092

(In $US Billions, 2008)

Based on data provided by SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute. Data for North Korea is unavailable.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 8

Figure 1.3: Total Manpower in Major Asian Military Forces in 20103

Military Manpower (1,000s)

China India Japan North Russia South
Korea Korea
Active 2170 1315.45 215.56 1185 662 657
Reserve 0 1155 41.6 665 0 0

Figure 13a: Total Active Military Manpower in Major Asian Powers: 20104
(in thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010).
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 9

Section 2:
Army Manpower and
Equipment for Major
Asian Powers
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 10

Figure 2.1: Army Manpower in Major Asian Powers

Army and Army Reserve Manpower (1,000s)

China India Japan North Russia South
Korea Korea
Active 1600 1129.9 138.4 950 360 560
Reserve 0 960 40 600 0 0

Figure 2.2: Army Manpower in Major Asian Powers: 1990, 2000, 2005 and 20105
(in thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010).
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 11

Figure 2.3: Army Equipment in Major Asian Powers

China Japan North South India Russia

Korea Korea
Air Defense 7990 840 21064 1480 5895
Air defense, guns 7700 11000 330 2395
Air defense, man portable 10000
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 290 740 1138 3500
Surface-to-surface missile 100 64 12
Aircraft 10 293
Aircraft, transport 293
Aircraft, utility 10
Anti-Tank 7460 3600 1700 58
Anti-tank, guns 260 58
Anti-tank, missile 7200 630
Anti-tank, ramped craft logistic 2740 1700
Anti-tank, rocket launcher 230
Artillery 17830 1880 17900 10774 11258 25301
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 2400 100 2500 185 208 3976
Artillery, self-propelled 1280 210 4400 1089 20 6010
Artillery, towed 14000 420 3500 3500 4510 12765
Artillery, mortar 150 1150 7500 6000 6520 2550
Helicopter 499 423 424 222 1278
Helicopter, assault 12
Helicopter, attack 126 200 60 635
Helicopter, search and rescue 7
Helicopter, special operations 6
Helicopter, support 278 53 21
Helicopter, transport 643
Helicopter, utility 88 170 337 210
Personnel Carrier 4440 850 2500 2880 1786 31230
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 1140 40 1455 15330
Armored personnel carrier 3300 850 2500 2840 331 9900
Armored combat vehicle 6000
Reconnaissance 100 110 2000
Tank 7550 880 4060 2750 4047 22800
Tank, light 1000 560 150
Tank, main battle 6550 880 3500 2750 4047 22650
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 12

Figure 2.4: Main Battle Tanks in Major Asian Powers: 1990, 2000, 2005 and 20106
(in thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 13

Figure 2.5: Main Battle Tanks in Major Asian Powers: 20107

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 14

Figure 2.6: Armored Fighting Vehicles in Major Asian Powers: 20108

(Number of MBTs, Lt Tanks, RECCE, AIFVs, and APCs in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 15

Figure 2.7: Land Weapons in Major Asian Powers: 20109

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 16

Figure 2.8.: Artillery Strength in Major Asian Powers: 201010

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 17

Section 3:
Naval Manpower and
Equipment for Major
Asian Powers
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 18

Figure 3.1: Navy Manpower in Major Asian Powers

Navy and Navy Reserve Manpower (1,000s; Figures include Naval Aviation and Marines)
China India Japan North Russia South
Korea Korea
Active 255 58.35 42.4 46 142 33
Reserve 0 55 0.9 65 0 0

Figure 3.2: Navy Manpower in Major Asian Powers: 1990, 2000, 2005 and 201011
(in thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010).
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 19

Figure 3.3: Navy Equipment in Major Asian Powers

China Japan North South India Russia

Korea Korea
Aircraft 346 159 13 94 100
Aircraft, anti-submarine warfare 4 4 43
Aircraft, bomber 50 17
Aircraft, fighter 84 30
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 138 11
Aircraft, maritime patrol 4 80 20
Aircraft, maritime patrol anti- 8
submarine warfare
Aircraft, reconnaissance 13
Aircraft, search and rescue 7
Aircraft, tanker 3
Aircraft, training 122 63 22
Aircraft, transport 66 9 37 10
Aircraft, utility 5
Aircraft Carrier 1
Amphibious 83 5 10 111 10
Amphibious assault vehicle 102
Landing platform, dock 1
Landing ship, medium 56 10 5
Landing ship, tank 27 5 8 5
Corvettes 5 28 24
Corvette 5 28 4
Corvette, with guided missile 20
Cruiser 1
Cruiser with guided missile 1
Destroyers 28 44 10 8 5
Destroyer 4
Destroyer, with guided missile 28 40 10 8 5
Frigates 52 8 3 9 12 9
Frigate 3 1 9
Frigate, with guided missile 52 8 9 11
Helicopter 86 133 29 107 63
Helicopter, airborne early warning 9
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 13 91 24 54 31
Helicopter, assault 25 6
Helicopter, mine countermeasures 9
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 20

Helicopter, search and rescue 40 18 5

Helicopter, support 8 3 26
Helicopter, training 8
Helicopter, utility 4 5 39
Landing Craft 160 20 244 39 6
Air cushion vehicle 10 6 3
Landing craft, medium 20 12 18 10
Landing craft, personnel light 96
Landing craft, tank 6
Landing craft, utility 130 2 6
Landing craft, vehicles and personnel 130 20
Landing ship, assault
Mine Warfare, Counter 68 32 24 9 16 9
Mine countermeasures
Mine countermeasures, support 4
Mine countermeasures, vessel 4 9
Mine hunter, coastal 24 6
Mine sweeper, auxiliary
Mine sweeper, coastal 4 25 3
Mine sweeper, drone 46
Mine sweeper, ocean 14 3 10
Offshore patrol vessel, with 6
Mine Warfare, Layer 1 1
Patrol and Coastal Combatants 253 7 317 76 22 16
Fast patrol craft with SSM 83 6 18 1 16
Fast patrol craft, coastal 93 19
Fast patrol craft, inshore 75 7
Guided missile patrol craft 16
Patrol craft 6
Patrol craft, coastal 27 15
Patrol craft, inshore 50 158
Patrol hydrofoil, with SSM 1
Patrol hydrofoil, with Torpedo 100
Personnel Carrier 180 750
Armored personnel carrier 180 750
Reconnaissance 60
Submarines, Strategic 3 4
Submarine, ballistic-missile, nuclear- 3 4
Submarines, Tactical 62 16 43 13 17 20
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 21

Submarine, attack, diesel, non- 1

ballistic missile launchers
Submarine, attack, nuclear-powered 6 1 11
Submarine, diesel 1
Submarine, diesel, coastal 21
Submarine, diesel, inshore 2
Submarine, diesel, with ASW 54 16 22 11 16 9
Tank 100 60 160
Tank, light 100
Tank, main battle 60 160
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 22

Figure 3.4: Naval Surface Combat Ships in Major Asian Powers: 201012
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 23

Figure 3.5: Submarine Warfare Capabilities in Major Asian Powers: 201013

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 24

Section 4:
Air Force Manpower
and Equipment for
Major Asian Powers
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 25

Figure 4.1: Air Force Manpower in Major Asian Powers

Air Force and Air Force Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
China India Japan North Russia South Korea
Active 315 127.2 34.76 189 160 64
Reserve 0 140 0.7 0 0 0
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 26

Figure 4.2: Asian Air Force Manpower in Major Asian Powers: 1990, 2000, 2005 and

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010).
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 27

Figure 4.3: Air Force Equipment in Major Asian Powers

China Japan North South India Russia

Korea Korea
Air Defense 16600 208 3400 1900
Air defense, guns 16000
Air defense, man portable 3050
Air defense, static 38
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 300
Air defense, surface-to-air missile, 300 1900
Air defense, surface-to-air-missile, 208 312
Aircraft 2446 599 1052 701 1126 1909
Aircraft, airborne early warning 12 14 1
Aircraft, bomber 82 80 116
Aircraft, electronic warfare 10 11 4
Aircraft, fighter 1100 250 388 467 96 725
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 283 152 536 807
Aircraft, reconnaissance 120 10 47 3 119
Aircraft, search and rescue 20
Aircraft, surveillance 3
Aircraft, tanker 18 4 6 20
Aircraft, training 522 240 215 150 271 92
Aircraft, transport 296 40 217 33 213 30
Aircraft, utility 10
Helicopter 80 52 302 259 326 60
Helicopter, attack 20 20
Helicopter, reconnaissance 103
Helicopter, search and rescue 42
Helicopter, support 56 10 202 8 178
Helicopter, utility 24 80 48 128
Not specified 60
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 100
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 28

Figure 4.4: Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft in Major Asian Powers by Type: 201015
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London: Routledge, 2010). Data for
each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used
for training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 29

Figure 4.5: Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft in Major Asian Powers by Type: 201016
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 30

Section 5:
US Forces in the
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 31

Figure 5.1: US Forces in the Pacific in 2010: Equipment by Type and Location17
Pacific Command (PACOM) Headquartered in Hawaii

Abbreviation Definition Quantity
SSN Submarine, nuclear powered 3

Abbreviation Definition Quantity
CVN Carrier, nuclear powered 1
CG Cruiser, with guided missiles 2
DDG Destroyer, with guided missiles 8
LCC Amphibious command ship 1
MCM Mine countermeasures 2
LHD Amphibious assault ship 1
LSD Landing ship, dock 2

South Korea
Abbreviation Definition Model
MBT Main battle tank M-1 Abrams
MBT Main battle tank M-2/M-3 Bradley
MBT Main battle tank M-109
HEL, ATK Helicopter, attack AH-64 Apache
HEL, TPT Helicopter, transport CH-47 Chinook
HEL, UTL Helicopter, utility UH-60 Black
ARTY, MLR Artillery, multiple rocket launcher MLRS
AD, SAM Air defense, surface-to-air missile MIM-104 Patriot
AD, SAM Air defense, surface-to-air missile FIM-92A Avenger

Abbreviation Definition Quantity
SSBN Submarine, nuclear powered, with ballistic missiles 8
SSGN SSN, with dedicated, non-ballistic missiles 2
SSN Submarine, nuclear powered 26
CVN Carrier, nuclear powered 3

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. All equipment figures represent
equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 32

CG Cruiser, with guided missiles 9

DDG Destroyer, with guided missiles 18
FFG Frigate, with guided missiles 10
MCM Mine countermeasures 2
LHD Amphibious assault ship 4
LHA Landing ship, assault 1
LPD Landing platform, dock 4
LSD Landing ship, dock 4
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 33

Figure 5.2: US Forces in the Pacific in 2010: Forces by Role and Location
Quantity Role
1 HQ (9th Theater Army Area Command)
7th Fleet
1 HQ (7th Fleet)
Air Force
1 HQ (5th Air Force)
1 FTR WING with
2 FTR SQN with a total of 18 F-16 Fighting Falcon
1 FTR WING with
1 AEW SQN with 2 E-3B Sentry
1 SAR SQN with 8 HH-60G Pave Hawk
2 FTR SQN with a total of 24 F-15C/D Eagle
1 LIFT WING with 10 C-130H Hercules
2 C-12J
1 DIV (3rd)
1 FTR SQN with 12 F/A-18D Hornet
1 TKR SQN with 12 KC-130J Hercules
2 SPT HEL SQN with 12 CH-46E Sea Knight
1 SPT HEL SQN with 12 MV-22B Osprey
3 SPT HEL SQN with 10 CH-53E Sea Stallion

South Korea
Quantity Role
1 HQ (8th Army)
1 HQ (2nd In Div)
Air Force
1 HQ (7th Air Force)
1 FTR Wing, with
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 34

1 FTR SQN with 20 F-16C/D Fighting Falcon

1 FTR SQN with 12 A-10 Thunderbolt II
12 OA-10 Thunderbolt II
1 FTR Wing, with
1 FTR SQN with 20 F-16C/D Fighting Falcon
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 35

Section 6:
Nuclear Capable
Forces in the Pacific
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 36

Figure 6.1: US and Asia Nuclear Capable forces18

United States
Quantity Role/Type
14 Ohio SSBN 730
each with up to 24 UGM-133A Trident D-5 strategic SLBM
Air Force
6 SQN with 71 B-52H Stratofortress
each with up to 20 AGM-86B nuclear ALCM and/or AGM-129A nuclear ACM
2 SQN with 19 B-2A Spirit
each with up to 16 free-fall bombs
4 B-52 test heavy BBR
1 B-2 test heavy BBR
9 SQN with 500 LGM-30G Minuteman III
each with a capacity of 1-3 MIRV Mk12/Mk12A per missile

Quantity Role/Type
5 Delta III each with 16 RSM-50 Stingray strategic SLBM
6 Delta IV each with 16 RSM-54 Skiff strategic SLBM
2 Typhoon each with 40 RSM-52 Sturgeon strategic SLBM
1 Yury Dolgoruky
Strategic Rocket Force Troops
3 Rocket armies in 12 divisions
with 430 missiles and 1,605 nuclear warheads
Strategic Missiles
68 RS-20 Satan
180 RS12M Sickle
72 RS18 Stiletto
50 Topol-M, silo based
15 Topol-M, road mobile
1 REGT RS-24
Long-Range Aviation Command - 37th Air Army
By Role
2 Heavy divisions with 4 regiments operating 79 BBR
in total carrying up to 856 LRCM
By Type

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 37

16 Tu-160 Blackjack
each with up to 12 KH-55SM/RKV-500B nuclear ALCM
31 Tu-95MS16
each with up to 16 KH-55/RKV-500A nuclear ALCM

Quantity Role/Type
Strategic Missiles (figures are estimates)
12 DF-31
24 DF31A
10 DF-4
20 DF-5A
80 FD-21
36 DF21C
2 DF-3A
108 DF-11A/M-11A
96 DF-15/M-9
54 CJ-10
1 Xia
with 12 JL-1 strategic SLBM
2 Jin
with 12 JL-2 strategic SLBM

Quantity Role/Type
Strategic Forces Command
2 MSL groups with SS-150/SS-250 Prithvi
1 MSL group with Agni-I
1 MSL group with Agni-II
80-100 Agni-I
By Role
20-25 Agni-II
By Type
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 38

60 MSL produced between 1993-1999

Up to 20 SS-150 Prithvi I/SS-250 Prithvi II
SS-350 Dhanush

Quantity Role/Type
Strategic Nuclear Forces
105 105 Hatf-1
50 50 Hatf-3
Up to 10 Shaheen-1/Hatf-4
Up to 25 Hatf-5/Ghauri
Ghauri II
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 39

Figure 6.2: Chinese Missile Forces: 201019

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 40

Section 7:
The Military Balance
in Northeast Asia
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 41

Figure 7.1: Northeast Asian Military Manpower in 201020

(in thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Some personnel figures are estimates.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 42

Figure 7.2a: Army Manpower and Equipment in Northeast Asia 21

Army and Army Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
China Japan North South Taiwan
Korea Korea
Active 1600 138.4 950 560 200
Reserve 0 40 600 0 1500

Army Equipment
China Japan North Korea South Korea Taiwan
Air Defense 7990 740 21000 1468 1078
Air defense, guns 7700 11000 330 400
Air defense, man portable 10000
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 290 740 1138 678
Aircraft 10
Aircraft, utility 10
Anti-Tank 7460 3600 1700 58 1560
Anti-tank, guns 260 58
Anti-tank, missile 7200 630 1060
Anti-tank, ramped craft logistic 2740 1700 500
Anti-tank, rocket launcher 230
Artillery 17830 1880 17900 10774 1765
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 2400 100 2500 185 300
Artillery, self-propelled 1280 210 4400 1089 405
Artillery, towed 14000 420 3500 3500 1060
Artillery, mortar 150 1150 7500 6000
Helicopter 499 423 424 220
Helicopter, attack 126 200 60 101
Helicopter, search and rescue 7
Helicopter, special operations 6
Helicopter, support 278 53 21 9
Helicopter, training 30
Helicopter, utility 88 170 337 80
Personnel Carrier 4440 850 2500 2880 1175
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 1140 40 225
Armored personnel carrier 3300 850 2500 2840 950
Reconnaissance 100

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 43

Tank 7550 880 4060 2750 1831

Tank, light 1000 560 905
Tank, main battle 6550 880 3500 2750 926
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 44

Figure 7.2b: Northeast Asian Modern Main Battle Tanks versus Total Holdings: 201022
(Number in Active Service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 45

Figure 7.2c: Northeast Asian Armored Fighting Vehicles: 201023

(Number of Tanks, OAFVs, APCs, RECCE, in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 46

Figure 7.2d: Northeast Asian Modern AFVs (MBTs, APCs, AIFVs) versus Total Holdings
of Other Armored Vehicles: 201024
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 47

Figure 7.2e: Northeast Asian Artillery Strength: 201025

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 48

Figure 7.3a: Navy Manpower and Equipment in Northeast Asia

Navy and Navy Reserve Manpower (1,000s; Figures include Naval Aviation and Marines)
China Japan North South Taiwan
Korea Korea
Active 255 42.4 46 33 45
Reserve 0 0.9 65 0 67

Navy Equipment
China Japan North Korea South Korea Taiwan
Aircraft 346 159 13 32
Aircraft, anti-submarine warfare 4 32
Aircraft, bomber 50
Aircraft, fighter 84
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 138
Aircraft, maritime patrol 4 80
Aircraft, maritime patrol anti- 8
submarine warfare
Aircraft, reconnaissance 13
Aircraft, search and rescue 7
Aircraft, tanker 3
Aircraft, training 122 63
Aircraft, transport 66 9
Aircraft, utility 5
Amphibious 83 5 10 111 223
Amphibious assault vehicle 102 204
Landing platform, dock 1
Landing platform, helicopter
Landing ship, dock 2
Landing ship, medium 56 10 4
Landing ship, tank 27 5 8 13
Command Ships 1
Amphibious command ship 1
Corvettes 5 28
Destroyers 28 44 10 4
Destroyer 4
Destroyer, with guided missile 28 40 10 4
Frigates 52 8 3 9 22
Frigate 3
Frigate, with guided missile 52 8 9 22
Helicopter 86 133 29 20
Helicopter, anti-submarine 13 91 24 20
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 49

Helicopter, assault 25
Helicopter, mine countermeasures 9
Helicopter, search and rescue 40 18
Helicopter, support 8 3
Helicopter, training 8
Helicopter, utility 4 5
Landing Craft 160 20 244 39 290
Air cushion vehicle 10 6 3
Amphibious assault ship
Landing craft, heavy
Landing craft, medium 20 12 18 10 170
Landing craft, personnel light 96
Landing craft, tank 6
Landing craft, utility 130 2 20
Landing craft, vehicles and 130 20 100
Mine Warfare, Counter 68 32 24 9 12
Mine countermeasures, support 4
Mine countermeasures, vessel 4
Mine hunter, coastal 24 6
Mine sweeper, coastal 4 25 3 8
Mine sweeper, drone 46
Mine sweeper, ocean 14 3 4
Mine Warfare, Layer 1 1
Patrol and Coastal Combatants 253 7 317 76 73
Fast patrol craft with SSM 83 6 18 1 61
Fast patrol craft, coastal 93 19 8
Fast patrol craft, inshore 75
Guided missile patrol craft 16 4
Patrol craft 6
Patrol craft, coastal 27
Patrol craft, inshore 50 158
Patrol hydrofoil, with SSM 1
Patrol hydrofoil, with Torpedo 100
Personnel Carrier 180
Armored personnel carrier 180
Submarines, Strategic 3
Submarine, ballistic-missile, 3
Submarines, Tactical 62 16 43 13 4
Submarine, attack, diesel, non- 1
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 50

ballistic missile launchers

Submarine, attack, nuclear- 6
Submarine, diesel 1
Submarine, diesel, coastal 21
Submarine, diesel, inshore 2
Submarine, diesel, with ASW 54 16 22 11 4
Tank 100
Tank, light 100
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 51

Figure 7.3b: Northeast Asian Naval Combat Ships: 201026

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for patrol crafts includes standard, fast and hydrofoil patrol craft types. Figures do not
include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures
represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 52

Figure 7.3c: Northeast Asian Naval Combat Ships by Category: 201027

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010).
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 53

Figure 7.3d: Northeast Asian Submarines by Type: 201028

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 54

Figure 7.4a: Air Force Manpower and Equipment in Northeast Asia

Air Force and Air Force Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
China Japan North South Taiwan
Korea Korea
Active 315 34.76 189 64 45
Reserve 0 0.7 0 0 90

Air Force Equipment

China Japan North Korea South Korea Taiwan
Air Defense 16600 208 3400
Air defense, guns 16000
Air defense, man portable 3050
Air defense, static 38
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 300
Air defense, surface-to-air missile, 300
Air defense, surface-to-air-missile, 208 312
Aircraft 2446 599 1052 701 446
Aircraft, airborne early warning 12 14 6
Aircraft, bomber 82 80
Aircraft, electronic warfare 10 11 4 2
Aircraft, fighter 1100 250 388 467 244
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 283 152 69
Aircraft, reconnaissance 120 10 47 8
Aircraft, search and rescue 20
Aircraft, surveillance 3
Aircraft, tanker 18 4
Aircraft, training 522 240 215 150 78
Aircraft, transport 296 40 217 33 39
Aircraft, utility 10
Helicopter 80 52 302 259 35
Helicopter, attack 20
Helicopter, reconnaissance 103
Helicopter, search and rescue 42
Helicopter, support 56 10 202 8 34
Helicopter, utility 24 80 48 1
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 100
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 55

Figure 7.4b: Northeast Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201029
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 56

Figure 7.4c: Northeast Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Type: 201030
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 57

Figure 7.4d: Northeast Asian Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201031
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 58

Figure 7.4e: Northeast Asian Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft by Type: 201032
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 59

Figure 7.4f: Northeast Asian Modern Air Force Combat Aircraft versus Total Combat
Aircraft: 201033
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 60

Section 8:
The Military Balance
in the Taiwan Straits
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 61

Figure 8.1a: Combat Ground forces: 201034

Based on Appendix 1 in Off ice of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 62

Figure 8.1b: Major Ground Units: 201035

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 63

Figure 8.2a: Combat Naval Forces: 201036

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 64

Figure 8.2b: Chinese Naval Units: 201037

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 65

Figure 8.3a: Combat Air Strength: 201038

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 66

Figure 8.3b: Major Air Units: 201039

Based on Appendix 1 in Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security
Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010, August 2010.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 67

Section 9:
The Military Balance
in Southeast Asia
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 68

Figure 9.1: Southeast Asian Active Military Manpower in 201040

(In thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Some personnel figures are estimates.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 69

Figure 9.2a: Army Manpower in Southeast Asia41

Army and Army Reserve Manpower (1,000s)

Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia
Active 27.461 75 233 25.6 80
Reserve 15.315 50

Army and Army Reserve Manpower (1,000s)

Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Singapore Philippines
Active 412 190 80 50 80
Reserve 50 300 100

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 70

Figure 9.2b: Army Equipment in Southeast Asia42

Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia

Air Defense 48 413 123
Air Defense, guns 413 60
Air Defense, man portable 48
Air Defense, surface-to-air missile 48 15
Aircraft 11
Aircraft, transport 11
Amphibious 42
Amphibious landing craft 42
Anti-Tank 1302 135 912
Anti-tank, ramped craft logistic 1302 135 260
Anti-tank, rocket launcher 584
Anti-tank, man portable 60
Anti-tank, self-propelled 8
Artillery 566 428 1010 62 436
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 28 18
Artillery, self-propelled
Artillery, towed 270 400 135 62 164
Artillery, mortar 296 875 254
Helicopter 127 71 20
Helicopter, attack 22 6
Helicopter, support 44 16
Helicopter, training 12
Helicopter, utility 61 37 20
Patrol and Coastal Combatants 52
Patrol craft, riverine 12
Patrol boat, riverine 40
Personnel Carrier 1728 260 367 50 879
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 257 70 11 44
Armored personnel carrier 774 190 356 50 835
Light forces vehicle 697
Reconnaissance 142 314
Tank 149 170 350 35 74
Tank, light 20 350 10 26

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 71

Tank, main battle 149 150 25 48

Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 72

Figure 9.2b: Army Equipment in Southeast Asia (Continued)

Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam

Air Defense 105 202
Air Defense, guns 30 202
Surface-to-air missile 75
Aircraft 4 93
Aircraft, reconnaissance 40
Aircraft, training 33
Aircraft, transport 3 10
Aircraft, utility 1 10
Anti-Tank 320 498 12000
Anti-tank, guns 12000
Anti-tank, missile 30 318
Anti-tank, ramped craft logistic 290 180
Artillery 282 335 2473 3040
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 710
Artillery, self-propelled 18 20 30
Artillery, towed 242 125 553 2300
Artillery, mortar 40 192 1900
Helicopter 173
Helicopter, attack 5
Helicopter, support 6
Helicopter, training 3
Helicopter, utility 159
Personnel Carrier 605 1280 950 1680
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 85 300
Armored personnel carrier 520 1280 950 1380
Reconnaissance 22 32 100
Tank 65 546 848 1935
Tank, light 65 350 515 620
Tank, main battle 196 333 1315
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 73

Figure 9.2c: Southeast Asian Modern Main Battle Tanks versus Total Holdings: 201043
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 74

Figure 9.2d: Southeast Asian Armored Fighting Vehicles: 201044

(Number of Tanks, OAFVs, APCs, RECCE in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 75

Figure 9.2e: Southeast Asian Modern AFVs (MBTs, APCs, AIFVs) versus Total Holdings
of Other Armored Vehicles: 201045
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 76

Figure 9.2f: Southeast Asian Artillery Strength: 201046

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 77

Figure 9.3a: Navy Manpower in Southeast Asia

Navy and Navy Reserve Manpower (1,000s; Figures include Naval Aviation and Marines)
Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia
Active 13.23 2.8 45 14
Reserve 2 1

Navy and Navy Reserve Manpower (1,000s; Figures include Naval Aviation and Marines)
Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Singapore Philippines
Active 13 69.86 14 9 24
Reserve 1 5 15
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 78

Figure 9.3b: Navy Manpower and Equipment in Southeast Asia

Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia

Air Defense 150
Air Defense, guns 150
Aircraft 47
Aircraft, maritime patrol 24
Aircraft, transport 23
Amphibious 3 29
Amphibious assault vehicle
Landing platform, dock 3
Landing platform, helicopter 2
Landing ship, tank 1 26
Artillery 62
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 12
Artillery, towed 50
Corvettes 23 10
Corvette 23 2
Corvette, with guided missile 8
Frigates 12 7 2
Frigate 8
Frigate, with guided missile 4 7 2
Helicopter 40 37 12
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 16 9
Helicopter, support 24 15
Helicopter, utility 13 6
Helicopter, anti-submarine/anti-surface 6
Landing Craft 27 54 115
Landing craft, heavy 6
Landing craft, medium 21 115
Landing craft, utility 54
Mine Warfare, Counter 11 11 4
Mine countermeasures, vessel 4
Mine hunter, coastal 6
Mine sweeper, coastal 2 9
Mine sweeper, drone 3
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 79

Mine countermeasures, coastal 2

Patrol and Coastal Combatants 14 11 41 8
Fast patrol craft with SSM 4 8
Fast patrol craft, coastal 2
Patrol craft 4
Patrol craft offshore 14 8
Patrol craft, coastal 21
Patrol craft, riverine 2
Patrol boat 7
Patrol craft, torpedo 4
Personnel Carrier 134
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 34
Armored personnel carrier 100
Reconnaissance 21
Submarines, Tactical 6 2 2
Submarine, diesel, with ASW capability 6 2 2
Tank 55
Tank, light 55

Figure 9.3b: Navy Manpower and Equipment in Southeast Asia (Continued)

Navy Equipment
Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam
Air Defense 14
Air Defense, guns 14
Aircraft 6 54
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 7
Aircraft, maritime patrol 12
Aircraft, reconnaissance 9
Aircraft, training 16
Aircraft, transport 6 2
Aircraft, utility 8
Aircraft Carrier 1
Aircraft, helicopter 1
Amphibious 92 4 41 6
Amphibious assault vehicle 85 33
Landing ship, medium 3
Landing ship, tank 7 4 6 3
Landing ship 2
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 80

Anti-Tank 24
Anti-tank, missile 24
Artillery 150 48
Artillery, towed 150 48
Corvettes 6 9 6
Corvette 7
Corvette, with guided missile 6 2 6
Frigates 1 6 10 5
Frigate 1 2 5
Frigate, with guided missile 6 8
Helicopter 5 8
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 6
Helicopter, utility 5
Helicopter, anti-submarine/anti-surface warfare 2
Landing Craft 39 34 13 23
Landing craft, medium 30 18
Landing craft, utility 3 34 13 5
Landing craft, vehicles and personnel 6
Mine Warfare, Counter 4 19 14
Mine countermeasures, support 1
Mine countermeasures, vessel 2 5
Mine hunter, coastal 4
Mine sweeper, coastal 2 7
Minesweeper, inshore 2
Mine countermeasures, coastal 2
Mine sweeper 12
Patrol and Coastal Combatants 62 23 87 38
Fast patrol craft with SSM 6 10
Fast patrol craft with torpedo 3
Fast patrol craft, coastal 1 3
Patrol craft 6
Patrol craft offshore 13 11
Patrol craft, coastal 14 3
Patrol craft, inshore 34 47 16
Patrol craft, riverine 6
Patrol hydrofoil, with Torpedo 5
Patrol boat, inshore 12
Patrol boat, riverine 16 4
Patrol craft, torpedo
Personnel Carrier 24 24
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 81

Armored infantry fighting vehicle

Armored personnel carrier 24 24
Submarines, Tactical 4
Submarine, diesel, with ASW capability 4
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 82

Figure 9.3c: Southeast Asian Naval Combat Ships: 201047

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 83

Figure 9.3d: Southeast Asian Naval Combat Ships by Category: 201048

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 84

Figure 9.3e: Southeast Asian Submarines by Type: 201049

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 85

Figure 9.4a: Air Force Manpower and Equipment in Southeast Asia

Air Force and Air Force Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia
Active 14.056 1.5 24 3.5 15
Reserve 2.6 0.6

Air Force and Air Force Reserve Manpower (1,000s)

Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Singapore Philippines
Active 30 46 15 13.5 16
Reserve 0.6 7.5 16
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 86

Figure 9.4B: Air Force Manpower and Equipment in Southeast Asia

Australia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia

Aircraft 205 35 256 44 97
Aircraft, airborne warning and control system 6
Aircraft, bomber 39
Aircraft, fighter 14 25 22 29
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 71 49 28
Aircraft, lift 33
Aircraft, maritime patrol 19 4
Aircraft, reconnaissance 4 2
Aircraft, tanker 2
Aircraft, training 10 101 10 32
Aircraft, transport 33 6 61 12 2
Aircraft, utility 5 6
Aircraft, forward air control 12
Helicopter 18 38 27 37
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 20
Helicopter, search and rescue 10 3
Helicopter, support 18 16 24 8
Helicopter, training
Helicopter, utility 12 9

Figure 9.4b: Air Force Equipment in Southeast Asia (Continued)

Air Force Equipment

Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam
Air Defense 36
Surface-to-air missile 36
Aircraft 81 167 307 279
Aircraft, airborne early warning 4
Aircraft, anti-submarine 4
Aircraft, fighter 140
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 99 64
Aircraft, maritime patrol 1 5
Aircraft, tanker 9
Aircraft, training 44 41 123 43
Aircraft, transport 17 9 57 28
Aircraft, utility 4 40
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 87

Aircraft, fighter/fighter, ground attack 87

Aircraft, forward air control 15
Helicopter 27 64 47 91
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 13
Helicopter, assault 25
Helicopter, attack 12 26
Helicopter, search and rescue 4
Helicopter, support 2 40 19 48
Helicopter, training 12
Helicopter, utility 28
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 88

Figure 9.4c: Southeast Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201050
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 89

Figure 9.4d: Southeast Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Type: 201051
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 90

Figure 9.4e: Southeast Asian Modern Air Force Combat Aircraft versus Total Combat
Aircraft: 201052
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 91

Figure 9.4f: Southeast Asian Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201053
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 92

Figure 9.4g: Southeast Asian Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft by Type: 201054
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 93

Section 10:
The Military Balance
in South Asia
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 94

Figure 10.1: South Asian Active Military Manpower: 201055

(In thousands)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Some personnel figures are estimates.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 95

Figure 10.2a: Army Manpower and Equipment in South Asia56

Army and Army Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Active 1129.9 550 375 126.153 117.9
Reserve 960 1.1

Army Equipment
India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Air Defense 5895 4890 46 184 27
Air defense, guns 2395 1900 46 164 27
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 3500 2990 20
Aircraft 124 6
Aircraft, reconnaissance 30
Aircraft, transport 4 6
Aircraft, utility 90
Anti-Tank 14400 1060 238 40
Anti-tank, guns 200 60
Anti-tank, missile 10500
Anti-tank, ramped craft logistic 3700 1000 238 40
Artillery 11258 4291 238 815 960
Artillery, multiple rocket launcher 208 52 30 22
Artillery, self-propelled 20 260 472
Artillery, towed 4510 1629 128 343 154
Artillery, mortar 6520 2350 80 784
Helicopter 222 161
Helicopter, assault 12
Helicopter, attack 26
Helicopter, support 54
Helicopter, utility 210 81
Landing Craft 2
Amphibious, unspecified 2
Personnel Carrier 1786 1266 325 226 279
Armored infantry fighting vehicle 1455 62
Armored personnel carrier 331 1266 325 226 217
Reconnaissance 110 115 15
Tank 4047 2461 255 240 62
Tank, light 105 8
Tank, main battle 4047 2461 150 232 62

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment and personnel
figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 96

Figure 10.2b: South Asian Modern Main Battle Tanks versus Total Holdings: 201057
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 97

Figure 10.2c: South Asian Armored Fighting Vehicles: 201058

(Number of Tanks, AIFVs, APCs, RECCE in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 98

Figure 10.2d: South Asian Modern AFVs versus Total Holdings of Other Armored
Vehicles: 201059
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 99

Figure 10.2e: South Asian Artillery Strength: 201060

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data includes both Army and Marine inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for
training purposes. Some equipment figures are estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 100

Figure 10.3a: Navy Manpower and Equipment in South Asia

Navy and Navy Reserve Manpower (1,000s; Figures include Naval Aviation and Marines)
India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Active 58.35 22 16 16.9 15
Reserve 55 2.4

Navy Equipment
India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Aircraft 94 12
Aircraft, anti-submarine warfare 4
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 11
Aircraft, maritime patrol 20 12
Aircraft, training 22
Aircraft, transport 37
Aircraft Carrier 1
Amphibious 10 1
Landing ship, medium 5 1
Landing ship, tank 5
Corvettes 24
Corvette 4 3
Corvette, with guided missile 20
Destroyers 8
Destroyer, with guided missile 8
Frigates 12 7 5
Frigate 1 3
Frigate, with guided missile 11 7 2
Helicopter 107 10
Helicopter, airborne early warning 9
Helicopter, anti-submarine warfare 54 6
Helicopter, search and rescue 5
Helicopter, utility 39 4
Landing Craft 6 18 4 7
Landing craft, medium 10 4 2
Landing craft, personnel 3
Landing craft, utility 6 8 2
Mine Warfare, Counter 10 3 5
Mine hunter, coastal 3
Mine sweeper, ocean 10 1
Minesweeper, inshore 4
Patrol and Coastal Combatants 28 8 50 39 130
Fast patrol craft, coastal 8
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 101

Fast patrol craft, inshore 7 3

Guided missile patrol craft 9
Patrol craft, coastal 15 2 9 6 11
Patrol craft, inshore 9 4
Patrol craft, riverine 12
Offshore patrol vessel, with 6 2
Fast patrol craft, with SSM 4 6 9 2
Patrol boat 2 63
Patrol boat, riverine 51
Patrol craft, offshore 2 8
Patrol craft, torpedo 4
Offshore patrol vessel 1
Personnel Carrier 1
Armored combat vehicle 1
Submarines, Tactical 17 8
Submarine, attack, nuclear- 1
Submarine, diesel, inshore 3
Submarine, diesel, with ASW 16
Submarine, patrol, with ASW 5
Tank 60
Tank, main battle 60
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 102

Figure 10.3b: South Asian Naval Combat Ships: 201061

(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 103

Figure 10.4a: Air Force Manpower and Equipment in South Asia

Air Force and Air Force Reserve Manpower (1,000s)
India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Active 127.2 45 15 14 28
Reserve 140 2

Air Force Equipment

India Pakistan Burma Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Air Defense 150
Air defense, surface-to-air missile 150
Aircraft 1126 379 99 74 29
Aircraft, airborne early warning 1
Aircraft, electronic warfare 2
Aircraft, fighter 96 233 58 8 3
Aircraft, fighter ground attack 536 104 22 59 13
Aircraft, reconnaissance 3 15
Aircraft, tanker 6
Aircraft, training 271
Aircraft, transport 213 25 15 7 13
Aircraft, utility 4
Helicopter 326 66 30 40
Helicopter, attack 20 13
Helicopter, support 178 39 17 6
Helicopter, utility 128 27 13 21
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 104

Figure 10.4b: South Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201062
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 105

Figure 10.4c: South Asian Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft by Type: 201063
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 106

Figure 10.4d: South Asian Modern Air Force Combat Aircraft versus Total Combat
Aircraft: 201064
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 107

Figure 10.4e: South Asian Rotary Wing Combat Aircraft by Branch: 201065
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.
Cordesman and Hammond: The Asian l Military Balance in 1990-2010 9/14/10 Page 108

Figure 10.4f: South Asian Attack and Armed Helicopters by Type: 201066
(Number in active service)

Based primarily on material in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London:
Routledge, 2010). Data for each aircraft type represent the sum of all active service aircraft in Army, Navy and Air
Force inventories. Figures do not include equipment used for training purposes. Some equipment figures are
estimates. All equipment figures represent equipment in active service.

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