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Carotid Triangle and Root of Neck (1/2)

Dissector: Anterior Triangles of the Neck (Cont.); Root of the Neck (DIS 210-215)

Carotid Triangle N23, 29, 65, 68, 74

Boundaries N23
superior belly of omohyoid
posterior belly of digastric
anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Nerves in Carotid Triangle N29
accessory nerve
hypoglossal nerve
ansa cervicalis
-superior root (descendens hypoglossi)--mostly fibers from C1
-inferior root (descendens cervicalis)--mostly fibers from C2,3
-branches to infrahyoid muscles
vagus nerve N120
-superior laryngeal nerve N65, 68, 74
-internal laryngeal nerve (major branch of superior laryngeal)
-external laryngeal nerve
Arteries in Carotid Triangle N29
carotid sheath
common carotid artery and its bifurcation
internal carotid artery
external carotid artery
-superior thyroid artery
-superior laryngeal artery
-lingual artery
-facial artery
-occipital artery
-ascending pharyngeal artery
carotid sinus N124, 130
Veins in Anterior Triangle N26, 64
internal jugular vein
-common facial vein (trunk for facial, retromandibular, and lingual)
-lingual vein
-superior thyroid vein
Submandibular or Digastric Triangle N23, 24-27, 29, 62-66
Boundaries N23
inferior border of mandible
anterior belly of digastric
posterior belly of digastric
Bony Landmarks (see syllabus and Alec’s Handout)
Other Stuff N22-23, 26-27, 41, 65
submandibular gland
facial artery & vein
anterior & posterior bellies of digastric muscle
stylohyoid muscle
hypoglossal nerve
mylohyoid nerve (branch of CN V3) N41, 65
Submental Triangle N23-24, 26
Boundaries N23
body of hyoid bone (inferior)
right & left bellies of digastric muscles (lateral)
floor formed by 2 mylohyoid muscles

by johnny carotid and dick azygosman
Carotid Triangle and Root of Neck (2/2)
Cervical Viscera N63-64, 68-70
Thyroid Gland N68
right & left lobes
pyramidal lobe
superior & inferior thyroid arteries
superior, middle, & inferior thyroid veins
left & right recurrent laryngeal nerves
Parathyroid Glands N69-70
Root of Neck N28, 169, 200-201, 218-220, 225-228
thoracic duct (empties into angle btw left subclavian & internal jugular veins)
left & right subclavian veins
left & right internal jugular veins
lymphatic trunks (empty into right subclavian & internal jugular veins)
vagus nerve
phrenic nerve (C3,4,5)
transverse cervical artery N28
suprascapular artery
thyrocervical trunk
inferior thyroid artery
internal thoracic artery
vertebral artery
triangle of the vertebral artery
-scalenus anterior & longus colli muscles form 2 sides
-transverse process of C6 forms apex
sympathetic trunk & ganglia N228

by johnny carotid and dick azygosman

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