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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Theresa Wade

Date: 9/6/2020
Subject area/course/grade level: 2nd Grade Resource, Technology Applications, Reading
Materials: Read Aloud Book- I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont (
Projector (for read aloud)
Student iPads or computer
Edublogs.Org account with students added

Standards: K-2nd Technology Standard 10. Design original works using digital tools. Examples: tools—digital drawing tools,
music software, word processing software, digital cameras
Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. [RI.2.6]
Objectives: Students will:
Listen and attend to the read aloud/animate story
Be able to discuss the main purpose of the story
Be able to identify what they like about themselves/relate the main idea of the story to themselves
Use the apps and ipad to create a digital “selfie” blog post on the classroom edublog account.

Differentiation Strategies: Students will be instructed in a small group resource classroom setting
Teacher will provide examples of expectations
Teacher will provide guidance to assist students in creating their selfie.

To engage students’ interest, the Teacher will start by asking students if they know what a blog is and will engage in a guided
group discussion of defining a blog. Teacher will also ask students to share what they know about selfies.

Assessment- Informal observation. Teacher will assess student understanding/comprehension based on responses.
We will watch and listen to the animated read aloud story I like Myself by Karen Beaumont. The teacher can pause the
playback as needed to draw attention to story details and the main idea.

Assessment- Informal Observations based on student responses. The teacher can provide guided questions and scaffolding to
students as needed, based on their responses throughout the story to aid them in comprehending the main idea of the text
and how to relate it to themselves.

Approved January, 2013

After we have watched and listened the story on the projector, we will have a small group discussion guided by the teacher. I
will ask questions such as:
What was the main idea of the story?
What are some of the things that the main character likes about herself?
What are somethings that you like about you?
Who remembers what a blog is?
Who can tell me what a selfie is?

Assessment- During this discussion, the teacher can take data based on student answers as to who comprehended the story
ideas and also note which students may need more guidance to complete the final project.
Students will use their individual iPads to create a blog entry entitled “My Selfie.” They will use their writing and word
processing skills to provide an explanation of what they like about themselves. They will publish their blog post through
Assessment- The teacher will travel around the classroom providing guidance as needed. During this time the teacher can also
make and note which students are able to utilize the application tools to complete the assignment and how well they
comprehend the objective.
Expectations 5- Approaching Expectations 10-Expectations Met 15- Exceeded Expectations
Listening Student needed frequent Student listened and Student listened to the story
redirection to attend to the attended to the story and and engaged in discussions
story and discussions discussion most of the lesson meaningfully throughout the
entire lesson
Meaningful Contribution Student vaguely discussed Student was able to Student was able to relate
the main idea of the story comprehend the main idea the main idea of the story to
and was unable to relate to of the story and describe themselves and
the main character. what the main character communicate things they
liked about themselves like about themselves.
Quality of Project Student was unable to Student submission was neat Student submission was neat
clearly communicate what and adequately and creative and clearly
they like about themselves communicated what they expressed the attributes they
using technology or through like about themselves/their like about themselves/their
oral expression. Student did comprehension of the lesson comprehension of the story.
not exhibit adequate effort and story
towards completing the

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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