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Unit 1

Objetivo: Demostrar comprensión lectora de textos escritos sobre rutinas diarias

Lesson 1

I.- Observe the pictures and the vocabulary. Read and complete the sentences.
(Observa las imágenes y el vocabulario. Lee y complete las oraciones).

tidy my room have dinner

do my homework

practise the recorder walk the dog

see my friends
go to bed
do the dishes

walk - do - go - see - tidy - do - practise - have

1.- I always ________ to bed at 9:30 pm.

2.- I always ________ the dog in the afternoon.

3.- I sometimes _________ my friends after school.

4.- I usually _________ the dishes.

5.- I always _______ my homework after school.

6.- I never __________ the recorder, I don’t like it. I like the guitar.

7.- We always ___________ dinner together.

8.- I always _________ my room, it is always clean.

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