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public class RawPrinterHelper

// Structure and API declarions:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public class DOCINFOA
public string pDocName;
public string pOutputFile;
public string pDataType;
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "OpenPrinterA", SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConven
public static extern bool OpenPrinter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] strin
g szPrinter, out IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pd);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "ClosePrinter", SetLastError = true,
ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool ClosePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "StartDocPrinterA", SetLastError = t
rue, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingCo
public static extern bool StartDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, Int32 level, [In,
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] DOCINFOA di);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "EndDocPrinter", SetLastError = true
, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool EndDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "StartPagePrinter", SetLastError = t
rue, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool StartPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "EndPagePrinter", SetLastError = tru
e, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool EndPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "WritePrinter", SetLastError = true,
ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool WritePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pBytes, Int32
dwCount, out Int32 dwWritten);
// SendBytesToPrinter()
// When the function is given a printer name and an unmanaged array
// of bytes, the function sends those bytes to the print queue.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
public static bool SendBytesToPrinter(string szPrinterName, IntPtr pBytes, I
nt32 dwCount)
Int32 dwError = 0, dwWritten = 0;
IntPtr hPrinter = new IntPtr(0);
bool bSuccess = false; // Assume failure unless you specifically succeed
di.pDocName = "My C#.NET RAW Document";
di.pDataType = "RAW";
// Open the printer.
if (OpenPrinter(szPrinterName.Normalize(), out hPrinter, IntPtr.Zero))
// Start a document.
if (StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, di))
// Start a page.
if (StartPagePrinter(hPrinter))
// Write your bytes.
bSuccess = WritePrinter(hPrinter, pBytes, dwCount, out dwWri
// If you did not succeed, GetLastError may give more information
// about why not.
if (bSuccess == false)
dwError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
return bSuccess;

public static bool SendStringToPrinter(string szPrinterName, string szString

IntPtr pBytes;
Int32 dwCount;
// How many characters are in the string?
dwCount = szString.Length;
// Assume that the printer is expecting ANSI text, and then convert
// the string to ANSI text.
pBytes = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(szString);
// Send the converted ANSI string to the printer.
SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pBytes, dwCount);
return true;

private void DirectPrintProcess(string pPrintCmd)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(_PrinterName, pPrintCmd);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("^FT38,328^A0N,28,28^FD^FD.:: Industria Li
corera de Caldas::.^FS");
sb.AppendLine("^FT472,326^A0N,28,28^FD" + Value2 + "^FS"
sb.AppendLine("^RFW,H,,^FD" + Value1 + "^FS");

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