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A Principle of Neuromechanical Matching for Motor

Unit Recruitment in Human Movement
Anna L. Hudson, Simon C. Gandevia, and Jane E. Butler
Neuroscience Research Australia and University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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HUDSON, A.L., S.C. GANDEVIA, and J.E. BUTLER. A principle of neuromechanical matching for motor unit recruitment in hu-
man movement. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 157–168, 2019. What determines which motor units are active in a motor task?
In the respiratory muscles, motor units are recruited according to their mechanical advantages. We describe a principle of motor unit recruitment
by neuromechanical matching due to mechanisms in the spinal cord that sculpt descending drive to motoneurons. This principle may be applicable
to movements in nonrespiratory muscles. Key Words: neuromechanical matching, respiratory muscles, motor control, motor unit, motoneurons,
spinal distribution network

properties of motoneurons, and the summation of multiple ex-

Key Points citatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs to the motoneuron (1).
• In the respiratory muscles, motor units are recruited accord- Given the one-to-one relationship between motoneuron dis-
ing to their inspiratory mechanical advantage, which pro- charge and a motor unit action potential in the muscle, record-
vides an efficient strategy to ventilate the lungs. ings of motor unit activity are a surrogate for direct recordings
• This recruitment is adaptable, not related to the intrinsic from the motoneurons in the ventral column of the spinal cord,
properties of motor units, and inconsistent with motor unit with the major advantage of being able to make motor unit re-
recruitment according to the classic size principle. cordings in vivo in human participants. The discharge of action
• We propose a principle of motor unit recruitment by
neuromechanical matching. potentials in the muscle, or single motor unit (SMU) activ-
• The mechanisms are likely to involve premotoneuronal ity, can be recorded with an intramuscular electrode, in-
neurons in the spinal cord that sculpt descending drive to cluding from the respiratory muscles during the motor
the motoneurons depending on the motor task. tasks of breathing and nonrespiratory contractions with
• There is evidence of motor unit recruitment by neurome- the appropriate safety precautions (see hereinafter). By sam-
chanical matching in nonrespiratory muscles, and, thus, pling from large populations of motor units during motor tasks,
this principle may extend to many movements.
the output of motoneuron pools across synergistic muscles can
be compared. Here, the term motor units will be used in refer-
ence to a muscle and motoneurons in reference to a motor nu-
INTRODUCTION cleus or motoneuron pool.
Motor tasks involve the recruitment and discharge of motor The presiding principle of motor unit recruitment is Henneman’s
units, both within and across muscles, which work in synergy size principle, informed mostly by recruitment of limb motor units
to develop force. A motor unit is defined as a motoneuron, its (2,3). In this review, we briefly summarize the evidence for the size
axon and the muscle fibers it innervates. The firing pattern of principle. Then, based on our data, from recordings in the axial or
a motoneuron is determined by the conversion of synaptic in- respiratory muscles, we hypothesize that the mechanics of muscles
puts into action potentials, which depends on the intrinsic also may govern motor unit recruitment, in other words, motor
properties of motoneurons, neuromodulation of the biophysical unit recruitment by a principle of neuromechanical matching. The po-
tential mechanisms by which neural activity is matched to muscle
mechanics are discussed. Finally, we explore how motor unit re-
Address for correspondence: Anna Hudson, Neuroscience Research Australia, Margarete
cruitment by neuromechanical matching may be integral to many
Ainsworth Building, Barker St., Randwick, Sydney, New South Wales 2031, Australia movements, including nonrespiratory movements. This princi-
(E-mail: ple of motor unit recruitment by neuromechanical matching
Accepted for publication: March 28, 2019.
may explain some previously observed limitations and apparent
Editor: Janet L. Taylor, M.D.
deviations from the size principle, especially changes in motor unit
behavior across different motor tasks.
Here, we define a motor task as the resultant movement or
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
DOI: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000191 intended movement (in an isometric contraction) due to ac-
Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine tivation of motor units in one or more muscles. On the gross


Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
anatomical level, a muscle is defined as the collection of muscle S1 roots in response to stimulation of supraspinal centers, the
fibers contained between the anatomical origin and insertions smallest cell is recruited before the larger cell ~ 90% of the time
(tendons or aponeuroses). However, all muscle fibers contained (7). In voluntary isometric contractions of first dorsal interosseous
in a muscle typically are not activated simultaneously, nor is ac- (FDI) muscle in humans, the linear correlation coefficient be-
tivation of muscle fibers necessarily evenly distributed through- tween twitch tension (i.e., motor unit size) and threshold force
out the muscle. There is regional activity of subpopulations of at which motor units are recruited is greater than 0.8, but not all
muscle fibers due to activation of subpopulations of motor units data points fall on the line of identity (8). It was subsequently
(see “Neuromechanical Matching in the Human Respiratory noted that although orderly size-related recruitment occurs
Muscles” and “Neuromechanical Matching in Nonrespiratory in isometric contractions for intrinsic hand muscles FDI
Muscles” sections). Therefore, the use of the term “muscle” here and abductor pollicis brevis, only about a third of motor unit
does not always imply activation of all fibers and in these cir- pairs were always recruited in order (as predicted by their rel-
cumstances we have clarified this detail. The mechanics of mus- ative twitch amplitudes) in dynamic contractions (rhythmic
cle action of an individual muscle can differ between tasks. By scissoring movement) (9,10).
extension, differential activation of groups of motor units Given such examples of altered motor unit recruitment in
within and across synergistic muscles can result in drastically different types of contractions or tasks, within the context of
different movements. The amount of force that a muscle and the anatomical and functional complexities of skeletal muscles,
its motor units can produce in a motor task depends on key bio- Loeb and colleagues (11,12) conceived the idea of the task
mechanical factors such as its length-tension relation, velocity group, that is a set of motor units recruited in an ordered manner
of shortening, the muscle’s physiological cross-sectional area for a particular task or motor behavior. It was thought that the
and specific tension, the pennation angle of the muscle fibers, exact motor units recruited may vary between different tasks,
and the moment arm of the muscle-tendon unit (see (4)). For but there is still orderly recruitment of the motor units accord-
the respiratory muscles discussed here, the measure of their ing to their size in a particular task group. For example, task
“mechanical advantage” (see “Neuromechanical Matching in groups of motor units are observed in the biceps femoris in the
the Human Respiratory Muscles” section) incorporates the cat for hip extension and knee flexion (12), in the biceps
length-tension, pennation angle, and moment arm elements brachii in humans for flexion and supination (13,14), in exten-
of these biomechanical factors and respiratory effect also captures sor digitorum to extend different digits (15), and in the abdom-
the muscle’s physiological cross-sectional area and specific ten- inal muscles for respiratory and nonrespiratory tasks (16).
sion. Respiratory effect evaluates the contribution to pressure Just as one muscle produces force in more than one direction,
(i.e., force) a respiratory muscle can produce in breathing. many muscles can contribute to force production in a given di-
rection. Cope and Sokoloff (6) proposed that the idea of motor
MOTOR UNIT RECRUITMENT AND THE SIZE PRINCIPLE unit task groups should be extended such that they contain mo-
Henneman and colleagues (2) discovered the relation be- tor units from more than one muscle. Therefore, when more
tween the threshold at which motoneurons discharge and their than one muscle can contribute to force generation in a partic-
size and the orderly recruitment of motoneurons according to ular direction, motor units recruitment is coordinated across
their size (or threshold that reflects the input resistance of mo- muscles, and such that there is an ensemble-based scheme of mo-
toneurons) and termed it the size principle of motor unit recruit- tor unit recruitment rather than a “muscle-based” scheme (6).
ment (for review see (3)). According to this principle, if all This seems to be the case in the decerebrate cat as, for motor
motoneurons within a pool receive the same excitatory and in- unit pairs in medial and lateral gastrocnemii, motoneurons with
hibitory synaptic inputs, motoneurons are recruited in a system- slower conduction velocities are recruited before those with
atic fashion that is dependent on their intrinsic properties. It higher conduction velocities (17). Thus, as for task groups
has since been shown that many properties of motoneurons or within a muscle, recruitment by Henneman’s size principle
motor units correlate with recruitment threshold such as soma across muscles would ensure coordinated recruitment of motor
size, membrane resistance, intrinsic excitability, axonal size, ax- units that would result in smooth, graded increases in force.
onal conduction velocity, spike amplitude, twitch contraction Relevant to this review, motor units in the diaphragm are re-
time, force, and fatigability (for review see (3,5)). Therefore, cruited in a relatively stable order within repeated voluntary
during a contraction, the motoneurons of small motor units, breaths of different sizes and rates (18). Furthermore, based on
which produce low forces and are fatigue resistant, require less the size of motor unit action potentials at a given recording site
depolarizing current and are recruited before motoneurons of using a monopolar needle electrode (exposed tip of 0.15 mm2),
large motor units that can produce more force, but fatigue more small diaphragmatic motor units are recruited before larger units
quickly due to glycolytic metabolism. This ensures both control in a voluntary breath (see Fig. 1 in (18)). However, during vol-
of fine movements and rapid production of force for stronger untary breaths at fast flows (i.e., double the flow in quiet breath-
movements and minimizes fatigue in everyday tasks requiring ing) or when the input to the motoneurons changes, such as
low-level contractions. from the motor cortex in slow voluntary breaths to the medul-
Stable motor unit recruitment according to size has been lary respiratory centers in automatic breaths, motor unit recruit-
demonstrated in many circumstances (for review see (3,5,6)). ment order is altered for two in every four motor units in the
As most physiological systems have an inherent level of noise, population (18), suggesting some nonuniformity in the distribu-
stable is taken to mean the same motor unit recruitment order tion of descending drives to the phrenic motoneurons. As for
for at least 80% of motor units in a contraction or the same mo- the diaphragm, the recruitment order in the human parasternal
tor unit recruitment order in at least 80% of contractions. For intercostal muscles also is relatively stable in quiet breathing,
example, in cats, for motoneuron pairs recorded from L7 and but altered for one to two in every four motor units during

158 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1. Differential activity in the human inspiratory muscles during quiet breathing. A. Schematic of the human inspiratory muscles. The majority of the
muscles shown are obligatory, active in every breath, but the sternomastoid is active only in large breaths. Pale colors are used for more superficial muscles
and darker colors for deeper muscles. Panels (B), (C), and (D) depict the graded patterns of inspiratory muscle activity that have been demonstrated in humans.
Relative muscle activation during breathing is indicated by the reference color scale, with greatest activation in warm colors and less activity in cooler colors. For
example, the muscles shown in purple (e.g., third ventral external intercostal and sternomastoid) are only active in larger breaths. There are rostrocaudal gradients
in the parasternal intercostal muscles from the first-to-fifth interspaces (panel B) and the external intercostal muscles from the third, fifth, and seventh interspaces
(panel C). There also is a dostroventral gradient of activity in the external intercostal muscles in the third interspace (panel D). For the inspiratory muscles in the
neck (panels B and D), the scalene muscles are active in every breath, but the sternomastoid is only active in larger breaths.

voluntary hyperventilation (19), although only 31 units were motoneurons, and here, we argue these inputs may be orga-
sampled in the parasternal intercostals compared with 60 motor nized to ensure recruitment of motor units depending on their
units in the diaphragm (18). relative mechanics for the motor task.
One assumption of the size principle is that synaptic input or
drive is distributed equally to all the motoneurons within a par- NEUROMECHANICAL MATCHING IN THE HUMAN
ticular pool. However, modeling experiments have highlighted RESPIRATORY MUSCLES
the role of synaptic input in differential recruitment of moto- Motor units from many muscles are recruited during inspira-
neurons. Kernell and Hultborn (20) showed that changes in tion to generate negative pleural pressure (see Fig. 1; for review
recruitment gain could be achieved only if the distribution of see (21)). Compared with other skeletal muscles, the respiratory
synaptic input was differential across the motoneuron pool. motoneurons are automatically and rhythmically depolarized by
Recruitment gain is defined as the number of motoneurons descending neural drive that originates in the respiratory cen-
recruited for a given synaptic input (20). An increase in re- ters in the ponto-medullary region of the brain (22). However,
cruitment gain reduces the range of activation thresholds for respiratory muscles also can be activated volitionally, in both
motoneurons as more motoneurons are recruited by the same respiratory (i.e., large breaths) and nonrespiratory (i.e., trunk
synaptic input. When the model assumed that synaptic input movements) tasks, and consequently their motoneurons also re-
was equally distributed, it was possible to change motoneuron ceive neural drive from higher brain areas including the motor
recruitment thresholds but not recruitment gain (20). cortex (for review see (22)). These drives depolarize the same
Uneven distribution of synaptic input or drive across moto- motoneurons, and current evidence suggests that the integra-
neuron pools may account for some of the variability in motor tion of drives occurs at the spinal cord, rather than at the brain
unit recruitment order that has been described when the muscle stem (22). Irrespective of whether volitional drive bypasses the
contracts in a different manner (e.g., dynamically) or the con- medulla or not, the output of the final common path, the mo-
traction requires selective activation of units, in other words, toneurons, can be assessed by SMU discharge.
a task group. The uneven distribution of synaptic inputs may For the motor task of breathing, SMU recordings have re-
result from descending, afferent or propriospinal inputs to vealed that the output of the various human inspiratory

Volume 47 • Number 3 • July 2019 Motor Units and Neuromechanical Matching 159

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synergist muscles is not uniform with differential motor unit ac- ~1 s, far longer than any difference due to transmission of neural
tivity across five pump muscles in terms of the timing and am- signals along the intercostal nerve. Inspiratory motor unit activ-
plitude of inspiratory activity (for review see (22,23)). Within ity is similar in the medial and lateral portions of the second hu-
the intercostal muscles, the timing and amplitude of motor unit man parasternal intercostal muscle, suggesting no regional
activity varies across interspaces, but also between different re- difference in activation along an interspace for this muscle (24).
gions of a muscle in an interspace ((24,25); see Fig. 1). For ex- These rostrocaudal and dorsoventral gradients of motor unit
ample, motor units in the dorsal region of the external output in the human intercostal muscles are remarkable because
intercostal muscle in the third interspace contract earlier in in- they correlate with the mechanics of these muscles for the motor
spiration and discharge at a faster rate compared with motor task of inspiration, in other words with inspiratory mechanical ad-
units in the ventral region of the same interspace innervated vantage (Fig. 2). Stemming from theoretical and experimental
by the same motoneurons pool (25). Anatomically, the dorsal work in dogs and humans by De Troyer and colleagues, the inspi-
and ventral regions of the external intercostal muscle may be ratory mechanical advantage of many human respiratory muscles
considered a single muscle, based on data from dogs that dem- has been computed (for review see (28)). In brief, for the respira-
onstrate motoneurons from different regions of an intercostal tory muscles, mechanical advantage is computed as the relative
space are colocated in the ventral horn (26). Despite this, the change in muscle length during passive inflation of the lungs
delay in recruitment between the dorsal and ventral regions is (i.e., %/l). It is a surrogate measure for the respiratory effect of a

Figure 2. Neuromechanical matching in the human intercostal muscles. A. Time and frequency plots reveal a rostrocaudal gradient of activity in the
parasternal intercostal muscles during quiet breathing. Each horizontal line represents data from one motor unit recorded in the first, third, and fifth interspaces
in five healthy male participants. The onset and end of inspiration are shown by vertical dashed lines (from 0% to 100%) of inspiratory time (horizontal axis). Thin
horizontal lines at the bottom of each plot indicate those units that discharged tonically. The thick horizontal lines show the time that the discharge frequency in-
creased during inspiration. Discharge frequency is coded by color (shown in inset). The color of thick lines shows the peak firing frequency, and the smaller circles
at the start and end show the frequencies at recruitment and derecruitment, respectively. The large black circles show the time at which the peak frequency occurred.
The ascending unbroken white line in each panel represents the onset time of the multiunit electromyography (EMG) ordered by onset time (see (27)). The onset of
activity is earlier and the peak discharge rate of the motor units is higher in the rostral first interspace compared with caudal third and fifth spaces. B. Using single
motor unit (SMU) recordings to estimate neural drive to the parasternal intercostal muscles in different interspaces, we first demonstrated that the rostrocaudal gra-
dient of activity across the five interspaces (black circles) is tightly coupled to the inspiratory mechanical advantage of the same regions of muscles (24). We have
replicated the results that there is neuromechanical matching in the human parasternal intercostal muscles during quiet breathing (gray circles) and demonstrated
that the matching is maintained in targeted voluntary breaths (white circles) (data from (27)). The lines are colored to indicate the rostrocaudal gradient, with warm-
to-cold gradient representing a decrease in both neural activity and inspiratory mechanical advantage. All correlations have r-squared values of 0.99 or greater.

160 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

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muscle, which is defined as the change in airway pressure gener- anatomically distinct, this is evidence for a change in the
ated by the muscle if it were active in isolation. Given isolated timing of excitatory inputs to these motoneurons and not just
muscle contraction is not possible in human participants, the recruitment according to motoneuron size.
inspiratory mechanical advantage and respiratory effect of the Is neuromechanical matching in the respiratory muscles
human respiratory muscles is estimated using computed tomog- during breathing adaptable? Given their position in the
raphy and measurements from cadavers (28). With passive lung quasi-rigid three-dimensional ribcage, most respiratory muscles
inflation, a muscle that shortens more has a greater inspira- are relatively impervious to acute changes in their mechanics
tory mechanical advantage, also meaning it has a greater respi- as it is difficult to manipulate the bones onto which they origi-
ratory effect; in other words, it can evoke a greater change in nate or insert. Thus, we used an acute change in body posture,
airway opening pressure. to an upside-down posture, to elicit changes in respiratory mus-
By comparison of measures of inspiratory mechanical advan- cle mechanics (33). A change in the gravitational vector in the
tage for different regions of the human intercostal muscles with upside-down posture changes the mechanics of the respiratory
an estimate of neural drive (i.e., number of motor unit spikes system (i.e., chest wall, lung, and respiratory muscles) compared
during inspiration from our SMU data) to the pools of moto- with that in standing. The inspiratory activity in two inspiratory
neurons that innervate these regions of muscle, we discovered muscles, scalenes and diaphragm, was affected differentially dur-
a strong linear relationship between neural drive and mechani- ing quiet breathing in an upside-down posture. There was di-
cal advantage, in other words neuromechanical matching (see also minished activity in the scalenes compared with standing, but
(29)). This occurs for both the external intercostal and parasternal activity in the diaphragm was unaltered (33). Although the me-
intercostal muscles during quiet breathing (24,25) and the chanics of the muscles were not quantified, we interpreted the
parasternal intercostal muscles during voluntary breaths (27). decrease in scalene activity as an adaptation to the change in
Motor unit recruitment by neuromechanical matching reduces the mechanical advantage of the muscle given the reduced
the metabolic cost of muscle activation (28), thus providing an requirement of the scalenes to elevate the ribcage in an upside-
efficient strategy for ventilation. Figure 2 highlights replication down posture (33). Thus, motor unit recruitment in the respira-
of our finding that the neural drive to the human parasternal inter- tory muscles is adaptable across tasks when the mechanics of the
costal muscles during quiet breathing is tightly coupled to inspira- muscles change (i.e., breathing vs rotation), or within a task
tory mechanical advantage ((24,27) see also (30)). In addition to when the mechanics of the muscles change (i.e., breathing in
the intercostal muscles, we also have demonstrated that the hu- the upright vs upside-down postures).
man scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles in the neck, obliga-
tory and accessory muscles of inspiration, respectively (see Fig. 1), MECHANISMS OF NEUROMECHANICAL MATCHING IN
also are active according to their relative mechanical advantages THE RESPIRATORY MUSCLES
for inspiration in large inspiratory efforts (31). The mechanism responsible for the differential distribution
Respiratory muscles are multifunctional and are active in of neural drive to the inspiratory muscles has been investigated
other motor tasks that have different mechanical requirements. mainly in the canine intercostal muscles where similar gradients
For example, the parasternal intercostals elevate the ribs verti- of inspiratory mechanical advantage and matched neural activ-
cally in quiet breathing, but translate the ribs laterally in trunk ity are observed (for review see (28)). However, complementary
rotation. By direct comparison of the motor unit activity, we observations from other animal preparations are discussed
have recently shown that the differential activation of the where relevant or where data in humans or dogs are lacking.
parasternal intercostals across interspaces for inspiration is effec- As for other skeletal muscles, if we assume that respiratory
tively reversed for the different motor task of trunk rotation motor units are recruited in a systematic fashion due to the “size
((30); Fig. 3). These changes in motor unit behavior do not re- principle” only (see “Motor Unit Recruitment and the Size
flect noise in motoneuron recruitment by a size-related principle Principle” section), then the differential activity observed in
of recruitment. Based on data for muscle shortening in dogs and the intercostal muscles will be reflected by differences in the in-
rib and muscle fiber angulation in humans, there is a strong case trinsic properties of the motoneurons that innervate these mus-
that these changes in motor unit activity match the mechanical cles. Fiber-type composition is a good indicator of motoneuron
advantage of the muscles in the different tasks (30). Thus, properties as slow-twitch oxidative (SO) fibers are generally in-
neuromechanical matching in the human respiratory muscles nervated by small, low-threshold motoneurons, and fast-twitch
adapts across tasks and, as proposed for the graded output in oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic fibers are
breathing, may be due to neural organization in the spinal cord supplied by large higher-threshold motoneurons (for review see
((30); see “Mechanisms of Neuromechanical Matching in the (3)). However, the proportions of muscle fiber type do not differ
Respiratory Muscles” section). Altered neural drive to the in- between human external intercostal muscles for SO fibers
spiratory muscles in rotation compared with breathing does (60%–65% SO fibers) (see (25)), or either between or within
not occur for all obligatory inspiratory muscles. The parasternal parasternal intercostals in dogs (~60% SO and 40% FOG fi-
intercostal muscles show strong activity in rotations to the ipsi- bers) (for review see (28)). In addition, the somal surface area
lateral side (30,32), whereas the diaphragm shows minimal ac- and volume of motoneurons innervating the canine parasternal
tivity in similar rotations (see (23)). This suggests that the intercostal muscles does not differ between different inter-
observed behavior of motor unit output to the parasternal inter- spaces, or between medial and lateral portions of the parasternal
costal muscles in our recent study (30) is related to task-specific intercostal muscles (26). The motoneurons that innervate me-
muscle function, rather than a widespread phenomenon among dial and lateral motor units are colocated in the ventral horn in
the inspiratory muscles. Although the observed changes in mo- dogs (26), as are motoneurons that innervate the different layers
tor unit output between tasks occurred across muscles that are of intercostal muscle in any given interspace in cats (34),

Volume 47 • Number 3 • July 2019 Motor Units and Neuromechanical Matching 161

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Figure 3. Adaptability of parasternal intercostal motor unit recruitment in different motor tasks. Recruitment of parasternal intercostal motor units in the first
(black bars), second (gray), and fourth (white) spaces during quiet breathing (left panel) and rotation (right panel). Median values for each interspace are shown
on each histogram by arrows above the histograms. For quiet breathing (panel A), motor unit recruitment is indicated relative to inspiratory time during record-
ings, and for rotation (panel B), motor unit recruitment is indicated relative to torque of maximal voluntary rotation contractions (% MVC). In quiet breathing,
motor units from the first and second interspaces are recruited early in the breath, before those from the fourth space. The graded neural activity of human
parasternal intercostal muscles during quiet breathing is matched to the known mechanics of these muscles for inspiration. This pattern is effectively reversed
in rotation as motor units in the first interspace are recruited late in rotation, compared with the second and fourth spaces. PSIC, parasternal intercostal.

suggesting that there is not task-dependent topographical orga- can affect differentially slow- and fast-twitch motor units in the
nization in intercostal motoneuron pools. In the cat, the propor- cat (36) or modify motor unit behavior in humans compared
tion of fiber types does vary along a rostrocaudal gradient in the with size-related recruitment in voluntary contractions without
external intercostal muscles, with a greater proportion of SO fi- cutaneous stimulation (37,38). Regarding descending drive to
bers in the rostral interspaces (in the regions where the muscles the respiratory motoneurons, the strength of bulbospinal connec-
have greater inspiratory activity), but again, there is no differ- tions to different intercostal motoneurons at different spinal
ence in the distribution of fiber type in different parasternal in- levels does not differ (28,39). Thus, the differential motoneuron
tercostals (35). Therefore, the distribution of activity in the output along a rostrocaudal gradient in breathing does not seem
intercostal muscles is not likely to be solely determined by an in- to depend on differential input from respiratory centers. Of
trinsic, size-related property of the motoneurons. Although the course, motoneuron gain may vary across the intercostal spaces,
quiet breathing and trunk rotation tasks where neuromechanical but as discussed hereinafter, evidence of neuromodulation for in-
matching has been observed (see “Neuromechanical Matching spiratory intercostal motoneurons output is lacking.
in the Human Respiratory Muscles” section) are low-force tasks, Alternatively, a mechanism at the spinal cord that sculpts
reversed recruitment across spinal levels of the same motor units the descending drive to the motoneurons may generate the to-
(30) provides strong evidence against motor unit recruitment pographic distribution of drive to intercostal muscles. This
exclusively by motoneuron size. would provide motor unit recruitment by neuromechanical
The role of afferent input has been assessed by section of ei- matching during both automatic and voluntary breaths with
ther the phrenic nerves or thoracic dorsal roots in spontane- descending drive from bulbospinal and corticospinal projec-
ously breathing dogs. Removal of feedback does not alter the tions, respectively, but also allow adaptability of motor unit
rostrocaudal pattern of activity in the parasternal intercostal output in different motor tasks (see Fig. 3). DiMarco and
muscles (for review see (23)). With support from our finding Kowalski (40) have shown that the usual pattern of output
in humans that the typical activation of the scalenes and ster- from canine intercostal motoneurons (i.e., graded activity be-
nocleidomastoid muscles according to their relative inspiratory tween and within an interspace during spontaneous breathing)
mechanical advantages was not altered with changes in lung can be reproduced using high-frequency spinal cord stimula-
volume (i.e., when feedback from the lungs and inspiratory tion over the ventral spinal cord at thoracic level T2. As these
muscles would differ) (31), on-going peripheral feedback plays dogs also had a complete spinal section at the cervical level C2
a minimal role for the usual differential recruitment of inspira- (albeit in an acute preparation, see (41)), these data suggest
tory muscles in breathing. Although not implicated in the pat- that mechanisms within the spinal cord can produce the usual
tern of activation of inspiratory muscles in breathing, afferent pattern of inspiratory output from the intercostal motoneurons
feedback may be critical to changes in inspiratory muscle activity according to the relative mechanics of the muscles (28), at
when the task or mechanics of the muscles change. In nonres- least in the dog. Consistent with this is the preservation of
piratory muscles, for example, cutaneous afferent stimulation the rostrocaudal gradient of the parasternal intercostal motor

162 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
unit output in quiet breaths and matched voluntary breaths in In the human triceps surae muscle group, recruitment of mo-
human participants (27). tor units in medial gastrocnemius (MG) is delayed when the
What might this spinal mechanism be? We previously postu- knee is flexed, such that the plantar flexion torque and level of
lated a role for “spinal distribution networks” of propriospinal, seg- soleus EMG at which they are recruited are significantly greater
mental, and intersegmental neurons that distribute neural drive to compared with when the knee is extended (44). This was pro-
the different inspiratory motoneuron pools in different motor tasks posed to reflect a reduction in the force-producing capability of
(22; see Fig. 4). In animals, there is increasing evidence for spinal MG to plantar flexion torque with the knee flexed, although
interneurons that contribute to respiratory motoneuron output the mechanical properties of the muscles were not measured.
(for review see (42)). These data also show that respiratory inter- However, based on the methodology to assess the mechanical
neurons project between spinal segments and to the contralateral advantage of the respiratory muscles (see “Neuromechanical
ventral horn. Thus, it is likely that there is a type of propriospinal Matching in the Human Respiratory Muscles” section), the rel-
system for phrenic and intercostal motoneurons (22,30,40) as ative contribution of a limb muscle to torque around a joint
there is for forelimb motoneurons in tasks such as reaching that re- could be assessed by the fractional change in muscle length/
quire coordinated activity across multiple muscles. joint angle for a passive movement around a joint. Kawakami
Synaptic inputs to respiratory motoneurons from central re- and colleagues (45) measured the change in muscle fascicle
spiratory centers or spinal interneurons also may be modulated length of the soleus and gastrocnemii muscles over a range of
by mechanisms that alter the gain of the motoneurons. Active knee and ankle angles in the passive condition. For MG, the
dendritic mechanisms involving persistent inward currents or mechanical advantage for plantar flexion is 0.42 mm per degree
ligand-gated channel-mediated synaptic inputs may amplify when the knee is fully extended, but only 0.13 mm per degree
synaptic signals in some motoneurons (for review see (1)). For with the knee flexed at 90 degrees. In contrast, with a change
phrenic motoneurons, the amplification of synaptic excitation in knee angle from 0 to 90 degrees, the change in mechanical
from central respiratory drive potentials occurs via ligand- advantage of soleus is unchanged. These differences are consis-
mediated mechanisms (NMDA), but expiratory motoneurons tent with the relative change in force contribution and activity
in the thoracic region (that presumably innervate the expira- of gastrocnemius and soleus during plantar flexion with a
tory intercostal muscles) show persistent inward currents in de- change in knee angle (44) and thus fit with motor unit recruit-
cerebrate cats (43). It is not known if inspiratory motoneurons ment by neuromechanical matching (Fig. 5).
in the thoracic region (i.e., that innervate the inspiratory inter- For the upper limb, we have demonstrated coupling between
costal muscles where regional differences in electromyography the neural and mechanical behavior for synergist muscles (FDI
(EMG) are observed) have persistent inward currents like their and long finger flexors) for flexion of the index finger (4). Fur-
expiratory counterparts. Regional differences in the density of thermore, this matching is adaptable. If the moment arm of FDI
serotonergic inputs to canine parasternal intercostal motoneu- for index finger flexion is acutely increased (indicated by ultra-
rons occur mediolaterally, but not rostrocaudally (26), and the sound) thereby increasing flexion twitch force (evoked by ulnar
topographic distribution of inspiratory activity in this muscle oc- nerve stimulation), the proportion of neural drive to this mus-
curs along both gradients (for review see (28)). Replication in cle increases (4).
the varied density of serotonergic input to motoneurons that in- Although the changes in motor unit recruitment are not
nervate the medial and lateral canine parasternal intercostal specifically linked to known changes in the contribution of
muscles only would confirm that other excitatory inputs or a muscle at a joint (i.e., its mechanical advantage or mechanical
other mechanisms may generate the regional differences in effectiveness), many studies have suggested that some motor
EMG, at least along the rostrocaudal gradient. units or muscles are recruited in relation to their direction
If descending neuromodulation is important for intercostal of pull or contribution to force for limb (e.g., (13,46,47))
motoneurons output, this would be another spinal mechanism, and axial (e.g., (48–50)) muscles. Therefore, recruitment of
in addition to spinal distribution networks of interneurons, by motor units by neuromechanical matching may explain di-
which inspiratory output of different “task groups” of motor vergence from recruitment purely based on the size-principle
units is sculpted to match the inspiratory mechanical advantages in some nonrespiratory muscles, particularly in studies that
of the muscles for breathing (Fig. 4). Furthermore, it may provide observed altered motor unit recruitment across motor tasks.
a mechanism that adapts neuromechanical matching in the respi- Our proposed principle of motor unit recruitment comple-
ratory muscles across motor tasks, as it has been postulated that ments that of the size principle and provides a central mech-
neuromodulation allows motoneurons to have different states for anism to produce efficient voluntary movements.
different functions or tasks (e.g., postural, voluntary, and oscilla-
tory behaviors) (1). However, without evidence for neuromod- RECONCILIATION BETWEEN NEUROMECHANICAL
ulation in inspiratory intercostal motoneurons, this potential MATCHING AND THE SIZE PRINCIPLES OF MOTOR
mechanism for neuromechanical matching remains unproven. UNIT RECRUITMENT
From its inception, Henneman’s size principle provided a hy-
NEUROMECHANICAL MATCHING IN pothesis by which the recruitment of motor units in most con-
NONRESPIRATORY MUSCLES tractions could be explained, even for task groups of motor
The respiratory muscles are skeletal muscles like those of the units within a muscle (11) or ensemble-based task groups across
limbs and trunk. Therefore, perhaps unsurprisingly, neuro- muscles (6). Although orderly recruitment of motor units across
mechanical matching also may operate in other skeletal mus- muscles by the size principle would result in smooth gradation of
cles. Limb muscles also provide a model in which to investigate force, it has been noted previously that a fixed order of motor unit
further the adaptability of neuromechanical matching. recruitment would limit the muscle to perform only tasks that

Volume 47 • Number 3 • July 2019 Motor Units and Neuromechanical Matching 163

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 4. Recruitment of motoneurons by neuromechanical matching. A. Diagrammatic representation of the proposed spinal distribution networks that dis-
tribute neural drive to the intercostal motoneurons depending on task and the mechanical advantage of the muscles for those tasks. Motoneuronal (MN) pools in
the first, second, and fourth thoracic spinal levels and the corresponding muscle fibers in the first, second, and fourth parasternal intercostal muscles are depicted.
The angulation of the muscle fibers varies along a rostrocaudal gradient (see (30)). Spinal distribution networks of propriospinal, segmental, and intersegmental
neurons are depicted as a column of cells ipsilateral to the motoneurons, but some of these neurons may have their cell bodies in the contralateral side of the
spinal cord. As for the motoneurons, the spinal distribution network neurons vary in their intrinsic properties (e.g., somal size) and also may be influenced by
changes in their biophysical properties by neuromodulation (see text). Given the size-related intrinsic properties of motor units in the parasternal intercostal mus-
cles is similar between interspaces (see text), if motor unit recruitment was governed by the size principle alone, the onset and amplitude of inspiratory activity
during quiet breathing or trunk rotation would be similar in the first, second, and fourth parasternal intercostal muscles (depicted by the same red color of the
muscles in the ribcage, panel B), but this is not the case. For panels B, C, and D, the reference color scale for relative muscle activation is shown on the bottom left
of the figure. Shown in purple (panel A) is the spinal distribution network for inspiration that sculpts descending drive from the bulbospinal pathways during
automatic breathing and from the corticospinal (CS) pathways during voluntary breaths. Spinal distribution networks for inspiration on both sides of the spinal
cord receive similar input as bulbospinal projections are largely bilateral. When activated via the inspiratory spinal distribution networks, the relative input to the
parasternal intercostal motoneurons is distributed along a rostrocaudal gradient with earlier and greater activity in the first and second interspaces compared with
the fourth space (24,30). This graded activity (depicted by the color of the muscles in the ribcage and purple arrow, panel C) is matched to the relative mechanical
advantage of these interspaces for inspiration, that is, neuromechanical matching. The graded output persists during voluntary breaths in humans (27) and dur-
ing high-frequency stimulation of the thoracic spinal cord in dogs with an acute C2 spinal section (indicated by the dashed line) (40). Shown in blue (panel A) is
the spinal distribution network for another motor task, voluntary trunk rotation, which sculpts descending drive via CS pathways. During rotation, the relative
input to the same parasternal intercostal motoneurons by the rotation spinal distribution network is depicted to be different to that distributed by the inspiratory
spinal distribution network as the output of the motor units is effectively reversed compared with that in inspiration (30). During trunk rotation, there is delayed
recruitment of motor units in the first interspace compared with the second and fourth spaces (depicted by the color of the muscles and blue arrow, panel D). The
output is matched to the predicted mechanical advantage of these muscles (see (30)). Given neuromechanical matching is adaptable (e.g., altered inspiratory
muscle output with changes in posture (33)), the proposed spinal distribution networks are responsive to afferent inputs and other descending drive (e.g., from
vestibular system), indicated by the pink arrows (panel A). BS, bulbospinal; CS, corticospinal; PSIC, parasternal intercostal.

164 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 5. Example of neuromechanical matching in the triceps surae muscles for plantar flexion contractions. A. Participants performed plantar flexion torque
contractions (ankle angle, 90 degrees) in two positions: knee extended (knee angle, 0 degrees) and knee flexed (knee angle, 90 degrees) designed to alter medial
gastrocnemius (MG) muscle length but not soleus muscle length. Using data from Kawakami et al. (45) to estimate the mechanical advantage (mech adv) of these
muscles during plantar flexion contractions (see text), the change in knee angle from 0 (extended) to 90 degrees (flexed) would decrease the mechanical advantage
of the MG significantly (by 0.29 mm per degree), but have little effect on that of soleus (0.02 mm per degree). B. Motor units were recorded from MG (bottom panel)
during ramped plantar flexion contractions in the knee extended and knee flexed positions. Intramuscular soleus electromyography (EMG) (top panel) and plantar
flexion torque (middle panel) also are shown. Compared with the onset of torque (indicated by “A”), the level of soleus EMG and torque at which an MG motor unit
was recruited (indicated by “B”) was delayed in the knee flexed position compared with knee extended position (indicated by the greater A-to-B delay shaded in gray
in the right panel). C. Group data for soleus EMG and plantar flexion torque at which MG motor units were recruited in the knee extended (black circles) and knee flexed
(white circles) positions. With the knee flexed, the soleus EMG and torque at which MG units were recruited was significantly greater, likely due to the reduced mechan-
ical advantage of MG in this flexed position. rec, recruitment; SOL, soleus. [Adapted from (44). Copyright © 2000 Springer Nature. Used with permission. Adaptations are
themselves works protected by copyright. In order to publish this adaptation, authorization must be obtained both from the owner of the copyright in the original work
and from the owner of copyright in the translation or adaptation.]

Volume 47 • Number 3 • July 2019 Motor Units and Neuromechanical Matching 165

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
depended on graded motor unit force (51). As such, Cope and territories to be grouped in close proximity to either
Sokoloff (6) proposed a selection process, by which the appropriate joint given that [motor unit] activity will generate
motor units, in other words, those that generate force in the de- tension at the proximal and distal muscle insertions.”
sired direction, have to be selected for use and are then recruited
by their size-related properties. We are not the first to observe CONCLUSIONS
changes in the motor unit behavior with different tasks, but our A principle of neuromechanical matching for motor unit re-
work in human respiratory muscles provides direct evidence for a cruitment in human movement is significant to the fields of ex-
mechanism that matches neural output to the relative mechanics ercise science and sports medicine. For example, physiological
of muscles (or regions of muscles) for different movements. studies that measure motor unit output in movements (e.g., lo-
The size principle relies on the assumption that synaptic in- comotion) must now consider mechanisms beyond the size
put is distributed equally to all the motoneurons within a partic- principle. This new principle will improve our understanding
ular pool. As described previously, historical data and our data of the mechanisms behind altered movement control (e.g.,
from respiratory muscles that demonstrate divergence from mo- with motor impairments or injury) and the improvements that
toneuron recruitment according to their size-related properties can be realized with training. Furthermore, uptake of this con-
(e.g., in different contraction types or motor tasks) highlight cept by the exercise science and sports medicine fields will ex-
the importance of this assumption when testing the size princi- pedite answers to outstanding research and clinical questions,
ple because inputs to motoneurons may change in these circum- some of which are noted hereinafter.
stances. Our recent finding of varied recruitment behavior in The adaptability of neuromechanical matching described
the same parasternal intercostal motor units when the task previously is for acute changes in the mechanics of muscles.
changed (30) shows that the differential synaptic input is more How the coupling of neural and mechanical behavior is altered
important than the size-related properties of the motor units for by chronic changes to muscle mechanics in motor impairments
recruitment according to the principle of neuromechanical is not known. If damage to spinal distribution networks occurs,
matching. This mechanism is likely to occur at the spinal cord then neuromechanical matching may be impaired. Similarly, if
and involves changes in synaptic input that select the units neuromechanical matching is disrupted because of injury or dis-
based on their mechanical advantage for the task. How might eases that alter biomechanics or skeletal muscle function, then
this occur and how widespread is it? optimization of neuromechanical matching may provide a tar-
The spinal mechanisms postulated for the respiratory muscles get for physiotherapy or therapeutic biofeedback.
(i.e., spinal distribution network of interneurons) are applicable To test neuromechanical matching in all skeletal muscles, the
to any skeletal muscle where motor unit recruitment by neuro- methodology to measure muscle mechanics is required. Given
mechanical matching may occur. These interneurons may in- the amount of force a muscle can produce in any motor task de-
clude afferent connections between the muscle and spinal pends on several key factors; studies that use physiological cross-
cord, which are localized to a particular segment or neuromus- sectional area alone to infer the mechanics of a muscle should be
cular compartment of the muscle (i.e., akin to task groups for ef- interpreted with caution as the mechanics of a muscle may vary
ferent control). This was termed reflex partitioning and provides independently to physiological cross-sectional area. For example,
a potential mechanism for fine control of activity within a task the moment arm of a muscle can change with different postures
group (see (52)). However, it does not operate in the human of the structure into which the muscle inserts (see (4)). Although
tibialis anterior muscle at least for low-threshold motoneurons the techniques to measure mechanical advantage or mechanical
(52). McKeon and colleagues (52) suggested reflex partitioning effectiveness for the respiratory muscles are established, current
may be related to “muscle architecture and function” and not methodology uses computed tomography scans (28). There is a
applicable to “simple muscles with single physiological functions” need for a method to make comparable measures of respiratory
(cf. (53) in vastus medialis). The presence of any reflex par- mechanical advantage using safer and cheaper technologies such
titioning may correspond to the presence of motor unit compart- as ultrasound. Ideally, these methods can then be applied to as-
ments or small motor unit territories for regional activation of sess mechanical advantage in the respiratory muscles during tasks
muscle fibers. Motor unit compartments are absent in the MG, other than breathing and in postures other than supine, and in
a muscle with single distal and proximal tendons (54), but pres- various motor tasks for nonrespiratory muscles. The typical con-
ent in muscles with more complex anatomy and broad muscle or- traction of the respiratory muscles (i.e., during quiet breathing) is
igins such as axial and trunk muscles (e.g., (25,48)). In this orchestrated — a cyclical contraction from the same muscle
respect, muscle architecture and function may dictate the bal- length (at end expiratory lung volume) at a comparable ex-
ance between the neuromechanical matching and size principles tent and contraction velocity. Therefore, factors such as the
of motor unit recruitment. Muscles with large motor unit terri- velocity of the contraction that has been shown to affect mo-
tories and muscles that transmit their force through discrete ori- tor unit recruitment (e.g., (18,55)) and contraction history
gin and insertions (i.e., single, long tendons) are instances where (e.g., (51)) that may affect the force a muscle can generate
motor unit recruitment by neuromechanical matching may not in a contraction will need to be considered and explored in
occur. As described by Heroux and colleagues (54) for MG: the application of the principle of neuromechanical matching
to nonrespiratory muscles.
“In the absence of a separate bony attachment that
would confer a mechanical advantage to muscle fi- Acknowledgments
bres in the proximal (knee flexion) or distal (ankle A.L.H. was supported by a Lung Foundation Australia/Boehringer Ingelheim
plantar flexion) portion of the MG muscle, there COPD Research Fellowship; S.C.G. and J.E.B. were supported by the NHMRC
is no benefit for [motor units] with small spatial (Australia).

166 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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