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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Cagayan National High School
Diagnostic Test
Grade VIII-Au to Sb

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that gives the correct answer. Write the letter only. (Use
uppercase letter.)

1. Who developed the method of sequencing the nucleotide bases of the DNA?
A. Hans Sanger B. Frederick Griffith C. James Watson D. Francis Crick
2. Planned and controlled breeding programs can produce hybrids that are stronger or improved in
certain ways. Which of the following shows hybrid vigor?
A. Corn plants with bigger and longer ears.
B. Animal that is vulnerable to diseases.
C. Colonies of bacteria showing identical characteristics.
D. Dwarf varieties of rice that can produce same yield.
3. Which classical technique employs the use of attenuated microbes to enhance the resistance of
animal against a particular disease?
A. Selection B. Hybridization C. Fermentation D. Vaccination
4. Considering the definition of biotechnology, which of the following is a biotech-based product in the
A. dried fish B. bacon C. burong isdaD. sweetened banana
5. Which are examples of product of biotechnology?
I. Acetone II. Alcohol III. Cheese IV. Soap
A. I, II and III B. I, III and IV C. II, III and IV D. I, II and IV
6. Prior to the advancement of the methods of recombinant DNA, scientists were limited to the
techniques of their time except one. Which one is it?
A. Use of pesticides C. Use of herbicide tolerant plants
B. Selective breeding D. Use of antibiotics
7. Which is used to catalyze biochemical reactions in most bioprocesses?
A. enzymes B. heat C. chemical catalyst D. Radioactive substances
9. Biotechnology is not new. Man has been manipulating living things to improve his way of life
for millennia. Which technique was first practiced by our ancestors?
A. The use of antibiotics to treat infections.
B. The use of microorganisms in fermentation process.
C. The use of different growing techniques to improve potato.
D. The production of vaccines and its subsequent use to treat chicken pox.
10. In addition to its one major chromosome, bacteria may also have much smaller rings of DNA
consisting of only a few genes. What do you call the structure?
A. plasmids B. plastids C. granules D. pilus
11. A microbiologist found that some bacteria infected by phage had the ability to make a particular
amino acid that that could not make before. What cause this new ability to make the particular amino
A. Transformation B. Transduction C. Conjugation D. Induction
12. What do you call the protein shell that encloses the viral genome?
A. capsid B. viral envelope C. glycoprotein spikes D. A & B
13. A viral infection begins when the genome of a virus makes it way into the shell. Once inside, the
viral genome reprograms the cell to copy the genes. Which provide the template for copying the
nucleotide sequence of the viral genome?
A. host organism B. virus genetic material C. both A & B D. neither A nor B
14. What do you call the reproductive cycle of a virus that culminates in death of the host cell?
A. virulent phage B. prophage C. lytic D. lysogenic

Refer to passage below to answer numbers 15-17.

Consider two E.coli strains, each unable to synthesize one of its required amino acid. The two
mutant strains cannot grow in a culture medium of minimal nutrients because one of them cannot
synthesize tryptophan and the other cannot synthesize argentine. Suppose you have grown the two strains
together on a medium containing both trp and arg. After a few hours, you transfer on a small sample of this
culture to a Petri dish containing minimal medium and incubate overnight. The next day you observed
numerous colonies of bacteria on the minimal medium.

15. Why do cells in the sample from the mixed medium are able to grow on minimal medium?
A. The cells have been used to the minimal medium.
B. The cells must have been transformed when they were mixed.
C. The cells have mated producing progenies that can grow on minimal medium.
D. The cells ability to grow on minimal medium is a result from infection with a phage.
16. Which method of gene transfer must have taken place?
A. transformation B. transduction C. conjugation D. induction
17. Not all bacteria in a population can initiate mating and gene transfer. The ability to do
so is conferred by genes contained in bacterial plasmids. Which particular plasmid is
A. F+ plasmid B. R plasmid C. F- plasmid D. R- plasmid
18. What is the special function of this plasmid?
A. They synthesize slimy layer surrounding the cell.
B. They produced the sex pili that form the cytoplasmic bridge.
C. They carry the genes that confer resistance to antibiotics.
D. They increase the growth of bacterial cell to prepare the cell to replicate its DNA.
19. One route of gene transfer is through viruses. The infection of an E. coli begins when the
phage DNA is incorporated into a specific site of the host cell’s chromosome. Which site is
A. A particular sequence on the bacterial chromosome that is very weak.
B. A particular sequence on the bacterial chromosome and a different sequence in
the viral genome.
C. A particular sequence on the bacterial chromosome that is similar to the viral
D. A particular sequence on the bacterial chromosome that is analogous to viral
20. What do you call the enzyme encoded by the virus that helps the lambda DNA to combine with the
bacterial chromosome?
A. polymerase B. synthetase C. integrase D. isocrase
21. The viral genome behaves differently during a lysogenic cycle. At times, the phage genome is mostly
silent within the bacterium. How then does the phage reproduce?
A. The phage DNA is replicated each time the bacterium divides.
B. The phage DNA is replicated independently from the bacterial chromosome when the bacterium
is exposed to radiation.
C. Both A & B
D. Neither A nor B
22. Which shows the correct sequence of events during specialized transduction?
I. Injection of lambda DNA into cell
II. Viral replication, packaging and lysis
III. Integration of lambda DNA into host chromosome
IV. Aberrant excision of viral DNA
V. Transducing phages infect new host cell where recombinant can occur

A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 2,1,4,5,3 C. 1,3,4,2,5 D. 4,5,2,1,3

23. Who is the British scientist who experimented on bacterial transformation?
A. Frederick Wohler B. Frederick Griffith C. Hans Christian Gram D. Maurice Wilkins
24. What happened to the mouse after injected with a mixture of heat killed S cells and live R cells?
A. the mouse died C. the mouse was transformed
B. the mouse survive D. the mouse contaminated the another mouse
25. The spotlight of molecular biology has fallen on one species E. coli. Which is/are the
reason/s for selecting E. coli as model organism?
A. It grows on a wide variety of food sources.
B. It divides rapidly within a short period of time.
C. It is easy to manipulate because of its big size.
D. I, II only
E. I, II and III

26. In the early 1950s, Franklin and Wilkins studied the structure of the DNA using X-rays. The X-ray
pattern shown below provided important clues about the structure of the DNA. Which are the clues that
helped Watson and Crick in elucidating the molecular structure of the DNA?
I. The small X near the center shows that the fibers are twisted together.
II. Concentrated viscous solution of DNA could be separated into fibers
III. The molecules in the fiber are spaced out at regular intervals along
the length of the fiber.
IV. The fibers are like crystals a solid substance whose atoms are
arranged in a definite manner.
A. I and II B. I and III C. I and IV D. II and IV
27. Which clue showed that the DNA is helical?
28. What do the dark patches indicate?

Refer to the illustration below to answer nos. 29- 33

29. The molecular structure of the DNA proposed by Watson and Crick is a great scientific model. By
studying the model, which of the following are the features of the DNA?
I. The molecule is two-stranded with the strands anti-parallel to each other.
II. At each sugar the two strands are bridged by two nitrogen bases, either both purine and both
III. The sugar-phosphate backbone consists of 5’ -3’ linkages.
IV. The molecule is helically shape like a circular staircase.
A. I, II and III B. I, III and IV C. I, II and IV D. II, III and IV
30. What kind of forces holds the two strands together?
A. Hydrogen bond B. Ionic bond C. Metallic bond D. Van der Waals bond
31. What bond links the nucleotides in the each strand of the DNA?
A. Covalent bond Ionic bond C. Metallic bond D. Phosphodiester bond
32. What is the diameter of the DNA molecule?
A. 10 Ǻ B. 20 Ǻ C. 30 Ǻ D. 40 Ǻ
33. What is the distance between two adjacent nucleotides?
A. 3.4 Ǻ B. 34 Ǻ C. 340 Ǻ D. 3400 Ǻ

34. Chargaff’s rule states that the molar ratio of purine is equal to pyrimidine. Which of the following will be
true if the organism’s DNA contain 30% thymine?
A. 20% is Guanine B. 30% is Adenine C. 70% is cytosine D. 90% is Uracil
35. In 1952 two scientists sset out to learn whether the protein coat or the DNA entered the bacterium.
They prepared two batches of the virus and added radioactive Sulfur-35 to one batch and
phosphorus to-32 to the other batch. What did they discover from the experiment?
A. The bacteriophage capsid entered the bacterium.
B. The bacterophage genetic material is not made of DNA
C. The S-35 remained in the protein coat and P-32 entered the bacteria.
D. The P-32 remained in the protein coat and S-35 entered the bacteria.
36. What is the role of the radioactive P-32 in the experiment?
A. It is use to label the protein coat.
B. It is use to label the bacteriophage DNA.
C. It is use to label the bacterial chromosome.
D. It is use to label the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.
37. What was the most important conclusion that arose from the result of the experiment with S-P labeled
bacteriophage ?
A. DNA is the genetic material C. RNA is the genetic material
B. Protein is the genetic material D. Lipids is the genetic material
Read the selection below to answer nos.38- 42
In 1928, Frederick Griffith was studying the way in which certain types of bacteria caused the disease
pneumonia. He had in his laboratory two strains of pneumonia bacteria. The disease causing S-
strain grew into smooth colonies whereas the harmless strain produced rough colonies. When
Griffith injected mice with the disease causing strain the mice got pneumonia and died. But when
the mice were injected with the harmless strain the mice did not get pneumonia and did not die. The
mice then were injected with the disease causing strain that had been killed by heat but these mice
survived. Next he injected the mice with a mixture of live cells from the harmless strain and heat-
killed cells from the disease-causing strain. To his surprised, the mice developed pneumonia and
38. What is the best explanation why the mice died when injected with a mixture of live cells from the
harmless strain and heat-killed cells from the disease-causing strain?
A. Heat-killed S-strain can still infect pneumonia.
B. Heat-killed S-strain was revived when mixed with live R-strain.
C. R-strain and S-strain mated and their progenies resulted in virulent bacteria.
D. R-strain had taken up pieces of DNA of the S-strain in the surrounding mixture and became
39. What event occurred in the fourth procedure in the experiment?
A. Conjugation B. Transformation C. Transduction D. Replication
40. Which strain of Diplococci pneumoniae is virulent?
A. Live R- strain B. Live S-strain C. Heat-killed S-strain D. Heat-killed R-strain
41. What inference can you give when the S-strain is exposed to heat?
A. The bacterial cell grew and doubled its DNA content.
B. The bacterial cell became dormant so it can produce spores.
C. The bacterial cell accumulated nutrients in preparation for conjugation.
D. The bacterial cell lyses and its DNA is poured into the surrounding mixture.
42. Who are the proponents of this experiment?
A. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
B. Fredrick Griffith and Frederick Meischer
C. James Watson and Francis Crick
D. Erwin Chargaff and Oswald Avery
43. Which of the following characteristics must a molecule possess to qualify as the genetic
I. It must be able to duplicate itself with extra ordinary fidelity.
II. The molecule need not be very stable to allow errors to occur.
III. The information stored and carried must be decoded and translated.
IV. It must have the capacity to carry all necessary biological information.
A. I, II & III B. I,II & IV C. I,III & IV D. II,III & IV
44. Which of the following evidences showed that genetic material is the DNA?
A. The amount of DNA doubles during the interphase period of cell growth.
B. DNA content in all diploid tissues of an organism varies from tissue to tissue.
C. Cells which have extra set of chromosomes have a proportional decrease in DNA
D. The amount of DNA in haploid tissues is complete as compared to that found in
newly formed diploid cell.
45. Recombinat DNA technology entered a new phase of application when a 4 –year old girl became the
first person to undergo gene therapy. This girl suffered from a rare genetic disorder where her key
immune system cells where not working. Which shows the steps of gene therapy in the treatment of
such disease?
1. Add bioengineered virus to the cell culture
2. Collect white blood cells that carry defective gene
3. Culture the altered blood cells in the lab until they number in billions
4. Inject the altered blood cells to the patient
5. Viruses infect the cells and insert the DNA gene
A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 2,1,5,3,4 C. 3,1,4,5,2 D. 5,1,3,4,2

46. How do you classify the treatment of SCID and melanoma?

A. Germ-line gene therapy C. Single-gene therapy
B. Isolated case therapy D. Somatic-cell gene therapy
47. What is wrong in the immune system of a person with SCID?
I. Their T-cells are not working because they lack the enzyme ADA.
II. Their T-cells are not working because of the overproduction of the enzyme ADA.
III. They do not have defense against infection

A. I only B. II only C. I & II D. I & III

48. Cells are so tiny that special unit of measurement is used to describe them. Which unit is
used to describe the size of the cell?
A. centimeters B. millimeters C. micrometers D. nanometers
49. Which bacterial structure serves not only as sites for respiratory enzymes but also function to
regulate orderly division of bacterial cell?
A. mesosome B. ribosome C. cell membrane D. cytoplasmic inclusions
50. What is the role played by penicillin as antibiotic?
A. It inhibits the ability of bacteria to from spores.
B. It inhibits the ability of bacteria to replicate DNA.
C. It inhibits the ability of bacteria to prevent cell division.
D. It inhibits the ability of bacteria to synthesize cell walls.
51. Which of the following techniques correctly describes nuclear transfer to clone cattle?
A. a two-cell embryo is divided into 2 separate cells and implanted into surrogate mothers
B. an eight-cell embryo is divided into 2-4-cell embryos and implanted into surrogate mothers
C. a sixteen-cell embryo is divided into sixteen separate cells and these cells are allowed to
form new 16-cell embryos and directly implanted into surrogate mothers
D. an enucleated egg cell is allowed to fused with an adult somatic diploid cell and then
implanted into surrogate mothers
52. A paternity test is conducted using PCR to analyze an RFLP that consistently produces a unique
DNA fragment pattern from a single chromosome. Examining the results of the Southern blot below,
which male could be the father of the child?

10 kb

7 kb

5 kb

2 kb

M C M1 M2 M3
53. What is the role played by tPA in treating diseases?
A. It is an enzyme that dissolves blood clots. C. It is a drug that inhibits bacterial growth.
B. It is a protein that kills cancer cells. D. It is a hormone that stimulates growth.
54. Researchers first discovered tPA in human blood, but in such small quantities that it was extremely
difficult and expensive to isolate usable amounts from human donors. The production processes
are so delicate and the operating costs are so high. Biologists suggested another way to produce
large quantities of tPA. The idea is to splice the human gene into the chromosome of a large
mammal. Which correctly gives the sequence of steps to attain this?
I. Inject engineered tPA DNA into fertilized egg.
II. Female goat gives birth to transgenic kid.
III. Harvest ripe eggs from female goat and add sperm to fertilize the egg.
IV. Transgenic kid is raised and bred to initiate pregnancy and lactation.
V. Implant embryo into surrogate mother.
A. I, II, III, IV, V C. III, I, V, II, IV
B. II, IV, I, III, V D. IV, III, V, II, I

55. Recombinant DNA technology entered a new phase of application when a 4 –year old girl became
the first person to undergo gene therapy. This girl suffered from a rare genetic disorder where her
key immune system cells where not working. Which shows the steps of gene therapy in the
treatment of such disease?
1. Add bioengineered virus to the cell culture
2. Collect white blood cells that carry defective gene
3. Culture the altered blood cells in the lab until they number in billions
4. Inject the altered blood cells to the patient
5. Viruses infect the cells and insert the DNA gene
A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 2,1,5,3,4 C. 3,1,4,5,2 D. 5,1,3,4,2
56. Results from a single locus probe DNA fingerprint analysis for a man and a woman and their four
children are shown in the autoradiograph. Which child is least likely to be the biological offspring of
this couple?
a. child 1 C1 C2 M F C3 C4
b. child 2
c. child 3
d. child 4

1 2 3
4 5 6
57. Result from s single locus probe DNA fingerprint analysis for a man and his four children are shown
in the figure. Which lane contains the DNA fingerprint of the father?

a. Lane 1 A
b. Lane 2
c. Lane 3 B
d. Lane 4

1 2 3 4 5

For questions 8-9

The key portion of the autoradiograph from a single locus probe analysis of various DNA samples in a rape
investigation is shown in this figure.
Victim Defendant Female Male

1 2 3 4
8. If you were the DNA analyst, what will be your conclusion?
A. The suspect is guilty.
B. The vaginal swab is from the wrong victim.
C. The suspect might be guilty, but more probes should be used.
D. The suspect should be excluded as a source of DNA in the evidence.
9. Which of the following reasons will support your conclusion?
e. One band matches the defendant’s fingerprint.
f. The band of the female fraction matches the victim.
g. The topmost band does not match the defendant’s fingerprint.
D. None of the band matches the defendant’s DNA fingerprint.

We all have slight variations in the nucleotide sequence of your genomes. These
nucleotide variations create variations in cutting sites for restriction enzymes. Consider the
given allele showing the different restriction sites.
5 kb 6 kb 2 kb 3 kb


60. How many restriction fragments will be produced?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

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