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Consumer Behavior

Textile Industry
Nishat Linen | Gul Ahmed | Khaadi

Final Project by
Ali Shaharyar Shigri
Hamza Malik
Hammad Khan
Category Analysis........................................................................................................................................3
Model Of Consumer Decision.................................................................................................................3
4 P’s of Marketing...............................................................................................................................3
External Environment.........................................................................................................................4
Consumer Decision Making Process.......................................................................................................5
Marketing Communication.........................................................................................................................7
Gul Ahmed..............................................................................................................................................8
What is different?.................................................................................................................................11
Comparative Analysis...............................................................................................................................11
Consumer Perception...............................................................................................................................12
Consumer Motivation...............................................................................................................................13
Motivation Process...............................................................................................................................14
Impact of digitalization on the industry...................................................................................................14
Demographics and Psychographics Segmentation...................................................................................15
Impact of COVID-19 on the clothing industry..........................................................................................16
Nishat Linen..........................................................................................................................................18
Gul Ahmed............................................................................................................................................19
Category Analysis
Model Of Consumer Decision
In the model of consumer decision, we will talk about the textile industry and how consumer
decisions are overall influenced and what type of processes does a consumer goes through in
its purchase that is pre-purchase and post-purchase.
We will start off with the factors that influence the consumer externally which is what we call
the 4 P’s of marketing and external environment that creates a need recognition that leads to
purchase decisions.
4 P’s of Marketing
The textile industry is a highly saturated and competitive market where brands are catering to
different segments and competing against each other to capture the most value in terms of
market share. The model overall applies the same to all brands that we are exploring.
These brands create products that are clothing line season-wise and within it, some brands
have divided some season into sub season to capture more value like most brands have 2
clothing line set up for summers because it's their peak season in terms of business and they
want to capture the most value and market share. In order to capture the most value, these
brands have started to evolve and add new products to their line that resonates with their
brand and industry like home textile or accessorize or perfume. Within the season or sub
seasons, they have divided the product promotion into three categories
1. New arrival – when the companies offer no discount
2. Mid-season sale – when the company offers varies between flat 25% off to up to 50%
3. End of season sale – when the company offers a discount of around 50% off or more.
The brand mostly uses its own retail experience shop for offline traffic and e-store for the
online traffic for the purchases. Some of the brands in the market use third party shops as well
to sell their product like Raja Sahab, Saleem Fabrics or Ahmed Fabrics, etc. These purchases
often start with the offering by the brand through various mediums like Digital which includes
Social Media, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile app, Website,
Email/Newsletter, Blogs/articles, or via influencer marketing. The purpose is to create
awareness but digital has a very limited audience present of the total population.  
The brand uses different mediums like Out of Home advertising to grab attention and create a
desire among their followers or what Seth Godin use to call it a “tribe”. Due to the highly
competitive market brands often compete with the same segment and with so many brands in
the market they have to come up with the out of the box ideas to capture the consumer
attention. Out of Home is also known as Location-Based Advertising which targets consumers
based on the location and the journey consumers follow every day. With the rise of digital and
data, we have traffic data and consumer segment data available which tells us about how many
of the total population that passes through a location falls under your category. These
estimates are measure just like TV media rating agencies like Media Logic and in OOH, Media
asset rating is provided by MOVE. Brands use the data to capture consumer attention along
their consumer journey through various media assets like Billboard, BQS, Streamers, Digital
screens, and many other options. This help consumer in facilitating and making the decision
when they are out shopping and looking for something out of the home.
Then there is retail shop branding which needs to be updated along with every campaign. The
textile industry usually focuses on Digital, Mobile (SMS) and OOH advertising to promote their
product. The price varies from around Rs. 3000 – 7000 for stitched clothes (Ready to wear) that
includes kurta, 2 piece or 3 piece, and Rs. 2000 – 6000 for unstitched clothes varying upon 2
piece or 3 piece and the fabric. The price factors include the Design, Craftsmanship (Karahi),
Fabric, Labor hours, and whether its 2 piece or 3 piece.
External Environment
This external environment includes family, friends, social class, culture or subculture, etc. These
external environment acts as facilitators from the brands perspective whether the consumer
inquires about the brand or product or consumer feel peer pressure to buy a specific brand or
maintain the status quo of the social class of society he/she lives in.
This is why brand marketers spend a lot on PR where they use bloggers to celebrities to
influence the people and create an image of the brand that resonates positively with the
consumer. You will see a difference in purchase between different social classes like Sec A and
A+ might buy the product from new arrival and SEC B and B+ might wait for the discount or sale
to purchase the product.
Society and the people in our circle plays an important role in influencing our purchase
decision. The decision-making process follows the same model as Tuckman’s theory where
friends come together, discuss their preferred brand or article to see which is better and come
to a conclusion that leads to a group purchase behavior.
Lastly, people follow celebrities and their lifestyles to be more like them which is why the article
that advertises with a celebrity on it gets out of stock sooner than the other articles because
they want to follow their lifestyle and what they wear.
Consumer Decision Making Process
The consumer decision-making process follows the EKB model which starts with the need
recognition where internal influence affects how a consumer makes the decision that is the
psychological field. This may include personality, internal motivation, their perception of the
brand, and their attitudes and beliefs. This internal influence leads to the need recognition
which can arise from either feeling lack of clothes or external stimuli which includes marketing
message (OOH, Digital and SMS) as discussed by Black Box Model in which external stimuli that
are presented to the consumer by the marketer and the environment is dealt with by the
buyer's black box. These feelings of lack of clothes usually start at the start of the season when
there a change in weather and a person has to change the wardrobe attire according to the
This leads to the pre-purchase search which can either be on social media or website or via
window shopping at the mall. Using the pre-purchase search, the consumer gets to know what
other brands are also offering as well. This digital and OOH platform is a great way to create
awareness about the product and offering. Which gives the consumer a chance to go and look
for that specific article by the brand and in doing so other article pop up as well. Then the
consumer evaluates the alternatives based on her psychological beliefs. This includes what she
thinks her personality best resonates with the brand, the value and the perceived benefit that
the consumer will get from purchasing the product, the price, the brand image, and its
perception among the consumer. The consumer form the value related consideration on the
perceived benefits from purchasing the product and experience it will provide along with social
acceptability and boast the personality. 
Another model that we can relate to is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In that, Maslow proposed
that motivation is the result of a person's attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological,
safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. We can say that under the Maslow Hierarchy of
needs it falls under the social and self-esteem category. It is because basic non-branded clothes
can cover physiological needs but when you buy famous brands like Nishat, Gul Ahmed, Khaadi,
or Sapphire you are tapping into social needs where you feel accepted within your group and
the self-esteem section where it will make you feel good about yourself. 
After the alternatives have been analyzed and selected then come to the purchase where the
consumer goes to either the store or order online. In both cases, the experience matters most
because it will create a perception based on the experience she has with you. This is why
brands spend a lot of time and money in designing the consumer experience journey of their
shop and ambiance along with the design of the shop. The same goes with Online store as well
where brands look for responsive design, faster loading pages, details about the product and
size chart to create a seamless experience with all the information the consumer needs. The
experience can create a positive association that leads to repeat purchases followed up by
positive reviews and word of the mouth turning a consumer into a strong brand advocate. Or if
it’s not done right then it can create a negative association with the brand leading to bad
reviews and bad word of mouth and also affecting potential future sales with the person.

In this section, we will talk about the consumer feelings associated with the brand, and what
are the reasons for that connection and association? 
First, we will talk about Nishat Linen. What consumer feels about them? They feel the brand is
reliable and provides quality fabric along with a variety of range in colors. The consumer also
feels that the designs are targeting 25 years+ females. The reason is that Nishat has a significant
amount of articles in dark colors that are associated with older females rather than teens. Here,
people use color psychology to create a perception of the brand even though it may not be
true. The consumer feels that the prices have overtime increased to Just Noticeable Difference.
Second, we can talk about Gul Ahmed. The consumer feels that it’s a good reliable brand and
has a good quality fabric but they also feel that the designs are also more like the same or
getting monotonous which can be because Gul Ahmed has one of the widest range of collection
in the market every season. The consumer feels that the prices have slightly increased over
time and the designs are targeting 30 years+ females. One of the reason is the dark colors that
they use and the models they use to showcase their clothes unlike sapphire which is considered
a premium brand and the quality is extraordinary as perceived by the consumer and they are
perceived to be targeting 16 years+ females which is shown from their vibrant color range and
new designs.
Third, we talk about Khaddi. The consumer feels that the brand has lost its quality but on the
other side it is comparatively cheaper than the Nishat and Gul Ahmed. The product quality is
not as reliable as most of the consumer feels that these clothes don’t last more than 6 months
or a year. Khaddi has tried to keep the prices from rising but at the cost of quality which was
above the Just Noticeable Difference and the consumer noticed it. Price sensitive consumers
are ideal for who wants to keep changing their wardrobe every 6 months or a year.
Marketing Communication
Nishat is primarily using the following communication channels

 Facebook

 Instagram

 Youtube

 Snapchat

 SMS Marketing


 Email

 Whatsapp

 Search Engine Marketing

 Website
Nishat is one of the leading brands in Pakistan. From the bird's eye view, Nishat has two types
of audience. One who is online and one who is offline. The attachments of the artworks are in
the appendix. We will go through each communication channel. Starting off with Facebook
which has in Pakistan the most online audience and remains the primary online marketing
platform with over 1.96 Million followings. This is followed by Instagram which has gained much
market share in social platforms among bloggers and influencers in the fashion and lifestyle
industry. Nishat has over 1.3 million followers on Instagram. 
Then the major offline marketing platform is Out of Home. Nishat spends over 150 million on
average in Out of Home to target consumers at key touchpoints like Commercial markets,
Malls, near the store, high traffic locations, and currently, Nishat spends a great deal on digital
OOH due to its ability to showcase dynamic content. Most of the Nishat audience spend time in
Out of Home whether its grocery, shopping, or eating at a restaurant. Out of Home also helps
consumers right before the purchase decision in the moment that matters when the consumer
is trying to decide which brand article to buy.
Youtube and Snapchat are the new mediums that are added to the Nishat marketing platform
because of the increase in the target audience over the years. Nishat uses youtube channels to
showcase their recent campaign along with teasers and use youtube marketing to create
awareness among the user and use it for assisted conversion.
Customers can leave their no. at the store which the representative adds to the SMS marketing
list to keep the audience updated with their new arrival or sales promotion. Another way is a
user can add them to their Whatsapp Business account to get an update about Nishat's new
arrival and discounts. 
Nishat uses Search Engine Marketing to create awareness and convert potential audiences into
a customer. There are two platforms in Search engine marketing. The first is Google Adwords
through which Nishat targets the customer based on their search terms that they write on
google. Adwords is the most effective platform because it helps target those customers who are
already looking for you. Second is Google Display Marketing which is used to create awareness
on google network sites. These targetings are done based on topics and categories like fashion
or lifestyle etc. Even though the audience is not exactly looking for your information but it is a
great way to create awareness who has similar interests.
Finally, Website which is the crux of all the marketing effort to convert the potential audience
into a customer. People can look for information on the website like check the article or
download the catalog or search for the article online and then go to the store and look for it
physically. They can also subscribe to Nishat email Newsletter to get up to date with new
arrivals and promotions. All social platforms and marketing communication is done with 2
objectives in minds

 To increase the footfall at the store

 To increase the online sales

Gul Ahmed
Gul Ahmed is primarily using the following communication channels

 Facebook

 Instagram

 Youtube

 SMS Marketing


 Email

 Fashion Blogs

 Website
Gul Ahmed is one of the oldest brands in Pakistan and has successfully established itself not
only among the females but also among the male's segment as well. Gul Ahmed also has two
types of audiences. One who is online and one who is offline. The attachments of the artworks
are in the appendix. We will go through each communication channel. Starting with Facebook
which has in Pakistan the most online audience and remains the primary online marketing
platform with over 2.2 Million followings. This is followed by Instagram which has gained much
market share in social platforms among bloggers and influencers in the fashion and lifestyle
industry where you can post pictures and share stories about the article and new arrival or
promotion. Gul Ahmed has over 1.3 million followers on Instagram.
Gul Ahmed also has one of the highest marketing spend on an offline marketing platform that is
Out of Home. Out of Home is used to target consumers at key touchpoints like Commercial
Markets, Malls, nearby stores, high traffic locations which why there is fierce competition
among the brand in OOH on location and we see most of the competitive brands are
advertising in the same location. Out of Home also helps consumers right before the purchase
decision in the moment that matters when the consumer is trying to decide which brand article
to buy.
Gul Ahmed is not present on Snapchat but it is on Youtube that it is considered to be a new
medium for the Gul Ahmed marketing platform because of the increase in the target audience
over the years. Gul Ahmed has twice the followers than Nishat and uses youtube channel to
showcase their recent campaign along with teasers and use youtube marketing to create
awareness among the user and use it for assisted conversion because millennials are using
youtube more often to look for music videos and other stuff which gives Gul Ahmed a chance to
grab their attention during watching a video.
Gul Ahmed also has an SMS marketing platform which customer can avail by leave their no. at
the store which the representative adds to the SMS marketing list to keep the audience
updated with their new arrival or sales promotion. Gul Ahmed doesn’t have WhatsApp account
as Nishat does. 
Gul Ahmed does not seem to be spending on search engine marketing like Nishat or Khaadi.
One thing that Gul Ahmed does differently than Nishat is blogging. Gul Ahmed has a blog
section on their website which Nishat doesn’t have to keep the audience updated on the recent
fashion and trend.
Gul Ahmed uses the website as not only an information center for e-store but also to keep their
audience updated with fashion and tips on what to wear and how to wear. Gul Ahmed uses this
to create an email subscription to keep the audience engaged in the online world and keep
them informed. People can also look for information on the website like check the article or
download the catalog or search for the article online and then go to the store and look for it

Khaddi has two brands one under the name of Khaadi and the other one under the name of
Chapter 2. Khaddi primarily using the following communication channels
 Facebook

 Instagram

 Youtube

 SMS Marketing


 Email

 Search Engine Marketing

 Website
Khaadi is one of the most famous brands in Pakistan because of their unique approach and has
successfully established themselves among male category as well. Khaadi also has two types of
audiences. One who is online and one who is offline. The attachments of the artworks are in the
appendix. We will go through each communication channel. Starting with Facebook which has
in Pakistan the most online audience and remains the primary online marketing platform with
over 2.95 Million following making Khaadi with the highest following on Facebook. This is
followed by Instagram which has gained much market share in social platforms among bloggers
and influencers in the fashion and lifestyle industry where you can post pictures and share
stories about the article and new arrival or promotion. Khaadi has over 2.9 million followers on
Instagram also making them the higher following clothing brand account.
Khaadi also has one of the highest marketing spend in an offline marketing platform that is Out
of Home. Out of Home is used to target consumers at key touchpoints like Commercial
Markets, Malls, nearby stores, high traffic locations which why there is fierce competition
among the brand in OOH on location and we see most of the competitive brands are
advertising in the same location. Out of Home also helps consumers right before the purchase
decision in the moment that matters when the consumer is trying to decide which brand article
to buy.
Khaadi is not present on Snapchat but it is on Youtube and has half the followers than Nishat.
Khaadi spends a small but slightly significant amount on youtube to showcase their recent
campaign along with teasers and use youtube marketing to create awareness among the user
and use it for assisted conversion because millennials are using youtube to search for music
videos and other stuff. It is a great way to grab customer attention during the time when the
attention span is high.
Khaadi also has an SMS marketing platform which customer can avail by leave their no. at the
store which the representative adds to the SMS marketing list to keep the audience updated
with their new arrival or sales promotion. Khaadi doesn’t have WhatsApp account as Nishat
Khaadi uses Search Engine Marketing to create awareness and convert potential audiences into
a customer. Khaadi also uses AdWords and display marketing. The first is Google Adwords
through which Khaadi targets the customer based on their search terms that they write on
google. Adwords is the most effective platform because it helps target those customers who are
already looking for you. Second is Google Display Marketing which is used to create awareness
on google network sites. These targetings are done based on topics and categories like fashion
or Home trends etc. Even though the audience is not exactly looking for your information but it
is a great way to create awareness who has similar interests.
One thing that Khaadi has different than Gul Ahmed or Nishat is the Top Trend of the Week on
the website where they highlight featured products. All the marketing efforts are done to
convert the potential audience into customer whether it's online or offline. People can look for
articles on the website. They can subscribe or download the catalog or search for the article
online and then go to the store and look for it physically. All with the same objective in mind to
increase the sale.

What is different?
As you can see there are different channels that each brand uses but how aggressively do they
put their marketing effort in that medium is another important question.
For Nishat, they spend highly on OOH and SEM which is followed by Social Platforms. Whereas
Gul Ahmed Focuses on OOH and Social followed by Blogs on fashion and trends to keep the
audience engaged. Whereas Khaadi uses Social and SEM followed by OOH. Below is the Table to
summarize the information. Lastly, Nishat has a single account for communication whereas
Gulahmed and Khaadi has multiple accounts like Ideas Pret or Khaadi Home, etc  

Marketing Focus Nishat Gul Ahmed Khaadi

1 OOH OOH Social
2 SEM Social SEM
3 Social Blogs OOH
Accounts Consolidated Multiple Multiple

Comparative Analysis
In the comparative analysis, we will analyze the communication message by the brand through their
campaign. As you can see from the marketing material attached in the appendix, Nishat focuses on the
female audience who are the largest and profitable segment of their business. They focus on the
millennials mostly but also incorporates other segments like housewives or mothers etc to show that
they are for everyone which can be seen from their collection of dark and vibrant colors. Nishat uses
marketing channels to promote primarily sales and new arrival. Nishat has fewer campaigns focusing on
the home care section like bed linen and accessorize. Nishat is all about fun and focuses on the
millennials and Generation Z.

Whereas in the case of Gul Ahmed, they focus on both male and female. They focus more on the sales
promotion than the new arrival on communicating the message, especially in OOH as it is the most
expensive medium among their selected marketing channels and also they focus on the other section of
the industry like home care in which they promote bed sheets, pillow cover, etc. For Gul Ahmed it is a
family section and as shown in their marketing communication where they show real-life family set up
and all of them wearing Gul Ahmed clothes. So their ads are not only focusing on Millennials but also on
the baby boomers.

Whereas in Khaadi, they focus on the new arrival of the campaign using the OOH medium to
communicate it to the customers about their new arrival. They use the top trend to showcase what
other people are looking for so that they can also feel accepted and appreciated in society. Khaadi unlike
Gul Ahmed doesn’t promote their other segments and focuses on their largest and profitable segment.
Khaadi focuses on the millennials by using different concepts triggering the need to wear that collection.
They also focus on the kid's section which other selected brand does not focus on.

Consumer Perception
Perceptions are built by individuals who interpret stimuli in their environment and in a meaningful way
by grouping stimuli targeted at them by a specific brand. These stimuli can be brand marketing efforts by
communicating through social media, OOH Advertisement, SMS, or any tool that brands can use to
reach their potential audience.

In the Clothing industry, the experience remains the most important part in building perception these
can be experienced through sensation in which a customer feels the product and analyze it based on
their experience by setting a benchmark and evaluating the experience whether it has exceeded the
benchmark or not.

Subliminal perception plays an important role in the clothing industry as a lot of customers are following
celebrities. There is some relevancy that these celebrities influences their purchase decision directly or
indirectly. It can be a large-format design trend you saw on celebrity clothes which make you prefer
large format design subliminally. It changes the way we feel about a product. This is why brands pay a
lot of money to celebrities hosting morning shows to wear their clothes so that when the audience goes
shopping that already had a preference in mind which is why those are the product which sold out first.

If we talk about the product positioning by using the perceptual mapping where on the y-axis we have
quality and on the x-axis we have price. Nishat is on the top where customers feel that the price is high
and the quality. as over the years, customers have noticed that the prices are getting above the Just
noticeable difference but the quality remains on the top.

Gul Ahmed comes second with the widest range of stitched and unstitched clothes. Customers feel that
on the perceptual map it is slightly pricey along with slightly above on the quality. Whereas in the case
of Khaddi, as they are targeting the biggest segment that is the middle class. It is considered relatively
less pricey and customers have felt that the quality of the Khaddi has gone down.

In the aspect of perception where we have customers who

1. Select
2. Organize
3. Interpret
The selection is based on the nature of the stimulus grouped with expectations and motives. In the
nature of stimulus which includes the physical attribution, package design, brand name, advertising, etc.
the expectation includes the experiences with the brand that form perception and the motive that is the
need, want, or desire.

A customer uses selective exposure and attention for the brand messages. They are more attentive
towards the sales promotion and are likely to communicate well toward the communication that is
through a mix of social, OOH, and SMS. This is why brand spends a huge amount on multiple marketing
channels to communicate their message.

In the organization, we have figure and ground where a brand uses high-end models for their star
products and create a theme around it like if it’s a festive season you will notice the background which is
the ground is also representing the festive season and people around it like a mela or a wedding event,
etc. This is why brand spend a huge amount of money on the commercial for the set up to portray the
real-life visuals in a better way that customers want to follow

Secondly, customers use grouping where they form perception based on the environment that is
presented to them they couple all the elements of the stimuli to form a perception. This is used by
brands to start with a teaser campaign where they build curiosity and then reveals their campaign in
which the big idea lies for the customer with a big theme for the season. this helps customers in
following the trend and tips of what is in the market.

Thirdly customer use interpretation where they focus on the physical appearance of the people that is
the models with whom they positively associate themselves and wants to follow them like Sadaf Kanwal
etc. this is why brands need to focus on the selection of models they work with for the campaign.

Consumer Motivation
Consumer motivation is an internal state that drives the audience to identify and buy the
product. As these are branded clothing lines so the needs are acquired needs that an individual
will develop after birth and they are primarily psychological in nature. The consumer doesn’t
have generic goals when it comes to the clothing they have product-specific goals as highlighted
before they search for the article and they know what they want and from which brand they
want to buy it which is why brands spend heavily in marketing to stand out and capture
audience internal needs through their offering which can high-quality fabric or design or
craftsmanship etc.
The consumer uses both rational and emotional motives for the purchase although the segment
might vary. For the primary audience, it is more related to the emotional motives that
consumer selects according to her own personal and subjective criteria. Whereas the secondary
audience does the rational and waits for the discount of end of season sale. As discussed
before, using the Maslow hierarchy of needs they are targeting social needs and self-esteem.
Finally, the Trio of Needs is what best summarizes the clothing brands as it gives them power,
affiliation where they feel accepted and a sense of achievement that they get from buying a
high-end clothing line. 
Motivation Process
The Motivation process starts with the unfulfilled needs or wants of the customer which can be
triggered by any event like Eid or change in season like summer or any occasion like a wedding
or function. This creates a tension which drives the customer to look for options that fulfill their
needs like Nishat is offering no discount on the new arrival, Gul Ahmed is offering up to 25%
discount but the discount is not much on the product you want to buy and Khaadi offers flat
25% off on all the product. 
Now that the customer has options with them. Their personality, perception, and attitude are
what help the customer is selecting the option like are the customer price sensitive, or is the
customer brand loyal or is the customer prefer what others might prefer them to wear. All of
this is the kind of personality each one of us has which helps us in finalizing or rationalizing the
decision the customer makes. This leads to the behavior of whether the customer wants to buy
online or go to the store and buy physically and once the customer bought it the satisfaction
the customer gain from the goal fulfillment reduces the tension.

Impact of digitalization on the industry

Digitalization has a significant impact on the industry. It has boosted the clothing sector as
before digitalization there was a limitation for the clothing sector in terms of a retail shop.
Setting up a retail shop can be a bit expensive and then hiring employees and managing
logistics is again a hassle and requires a lot of time and money. 
Digitalization has changed the way customers buy and has eased the process of buying. Now
the customer doesn’t necessarily have to go to the shop and find out they don’t like the article.
Now they can buy the articles online with just one click. The digitalization has created a virtual
store that is accessible all over Pakistan which wasn’t there before because for brands to set up
a physical store they have to check for the potential customer and how much income that store
will generate and set up a store in semi-urban or rural areas in difficult. Which is why the virtual
store is available anywhere in Pakistan whether its rural or urban.
The second benefit is that brands don’t have to incur the cost of setting up the physical retail
store which means more profits for them. digitalization has also given brands with data and
insight that helps them in making an informed decision. Now they know which customer from
which area is ordering more what is the demographics of the audience etc. Digitalization helps
you personalize the website according to your customer preferences like if I prefer Gul Ahmed
for home accessorize every time my website dashboard will be personalized and my email will
be more focused on the home accessorize because digitalization helps store my data and show
me data the way we want to see. 
Brands now get an order from places that they didn’t even have heard before which creates an
additional revenue stream and customers. Also, it helps impulse buying customers to buy
online quickly before they change the mind and customers who are not in a place to buy it from
a physical store. You can send the marketing message with just one click and inform all the
customers about your new offering.

Demographics and Psychographics Segmentation

Talking about the consumer rooted segmentation, most brands have now new product lines or
line extension by catering to the different segments like kids and accessorize. So they have
expanded their target audience from Female 16-40 to girls above 2 years and now it includes
men as well to capture more market share. The main difference in branded clothes comes in
the income category. Around Rs. 50,000+ salary is considered to be able to afford it given the
other expenses the customer has to account for. The customers can be single or married and
digitalization has enabled them to market anywhere in Pakistan. Education plays an important
role in this as literacy is important if the consumer wants to understand what the brand is
offering so that they can use technology to buy products online or read the marketing message.
Coming to the cognition side of the consumer they are people who are self-conscious about
themselves and want to look beautiful and show the best image of themselves. They buy
brands whose personality they want to adopt or associate themselves with. They are interested
in fashion trends, they read the magazine, they follow celebrities and check out what they
wear. Socio-cultural segmentation is shalwar kameez and kurta that is considered Asian culture
rather than jeans or t-shirts that depicts the Western culture
We now talk about the consumption specific. The usage rate mostly depends on the social
circle. We have seen that females with smaller social circle buy more often than the female
with a large social group. Otherwise, the small social circle can notice it if repeatedly wear.
Whereas in a large social group the customer can wear the same clothes in different groups.
We also see an increase in consumption during the special occasion that is usage behavior. We
see an increase in shopping during Eid, change in season and end of the year which is
considered the wedding season. As not all the female segment can actually afford the branded
clothes which is why they wait for the end of year sale to purchase more items which increase
the usage rate during the discount period. Almost all brands have CRM software to manage the
customer relationship and help them facilitate the problem and issues with the product. The
focus of CRM is to build trust and maintain a good relationship. That is why brands have
dedicated helpline and emails for complaints and issues for feedback.

Impact of COVID-19 on the clothing industry

Covid-19 has affected the textile industry as the mall, commercial market and public gathering
areas are closed which means that retail shops were closed. The only way people can order was
through online but then there was the logistic issue. People who ordered the items have to wait
for a week or two to get the shipment delivered as courier companies were also on hold for a
time. Given the impact of jobs with layoffs and pay cuts. The textile industry predicted that
Covid-19 isn't going somewhere soon which means that the future is going to be more
uncertain than now. With more losses coming to their way has caused them to launch the sale
on new arrivals because they know that people now are less likely to spend money on the
clothes so they need to make it interesting and attention-grabbing for them. 
Nishat Linen
2018 - 2020
Gul Ahmed
2018 -2020

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