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Here'sthe Student
a guide Progress
to help Tracker
you use this Student Progress Tracker.
Make sure you create one file for each class that you are handling.

Step 1: Completing the Attendance list - Updated after each session

1. Input the names of the students.
2. Input the session/class meeting number and the date for the session. Add or remove columns as needed.
3. Check the attendance during each session. Mark the student's attendance. "P" for present. "A" for absent. The cell will auto
- Present = for distance learning - checked-in, active in doing tasks, responsive to chat or text; for face-to-face sessions - phy
- Absent (w/o excuse) = for distance learning - no check-in, no activity, no response to chat or text; for face-to-face sessions
4. Take note of students who were absent. Reach out to these students and find out how they are and why they were not abl
5. Inform the SSP adviser about students with attendance issues.
- RADLearning = Inform the SSP adviser if the student is absent for one session.
-* FlexLearning
We prioritize our and HomeLearning
students’ = Refer toBefore
overall well-being. guidance officer
we ask howafter 2 absences
they’re doing in w/o
class,excuse and no
we should askreply
howto teacher
they are first. Ch
of making sure that our students will not be left behind.
Step 2: Completing the Grades - Updated after each session
1. Input the names of the students.
2. Input the grading components for each grading period. Add columns as needed.
4. Input the student's
Take note grade
of students whofor eachnot
were submission.
able to submit the requirement or meet the passing mark. Make sure to reach out to t
how they are and what help they need.
Step 3: Completing
1. Look the Highand
at your attendance Priority
gradesCall List
lists and- Updated after each
list the names sessionwho were absent and have not done the tasks for t
of students
- RAD HighMessenger,
Prioritytext, and/or=email
Students Absentandw/othey have and
excuse not responded, addor
had no activity them to this
output for list as well.of a subject (1 full class day)
1 session
subject teacher.
- Flex High Priority Students = 2 absences in the 4 in-campus days or during distance learning w/o excuse and not respond
from the subject where the student belongs and from another subject teacher from another day.
3. Input thethe
Identify date when you
medium you used
last reached
to contactoutthe
to the student.
student. Choose from the dropdown. If your medium is not part of the list, ch
4. Call the students on this list and document calls using the "Retention Calls" tracker.
Step 4: Completing the Retention Call List - Updated after each call
We assume that the call happens after we've tried messaging the student and received no response.
1. Copy the list of students from your "High Priority Call List" and input their contact numbers. Use the number from the SIM
2. Identify the reason for calling the student. Choose from the dropdown. If the reason is not part of the list, choose "Others"
3. Input the date when you called the student.
4. Identify the status of the call to the student. If your call status is not part of the list, choose "Other" and tyoe the reason in
- Completed = You were able to talk to the student and have reached an agreement moving forward.
- No answer = The contact number/s of the student is ringing, but the student did not pick up the call.
- Number cannot be reached = The contact number/s of the student is/are not ringing.
- Others = The call status is not part of the list. Type the status in the "Notes" column.
5. Input how long the call with the student lasted.
After 5: Updating
calling the Student
the students, Status
update thein"Student
the HighStatus"
Call List
in -the
Updated after each
"High Priority call
Call" tab. Choose from the dropdown list.
has been done and what needs to be done to help the students.
-- Contacted & Responsive
Not Responsive = You
& Referred were=able
to SSP You to talknot
were to the
ablestudent and
to talk to the
the student
student knows
after what
trying needstimes.
several to beYou
done andcoordin
have by wh
should be to get the student back on track.
- Type date of
- Type the
- Use the format,
Students Session 1session/meeting
Last Name Given Name MI Student ID # Date number
- September 7 =
- Type date of
- Type the
- Use the format,
- September 7 =
Students P1 C
Last Name Given Name MI Student ID #
P1 Components P2 Components
Last Name Given Name MI Student ID #
Date of Last Message Medium of last Step 5:
to Student message sent Student Status
Last Name Given Name MI Student ID # Contact Number
Reason for Calling Date Called Call Status Call Duration

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