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LiButti, 1

Implementation of Vertical Algaculture into Urban Locations:

Phase III

Francis John LiButti Bayonne High School

Francis LiButti

Bayonne High School

Teacher: Sandra Stamos

Table of Contents
LiButti, 2


Review of Literature……………………………..4-6






Cities are powerhouses of carbon dioxide emissions, derived from a high population

density where many use fossil fuels as a primary energy source. High population densities also
LiButti, 3

contribute to little available real estate that can be designated for green initiatives. Phase III of

the urbanization of vertical algaculture project focuses on three major components in the process

of creating a functioning culture bed. Utilizing assumptions found through the conclusions of

Phases I & II of the project, the project retains the same viability as in previous years. The

current iteration focuses on creating a functioning frame with sustainable materials that would

not pose any threat to the environment the device is introduced to. The frame should have

contingencies and avoid any material that: oxidizes—releasing harmful byproducts into the

environment. The second major step would be to create a working, low maintenance, biomass

filtration system. This would be a system with an import and export for algae that would enable

filtration at the end of the life cycle of the algae to be collected while also functioning as a means

of resupplying the beds with a new batch of algae. Finally, through a CAD simulations the frame

will be exposed to different extreme environmental conditions.

LiButti, 4

Review of Literature:
Over the past few decades, studies have investigated the possibilities of removing excess

atmospheric carbon dioxide by means of refined microalgae. Gases emitted from fossil fuel-fired

refinery plants would be the primary targets for reduction of CO2 levels , thereby reducing

concentrations of major greenhouse gases. Ideal conditions have been investigated for various

microalgae cultures, generally artificial cultures were able to be grown at higher rates than those

found naturally. In addition, it has been found that algal cultures must be enriched with nutrients

to make up for deficiencies in freshwater. Macronutrients that were found to be necessary

included nitrates, phosphates (in an approximate ratio of 6:1) and silicates (Fisheries and

Aquaculture Department, 1991). Differing types of algae receive different effects from CO2

concentration, with some having a raised level of efficiency while others receiving a major

decrease in efficiency and performance and some types of algae dying due to the amount of

concentrated CO2 (Moroney & Somanchi, 1999).

Another journal by Sheehan, et. al, reviews and revisits some previous algaculture studies

performed by the U.S Department of Energy’s Aquatic Species Program, which involved

researching the ability to create biodiesel from algae and other algae cultural products. This

study involved researching algae as both a means of energy and as a living organism. The main

point of the study was that with the proper amount of land, water and CO2, algae acts as a great

source of substantial biodiesel production. They attributed this factor to algae’s natural efficiency

and the large amount of CO2 contributing to the production of biodiesel greatly (Sheehan, et al,

1998). In a journal by Badger, et. al, the many different processes and factors of algae and their

relationships with CO2, CO2 concentration and carbon fixation. This study has discovered that

rubisco, plastids, pyrenoids and chloroplast are the main factors that contribute to algae’s
LiButti, 5

reactions with carbon. In the journal, it is discussed that all of these mechanisms react differently

to CO2 and perform their processes in relation to CO2 in different ways. They concluded that

rubisco in algae appears to achieve superior kinetic characteristics in comparison to the rubisco

in other plants and other mechanisms that involve CO2 (Badger, et al, 1998). In a Lenntech

information site, there is a summarization of algae, its characteristics and the different types of

algae and their characteristics. This shows the main phylogenetic groups of algae and includes

information about each individual phylum and kingdom. It also describes the relationships of

multiple algal species with carbon and other substances and how they react to them (Lenntech

BV, 1998-2016).

Every photosynthetic organism has its own ideal amount of light that produces the most

efficient production of photosynthesis; this was found through an experiment testing the lighting

levels on algae to find the most effective amount of time for light exposure for each species

involved in the study (Starr, 1960). Through a similar study this was confirmed by testing

different variables. It was found that the medium the algae were cultured in, ultraviolet

wavelength exposed to the algae and phosphorus content within the algae affected the overall

productivity of the algae (Blair, et al. 2013).

Upon death, algae species leave their remnants behind. This left behind by-product is

known as biomass. Biomass is the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume. Biomass

fuels are organic materials produced in a renewable manner. Two categories of biomass fuels,

woody fuels and animal wastes, comprise the vast majority of available biomass fuels. Municipal

solid waste (MSW) is also a source of biomass fuel. Biomass fuels have low energy densities

compared to fossil fuels and therefore can act as “cleaner” fuel sources.
LiButti, 6



Implementation of vertical algaculture into urban areas via sustainable materials and

through vertical culture beds situated on the sides of skyscrapers in major cities. Whereas an

integrated biomass filtration system for the device enabling for ease of maintenance which would

enable for an import and export for the algae which will aid in reducing urban carbon footprints.

Null Hypothesis:

Moreover the null hypothesis states that the implementation of a vertical algaculture will

provide to be ineffective in the culture of the algae being an insufficient carbon dioxide

LiButti, 7

Phase III of the vertical algaculture project focuses on three major components in the

process of creating a functioning culture bed. The first is creating a functioning frame with

sustainable materials that would not pose any threat to the environment the device is introduced

to. The frame should have contingencies and avoid any material that: oxidizes—releasing

harmful byproducts. Using Fusion 360 a frame composed of carbon fiber and the culture beds

out of plexi fiberglass with a similar design to Phase II.

The second major step was creating a working, low maintenance, biomass filtration

system. The system serves as an import and export for a mixture of algae species and medium.

Utilizing silicon tubing the flow of algae will be regulated through a servo system that enables

and restricts the flow of algae. In the current model the mixture or media and algae species

would be conducted at the master import and flow through each cell. This is denoted in Figure 2.

Finally, through a CAD simulations the frame will be exposed to different extreme

environmental conditions. A temperature stress test was conducted on the frame and culture beds

as denoted in Figure 6, where the materials were able to withstand extreme heat and cold.

Additionally, the model was ran through an event simulation where its ability to remain attached

to the glass of the building was determined to be effective; this is denoted in Figure 7.
LiButti, 8


Figure 1: 3D model of multiple setups in an array similar to how it would look in the

implementation phase directly installed to the glass of the building.

Figure 2: 3D model expressing the import export of the Biomass filtration system.
LiButti, 9

Figure 3: A frame containing the culture beds, using sustainable material for the device (front


Figure 4: A frame containing the culture beds, using sustainable material for the device (side

LiButti, 10

Figure 5: (First prototype) Photo of the setup of the rotating device that the culture beds rest in.

The vernier lab equipment is noticed in the middle and bottom beds. A servo can be found to the

bottom left and each bed is attached but the axis is located on the left.

Figure 6: Thermal stress simulation of the device at a temperature of -32 degrees Celsius.
LiButti, 11

Figure 7: Event simulation for the device on the side of an urban building.

Manufacturing Input/Output Profit Incentive

Dimensions: Corporation Expenditure: Biomass:

Frame - 24’’ by 12’’ by 8’’ The Emporis Standards 1 kg of produced biomass
Cell - 10’’ by 20’’ by 8’’ Committee defines a high-rise equals 1.88 kg recycled CO2.
Capital: building as "a multi-story One cell = 0.089148 kg of
Industrial 3D Printer capable structure between 35–100 biomass
of printing 3ft by 3 ft by 3 ft meters tall. Biomass from all cells on
mold 100 meters = 3937.01 inches. building:
$20,000-40,000 per printer 1858 square meters is about (164*70*0.089148kg)=1023.
Carbon Fiber 1.75mm the average floor size for a 41904 kg
(0.75kg) Filament modern high rise in the U.S. CO2 absorbed per building
$58.00 per filament 43.1 meters = 1696.85 inches. per day (1023.41904*1.88 kg)
~9744.09 in. Length of Skyscraper/Length = 1924.0277952kg/day
Frame is about 704 in of frame
One filament is 13 frames 1696.85’’/24’’= ~70 Revenue:
$4.40 per frame Columns. Advertisements:
Polycarb Fiberglass Cells Height of Skyscraper/Height Amount will vary depending
(.177 in. thick) of frame on the location of the building
$138 per 48 in. x 96 in. x 3937.01/12 = ~328 Rows. Done through covers on the
0.177 in. So if a Corporation wanted to lower portion of a culture bed.
Cost: install only in the middle 50% Biodiesel:
Cost to Build 1: or the building, it would cost Current price for algae
$142.40 them: biomass per US ton:
Sell Price (per frame and 164*70*$178 = $2,043,440 $19,000
LiButti, 12

cell): Tons produced per-day:

$178 (20% margin) Sequestration: 1023.41904 kg =
Ex. (Adamczyk, et al.) 1.128126383607 tons
Chlorella vulgaris biofixation Revenue per day =
rate: 1.7 g/l/day. $21,434.40
Used water bottle to incubate Nutrition:
= 500 ml Algae is a widely used protein
Cell = 10’’*20’’*8’’ = 1600 product due to its help
in.3 = 26219.302 ml benefits.
26219.302ml/500ml = 52.44 Products currently sell for
Comparative biomass per around $11.
cell: Assuming 3 parties have a
1.7 g/l/day*52.44=89.148 20% margin the whole sale
g/l/day per cell price is ~$8.80 per lbs
1.128126383607 tons =
2256.252767214 lbs
$8.80*2256.252767214 lbs =
Sustainable Efforts:
Emerging markets
Fashion industry and many

Figure 8: Financial analysis of the practicality of the device being implemented.

LiButti, 13

In the first stage of this phase of research, the best combination of materials to create the

device were determined to be a carbon fiber frame that could be 3D printed in an industrial 3D

printer due to it being lightweight and not posing a threat to the environment through oxidation.

The culture beds’ material of choices was polycarb fiberglass due to its strong resistance to harsh

environmental conditions. The strength of the materials was tested in the third stage of the

project where the model for the device held up in extreme environmental conditions as denoted

in Figures 6 and 7. Which serves as a clear indicator that the device could be successfully

implemented into an urban location.

The Biomass filtration system, being as rudimentary as it is, funnels a mixture of algae

specie and media through the array of the device from a central input system.

Overall, the design of the current prototype would work effectively in an urban location

to reduce Carbon dioxide.

LiButti, 14

2.3. Algal production. (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from

Badger, M. R., Andrews, T. J., Whitney, S. M., Ludwig, M., Yellowlees, D. C., Leggat, W.,

& Price, G. D. (1998). The diversity and coevolution of Rubisco, plastids, pyrenoids,

and chloroplast-based CO2 -concentrating mechanisms in algae. The Canadian

Journal of Botany,76(6), 1052-1071. doi:10.1139/b98-074.

Blair, M. F., Kokabian, B., & Gude, V. G. (2014). Light and growth medium effect

on Chlorella vulgaris biomass production. Journal of Environmental

Chemical Engineering, 2(1), 665-674. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2013.11.005

Kumar, A., Ergas, S., Yuan, X., Sahu, A., Zhang, Q., Dewulf, J., Malcata, F., Van

Langenhove, H. (2008, July 07). NCBI. Enhanced CO(2) Fixation and Biofuel

Production via Microalgae: Recent Developments and Future


Lenntech, B. (n.d.). Water Treatment Solutions. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from

Moroney, J. V., & Somanchi, A. (1999). Plant Physiology. How Do Algae Concentrate CO2

To Increase the Efficiency of Photosynthetic Carbon Fixation?1,119, 9-16. Retrieved

December 14, 2016.

Sheehan, J., Dunahay, T., Benemann, J., & Roessler, P. (1998, July). A Look Back at the

U.S. Department of Energy’s Aquatic Species Program—Biodiesel from Algae. The

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from

LiButti, 15

Starr, R. C. (1960). The Culture Collection of Algae at Indiana University. American

Journal of Botany, 47(1), 67. doi:10.2307/2439496

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