Oppenheim Et Al. - Switches in Bacteriophage Lambda Development

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ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

Switches in Bacteriophage
Lambda Development∗
Amos B. Oppenheim,1,3,4 Oren Kobiler,1
Joel Stavans,2 Donald L. Court,3
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and Sankar Adhya4

by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, The Hebrew
University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem 91120
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel 76100
Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute at
Frederick, Frederick, Maryland 21702
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
20892-4264; email: oppenhea@mail.nih.gov

Annu. Rev. Genet. Key Words

2005. 39:409–29
genetic circuits, gene modules, developmental pathways,
First published online as a
Review in Advance on developmental decisions, threshold effects, host factors
July 26, 2005
The Annual Review of
Genetics is online at The lysis-lysogeny decision of bacteriophage lambda (λ) is a
http://genet.annualreviews.org paradigm for developmental genetic networks. There are three key
doi: 10.1146/ features, which characterize the network. First, after infection of
annurev.genet.39.073003.113656 the host bacterium, a decision between lytic or lysogenic develop-
c 2005 by ment is made that is dependent upon environmental signals and the
Annual Reviews. All rights number of infecting phages per cell. Second, the lysogenic prophage
state is very stable. Third, the prophage enters lytic development in

The U.S. Government response to DNA-damaging agents. The CI and Cro regulators de-
has the right to retain a
nonexclusive, royalty-free fine the lysogenic and lytic states, respectively, as a bistable genetic
license in and to any switch. Whereas CI maintains a stable lysogenic state, recent studies
copyright covering this indicate that Cro sets the lytic course not by directly blocking CI
expression but indirectly by lowering levels of CII which activates cI
0066-4197/05/1215- transcription. We discuss how a relatively simple phage like λ employs
a complex genetic network in decision-making processes, providing
a challenge for theoretical modeling.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

tory networks. A growing number of the-

Contents oretical modeling investigators are attempt-
ing to explain the underlying principles of
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
complex regulatory networks involved in nor-
The λ System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
mal mammalian development, including al-
terations that can result in a disease state
AND REGULATION . . . . . . . . . . . 411
such as cancer. Analysis of such complex sys-
The Lytic Transcription Cascade . 413
tems would be greatly facilitated by simi-
The Lysogenic Process . . . . . . . . . . . 413
lar studies using an ideal paradigm in which
most if not all of the elements composing
the system were known. Phage λ, the most
comprehensively studied bacteriophage, is the
Cro AND N FUNCTIONS . . . . . . 415
prototype of a class of lambdoid phages with
The N Antiterminator . . . . . . . . . . . 415
whom it shares similar genome organization
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org


and functions (38, 82). Studies of λ that began
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.


in the 1950s continue to reveal key molecu-
ROLE OF CII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
lar processes in gene regulatory mechanisms
Regulation of CII Activity . . . . . . . . 417
and development. However, despite years of
Regulation of CIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
study, many genetic interactions still remain
to be uncovered and those that we already
know require reexamination. For an accurate,
complete, and quantitative analysis of the ge-
Multiplicity Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
netic network, in particular its temporal pro-
Physiological Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
gression, these remaining questions need to
be addressed. In this review we summarize
a systems biology approach to the study of
genetic regulatory circuits of phage λ. We
OPERON: A PARADOX . . . . . . . . 421
define the individual components of the cir-
THEORETICAL STUDIES . . . . . . . . 421
cuits and switches, describe the kinetics of
their interactions, and explain how the in-
AND CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . 422
teractions achieve robustness in the perfor-
Counting Infecting Phage. . . . . . . . . 422
mance of the circuits. We also stress some
The Distinction Between Phage
puzzles that still exist in lambda’s regulatory
Infection and Prophage
Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Our citation of literature is not exhaus-
Role of Cro in Lytic Growth . . . . . 423
tive but provides examples to illustrate spe-
Evolution of Temperate Phages . . . 423
cific points. We direct the reader to several
EPILOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
comprehensive reviews on phage biology (13,
15, 24, 31, 34, 37, 41, 82, 107).

For the concert of life no-one gets a program.

[From a Dutch tile (81)] The λ System
Bacteria and their temperate phages, like Es-
cherichia coli and λ, exist in symbiotic rela-
INTRODUCTION tionships. These phages can be present in a
A central challenge in the post genomic era dormant, lysogenic (prophage) state replicat-
is to understand processes governing the ing passively with the host or they can de-
dynamics of highly complex genetic regula- velop lytically, producing progeny phages and

410 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

Figure 1
Decision-making steps by the temperate λ phage. A cell infected with phage λ can follow (denoted as
Decision I) the lytic response (left) or the lysogenic response (right). The resulting lysogenic cell carries a
repressed prophage shown in orange. The prophage is irreversibly induced only when a threshold
amount of DNA damage causes an SOS response, leading to lytic development (Decision II). The
prophage is normally extremely stable and rarely undergoes this type of induction by random DNA
damage to produce progeny phage in a very small fraction of the lysogenic cell (basal or spontaneous
induction). Some of the spontaneously induced cells enter the lytic cycle abortively, lose the prophage
(curing), and become nonlysogens (Decision III) (65).

killing their hosts. λ phage infecting an E. ter infection abortive lytic or lysogenic events
coli cell makes a decision to follow either a may also occur (62). The importance of
lytic or a lysogenic pathway (Figure 1). If the these abortive events has not been thoroughly
lytic pathway is followed, the phage replicates studied.
its DNA autonomously, expresses the mor-
phogenetic genes, assembles virions, and ly-
ses the host. If the lysogenic course ensues, GENE ORGANIZATION
a stable lysogen is established in which the AND REGULATION
prophage is integrated into the host chro- The λ genetic map and transcription profile
mosome with lytic gene expression turned involved in early developmental processes are
off. The prophage DNA replicates as part shown in Figure 2. The gene organization
of the bacterial genome during subsequent of lambdoid phages is based on a number of
cell divisions, and confers immunity to the recurring principles. Phage λ and its many
cell against infection by another λ. Treatment relatives have genomes that evolved as highly
with DNA-damaging agents, which leads to mosaic, modular structures. This property has
an SOS response, causes the lysogenic state long been recognized and led to the formula-
to irreversibly switch into lytic development, tion of the “modular genome hypothesis” (10,
mimicking the lytic infection. Otherwise, the 14, 38, 101). A short summary of the λ phage
prophage state is extremely stable, rarely un- modules and submodules is given in Table 1.
dergoing induction by DNA damage. Some Thus, for example, it is possible to replace
of these rarely induced cells enter an abortive the “immunity” module of λ by that of an-
lytic cycle by losing the prophage and be- other lambdoid phage. The organization of
coming nonlysogens (curing). Similarly, af- the gene modules allows a typical cascade of

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ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

Figure 2
Genetic map and transcriptional units of the phage regulatory region. Key genes and signals discussed in
the text are shown in their map order between the parallel lines. The early transcripts, the extended
delayed early transcripts, and the late transcripts are shown in black arrows. The transcripts initiated
from the pI, pRE, and paQ that are required for lysogeny are shown in blue. The pRM promoter, which is
activated by the CI regulator, is required for maintenance of the lysogenic state, which is shown in green.
Critical transcription terminators are marked in orange, including the sib region containing the tI
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

terminator. Leftward promoters are indicated above and the rightward ones below the map. pL and pR
are the early promoters and pR is the late lytic promoter. The role of the pOOP promoter is not fully
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

understood. The operators oL and oR, cognate to pL and pR respectively, are also shown. The immunity
module of the λ chromosome encompasses pLoL, rex, cI, oRpR, and cro. ori is the origin of O- and
P-mediated phage DNA replication (Table 1). Int carries the site-specific recombination reaction, and
Int and Xis support the excision reaction.

phage gene expression in lytic growth delin- ing to the oL and oR operators that overlap
eating the early, delayed early, and late stages the pL and pR promoters, allowing the main-
of transcription. This modular and temporal tenance of the lysogenic state to be governed
expression facilitates the alternative λ devel- by CI alone; when CI is inactivated, e.g., by
opmental pathways. Because of the transcrip- the SOS response, the lytic development fol-
tional cascade, the repression of the early lows. By blocking the pL and pR promoters
phage promoters pR and pL prevents expres- of an incoming phage genome, the CI reg-
sion of all lytic genes (Figure 2, Figure 3). ulator confers immunity against further pro-
In a prophage, this repression is carried out ductive infection by another λ (superinfection
by the phage CI protein, which acts by bind- immunity).

Table 1 A list of phage λ modules

Module Genes and sites Function
CI regulator pRM-cI CI activates pRM
Immunity pLoL-rex-cI-pRM-oRpR-cro CI represses pL and pR
CII regulator cII-pRE CII activates pRE
Site-specific recombination xis-int-att-tI Int and Xis catalyze recombination
General recombination gam-exo-bet Control and catalyze recombination
DNA replication ori-O-P Control of initiation of DNA replication
Early antitermination NUTL-N-tL1 N-antitermination and translational
Late antitermination Q-pR  -tR  Q-antitermination for late gene
DNA packaging cos-Nu1-A Cleavage of head-full genomes
Head genes Nu1 to FII Morphogenesis of head particles
Tail genes Z to J Morphogenesis of tails

Description of the functions of genes not discussed in this review can be found in (38).

412 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

The Lytic Transcription Cascade The Lysogenic Process

The gene expression cascade that leads to the The lysogenic pathway is also initiated during
lytic mode of growth is the default mode of λ the transcription cascade of the delayed early
development. It is carried out in three stages. genes. Under conditions leading to lysogeny,
(i) Transcription is initiated with the synthe- the expression of the lytic regulators fails be-
sis of the early transcripts from the pL and cause Q is actively switched off by the accumu-
pR promoters (Figure 2). Early transcripts, lation of the critical lysogenic regulator CII,
which encode two regulators, N and Cro, are thereby blocking the default lytic pathway
attenuated at the tL1 and tR1 terminators, re- and switching to the lysogenic course. As dis-
spectively. These transcriptional terminators cussed in greater detail below, an accumula-
play an important role in controlling the cas- tion of the CII protein above a threshold level
cade of gene expression. By acting as a weak is critical for initiating the lysogenic switch.
repressor for both pL and pR promoters, Cro During this active switching from the default
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

facilitates the lytic mode (described below). lytic to the lysogenic mode, CII stimulates the
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The N protein is an antitermination factor synthesis of Int, which catalyzes the insertion
that promotes the assembly of a transcription of the phage DNA into the host chromosome,
complex (9, 35). This assembly occurs on the and of the CI regulator, which binds to oL and
RNA at the nutL and nutR sites and is made up oR to repress the early promoters. CII also in-
of RNA polymerase and a number of host pro- hibits Q function (see 52). These three activ-
teins called Nus. The N- and Nus-modified ities are mediated by transcription activation
RNA polymerase can overcome the tL1 and of three promoters, pI, pRE, and paQ, respec-
tR1 transcription terminators, resulting in ex- tively (Figure 2; see Figure 6 below). Activa-
pression of the distal delayed early functions tion of all three promoters is critical for the
(30, 84). (ii) The delayed early functions in- establishment of a stable prophage state. Once
clude the lysogenic regulators CII and CIII, the prophage genome integrates into the bac-
as well as the lytic DNA replication functions terial chromosome and CI protein represses
O and P, and the late gene regulator Q. (iii) pL and pR, the lysogenic state is established.
After sufficient accumulation, the Q protein The prophage state is extremely stable and is
modifies RNA polymerase that has just initi- maintained through many generations of divi-
ated transcription from the pR late promoter sion (8). How CI repressor synthesis is main-
(66). This modification causes the RNA poly- tained in the absence of CII is discussed later.
merase to become resistant to transcription
terminators present downstream to pR , al-
lowing the expression of the late genes, which THE PROPHAGE STATE
encode proteins for phage morphogenesis and AND ITS MAINTENANCE
host cell lysis. There is a kinetic separation In the prophage state, the CI regulator con-
between the expression of delayed early and trols the expression of three promoters. It
late genes. This is caused by the location of represses transcription from the pL and pR
the Q gene at the very end of the delayed promoters and positively and negatively reg-
early cascade and the high threshold level of ulates its own synthesis from the pRM pro-
Q protein needed for its activity (52, 63, 109). moter (Figure 3; see Figure 6 below). In the
During the late stage of the cascade, the late prophage state, pRM is responsible for CI syn-
gene products assemble phage virions and lyse thesis; CI expression from pRE is prevented
the host. A similar temporal lytic cascade of owing to repression of CII in a lysogen.
gene expression follows prophage induction Figure 3 illustrates a set of cooperative in-
(38). teractions of CI binding to DNA, which lead

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to extremely efficient repression (25, 64, 82).

The CI repressor is made of two domains teth-
ered by a short linker, an N-terminal DNA
binding domain with a helix-turn-helix mo-
tif, and a C-terminal oligomerization domain.
The intrinsic relative affinities of CI to its op-
erators at oR and oL are as follows: oR1 >
oR2 > oR3 and oL1 > oL2 > oL3. Dimers of
CI cooperatively bind to oL1 and oL2 on the
left and oR1 and oR2 on the right by forming
tetramers repressing pL and pR, respectively.
Furthermore, another cooperative interaction
between these two sets of tetramers bound to
oL and oR, 2.3 Kb apart, leads to the formation
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

of a DNA loop held by a CI octamer, i.e., two

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interacting tetramers, that enhances repres-

sion. In this DNA-multiprotein complex, the
CI dimer bound at oR2 also stimulates pRM
transcription, thus activating CI synthesis in
a repressed prophage by a positive autoregu-
latory loop (44, 75). As the CI concentration
increases because of pRM activation, two ad-
ditional CI dimers are recruited to bind at oL3
and oR3 to further stabilize the oL-oR loop. In
this context, the binding of CI to oR3 represses
pRM and prevents CI overexpression. Based
on direct measurements of CI (86), recent cal-
culation shows that a lysogenic cell contains
about 250 CI monomers when the cells are
growing in rich media (23). This translates
into about 30 dimers per prophage copy, as-
suming an average of four chromosomes per
cell. This number of CI molecules not only
achieves a strong repression of the phage pro-
Figure 3
moters but also sets the threshold level for
A scheme showing the repression of pL and pR by CI induced DNA SOS induction. Note that cell division does
looping [adapted from (24, 82)]. RNA polymerase is symbolized as a green
ellipse; CI regulator monomers (depicted as orange dumbbells) have two
not randomly reduce the CI concentration
domains: the N-terminal DNA binding domain and the C-terminal to a point low enough to cause prophage
oligomerization domain. The top line shows a linear arrangement of the induction (8).
DNA. In the absence of CI, transcription is initiated at both pL and pR (top Repression of transcription from the pR
line). The second line shows how repressor molecules bind cooperatively promoter inhibits not only expression of genes
to oL1/oL2 and to oR1/oR2 prior to DNA looping repressing pL and pR
and activating the pRM promoter. The third line shows the first stage of
in that operon but also phage DNA repli-
DNA looping. RNA polymerase bound to pRM either before (second line) cation by preventing “transcriptional activa-
or after (third line) looping occurs transcribes pRM. Finally, further tion” of λ ori, the site where phage DNA
stabilization of DNA looping occurs by binding of CI to oL3 and oR3 replication is initiated (26, 33). This inhibition
together with repression of pRM when CI levels become very high ( fourth occurs even if O and P functions are present.
line). The additional CI molecules bound to oL3 and oR3 interact to form a
tetramer. The SOS response reverses the repression process (see text).
(71, 106). This regulation appears to be crit-
ical for establishing a lysogen. If the λ origin

414 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

replicates after the phage is integrated because pL and pR promoters and that its role in turn-
O and P are still available, the replication ing down pRM is not critical but supplemen-
event is lethal to the cell, resulting in abortive tary (52, 94). An argument that Cro binding
lytic infection (11). Thus, it is important to to oR3 sets the lytic course has also been
immediately block phage replication as the made to explain the role of Cro following
choice for lysogeny is made. phage infection (82). This interpretation of
the role of Cro is also unlikely because a phage
carrying the same oR3 to oR1 variant (see
THE DEFAULT LYTIC COURSE: above) that reduces Cro but allows CI bind-
Cro AND N FUNCTIONS ing still shows lytic growth (64). However, un-
The gene coding for Cro, which is the essen- der certain conditions Cro binding to oR3 may
tial lytic regulator, is the first one to be tran- contribute to lytic growth after prophage in-
scribed from the pR promoter following phage duction. The function of Cro in lytic devel-
infection or prophage induction. It is a weak opment is addressed below.
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

repressor of the pR promoter, allowing contin-

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uous expression from pR during lytic infection

(29, 94, 95). Cro is a single-domain protein The N Antiterminator
that binds as a dimer to the oL and oR opera- The N protein, like Cro, is a critical lytic
tors (60, 82). The intrinsic affinity of Cro for regulator but acts by a completely different
the individual operators is oR3 > oR1 ≥ oR2, mechanism. It antiterminates transcription at
and, unlike CI, higher-ordered structures, i.e., termination signals, allowing expression of
tetramers or octamers of Cro have not been distal genes in the pL and pR operons. N pro-
detected (19). However, Ackers and cowork- tein, once made, binds to the specific RNA
ers found a small amount of cooperative bind- sites NUTL and NUTR. The NUTL site
ing of Cro dimers to adjacent sites in the is located between the N gene and the pL
oR complex (19). Whether such cooperative promoter, and NUTR is downstream of cro,
binding is due to dimer-dimer interaction or the first gene in the pR operon (Figure 1).
to changes in DNA needs to be investigated. It The Nus factors, a complex set of host pro-
was shown, however, that changes in DNA ac- teins, take part in cellular transcriptional and
company the cooperative binding of CI (21). translational processes and interact with the
The higher affinity of Cro binding to oR3 N system (18, 93). Purified in vitro studies
supports the hypothesis that during lytic de- have defined NusA, NusB, NusE, and NusG
velopment Cro binds first to oR3, repressing as the host components of N-antitermination
transcription of the cI gene from the pRM (22, 68). Each NUT site can be divided into
promoter (45). It was therefore proposed that two parts, BOXA and BOXB (32). BOXB is
Cro binding to oR3 represses pRM and com- a stem-loop structure in the RNA and is spe-
pletes the switch to the lytic pathway as well cific for N binding (16). As it binds BOXB,
as sustaining it after an initial SOS-mediated N associates with NusA, NusG, and RNAP.
inactivation of CI in a lysogen (28, 46, 74). BOXA RNA is specific for NusB and NusE
However, recent experiments suggest that the binding (77, 80). It is proposed that N, Nus
presence of Cro might be unimportant for the factors, and Nut interact and complex with
lysogenic to lytic switch during induction of RNA polymerase while tethered on the same
the prophage (94). Furthermore, Little and RNA (76, 102, 104, 105). Although N is the
coworkers showed that replacing oR3 by the essential factor for antitermination, NUT and
weaker oR1 Cro-binding site has a marginal the Nus factors confer stability and full activ-
effect on prophage induction (64). Thus, it ity to the antitermination complex (22, 85).
appears that the critical role of Cro in lytic N is a critical regulatory protein of phage
development may be only to turn down the λ, which is reflected in the number of

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N expression from the pL-antiterminated

transcripts is dependent upon the level of
RNase III in cells. If RNaseIII concentration
is high, processing of the RNase III site (RIII
site) between NUTL and the N message is
rapid, causing high rates of N translation. If
RNase III concentration is low or zero, pro-
cessing of the RIII site occurs slowly if at
all, allowing repression of N translation. Cel-
lular RNase III concentrations rise and fall
with growth rate (12), and correspondingly,
N translation rises and falls with growth rate
Evidence suggests that the N translation
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

repression complex is dependent on E. coli

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RNAP and the N-transcription antitermina-

tion complex (105). Under conditions of lim-
iting RNase III, the antiterminating complex
prevents translation of N from its antitermi-
nated message. This means that N is expressed
from RNA transcripts that terminate at tL1,
i.e., do not form an antitermination com-
Figure 4
plex. Thus, under minimal growth conditions
Models for N-mediated translation repression. The complex of RNAP is
where RNase III activity is limiting, N con-
modified by NUT, N, and Nus factors to form an antitermination
complex. Translation repression of N takes place on the uncleaved RNA centrations would be stringently controlled by
in the absence of RNase III action (a). In the presence of RNase III negative autoregulation. On the other hand,
cleavage occurs and the Shine–Dalgarno (SD) sequence for N is no longer in rich media, RNase III processing would
held in close contact to the antitermination complex, translational ensure high N concentrations. Viral lytic de-
repression is prevented, and efficient expression of N can take place (b).
velopment predominates in rich media, and
lysogenic development is enhanced under
limiting growth or starvation. High N con-
ways its expression is controlled. At the centration enhances lytic growth of the phage,
transcription level, N is regulated from oLpL as evidenced by λ forming clear plaques on
by CI- and Cro-mediated repression. At cells expressing N from a plasmid (104). Clear
the translation level, N represses and au- plaques indicate that only few cells follow the
toregulates its own translation, and the en- lysogenic pathway. Low levels of N are made
doribonuclease RNase III modulates this following λ infection of cells grown in poor
repression (Figure 4). By acting at their carbon conditions; these same conditions have
respective sites located upstream of the N been shown to enhance lysogen formation fol-
gene, N and RNase III control N translation lowing infection at low multiplicity of infec-
(103, 104). High concentrations of RNase III tion (56). These latter conditions are likely to
as found in cells grown in rich media pre- reduce Q concentrations and provide a bet-
vent N-mediated translation repression alto- ter opportunity for lysogeny. Regulation of N
gether, whereas low concentrations of RNase also appears to be a way in which λ senses envi-
III found in cells grown in poor media all- ronmental conditions through RNase III and
ow translation repression. At the posttrans- responds by increasing or decreasing N con-
lational level, the Lon protease degrades N centrations and altering the lytic/lysogenic
causing a relatively short half-life. response. We note, however, that at high

416 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

multiplicity of infection, there is no effect (88). This mutation affects the N-terminal se-
of growth media on lysogenization efficiency quence and is not in the helix-turn-helix do-
(27). main of CII. This mutation also modified the
pRE promoter so that CII can activate the
mutant pRE but not the wild-type pRE. This
SWITCHING THE DEFAULT suggests that this N-terminal sequence of the
LYTIC MODE TO LYSOGENY: protein may play a role in determining the
ROLE OF CII specificity of CII binding to DNA (88).
The inhibition, or absence, of lytic functions The pI, pRE, and paQ promoters are lo-
is not sufficient for the switching to the lyso- cated within the Xis, CII, and Q protein cod-
genic mode. Rather, as noted above, infec- ing sequences, respectively. The Xis protein
tion resulting in a lysogenic response proceeds is needed for excision of the prophage DNA
through a number of required events: inte- from the chromosome after induction. For
gration of the DNA, efficient repression of rapid synthesis of Int, which facilitates inte-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

the early promoters, as well as timely inhibi- gration after infection, CII activates the pI
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tion of the lytic genes expression. These re- promoter. The integration reaction also re-
quirements are met by CII turning on pI, pRE, quires the integration host factor, IHF. IHF
and paQ promoters to express Int and CI, and is critical for generating the multicomponent
to inhibit Q function, respectively. All three Intasome structure, which catalyzes the in-
promoters contain a direct repeat TTGC- tegration reaction (38). Since pI is located
N6-TTGC sequence that binds to CII. The within the xis gene, the pI transcript synthe-
N6 region corresponds to the –35 elements sizes Int but not Xis, helping to ensure that
of these promoters. Expression from all three integration will not be accompanied by the
CII-activated promoters is coordinated by the presence of Xis function. By the same crite-
CII protein during infection. However, the rion, CII activates the pRE promoter to direct
mechanism of activation of the promoters by rapid synthesis of the CI regulator following
CII is not well understood. Specific muta- infection. The amount of CI made from pRE
tions in the α or σ subunits of RNAP prevent during lysogenic response was found to be
CII-mediated activation from these promot- as much as 10- to 20-fold higher than the
ers in vitro (48, 67). Consistently, these RNA amount made from pRM in an established
polymerase mutants prevent the establish- lysogen (86). The initial high concentrations
ment of lysogeny in vivo (78). of CI may guarantee that all infecting and
The quaternary structure of the CII pro- replicating phage genomes become repressed.
tein has been solved recently (20a, 81a). The But the CII-dependent paQ promoter, which
structure shows that a CII tetramer is made of lies within the Q gene, was found to reduce
two nearly equivalent dimers. Each of the four Q function (52), providing a mechanism by
monomers contains a helix-turn-helix DNA- which CII reduces late gene expression to en-
binding motif but only two of the monomers hance lysogeny (17, 70). Mutations affecting
appear, by modeling, to be involved in actual the ability of the pRE or paQ promoter to re-
DNA binding at the direct repeat sequence. spond to CII prevent the lysogenic response
The function of the other two helix-turn-helix resulting in clear plaque formation (42, 52).
motifs in the tetramer is not known. The di-
rect repeat sequence of pRE is located within
the N-terminal coding sequence of CII. Inci- Regulation of CII Activity
dentally, in an elegant genetic study, Friedman CII, which plays a key role in the lysis-
and coworkers isolated and analyzed a CII lysogeny decision, is regulated at numerous
mutant defective in transcription activation levels (Figure 5) (39, 43, 50, 83, 91): (i) The
of the pE promoter in lambdoid phage P22 transcription of the cII gene is inhibited both

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Figure 5
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Multilevel regulation of CII activity. CI and Cro negatively regulate the CII gene at transcription
initiation. tR1 aided by Rho factor reduce transcription elongation into the CII gene. The N
antitermination factor allows the extension of transcription beyond tR1. IHF stimulates CII translation
initiation. The antisense OOP RNA together with RNase III reduces CII mRNA stability, and FtsH
protease acting at the C terminus of CII is responsible for the rapid proteolysis of CII. The center bar
represents the DNA; the CII gene and the positive controls are shown in blue and negative controls in
red. The direction of CII and OOP transcriptions are shown in blue and red, respectively.

by Cro and CI binding to oR, and is stimu- lysogenization frequency. A C-terminal flex-
lated by the N antitermination factor acting ible tail of CII, which is not required for
at NUTR. High rates of CII synthesis take CII activity, acts as a target for initiating
place only for a limited period before being rapid CII proteolysis by FtsH (20, 51). (v)
repressed, by Cro or CI. (ii) Translation initi- The long leader CI RNA initiated from pRE
ation of CII is stimulated by IHF (43). An IHF is antisense to cro, which could prevent the
binding site is located immediately upstream translation of Cro (92). Indeed, an ftsH host
of CII, which has been proposed to stimu- mutant that results in higher concentrations
late CII translation in the presence of IHF of CII was found to be defective in Cro (79,
by an unknown mechanism (72a, 80a). (iii) 83, 96). Unfortunately, the concentration of
The stability of CII mRNA is affected by the Cro as a function of pRE activity has not
OOP RNA, a short antisense transcript com- been directly measured. (vi) CIII, which is
plementary to the 3 end of the cII mRNA (57, a 54-residue long peptide and required for
58). RNase III recognizes and cleaves the CII- lysogeny, controls the rate of CII degradation
OOP double-stranded RNA, thereby initiat- by acting as an inhibitor of the FtsH protease
ing rapid CII mRNA degradation (57). The (40, 51, 53).
DNA coding for the protease target is also the
target of CII mRNA degradation mediated by
the antisense OOP RNA. It was reported that Regulation of CIII
the stability of the OOP RNA is reduced by The cIII gene expression is also subject to mul-
polyadenylation but whether this process reg- tiple controls by λ CI, Cro, and N and by the
ulates CII concentration has not been clarified host RNase III (Figure 5). CI and Cro in-
(108). (iv) The ATP-dependent protease FtsH hibit CIII synthesis by binding to oL, and the
is responsible for the rapid degradation of CII N-antiterminator stimulates CIII expression
(39, 50, 91). Host mutations in ftsH lead to by acting at NUTL. Unlike its negative effect
stabilization of CII and thereby an increased on CII, RNase III stimulates CIII translation.

418 Oppenheim et al.

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It was shown that the mRNA that codes for Following infection, transcription from
the amino terminal residues of CIII is present early pL and pR promoters would start the lytic
in two conformations (3, 54). In one con- pathway by default with N antitermination of
formation, the translation initiation region is transcription and subsequent expression of Q.
occluded, preventing cIII translation. In the Q in turn antiterminates transcription, lead-
other, the mRNA is open allowing efficient ing to late lytic gene expression, cell lysis, and
translation. Point mutations that favor one or phage release. To set the course for lysogeny,
the other structures have been described. It CII reduces Q function in two ways. First,
appears that RNase III regulates cIII trans- CII activates antisense paQ RNA inhibiting
lation by acting as an RNA chaperone to af- Q. Second, CII activates pRE for synthesis of
fect CIII mRNA structure without processing CI, which represses pR and thus Q transcrip-
(2). tion. CII continues to repress Q expression
via paQ until cII transcription is repressed by
CI at pR. This kinetic coordination of Q shut-
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THE DECISION PROCESS: off by CII and CI ensures the switch from the
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GENETIC FUNCTIONS AND default lytic pathway to lysogeny. Q protein

EXTERNAL INFLUENCES must build up to a high threshold concen-
We now summarize the critical events that tration to become functional, thus providing
take place in the decision making process fol- a window for CII to exert its effect on Q
lowing infection by λ (Decision I in Figure 1, through paQ. In this way, CII prevents Q from
and shown schematically in Figure 6). Fol- reaching its threshold concentration. If CI ac-
lowing infection, λ begins a cascade of tran- tion is prevented, CII inhibition of Q via paQ
scription destined for the lytic mode. Under is not sustained because of repression of CII
appropriate conditions the lytic cascade can be by Cro acting at pR and by rapid CII degra-
switched off, allowing entry into the lysogenic dation. Concordantly, λ phage mutants defec-
pathway. The switch requires high thresh- tive in CI, oR, or CII follow exclusively lytic
old concentrations of CII, which facilitates growth, whereas mutants defective in Cro are
CI and Int synthesis and reduces the regu- unable to follow the lytic pathway.
lator function Q. CI, once made, maintains
the repressed state of the prophage. In es-
tablishing repression, CII and CI act tempo- Multiplicity Effect
rally to inhibit lytic functions. CII acts first The lysis-lysogeny decision is influenced by
by direct reduction of Q function, and as CII the number of phage particles infecting the
function ceases, CI takes over by repressing cell as well as by the cell physiology (55, 56).
the pR promoter. CI executes repression after High multiplicity of infection favors lysogeny.
the CII-mediated switch and appears not to Direct measurements of CII activity showed,
participate in initiating the switch. The activ- in wild-type infection, functional CII activ-
ity of CII is programmed to allow an initial ity in cells infected with two or more phages
overshoot of CI expression from the pRE pro- (52). This threshold level of CII is reached
moter and a preemptive inhibition of Q activ- when two or more phage infect a cell. In sin-
ity (52, 86). The overshoot may be required gle infection this critical level of CII is not
to ensure the repression of all lytic genes of attained, as mentioned above, allowing lytic
the infecting and replicating phage genomes development.
in the cell during the establishment of repres-
sion. Repression of pR by CI at this stage
also ensures immediate cessation of phage Physiological Effects
DNA replication by preventing transcription In cells grown in rich media the lytic course
through the ori site (97). predominates, whereas growing cells in poor

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Figure 6
Description of the λ lytic and lysogenic genetic network. Arrows mark the positive effects between
elements that make up the genetic network, whereas bars denote inhibitory effects. Promoters and
operators are shown in green, the phage genes in light orange, and cis antisense RNA is shown in light
blue (Cis acting has been used to note that it acts on the RNA from the opposite strand and not on an
RNA originating from different sequences in the genome). Arrows emanating from the promoters
denote transcription of specific functions. The OOP antisense RNA and the yet unknown threshold
effect of Q activity are not shown. For simplicity, the developmental network is divided into early gene
expression (a), delayed gene expression (b), lytic gene expression (c), lysogenic establishment (d ), and
lysogenic maintenance (e). The dotted line in (b) leading to Int expression signifies reduced level of Int
expression due to retroregulation of int mRNA.

media increases the chances of the lyso- the protein N favoring lytic growth [see (104)
genic pathway after single infection (56). Cells and references therein]. In carbon-starved
growing in rich media have higher concen- cells, on the other hand, RNase III and con-
tration of the host global regulator RNase sequently N concentrations are low. Under
III, which leads to high rates of expression of these conditions N translation is repressed.

420 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

This reduction of N concentration would re- regulator Q activates the synthesis of proteins
duce Q expression to a level that provides for phage morphogenesis and cell lysis. Thus
more opportunity for lysogenic response. functions necessary for lysogenic and lytic de-
Nevertheless, when cells are infected by two velopment are both expressed from the pL and
or more phages, CII function is epistatic to pR promoters. The location of both lysogenic
the effects of growth conditions preferring and lytic genes in the same operons creates an
lysogeny. apparent paradox in our mind about the lysis-
Unlike the decision that λ makes after the lysogeny decision. This paradox is resolved
infection process described above whereby in- by regulating the synthesis and degradation
fected cells follow either lytic or lysogenic of critical RNA and proteins. This regula-
development, prophage induction leads ex- tion provides the catalytic or stoichiometric
clusively to the lytic course (Decision II in amounts of functions as required to pursue
Figure 1). It was proposed that Cro is respon- either the lytic or lysogenic course. As exam-
sible for repressing CI expression following ples, during lytic response, the CII regulator is
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

induction to keep the developmental switch rapidly eliminated by proteolysis, whereas in

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in the default lytic mode (82), although the the lysogenic response, CII accumulates and
action of Cro in keeping the lytic course on limits Q activity. Presumably, the high thresh-
track is simply to reduce the concentration of old requirement for Q function allows the in-
the unstable master lysogenic regulator CII. fected complex a time window for controlling
the concentration of CII.
In the lysogenic response, high concentra-
COEXPRESSION OF BOTH tions of Int are made from pI under the control
LYTIC AND LYSOGENIC GENES of CII, while the expression of Int from the pL
FROM THE SAME OPERON: A is greatly reduced by retro-regulation because
PARADOX of Int mRNA degradation by RNase III from
The pL operon encodes a large number of a site called sib, located on the other side of att
ORFs of which only N, CIII, Xis, and Int are (see Figure 2) (36). Prophage induction leads
essential for either the lytic or lysogenic re- to the expression of both Int and Xis from
sponse (see Figure 2). N is a key regulator the pL promoter because the sib regulator is
for lytic growth of the phage. On the other detached from the int gene in the prophage
hand, the lysogenic function CIII acts as an DNA.
inhibitor of a host protease (FtsH, also called
HflB) that destabilizes the critical lysogenic
regulator CII (40, 47, 51). Proteins Int and Xis THEORETICAL STUDIES
carry out site-specific recombination (59, 73). The lambda genetic network has been a fertile
During lysogenization, Int catalyzes the inte- ground for theoretical modeling of decision-
gration of the phage genome into the bacterial making processes during the regulation of
chromosome site, att, whereas Int together development, and for testing new modeling
with Xis catalyze the reverse reaction to excise methodologies of genetic networks in general.
the λ chromosome during prophage induc- Models have been constructed addressing the
tion. The pR promoter also transcribes both lysis-lysogeny decision in terms of the lambda
lytic and lysogenic genes, cro, cII, O, P, and Q. genetic switch describing the competition
Whereas Cro is another critical regulator for between CI and Cro, using statistical mechan-
lytic growth of the phage, the very next gene ics with the explicit goal of obtaining bista-
in the operon encodes the CII protein, which bility. The earlier models focused on the (i)
coordinates the lysogenic pathway. O and P probabilities of the occupancy of the pR and
are needed for phage DNA replication prior pRM promoters by different binding configu-
to morphogenesis, whereas the second lytic rations of CI and Cro, and of pR and pRM by

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RNAP, and (ii) Gibbs free energies of binding inconsistencies with the observed behavior,
characterizing the different configurations as future theoretical studies with predictive val-
free parameters (1, 87, 90). These models ues are expected to play a more important role.
assumed that the behavior of the reactants
studied under in vitro conditions reflects
in vivo situations, and did not incorporate the OPEN QUESTIONS, SUMMARY,
possible existence of other levels of regulation, AND CONCLUSION
e.g., regulation of translation of CI and Cro,
degradation of CI and Cro, and anticooper-
Counting Infecting Phage
ative binding of the two proteins to adjacent The decision made by a phage-infected cell
operators (87). is dependent on the multiplicity of infec-
More recent models, based on the same ap- tion. When one phage infects, most infec-
proach, also incorporated stochastic effects in tion shows lytic development. However, when
the concentrations of the regulatory proteins two phage infect, the lysogenic pathway pre-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and, as a result, in the selection between lysis vails. What is the molecular basis for such a
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

and lysogeny (5, 7, 49, 69, 89, 98, 100, 110). dramatic response to a small change, which
Although apparent agreement between the to some may be counterintuitive? Further-
theoretical calculations and the experimen- more, the network response also suggests
tally observed values was noted, these efforts tight communication between two coinfect-
did not lead to a theoretical description with ing phage genomes. This suggests that repli-
improved predictive values. However, the the- cating phage genomes after single phage
oretical analysis of the exceptional stability the infection have little effect on the decision pro-
prophage state of λ led to the conclusion, now cess. This issue requires further investigation.
confirmed by experimental evidence, that a However, there are conditions when a single
view of the switch focusing only on oR to ex- infecting phage enters the lysogenic pathway.
plain the stability is incomplete, and that oL When infecting an hflA or hflB mutant host,
participates as well (7, 23). efficient lysogenization takes place. As dis-
An advantage of computer simulations is cussed, these mutant hosts increase the level
their ability to take into account multiple ele- of CII function.
ments and variables within the decision mod- A possible parsimonious model to explain
ule of the λ network (5, 49, 69). Furthermore, the multiplicity response runs as follows: First,
they can predict, for example, the values of multiple infection results in the titration of a
reactant concentrations during the temporal critical regulatory host factor that is present
execution of the lytic and lysogenic pathways, at a very low concentration. One such can-
which can be readily compared with biological didate is FtsH, the product of the hflB gene
experiments. Nevertheless, at present there of which there are less than 100 molecules
are only limited experimental data on the ki- per cell (99). Second, the phage CIII protein
netic changes in the concentration and activ- acting as an inhibitor of FtsH plays a critical
ity of the regulatory elements in the network role in the decision. Indeed, mutants that re-
and the strength of their interactions, which sult in a elevated CIII translation (by about
are crucial to achieve real agreement between threefold) no longer respond to the multi-
theoretical results and experimental observa- plicity of infection and can efficiently lyso-
tions. Furthermore, the in vivo values of the genize upon single infection (4; A. Rattray,
parameters may differ quantitatively by orders unpublished). Thus, we expect that a small in-
of magnitude from in vitro ones owing to such crease in multiplicity from one to two would
factors as macromolecular crowding, varia- raise CIII to concentrations that inhibit FtsH
tion in local concentrations, and yet unknown increasing CII expression to allow lysogenic
functions, as alluded to above. By exposing development.

422 Oppenheim et al.

ANRV260-GE39-18 ARI 15 October 2005 13:5

The Distinction Between Phage Evolution of Temperate Phages

Infection and Prophage Induction Phage λ lifestyles have been a textbook case
The idea that two infecting phage are critical for complex genetic control circuits. Gene or-
for switching on the lysogenic course raises der, modular construct, recruitment of spe-
interesting questions. A lysogen contains a cific host factors, and the presence of a
number of host chromosomes at various complex genetic network allow the infect-
stages of replication, and accordingly more ing phage to make decisions and to proceed
than one prophage. Would induction result through alternative developmental pathways.
in high CII activity as is found in multiple The lysis-lysogeny bistable decision is clearly
infections? If a high concentration of CII ac- much more complex than originally por-
cumulates, we would expect inhibition of Q trayed. This complexity was most probably
function by CII, even after CI inactivation by reached through evolutionary forces tinker-
induction. It remains to be seen whether such ing with specific elements present in the indi-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

high concentrations of CII if they occur would vidual functional modules that evolved to act
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

affect Q function and thus reduce lytic phage in concert. Of interest is a recent approach
yield. of tinkering with λ modules that revealed the
robustness of its genetic network (6, 72). Al-
though the λ lysogenic promoter pRM can tol-
Role of Cro in Lytic Growth erate a number of mutational changes, we note
An open question is the role of the high- that such tolerance may be limited to specific
affinity binding of Cro to the oR3 operator environmental conditions.
site in lytic growth after phage infection or
prophage induction. It is clear that Cro is
essential to allow lytic development. Is this EPILOG
high-affinity binding critical to regulate pRM In summary, a small set of regulatory proteins
following prophage induction or does it have in an organism as simple as a bacteriophage
a critical role in lytic decision? This issue function through a diverse set of macro-
needs to be addressed by the use of phage molecular interactions in a temporal fashion.
mutants defective in oR3 that uniquely affect Future investigations into the detailed molec-
Cro binding and do not affect CI binding or ular aspects of the functions of specific mod-
pRM activity. Would such mutants affect lytic ules coupled with kinetic and quantitative
growth after phage infection or prophage in- analysis of the phage genetic network will
duction? The intercalation of CI, Cro, and yield a realistic picture of this important
RNAP binding site at this locus may make the paradigm for more complex developmental
isolation of such phage mutants problematic. processes (61).

We apologize to our colleagues whose work we have omitted. We thank John Little, Ian Dodd,
Ted Cox, Pradeep Parrack, and Grzes Wegrzyn for communication of manuscripts before
publication and David Friedman for critical reading of the manuscript. The research carried
out by O. K. and A. B. O. was supported in part by The Israel Science Foundation (grants #
489/01–1 and 340/04).

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Contents ARI 20 October 2005 19:18

Annual Review of

Contents Genetics

Volume 39, 2005

John Maynard Smith

Richard E. Michod p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
The Genetics of Hearing and Balance in Zebrafish
Teresa Nicolson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 9
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification

Nancy Maizels p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p23
Complexity in Regulation of Tryptophan Biosynthesis in
Bacillus subtilis
Paul Gollnick, Paul Babitzke, Alfred Antson, and Charles Yanofsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p47
Cell-Cycle Control of Gene Expression in Budding and Fission Yeast
Jürg Bähler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p69
Comparative Developmental Genetics and the Evolution of Arthropod
Body Plans
David R. Angelini and Thomas C. Kaufman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p95
Concerted and Birth-and-Death Evolution of Multigene Families
Masatoshi Nei and Alejandro P. Rooney p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 121
Drosophila as a Model for Human Neurodegenerative Disease
Julide Bilen and Nancy M. Bonini p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Molecular Mechanisms of Germline Stem Cell Regulation
Marco D. Wong, Zhigang Jin, and Ting Xie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 173
Molecular Signatures of Natural Selection
Rasmus Nielsen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 197
T-Box Genes in Vertebrate Development
L.A. Naiche, Zachary Harrelson, Robert G. Kelly, and Virginia E. Papaioannou p p p p p p 219
Connecting Mammalian Genome with Phenome by ENU Mouse
Mutagenesis: Gene Combinations Specifying the Immune System
Peter Papathanasiou and Christopher C. Goodnow p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 241
Evolutionary Genetics of Reproductive Behavior in Drosophila:
Connecting the Dots
Patrick M. O’Grady and Therese Anne Markow p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 263
Contents ARI 20 October 2005 19:18

Sex Determination in the Teleost Medaka, Oryzias latipes

Masura Matsuda p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 293
Orthologs, Paralogs, and Evolutionary Genomics
Eugene V. Koonin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309
The Moss Physcomitrella patens
David Cove p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 339
A Mitochondrial Paradigm of Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases,
Aging, and Cancer: A Dawn for Evolutionary Medicine
Douglas C. Wallace p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 359
Switches in Bacteriophage Lambda Development
Amos B. Oppenheim, Oren Kobiler, Joel Stavans, Donald L. Court,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:409-429. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and Sankar Adhya p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 409

by Washington University - St. Louis on 08/25/14. For personal use only.

Nonhomologous End Joining in Yeast

James M. Daley, Phillip L. Palmbos, Dongliang Wu, and Thomas E. Wilson p p p p p p p p p p 431
Plasmid Segregation Mechanisms
Gitte Ebersbach and Kenn Gerdes p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 453
Use of the Zebrafish System to Study Primitive and Definitive
Jill L.O. de Jong and Leonard I. Zon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 481
Mitochondrial Morphology and Dynamics in Yeast and Multicellular
Koji Okamoto and Janet M. Shaw p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 503
RNA-Guided DNA Deletion in Tetrahymena: An RNAi-Based
Mechanism for Programmed Genome Rearrangements
Meng-Chao Yao and Ju-Lan Chao p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 537
Molecular Genetics of Axis Formation in Zebrafish
Alexander F. Schier and William S. Talbot p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 561
Chromatin Remodeling in Dosage Compensation
John C. Lucchesi, William G. Kelly, and Barbara Panning p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 615


Subject Index p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 653


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