(TE4) Worksheet8 201314852 PDF

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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Faculty of Engineering
Technichal English 4
Section N
Diego René Molina Roldan

Analysis of the video: (Short description and comment) :

The video shows a problematic leader, one that thinks that giving orders is enough to be the
one that can lead. Unfortunately, that’s so common now a days; people that doesn’t have the
qualities to be a good team leader gets high positions just because they meet persons or their family
have some type of power. In the end, that only affects the team and the company.

Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of leader was the manager?
R// Autocratic Leader
2. What was his type of leadership and give the principal characteristics?
R// Autocratic Leader
• Significant control over staff
• No consideration for staff suggestions
3. Give a short description of the staff
R// Unmotivated staff
4. How did the staff feel toward the manager leadership skills?
R// As said in the answer before, they feel unmotivated, disappointed and angry.
5. What type of communication was used at the office?
R// Verbal
6. Was there any communication problem, if so, what was it and name the possible barriers affecting
the communication process?
R//Not physical problems, but the way the manager gave orders and asked for things wasn’t
the proper one.
7. Was there any conflict, if so, name it and give the possible causes?
R// Yes, the employee wanted to go home because he had his marriage anniversary that
night, but the manager shouted him that he couldn’t go home yet because he had not
yet checked his work.
8. What style of conflict management would you have used to solve the situation happening at the
R// Collaborating style.

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