Advanced English Curriculum

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Colegios PIJ 2018

English Language Syllabus

The English language is used everywhere. When we meet people from other countries, we need English for communication.
English is used in films, literature, songs, sports, business, products, trades and entertainment, and through these channels
many English words and expressions have found their way into our own language. When we want information on something
of private or professional interest, we often search for it in English. Moreover, English is increasingly used in education and
working life, in Colombia and abroad.
To succeed in a world where English is used for international interpersonal communication, it is necessary to master the
English language. Thus we need to develop our vocabulary and our skills in using the systems of the English language; its
phonology, grammar and text structuring. We need these skills to listen, speak, read and write, and to adapt our language to
an ever increasing number of topics, areas of interest and communication situations. We must be able to distinguish
between spoken and written styles and informal and formal styles. Moreover, when using the language in communication,
we must also be able to take cultural norms and conventions into consideration.
When we are aware of the strategies we use to learn a foreign language, and the strategies that help us to understand and
be understood, the acquisition of knowledge and skills will be easier and more meaningful. It is also important for each of us
to establish our own goals for learning, to determine how these can be satisfied and to assess the way we use the language.
Learning English may also give us better insight into our native language and other languages we know, thus becoming an
important element in our personal development and making a significant contribution to our communicative abilities.
In addition to learning the English language, this subject will also contribute insight into the way we live and how others live,
and their views on life, values and cultures. Learning about the English-speaking world will provide a good basis for
understanding the world around us and how English developed into a world language. Literature in English, from nursery
rhymes to Shakespeare' sonnets, may instil a lifelong joy of reading and provide a deeper understanding of oneself and
others. English texts, films, music and other art forms may also inspire the pupil's own artistic expression and creativity in
many genres and media.
Thus English as a school subject is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and personal insight. It will enable the pupils
to communicate with others on personal, social, literary and interdisciplinary topics. It will give insight into how individuals
think and live in the English-speaking world. Communicative skills and cultural insight can promote greater interaction,
understanding and respect between people with different cultural backgrounds. In this way linguistic and cultural
competence contributes to the all-round personal development and fosters democratic commitment and a better
understanding of responsible citizenship.


Language is a means of It invloves cognitive and

making meaning and of affective engagement,
communication and interaction

Language use is guided

by our awareness of the
Learning English in an
purpose, audience,
english speaking country
context and culture in
is different from the
which the
Colombian context.
communication takes
Language learning is facilitated when pupils:

 have developed literacy skills in their first language

 have maximum exposure to the target language and opportunities for using it
 are motivated and are willing to invest the effort and persistence needed for foreign language learning
 develop a positive self-image in the target language
 develop confidence in their ability to use the target language
 build on their prior language and world knowledge
 have opportunities to learn by doing
 use language as a means for gaining information in other areas
 are conscious of how they learn and how they can constantly develop better ways of learning the language
 are aware of the learning objectives
 use learning strategies effectively
 take responsibility for their own language learning
 analyze and reflect on their learning
 interact, share information, exchange ideas and opinions and work together
 have opportunities for problem solving in the target language
 have the opportunity to choose texts and tasks according to individual preferences
 are encouraged to experiment with their growing control of the language and are not afraid to make errors
 feel challenged within the range of their possible performance
 feel that they are making progress
 can see the usefulness of what they are learning
 have opportunities to develop independent reading habits
 have opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom
 are motivated to continue finding out about people, cultures, music and literature related to the target language

Language teaching is more effective when teachers:

 create a language-rich environment, one that provides pupils with ample opportunities to encounter a variety of verbal
and visual stimuli and use the language in different contexts and registers
 encourage the development of a positive self-image by providing success-oriented tasks and positive feedback
 create a supportive environment, one that allows pupils to take risks, to make errors and experiment with the
 activate and build on pupils' background knowledge
 take pupils' level of cognitive and linguistic development into account
 are aware of and sensitive to pupils' diversity and cater to it
 encourage pupil autonomy
 help pupils become aware of using appropriate learning strategies
 allow pupils to find out what they know or do not know by themselves
 create problem-solving contexts
 provide feedback that is on-going and formative
 state attainable learning objectives and make them visible in the classroom
 provide opportunities for peer interaction
 incorporate task-based activities
 allow pupils to make choices
 encourage pupils to use English outside the classroom
 stimulate pupils to broaden their horizons through the use of English
English PIJ Tasks must….

 be transparent to the pupils in terms of goals and process

 focus on both the on-going process and on the product
 link to pupils' prior experience
 include opportunities for peer interaction, such as pair and group work
 generate a variety of outcomes
 encourage divergent thinking
 encourage multiple modes of expression
 encourage problem-solving and critical thinking skills, such as analyzing, comparing, generalizing, predicting and
hypothesizing at all levels of language learning development
 provide pupils with opportunities for reflection, self-evaluation and peer assessment
 encourage pupils to use English as a means for gaining information in other subject areas
 broaden pupils' horizons and motivate them to continue finding out about people, cultures, music and literature
connected through English
 give real-world opportunities (or simulations) to apply or adapt new knowledge
 combine focus on form with meaningful content

Assessment: The way PIJ evaluate English Learning

Assessment is viewed as an integral part of the teaching-learning process. It involves collecting evidence of learning over a
period of time, using a variety of assessment methods. The goals of assessment are to provide feedback on both the on-
going progress and the end-product in achieving the goals. Formative (on-going) and summative (end-product) assessment
are carried out using both traditional tests and alternative methods of assessment. Since both traditional and alternative
methods of assessment each have their own respective advantages, they are used as complementary components in the
assessment process.

The focus of assessment is on pupils' ability to apply their skills and knowledge of English to meaningful situations. The
following are principles underlying classroom assessment, divided into four categories: formative and summative
assessment (any can be either cooperative or individual); alternatives in assessment; assessment requirements and
criteria; and the role of pupils.

Formative and Summative Assessment

 Assessment focuses on both the on-going process and on the product.

 Assessment allows for different levels of progress in pupils' language development.
 Assessing attainment of the standards is carried out by collecting and recording information in a variety of ways.

Alternatives in Assessment

 Multiple methods of assessment are applied in measuring language ability.

 Feedback is based on a collection of evidence from a variety of sources.
 Group processes and products are included in classroom assessment.
 Assessment should include tasks, such as thematic projects, that promote pupils' involvement and reflection on
learning and require pupils to use a variety of learning strategies and resources.
Assessment Requirements and Criteria

 A wide range of opportunities for assessment is necessary.

 Pupils are assessed at various stages of the learning process.
 Criteria for assessment represent all areas of language ability.
 The type of task and content of task to be assessed should be made clear to pupils.
 Criteria for assessment are known to pupils prior to the assessment.
 Criteria for assessment can be negotiated between pupils and teacher.
The Role of the Pupils

 Pupils take an active part in the process of assessment.

 Pupils learn how to set their own goals and assess their progress.
 Pupils are given ample time to think about and revise work to be assessed.
 There are opportunities for peer and self-assessment.
Areas of language learning

Productive Writing

Receptive Writing

Knowledge Vocabulary
about Grammar
language composition
Grade: First Stage: Exploratory Level: A1- beginners

C1: Ss can introduce themselves and ask the basic questions to identify others using vocabulary related to colors and shapes.

C2: Ss can understand and use basic and everyday expressions that will help them meet their first needs in an English speaking country.

C3: Ss can interact whenever the other people are willing to speak relatively slow to help them understand.

I trimester

Thematic unit: Vocabulary Grammar

It’s a……. ● Colors ● Present simple: It’s a…

● Sizes ● Questions and short answers (yes, it is...)
● Sea animals ● Sound /sh/

Habilidades Funciones pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking ● To ask and answer simple questions A.1 I speak in English, with short and isolated words and
● Describe the color of some objects y animals sentences. For example: I greet, and respond to greetings, I say
● To pronounce correctly words that include the /sh/ my name, I describe the color of the objects, etc.
● To greet cordially
● To spell my name correctly

Listening ● To follow instructions given by the teacher A2. I demonstrate understanding of simple questions about
● To listen and identify colors. myself, my family, and my environment.
● To sing with the right rhythms and intonations.
● To comprehend a story told slowly
● To comprehend and select an image according to
what I listen.

● To use capitalization correctly when a sentence A3. I describe people, animals and things using short sentences
stars and the period when it ends. about my family and surroundings.
● To describe an image by using simple sentences
that include the color.
● To recognize keywords written on classroom posters. A4. I relate illustrations with simple sentences and read
● To understand short sentences and then a story following the rhythm of an audio.
● To identify capitalization in short sentences.


II trimestre

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

Exploring the world! ● Classroom objects (there is / there are) ● How many: (there is/there are)
● Numbers (1-20) ● Present simple ( pronoun+(is/are)+adj)
● Family members ● Present continuous( they are+ verb+ing)
● Physical descriptions (adjectives) ● Personal pronouns (I, you, he, she,it, we, they)
● Party objects ● Sounds /th/ and rhyming sounds like /at/
● Action verbs (read, count, play…) ● Have/has

Habilidades Funciones pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking  To repeat what another person says A5. I talk about what I know: animals, places people and things,
 To contain objects I can also inform the amount of objects that are in a place.
 To ask and answer by quantity of objects in one
 To describe family kinship
 To describe people physically in a simple way
 To properly pronounce the words that have the
sound / th /

Listening  To identify numbers and quantities A6. I demonstrate understanding of simple questions about my
 To follow instructions family and my environment; I also understand short descriptions
 To identify classroom objects Understand short of objects and people.
conversations that speak volumes and family.
 To identify the person they are talking about
according to their physical appearance
 To use capitalization correctly when beginning a A7. I write very short essays: isolated words and very brief and
sentence and the point at the end of a sentence. basic sentences to describe images.
 To write simple sentences that describe images
and actions occurring at the moment
 To describe a drawing of my authorship.
 To describe a person

 To understand short sentences in a comic A8. I understand very brief and simple texts, usually
 To identify capitalization in short sentences. descriptions, especially if they contain images.
 To identify the question mark in a text
Reading  To understand simple sentences that describe a

III trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

Interacting with my ● Parts of thehouse ● Present simple : (Likes and dislikes)

mates! ● Objects in a house ● Wh questions: (where)
● Clothing ● Prepositions: in, on, at
● Food and drink ● Short vowel sounds
● Expressions: “I’m hungry”, “good idea”, “I’m sorry” ● Possession: adjectives and nouns

Habilidades Funciones pragmaticas Desempeños

Speaking  To describe the location of an object A9. I respond to questions about objects, people, places, likes,
 To ask and answer questions about the location of dislikes, and location of objects in a particular place.
someone or an object
 To express my likes and dislikes
Listening  To identify short vowel sounds in words. A10. I understand and follow instructions to achieve specific
 To identify objects that someone describes objectives, for example: completing conversations, coloring an
 To complete short conversations image, etc.
 To follow instructions to achieve a specific goal.

 To create Short Postcards A11. I write postcards, and complete forms with personal data
 To describe the location of an object or person using some punctuation correctly.
 To use question marks correctly when writing
 To write simple sentences that describe images
and actions occurring at the moment

 To follow simple instructions that include pictures or A12. I follow the sequence of a simple story based on dialogues
models. with questions.
 To organize events from a short story correctly
First grade
I trimester
A.1 I speak in English, with short and isolated words and sentences. For example: I greet, and
respond to greetings, I say my name, I describe the color of the objects, etc.

A2. I demonstrate understanding of simple questions about myself, my family, and my environment.
A3. I describe people, animals and things using short sentences about my family and surroundings.

A4. I relate illustrations with simple sentences and read following the rhythm of an audio.

II trimester
A5. I talk about what I know: animals, places people and things, I can also inform the amount of
objects that are in a place.

A6. I demonstrate understanding of simple questions about my family and my environment; I also
understand short descriptions of objects and people.

A7. I write very short essays: isolated words and very brief and basic sentences to describe images.

A8. I understand very brief and simple texts, usually descriptions, especially if they contain images.

III trimester
A9. I respond to questions about objects, people, places, likes, dislikes, and location of objects in a
particular place.

A10. I understand and follow instructions to achieve specific objectives, for example: completing
conversations, coloring an image, etc.

A11. I write postcards, and complete forms with personal data using some punctuation correctly.

A12. I follow the sequence of a simple story based on dialogues with questions.
Grado: Second. Etapa: Exploratory Level: A1-intermediate

C1: Ss describe their own sports and artistic skills. In addition, they can maintain and close a simple face-to-face conversation to speak of personal

C2: Ss understand and use basic and everyday expressions that will serve to meet their first needs in an English-speaking country.

C3: Ss can interact whenever the other person (s) are willing to speak relatively slowly to help them understand.

I trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulary: Grammar

Can you Play……? ● Sports ● Can/can’t

● Toys ● Likes and dislikes
● Prayers ● Do/Does
● Free time ● Long vowel sounds: /a/, /e/, /i/
● Commands

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

 To talk about skills A1. I answer questions about people, objects and places in my
 To ask and answer questions about giving environment in order to communicate effectively in my
Speaking classroom.

 To understand habitual expressions referring to A2. I recognize when they speak to me in English and I react
simple everyday needs verbal and non-verbal.
Listening  To understand the likes and dislikes of your peers
and family members.
 To follow instructions, repeat, point, and relate
image / word.

 To identify the basic structure of a simple sentence. A3. I copy and transcribe words that I understand and use
 To express my personal interests. frequently in the classroom.

 To identify what happens in a comic. A4. I recognize short words and phrases in English that are
 To recognize the main characters of the story. commonly used in the English language related to their context.
 To recognize the context where the story unfolds
(where, when, who)

II trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

Where is…….?  Prepositions of place (between, behind, next to, in ● Long vowel sounds (a,e,i,o)
front of. ● Where is……?
My daily routine. ● Adverbs
 Here, now
 Places ● Present simple (first person)
 Transportation ● Silent e
 Daily and leisure activities.
 Time of day.

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

 To give suggestions. A5. I participate in conversations in a simple way to make

 To ask and give directions. suggestions, comparisons and give reasons. Besides, I can talk
Speaking  To spell words when necessary. about my daily routine.
 To identify long vowel sounds (a, e, i, o)
 To describe your daily routine

 To follow specific instructions A6. I understand and follow instructions related to class
activities in order to locate objects and places, sort events, and
Listening identify specific information.

To write about my daily routine. A7. I respond simply to the questions "Who, who, when, and
To write simple sentences to describe. where"

 To identify what happens in a comic. A8. I follow brief, brief and simple instructions, especially if they
 To recognize the main characters of the story. contain illustrations to answer reading comprehension
 To recognize the context where the story unfolds questions.
(where, when, who)
 To answer questions about a text.

III trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

What’s the weather like? ● Weather ● Demonstrative pronouns (this/these)

● Accessories of weather ● Possessive pronouns
The farm ● Farm animals ● Present continuous /present simple
● Chores ● Ch, sh, and th sounds
● Zoo animals ● Beginning consonants blends with s: st, sp,,sw.

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

 To describe the climate A9. I talk about what I know: animals, climate, food, people and
 To ask and answer (Whose is it?) things.
Speaking  To describe what someone does in the moment.
 To ask and answer open-ended questions (what do
you ......)

 To fill in missing information in an image. A10. I understand short and simple descriptions of familiar
 To recognize actions performed by other people. objects and places.
Listening  To identify objects in an image.
 To identify the general idea of an audio (story)
 To identify different phonemes in a sentence

 To answer questions to write a story. A11. I can make brief and basic descriptions of events and
 To answer questions to write a short paragraph. activities.

To locate chronologically represented events in images. A12. I identify the general idea of a simple story and follow the
To relate objects to characters in a story. sequence with the help of illustrations.


Second grade
I trimester
A1. I answer questions about people, objects and places in my environment in order to
communicate effectively in my classroom.

A2. I recognize when they speak to me in English and I react verbal and non-verbal.

A3. I copy and transcribe words that I understand and use frequently in the classroom.

A4. I recognize short words and phrases in English that are commonly used in the English language
related to their context.

II trimester
A5. I participate in conversations in a simple way to make suggestions, comparisons and give
reasons. Besides, I can talk about my daily routine.

A6. I understand and follow instructions related to class activities in order to locate objects and
places, sort events, and identify specific information.

A7. I respond simply to the questions "Who, who, when, and where"
A8. I follow brief, brief and simple instructions, especially if they contain illustrations to answer
reading comprehension questions.

III trimester
A9. I talk about what I know: animals, climate, food, people and things.

A10. I understand short and simple descriptions of familiar objects and places.

A11. I can make brief and basic descriptions of events and activities.

A12. I identify the general idea of a simple story and follow the sequence with the help of
Grade: Third Stage: Conceptual Level : A1- advanced

C1: Ss can give and request information about the time, write the daily routines taking into account the sequence and identifies the general idea
of a brief informational text using the images to understand.

C2: Ss can understand and use basic and everyday expressions that will serve to meet your first needs in an English-speaking country.

C3: Ss can interact whenever the other person (s) are willing to speak relatively slowly and to help them understand.

I trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

School Life ● Schoolsubjects/activities ● Present simple : Do/does (third person)

● Dailyactivities ● Wh words questions
● Time expressions ● Fonema /ea/
● Places and animals ● Basic punctuation rules.
● Action verbs (fly, sleep, cry, smile, etc..)

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To give and ask the time A1. I use simple expressions and phrases to describe daily
 To establish conversations related to the daily routines.
routine taking into account the respective hours.
 To report the daily activities of a person.
 To pronounce correctly words that include the / and
/ sound.
 To talk about my favorite subjects at school.

Listening  To identify and relate images with audios. A2. I understand sequences related to habits and routines.
 To identify the sound / ea / in sentences.
 To understand sequences guided by the clock.
 To identify general and specific details of an audio.

 To recognize on what occasions I use capital A3. I write simple sentences and sentences related to familiar
letters. situations using correct capital letters.
 To identify which words need capitalization.
 To use capitalization correctly when writing.
 To write about my school routine.

 To identify the characters, scenario, and basic A4. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational
expressions used in a story. texts and simple descriptions, especially if they contain
 To understand the sequence of a text. illustrations that help explain the text.

Reading  To match phrases with who says them.

II trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

● Special days ● Some/any

● Holiday decorations ● Why/because
Important dates and ● Food (containers/ in containers) ● Preposition: on
amazing places to visit. ● Dinosaurs ● Was}/were past simple
● Basic physical description adjectives ● Object pronouns
● Action verbs (regular) ● /Y/ /AY/ sounds
● Expressions look!, run!, let’s go!)
● Time expressions

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To talk about special dates and artists that I like A5. I describe some characteristics of myself, other people,
 To justify because I like or dislike something animals, places and objects.
 To describe different types of food, animals,
 To speak the sounds correctly and / and / and / and
/ in sentences.

Listening  To identify and relate images with audios. A6. I understand sequences related to stories about the world.
 To identify the sound / ea / in sentences.
 To understand sequences guided by the clock.
 To identify general and specific details of an audio.
 To recognize on what occasions I use capital A7. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational
letters. texts and simple descriptions, especially if they contain
 To identify which words need capitalization. illustrations that help explain the text.
 To use capitalization correctly when writing.
 To write about my school routine.

 To identify the characters, scenario, and basic A8. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational
expressions used in a story. texts and simple descriptions, especially if they contain
 To understand the sequence of a text. illustrations that help explain the text.

Reading  To match phrases with who says them.

III trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

World wonders ● Animals ● Comparisons: comparatives and superlatives

● Adjectives (abilities) ● Present simple: They are (verb to be) (have/has to)
● Countries
● Nationalities
● Continents
● Weather adjectives
● Verb phrases
● I think / I know

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To identify the nationality of a person A9. I use simple expressions and phrases to describe where I
 To describe animals live, some animals, and people I know.
 To talk about recognized places in the world
 To compare countries, animals, and places.
 To talk about the country or place that is
distinguished by some specific characteristic
 To ask and answer questions about the weather
 Properly pronounce words using the sounds / or / /
ow /
Listening  To identify the main idea and important ideas of an A10. I identify the main ideas of audios and understand the
audio. descriptions of animals and places.
 To Identify the / o / and / or / o / words in words.
 To Understand animal and place descriptions

 To write a sidewalk of my favorite animal A11. I write simple and well-linked texts on topics that are
 To describe the country where I live known or of personal interest to me.
 To write sentences about the weather

To understand a story and answer specific questions about A12. I understand words, familiar names and very simple
it phrases in texts. In addition, I identify relevant information to
To organize a story event correctly answer questions correctly.
To associate sounds and symbols of a reading.

Third grade
I trimester
A1. I use simple expressions and phrases to describe daily routines.

A2. I understand sequences related to habits and routines.

A3. I write simple sentences and sentences related to familiar situations using correct capital letters.
A4. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational texts and simple descriptions,
especially if they contain illustrations that help explain the text.

II trimester
A5. I describe some characteristics of myself, other people, animals, places and objects.

A6. I understand sequences related to stories about the world.

A7. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational texts and simple descriptions,
especially if they contain illustrations that help explain the text.

A8. I identify the general idea of simple and brief informational texts and simple descriptions,
especially if they contain illustrations that help explain the text.
III trimester
A9. I use simple expressions and phrases to describe where I live, some animals, and people I

A10. I identify the main ideas of audios and understand the descriptions of animals and places.

A11. I write simple and well-linked texts on topics that are known or of personal interest to me.

A12. I understand words, familiar names and very simple phrases in texts. In addition, I identify
relevant information to answer questions correctly.
Grade: fourth Stage: Conceptual Level: A2 - beginners

C1: Ss describe - orally and in writing - their likes and dislikes, physical appearance and others through simple sentences; They also understand
descriptions made by their classmates and teachers.

C2: Ss Include frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (very basic personal and family information, eg
purchases, places of interest, occupations). Also, can communicate in simple and usual tasks requiring a simple and direct information on
activities and daily affairs

C3: Ss describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and issues related to their immediate needs.

I trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

Friendship ● Adjectives (physical description) ● Present simple ( questions/ short and long answers)
● Adjectives (personality) ● Verb like (verb + ing)
● Conjunctions : (and, or, but) ● /oy/ sound

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To describe people and animals A1. I describe myself or another person known, with simple and
 To engage a short conversation about likes and short sentences, taking into account their age and physical
dislikes. characteristics.
 To pronounce correctly words that include the / o
and / sound.
 To talk about activities I'm good at.

Listening  To sort images according to the audio sequence. A2. I understand personal information (descriptions) provided
(Identify the sequence of events) by my classmates and my teacher. In addition, I identify the
 To identify the sound / o and / in sentences. sequence of events reported.
 To identify the main idea of an audio.

 I use conjunctions (and, or, but) to join two A3. I write descriptions of the personal traits of people around
compound sentences. me.
 To write about a friend using detailed descriptions
and compound sentences.
 To understand the sequence of a text. A4. I understand short descriptions of people, places, and
 To match phrases with who says them. known actions.
 I identify true and false statements according to the
Reading understanding of the text.

II trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

● Snacks
● Review ( fruit and juices)
● Vocabulary related to the past ( king, pyramid,
I’m starving! And ● Would you like..?/ How about…..?
mummy, treasure, pharaohs)
Important people from ● Pronouns ( something, nothing, all)
● Daily routine action verbs in past
the past. ● Questions in past (did)
● Pronouns ( something, nothing, all)
● When clauses
● Could / couldn’t
● /or/ /oo/ sounds

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To accept or refuse a snack or snack. A5. I have a simple English conversation with a partner about
 To offer a snack or onces. everyday situations and actions that have taken place in the
 To talk about my life in the past. past.
 To compare the present with the past.
 To talk about inventions that changed our lives

Listening  (Listening for specific details) A6. I understand sequences related to stories about the world
 To identify the sounds / oo / and / or / in sentences. and common events.
 To understand sequences of elements or objects.
 To identify general and specific details of an audio.

 To use correctly: the point, question marks and A7. I write about topics of my interest using compound
exclamation marks. sentences, taking into account the basic structure of a text and
 To write about my favorite snack. the punctuation marks.
 I use the word correctly in compound sentences.
Writing  To write about the Egyptians in the past.
 I write structured texts (introduction, body,

 To identify the characters, scenario, and basic A8. I identify specific information of a text. Also, I summarize the
expressions used in a story. text using the sequence of the main events.
 To understand the sequence of a text.
 To identify the main events of a story
 To organize the events of a story in chronological

III trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

● Ailments
Being fit and healthy and ● Must / Musn’t ● Present simple (manifestar dolor)
visiting great places! ● Should /shouldn’t ● Suggestions (should/must (negatives))
● Healthy habits / remedies ● Relative clauses
● Famous places and constructions ● Infinitive of purpose
● Adjectives ( describing objects) dimensions ● Adjectives and adverbs
● Shapes ● /ur/ /igh/ sounds

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To talk about diseases and pains A9. I talk about healthy habits, I can make suggestions and
 To give and ask for a healthy habits advice also ask for advice. In addition, I ask and respond about the
 To talk about healthy habits physical characteristics of familiar objects.
 To describe famous places and recognized
 To properly pronounce words that use the sounds /
ur / / igh /
 To ask and answer questions to know what
something is done.
Listening  To relate descriptions with images. A10. I identify who they speak to me from their physical
 To identify the sounds / ur / and / igh / in words. description. Also, I can list images according to the descriptions
 To understand locations descriptions I hear.
 To understand tips and suggestions
 To list images in the order I hear them.

 I can join sentences using the conjunction SO and A11. I write simple and well-written texts on topics that are
the comma. familiar to me or of personal interest making use of compound
 I write about healthy habits. sentences and relative clauses.
 I write sentences using relative clauses.
 I write about the wonders of the world.

 To identify the characters, scenario, and basic A12. I identify specific information of a text. In addition, I
expressions used in a story. organize the text using the sequence of the main events.
 To understand the sequence of a text.
 To identify the main events of a story
 To organize the events of a story in chronological
Grado Cuarto
I I trimester
A1. I describe myself or another person known, with simple and short sentences, taking into
account their age and physical characteristics.

A2. I understand personal information (descriptions) provided by my classmates and my teacher. In

addition, I identify the sequence of events reported.

A3. I write descriptions of the personal traits of people around me.

A4. I understand short descriptions of people, places, and known actions.

II I trimester
A5. I have a simple English conversation with a partner about everyday situations and actions that
have taken place in the past.

A6. I understand sequences related to stories about the world and common events.

A7. I write about topics of my interest using compound sentences, taking into account the basic
structure of a text and the punctuation marks.

A8. I identify specific information of a text. Also, I summarize the text using the sequence of the
main events.

III I trimester
A9. I talk about healthy habits, I can make suggestions and also ask for advice. In addition, I ask
and respond about the physical characteristics of familiar objects.

A10. I identify who they speak to me from their physical description. Also, I can list images
according to the descriptions I hear.

A11. I write simple and well-written texts on topics that are familiar to me or of personal interest
making use of compound sentences and relative clauses.
A12. I identify specific information of a text. In addition, I organize the text using the sequence of the
main events.
Grade: Fifth Stage: Conceptual Level: A2-intermiediate

C1: Ss talk about life events and memories of their growth, taking into account the use of time clauses (before, after and when).
C2: Ss Include frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (very basic personal and family information, eg
purchases, places of interest, occupations). Also, can communicate in simple and usual tasks requiring a simple and direct information on activities
and daily affairs
C3: Ss describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and issues related to their immediate needs.

I trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

● Family members ( extended family)
Friends and family ● Family relationships ● Time clauses ( before, after, when)
● Before/after ● Wh word questions
● Past simple
● /wh/ sound
● Action verbs in present and past tense

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking To talk about a person's past and present A1. I narrate or describe in a simple way facts and activities
To ask questions to know about a person's past that are familiar to me. I can also ask and answer questions
information. from past and present events.
You can tell what happened before and after an event or a
special date
To pronounce correctly words that include the / wh / sound.
Listening  To listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A2. I understand questions and oral expressions that relate to
 To answer specific questions after listening to an me, my family, my friends and my environment.
 To identify the sound / wh / in sentences.
 To identify the main idea of an audio.

 To write about my favorite person in the family A3. I write a short text about myself, my family, my friends, my
using the basic structure of a text. environment or about facts that are familiar to me.
 To Sort sentences according to the time they
 To use before, after and when to sort actions
occurred in the past.

 To identify the main idea of a story A4. I can extract general and specific information from a short
 To complete sentences with correct text information written text in simple language. Also, I can identify the main idea
 To organize events to summarize a story. of a text.


II trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary GramMAR

● Feelings ● Indefinite pronouns (some, any, every, no)

● Stormy weather ( adjectives ) ● Past continuous
Weather and clothes ● Clothing and accessories ● Tag questions
● Indefinite pronouns ● Future tense (going to/will)
● Time transitions ● Short /e/ spelled ea, long /e/ spelled y

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To describe the stormy weather A5. I maintain a simple English conversation with a classmate
 To talk about simultaneous actions. That is, speak about everyday situations and past actions using simultaneous
in the past and also use progressive actions in the grammar changes. Besides, I can talk about future plans with
past. my colleagues.
 To confirm ideas (tag questions)
 To talk about immediate plans for the future
 To pronounce the sound correctly / e / according to
the occasion.

Listening A6. I identify the general theme and the relevant details in
conversations, radio information or oral presentations.
 To identify the sound / e / written as y
 To identify the sound / e / written as ea
 To write the sentences I hear (dictation)
 To listen and select the correct answer.
 To identify the main idea

 To sort events to write narrative paragraphs A7. I write narrative paragraphs using previously planned time
 I write a description using an outline to prepare the connectors.
 To write a narrative paragraph
 To write about my favorite clothes

 To identify the main idea of a story A8. I understand and identify the main idea and specific
 To complete sentences with correct text information information of a text.
 To identify the person who said some fragments of
the text.

III trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

Inventions and sports! ● Materials things are made of ● Present passive voice
● Modern inventions ● Infinitive of purpose (review) * in case it had been seen
● Sports (people, places, events, objects) in fourth grade.
● Sport Competitions ● Use of might
● Extreme sports ● Shall for suggestions
● Adjectives (skillful people) ● Comparative adjectives ( more / less)
● Because, for example, for instance. ● Superlative adjectives (the most /the least)
● Sound /u/ spelled oo, silent /e/

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking ● Describe an object by saying that it is made A9. I make comparisons between characters, places, and
● Express what things are for objects. I can describe them effectively using language
● Describe how an object works appropriation.
● Talk about athletes and sports
● Compare sports and people who perform
● Properly pronounce words that use
sounds / u / written as oo and / and / and / silent.

Listening  To describe an object by saying that it is made A10. I identify the general theme and the relevant details in
 To express what things are for conversations, radio information or oral presentations.
 To describe how an object works
 To talk about athletes and sports
 To compare sports and people who perform them
 To properly pronounce words that use sounds / u /
written as oo and / and / and / silent.
 To give examples to justify reasons using A11. I write simple and well-linked texts on topics that are
 To correct sentences that use: for example and for known or of personal interest, justifying my reasons by means of
instance. examples.
 To write about an invention
 To write about my favorite sport

 To identify the main idea of a story A12. I identify specific information of a text. Also, I identify the
 To complete sentences with specific text character that says some of the fragments and answer
information questions.
 To identify the person who said some fragments of
the text.
Grado Quinto
I trimester
A1. I narrate or describe in a simple way facts and activities that are familiar to me. I can also ask
and answer questions from past and present events.

A2. I understand questions and oral expressions that relate to me, my family, my friends and my

A3. I write a short text about myself, my family, my friends, and environment or about facts that are
familiar to me.

A4. I can extract general and specific information from a short written text in simple language. Also,
I can identify the main idea of a text.

II trimester
A5. I maintain a simple English conversation with a classmate about everyday situations and past
actions using simultaneous grammar changes. Besides, I can talk about future plans with my

A6. I identify the general theme and the relevant details in conversations, radio information
or oral presentations.

A7. I write narrative paragraphs using previously planned time connectors.

A8. I understand and identify the main idea and specific information of a text.

III trimester
A9. I make comparisons between characters, places, and objects. I can describe them effectively
using language appropriation.
A10. I identify the general theme and the relevant details in conversations, radio information or oral
A11. I write simple and well-linked texts on topics that are known or of personal interest, justifying
my reasons by means of examples.

A12. I identify specific information of a text. Also, I identify the character that says some of the
fragments and answer questions.
Grade: Sixth Stage: Conceptual Level: A2-advanced

C1. Ss use phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (very basic personal and family information, for example, shopping,
places of interest, occupations).
C2: Ss Include frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (very basic personal and family information, eg
purchases, places of interest, occupations). Also, can communicate in simple and usual tasks requiring a simple and direct information on activities
and daily affairs
C3: Ss describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and issues related to their immediate needs.

I trimestre

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary: Grammar:

Review introduction ● The house ● Verb to be

● The family ● There is /there are
What do I know about ● Prepositions of place ● Have got (optional)
English? ● Transport ● Phonics (sounds) : phonetic alphabet
School days ● Clothing ● /s/ /z/ /iz/ sounds
● Numbers ● Present simple
● Feelings ● Question words
● Verbs
● Greeting and introductions
● Classroom language
● School subjects
● School items

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To communicate assertively using common A1. I use a series of expressions and phrases to describe in
expressions in the classroom simple terms my family and other people, my living conditions,
 To greet and respond greetings correctly my educational background.
 To describe how I feel
 To describe the members of my family
 To talk about me and my personal interests
 I pronounce and correctly identify the sounds / s / /
z / / iz /
Listening  To listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A2. I understand basic information on topics related to my daily
 To understand all teacher instructions activities and my environment.
 To identify the main idea of a text
 To listen to complete information specific to a form.

 To write a description of myself using a variety of A3. I write an email about me using good punctuation and
adjectives writing.
 To write an email in order to introduce myself
Writing  To use capitalization, point, question mark,
exclamation mark and comma correctly.

 To identify the main idea of an article in a journal A4. I can extract general and specific information from a short
 To identify relevant information in a text to complete magazine article and written in simple language. Also, I answer
sentences correctly reading comprehension questions.
 To answer questions about a text

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

Amazing people and ● Adjectives of personality ● Present continuous

music mania ● Common action verbs ● There was/ there were
● Questions about current activities ● Present simple/ present continuous
● Musical Instruments ● Past simple affirmative
● Types of music ● Sonidos / Iŋ /v/ /d/ /t/ /Id/
● Adjectives to describe music ● Contractions with wh ( pronunciation)
● Making recommendations (phrases)
● Describing past events (phrases)

Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To talk about actions that happen at the moment A5. I describe with simple sentences and composed actions of
(now) moment and past events. Also, I can make recommendations
 To make recommendations about likes and dislikes.
 To describe events that happened in the past
 To correctly pronounce the sounds / Iŋ / v / / d / /
t / / Id /
 To describe what is happening in an image.

Listening D6. I identify the general theme and relevant details in a phone
call. In addition, I can complete sentences and forms with
 To listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). missing information.
 I identify the sounds / Iŋ / v / / d / / t / / Id / in
 To understand a phone call about news and answer
questions related to it.
 To sort images according to the order in which they
are mentioned.
 To identify if any statements are true or false.
 To complete sentences with missing information

 To write a description of a photo using connectors A7. I write short texts in which I express contrast, addition,
 To write a paragraph summarizing an interview cause and effect between ideas.
with my classmates
 To write a description of an event
 To write sentences that have the following
structure: (subject, verb, adjective)

 To identify the main idea of an article about sports A8. I apply reading strategies related to the purpose of the
 To identify relevant information in a text to same in order to identify and extract relevant information from
complete sentences the text.
 To answer questions about a text
 To relate information with a text
 To understanding a PowerPoint Presentation
 To inferring that sentences give me some

III trimester

Thematic nucleus: Vocabulary Grammar

Incredible things and ● Parts of the body (all of them) ● Past simple ( negative and interrogative)
stories! ● Verbs (action verbs) ● Connectors of sequence
● Questions in past (common) ● Sounds / ɔː/ / əʊ/ / aʊ/
● Phrases for asking information ● Rythm and intonation
Skills Pragmatic Functions Achievements

Speaking  To ask for important information A9. I request explanations about specific situations in my
 To talk about past experiences school, my family and my immediate surroundings. In addition, I
 To sound pronunciation / ɔː / / əʊ / / aʊ / use non-verbal codes like gestures and intonation, among
 To use correct rhythm and intonation for negative others.

Listening  To listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A10. I infuse specific information from an oral text.
 I identify the sounds / ɔː / / əʊ / / aʊ / in sentences.
 To understand a conversation about a trivia.
 To relate information from a text.
 To complete sentences with missing information
 To compare stories written by me with the originals

 To write a blog entry A11. Complete basic personal information in simple formats and
 To complete and identify relevant information from documents. In addition, I use appropriate vocabulary to give
a blog post coherence to my writings.

Writing  To use logical sequence connectors correctly to join

my paragraphs and sentences.

 To understand a web page about questions and A12. I apply reading strategies related to the purpose of the
answers (example: ask) same in order to identify and extract relevant information from
 To confirm answers predictably to the text the text.
 To answer questions about a text
 elate information with a text
 To extract main information from a text
Grado Sexto
I trimester
A1. I use a series of expressions and phrases to describe in simple terms my family and other
people, my living conditions, my educational background.

A2. I understand basic information on topics related to my daily activities and my environment.

A3. I write an email about me using good punctuation and writing.

A4. I can extract general and specific information from a short magazine article and written in
simple language. Also, I answer correctly reading comprehension questions.

II trimester
A5. I describe with simple sentences and composed actions of moment and past events. Also, I
can make recommendations about likes and dislikes.

D6. I identify the general theme and relevant details in a phone call. In addition, I can complete
sentences and forms with missing information.

A7. I write short texts in which I express contrast, addition, cause and effect between ideas.

A8. I apply reading strategies related to the purpose of the same in order to identify and extract
relevant information from the text.

III trimester
A9. I request explanations about specific situations in my school, my family and my immediate
surroundings. In addition, I use non-verbal codes like gestures and intonation, among others.

A10. I infuse specific information from an oral text.

A11. Complete basic personal information in simple formats and documents. In addition, I use
appropriate vocabulary to give coherence to my writings.

A12. I apply reading strategies related to the purpose of the same in order to identify and extract
relevant information from the text.
Grade: seventh Stage: Contextual Level: B1- beginners

C1: Ss can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

C2: Ss can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken and can produce a simple connected
text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.

C3: Ss can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

I trimestre

Núcleo temático Vocabulario: Gramática:

● Review ( vocabulary seen in 6th grade) ● Modal verbs ( ability, possibility, obligation) – ( Can-
● Animals can’t- have to- don’t have to)
● Sports and equipment ● Present perfect simple ( ever, never)
● Collocations with (do, go, play) ● Sonidos (/v/ /d/ /t/ /Id/)
● The natural world ( adjectives to describe weather, ● Pronunciación: Can’t- can / have. haven’t
countries and cities, places)
We can do it, let’s
● Measurements
explore the world!!
● Ever- never
● Brief review over adverbs
● A bit/ very/ really (intensifiers)

Habilidades Funciones pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking ● Recognize and explain different symbols, signs that A1. I am able to maintain and close simple face-to-face
I find in my house, school and city. conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest
● Pronounce and correctly differentiate the sounds / v even though pauses, false starts and reformulation are very
/ / d / / t / / Id / evident
● Talk about things you have done and places you
have been to
● Justify my choices in a simple way
● Maintain a conversation about previous
experiences providing and requesting information

Listening ● Listen to and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A2. I infer specific information from oral texts
● Identify the specific information that I must find in
an audio before listening to it.
● Answer multiple-choice questions and justify my
● Answer specific questions of an audio.
● Understand short conversations about a person's

● Write short texts using modal verbs: can, can't, A3. I am able to write short texts about topics of my personal
could, couldn´t, have to and had to interest.
● Write an information sheet about a person using
five to six sentences.
Writing ● Write a postcard describing a special day for me.
● Write simple texts using connectors of addition:
also, as well and too.
● Create a mind map to plan my writing.
● Identify the main idea of an article in a magazine. A4. I am able to infer specific information from an article and I
● Understand the sense of a text as a whole unit am able to answer correctly reading comprehension questions.
● Summarize a text in a simple way, writing the main
Reading ● Read a text and choose the title that I consider
● Complete missing ideas from a text using context
as the main help.
● Infer and predict basic information from the title of a

II trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

● Entertainment (activities- objects) ● Present perfect (for-since-just)

● Adjectives of opinion ● Modal verbs (must, mustn’t, need to, don’t need
Entertainment and ● Food to, should. Shouldn’t)
fitness ● Health ● Changing verbs to adjectives, changing verbs
● For/since/just to nouns
● Shall para pedir sugerencias

Habilidades Funciones pragmaticas Desempeños

Speaking ● Express how I feel or how I feel about something. A5. I express my opinions, tastes and preferences on topics that
● Talk about plans to entertain me. I have worked in class. Also I can make suggestions and give
● I can talk about movies and I want to see them advice when someone needs it.
● Make and respond to suggestions.
● Sound pronouncing / sh / / ch /
● Ask how a person feels
● Give advice on dietary or health-friendly habits

Listening  Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A6. I identify the general topic and relevant details in a
 Complete specific information conversation. In addition, I can complete sentences and forms
 Understand telephone conversations with missing information.
 To answer multiple-choice questions

● Write an E-mail to make a suggestion. A7. I write short texts making suggestions and giving advice
● Write a short letter giving advice. using the formal structures of emails and letters.
● Use infinitives to write tips.


A8. I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or

● Identify the main idea of an article about sports narratives and descriptions from different sources on topics that
● Understand descriptive text and extract important are familiar to me.
information to complete sentences.
Reading ● Identify the main idea of a descriptive text.
● Match titles with paragraphs

III trimester
Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

Having fun: jobs and ● Professions and jobs ● Zero and first conditionals
vacation! ● Places at work ● Conditional (could)
● Holiday words ● Gerunds and infinitives (basic level)
● Phrasal verbs ( look for, look out, put on, take off, ● Present simple passive
turn off, turn on)
● Collocations (be part of, be the…, earn money, get
a job….)

Habilidades Funciones pragmaticas Desempeños

Speaking ● Make suggestions using variety of sentence questions. A9. I interact with my classmates and teacher to make decisions
● Talk about my vacation plans. on specific topics that I know by taking the opportunity to make
● Ask for repetition in case you do not understand correctly. suggestions and necessary questions.
● I ask questions to get information about an advertisement.

Listening A10. I identify the key information in brief conversations taken

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). from real life to improve my level of understanding.
● Join names with specific activities they perform as
understood in a conversation.
● Understand advertising audio and answer multiple-choice

● Use logical sequence connectors correctly to join my A11. I produce simple texts with different functions (describing,
paragraphs and sentences. narrating, arguing) about personal issues and related to other
● Write an E-mail to respond to a request. subjects.
● Use appropriate language to write an e-mail correctly.
Writing ● Write and create a blog about my holidays or leisure
● Consider the type of reader to make my writing more

● Find words that have similar meaning within a text A12. I identify relationships of meaning expressed in texts on
familiar themes.
● Identify the information that the text highlights.

Reading ● Match definitions with words that appear in a text

● Understand the structure and content of a blog.

● Find and highlight the most relevant information in a text.

● Indicate that information is correct and incorrect in a text

● Identify information that does not appear in a text.

Grado Séptimo
I trimestre
A1. I am able to maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or
of personal interest even though pauses, false starts and reformulation are very evident

A2. I infer specific information from oral texts

A3. I am able to write short texts about topics of my personal interest.

A4. I am able to infer specific information from an article and I am able to answer correctly reading
comprehension questions.

II trimestre
A5. I express my opinions, tastes and preferences on topics that I have worked in class. Also I can
make suggestions and give advice when someone needs it.

A6. I identify the general topic and relevant details in a conversation. In addition, I can complete
sentences and forms with missing information.

A7. I write short texts making suggestions and giving advice using the formal structures of emails
and letters.
A8. I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narratives and descriptions from
different sources on topics that are familiar to me.

III trimestre
A9. I interact with my classmates and teacher to make decisions on specific topics that I know by
taking the opportunity to make suggestions and necessary questions.

A10. I identify the key information in brief conversations taken from real life to improve my level of
A11. I produce simple texts with different functions (describing, narrating, and arguing) about
personal issues and related to other subjects.

A12. I identify relationships of meaning expressed in texts on familiar themes.

GradE: Eigth Stage: Contextual Level: B1- intermediate

C1: Ss understand the main points of clear texts and in standard language if they deal with issues that are familiar to them, whether in work,
study or leisure situations.
C2: Ss can interact in most situations that may arise during a trip in areas where the language is used. In addition, They can produce simple and
coherent texts on topics that are familiar or in which they have a personal interest.

C3: Ss describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as well as briefly justify their opinions.

I trimestre

Núcleo temático Vocabulario: Gramática:

● Geographical features Review:

● Jobs ● Present simple/ present continuous
● Weather ● Past simple/ past continuous
Achievements! ● Vehicles ● Used to
● Verbs ● Present perfect simple
● Achievements ● Adverbs
● Activities ● Comparisons
● Present perfect continuous
● Present perfect continuous / present perfect simple
● Sounds (silent letters and ed verb endings)
● Review( puntuation and capitalization)

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A1. I explain and briefly justify my plans and actions. I use
● Talk about past experiences language elements to show discrepancy and consensus. In
● Use language related to the classroom addition, I can talk about past experiences and topics relevant to
● Talk about past experiences and interests me.
● Talk about famous people
● Ask for additional information
● Show interest and compare interests
● Properly pronounce verbs ending in ed.
Listening ● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A2. I understand everyday audiences in order to complete
● Decide whether a statement is true or false forms with important data.
according to an oral text.
● Understand a presentation in a class to complete
● Understand a job interview to complete formats
with important information
● Identify silent sounds in words and sentences

A3. I organize short coherent paragraphs, taking into account

● Match paragraphs according to their function formal language elements such as spelling and punctuation to
within the structure of a text (intro, body, write a narrative text.
Writing conclusion)
● Organize paragraphs according to the structure of
a text.
● Write sentences with adjectives and adverbs to
enrich the style.
● Write a news article describing an event using the
structure model of this type of text.

A4. I analyze text features to detect strange or missing

● Extract important information from a written text information. In addition, I follow a text with a chronological or
● Understand a web page sequential order to determine relationships between events and
Reading ● Find synonyms within a text ideas.
● Match definitions with words that appear in a text
● Make decisions according to the content of the
texts to join profiles and books according to their

II trimestre

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

● Journeys ● Past perfect simple

● Phrasal verbs ● Past perfect simple/ past simple
Holiday and journeys!! ● Feelings (adjectives) ● Future simple ( be going to)
● Travel ítems ● Present continuous with future
● Phrases related to traveling. ● Future continuous
● Collocations ( take)
Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

A5. I make detailed descriptions on various everyday matters of

● Talk about explorers and the plans they had my environment. In addition, I can talk and make speculations of
Speaking made. events that occurred in the past.
● Use appropriate expressions to speculate
● Speculating about the past.
● Show interest using common expressions.
● Identify stress and syllables in English
● Describe what I see in an image.
● Talk about what kind of equipment you could use
on a trip under the sea.
● Agree or disagree with my reasons
● Talk about my plans for the weekend

Listening A6. I identify general and specific ideas in oral texts, if I have
● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). knowledge of the topic and the vocabulary used.
● Understand a talk about a news article
● Answer questions with the information I
remember from an audio.
● Understand a dialogue about a walk to answer
specific questions.
● Understand a phone call to complete missing
● Identify where the stress of a word in English is

A7. I organize short coherent paragraphs, taking into account

● Write narrative text using direct quotes and formal elements of the language such as spelling and
sequence connectors. punctuation to write narrative and informational texts.
Writing ● Use the past perfect and past simple to describe
the events that happened in the past.
● Write an e-mail about my plans.
● Use be going to and future continuous to describe
● Use will to write predictions.
● Use punctuation marks such as: parentheses and
punctuation marks.

A8. I recognize the purpose of a description in medium-length

● Answer questions according to the information narrative texts. In addition, I am able to relate definitions with
found in a blog words within a text.
Reading ● Complete sentences that demonstrate my
reading comprehension.
● Find words within a text that correspond to
● Understand a magazine article.
● Analyze the reasons why the author decides to
add certain information within the text.

III trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

● Places in town and in the city ● The conditionals (zero and first review), second and
● Compound nouns third.
Staying at home or ● Activities to do in town ● Pronunciation of cognates
going out? ● Prepositions of place
● Important words and phrases used in conditionals.
● Phrasal verbs

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A9. I can link phrases in order to describe experiences and

● Give clues about a place using the first facts, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. Also, I can give
conditional. addresses and clues using conditionals.
● Talk about real and hypothetical situations
● Pronounce cognates correctly.
● Give directions to find a place
● Use phrases to make sure I understood correctly
what someone told me.

Listening A10. Identify people, situations, places, and the topic in simple
● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). conversations.
● Understand telephone conversations to answer
open-ended questions.
● I understand clues and directions to find a place.
● Complete missing information in advertisements.

● Write descriptive text about a place A11. I produce simple texts with different functions (describing,
● Use expressions to give examples narrating, and arguing) about personal issues and related to
other subjects.

A12. I understand the implicit information in texts related to

● Find words that have similar meaning within a topics of my interest.
Reading ● Identify the information that the text highlights.
● Match definitions with words that appear in a text
● Understand the structure and content of a web
● Identify information that does not appear in a text.
● Decide if something is false or true according to
the text.
Grado Eighth
A1. I explain and briefly justify my plans and actions. I use language elements to show discrepancy
and consensus. In addition, I can talk about past experiences and topics relevant to me.

A2. I understand everyday audiences in order to complete forms with important data.

A3. I organize short coherent paragraphs, taking into account formal language elements such as
spelling and punctuation to write a narrative text
A4. I analyze text features to detect strange or missing information. In addition, I follow a text with a
chronological or sequential order to determine relationships between events and ideas.

II trimestre
A5. I make detailed descriptions on various everyday matters of my environment. In addition, I can
talk and make speculations of events that occurred in the past.
A6. I identify general and specific ideas in oral texts, if I have knowledge of the topic and the
vocabulary used.

A7. I organize short coherent paragraphs, taking into account formal elements of the language such
as spelling and punctuation to write narrative and informational texts.

A8. I recognize the purpose of a description in medium-length narrative texts. In addition, I am able
to relate definitions with words within a text.
III trimestre
A9. I can link phrases in order to describe experiences and facts, my dreams, hopes and ambitions.
Also, I can give addresses and clues using conditionals.

A10. Identify people, situations, places, and the topic in simple conversations.
A11. I produce simple texts with different functions (describing, narrating, and arguing) about
personal issues and related to other subjects.

A12. I understand the implicit information in texts related to topics of my interest.

Grado: Noveno Etapa: Proyectiva inicial Nivel: B1- advanced

C1: Ss understand the main points of clear texts and in standard language if they deal with issues that are familiar to them, whether in work,
study or leisure situations.

C2: Ss can interact in most situations that may arise during a trip in areas where the language is used. In addition, They can produce simple and
coherent texts on topics that are familiar or in which they have a personal interest.

C3: Ss describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as well as briefly justify their opinions.

I trimestre

Núcleo temático Vocabulario: Gramática:

 KET vocabulary Review:

 Appliances  Wh- and Yes/No Questions in present /past
 Clothes and accessories  Complex question tags
Entertainment and  Communication and technology  Past continuous
travelling!  Education  Used to
 Media  Zero and first conditionals.
 The rest of the vocabulary is included in a
document file. Unit Grammar:
 Parts of a theater  Second and third conditionals
 Collocations related to Entertainment  Subject and object questions
 Travel  Relative clauses
 Have to/ must variations(present-future)

● Review( puntuation and capitalization

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A1 I describe situations and pictures explaining what is

• Describe what is happening happening by doing and answering suggestions. In addition, I
• To make suggestions can tell stories and use linguistic elements to enrich oral
• Answer suggestions communication.
• Interrupt conversations correctly
• Tell a story and past experiences.
• Describe whether an event was good or bad
• Invite my colleagues to give their opinion
• Help my colleagues to give their opinion
Listening A2. I understand real conversations in order to answer
• Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). questions with specific answers and complete notes
• Decide whether a statement is true or false understanding the instructions given to other people.
according to an oral text.
• Understand conversations to answer "subject
questions" correctly
• Understand conversations and organize
sentences in the order they are mentioned.
• Understand instructions for completing notes with
specific information

• Recognize the main elements of a review A3. I write a review and a blog about topics of my interest using
• Write a review using paragraphs that include the their essential elements
plus and minus points of the review object
Writing • Write recommendations
• Write an entry for a blog.
• Ask good questions to invite colleagues to
comment on your blog post.
• Respond cordially and thankful for the comments
made on the blog entries.

A4. I analyze the immediate context of a text to complete with

• Extract important information from a written text the indicated word and understand an article. In addition, I
• Understand an internet article. understand letters that appear in a magazine in order to relate
Reading • Match definitions with words that appear in a text. information of similar people.
• Make decisions according to the content of the
texts to join profiles and agree to their similarity.

II trimestre

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

 Inventions  Reported speech

 Appliances  Passive voice
The new inventions and
 Crime
fighting crime!
 How to report a crime?
Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

 Discuss about innovative ideas. A5. I exchange information about academic and general interest
 Ask and answer questions topics in a conversation. Also, I discuss about current topics
 Talk about inventions and crime reporting and explaining.
 Pronounce word stress correctly.
 Report a crime
 Apply question intonation

Listening A6. I understand different types of audios to complete specific

 Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation).
 Listen to a biography and a quiz show to complete
 Listen to a dialogue about law to complete
 Listen to a police interview to complete a form.

 Write an essay about an invention using connectors A7. I write different types of texts using connector of addition
of addition. and purpose.
 Write a newspaper report using connectors of
Writing purpose.

A8. I identify relationships of meaning expressed in texts on

● Identify the incorrect answers to a multiple- familiar themes.
choice question. And explain why they are not
Reading correct
● Match phrase and words within a text with
similar terms that are not in the text.
● Compare information within an article
● I understand and answer questions from a

III trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

 The animal world  Relative clauses

 The parts of the animals’ body
Animal Planet.
 KET (vocabulary)

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking  Make guesses. A9. I am able to use expressions to show comprehension and
 Compare likes and dislikes compare likes and dislikes.
 Get information about a place.
 Pronounce correctly linked words.

Listening  Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). A10. I understand and use audio information to complete
 Listen to an animal description to complete relevant information. Also, I am able to understand a class and
information talk about specific information.
 Listen to a classroom lesson to answer questions

 Write a report about an animal using connectors of A11. I produce simple texts with different functions to describe
contrast and compare animals.


A12. I understand relations of addition, contrast, temporal order

• Identify the information that the text highlights. and spatial and cause-effect between simple statements.
• Relate definitions with words that appear in a text
Reading • Understand the content and structure of a blog
• Identify information that does not appear in a text.

Ninth Grade
I trimestre
A1 I describe situations and pictures explaining what is happening by doing and answering
suggestions. In addition, I can tell stories and use linguistic elements to enrich oral communication.
A2. I understand real conversations in order to answer questions with specific answers and
complete notes understanding the instructions given to other people.
A3. I write a review and a blog about topics of my interest using their essential elements
A4. I analyze the immediate context of a text to complete with the indicated word and understand an
article. In addition, I understand letters that appear in a magazine in order to relate information of
similar people.

II trimestre
A5. I give opinions on current issues justifying my arguments. Also, I can describe pictures using
variety of vocabulary.
A6. I understand interviews and radio programs to answer multiple-choice questions correctly.
A7. I organize short coherent paragraphs, taking into account formal elements of the language such
as spelling and punctuation for writing articles and formal letters.

A8. I identify relationships of meaning expressed in texts on familiar themes.

III trimestre
A9. I Monitor the taking of shifts between the participants in discussions on topics prepared
previously. In addition, I can engage in conversations of different particular topics and my interest.
A10. I Identify and relate sounds with meanings in everyday conversations. I understand and use
audio information to complete relevant information.
A11. I produce simple texts with different functions to describe a place and to invent a story or story.
A12. I understand relations of addition, contrast, temporal order and spatial and cause-effect
between simple statements.
Grado: Décimo Etapa: Proyectiva Nivel: B2 Basic


C1: Students should be able to understand ideas complex texts on both concrete and abstract subjects, including discussions in their field of
C2: Students can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that make regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without
tension for any party.
C3: Students can produce clear information and text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on an issue the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

I trimestre

Núcleo temático Vocabulario: Gramática:

Review: Review:
● Present and past tenses
● Places in town ● Comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
● Adjectives ● Phonetics
Introduction and taking ● Food
risks! ● The animal world
● B1 vocabulary Unit Grammar:
● Future tenses
Unit Vocabulary: ● Future continuous
● Words and expressions related to risks ● /I/, /E/ sounds
● Little vs. a little

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A1. I use an appropriate vocabulary to express my ideas

● Exchange personal information. clearly on curriculum topics and my interest in improving my
● Use variety of vocabulary to express yourself in oral communication.
the classroom.
● Talk about my plans using going to.
● Discuss another person's plans.
● Compare future activities or plans using
confirmation or negation expressions.
● Speak the sounds correctly / I / and / and /.
● Interview a partner using correctly formulated
● Use expressions that are astonishing.

Listening A2. I understand real conversations in order to answer

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). questions with specific answers and complete forms.
● Fill out forms with relevant information related to
a festival-related audio.
● Answer questions about an audio correctly.
● I identify the sounds / e / and / i / in audios.

A3. I structure my texts taking into account formal language

● Organize a text according to its structure. elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and
● Identify the initial sentence and the final cohesion.
Writing sentence.
● Write a report using past and future times, taking
into account the main elements of the report. ●
Use cause and effect connectors in the report.
● Use the word because taking into account their
different uses.

● Match phrase and words within a text with their A4. I analyze the immediate context of a text to complete with
corresponding definitions. the indicated word and understand an article. In addition, I
● Understand and answer questions in a text. understand letters that appear in a magazine in order to relate
Reading ● Understand the information contained in a information of similar people.
● I answer questions based on a text.

II trimestre

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

● Royalty ● Relative clauses

● Films and televisión ● Some, any , no compunds
Movies and social life! ● Adjetives to describe characters ● All conditionals
● City life ● Time clauses
● Social interaction (phrasal verbs and expressions) ● Sentence stress /s/ /k/….
Habilidades Funciones pragmáticas Desempeños

A5. I answer questions taking into account my interlocutor and

● Use expressions to give feedback. the context.
Speaking ● Create trivia questions using wh advanced
questions with relative sentences.
● Use expressions to show certainty about what is
● Ask and answer questions correctly.
● Sound pronunciation: / s / / k / ....
● Describe the type of movies I like
● Ask and answer questions to identify common
● Express repentance.
● Talk about situations you regret. ● Talk about
problems and solutions

Listening A6. I identify the main information of different types of oral texts
when I have prior knowledge of the topic.

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation).

● Understand an interview to answer multiple-
choice questions correctly.
● Answer questions with the information I
remember from an audio.
● Listen, identify and correct sentences.
● Relate descriptions with people, objects or
A7. I exemplify with my points of view on the topics I writ

● Identify and write a movie report using the

Writing structure of this type of text.
• Write relative sentences.
● Use contrast connectors correctly
● Write a formal email, taking into account the
content and language required in the unit.

A8. I understand a variety of informational texts from different

● Identifying evidence within a text sources.
● Match phrase and words within a text with
Reading similar terms that are not in the text.
● I understand and answer questions from a text.
● Find information within a text.

III trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

It was made for me! ● Pet vocabulary (exam) ● B2 Grammar test

● Marketing ● Passive voice
● Shopping ● Causative voice

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A9. I express my opinions, tastes and preferences on topics

● Describe a product that I have worked in class, using strategies to monitor my
● Respond when trying to guess pronunciation.
● Talk about family arrangements.
● Making decisions
● Make an oral presentation to sell and buy a
● Respond appropriately to the expression "thank

Listening A10. I understand the main idea of different types of audio

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). such as: a newscast and conversations in a store.
● Answer a specific question by understanding the
arguments given in an audio.
● Understand a newscast to answer questions and fill
out forms.

A11. Write an opinion essay using the rules apa, good spelling,
● Write an opinion in the form of a thesis coherence and cohesion.
● Use expressions to express opinions
Writing ● Know and apply the Standards apa
● Take into account the content and language

A12. I understand articles and reports related to contemporary

● Identify the information that the text highlights. problems in which writers adopt positions or points of view
● Match definitions with words that appear in a text
Reading ● I understand and answer questions from a text.
● Find information within a text.

Tenth Grade
I trimestre
A1. I use an appropriate vocabulary to express my ideas clearly on curriculum topics and my
interest in improving my oral communication.
A2. I understand real conversations in order to answer questions with specific answers and
complete forms.

A3. I structure my texts taking into account formal language elements such as punctuation, spelling,
syntax, coherence and cohesion.

A4. I analyze the immediate context of a text to complete with the indicated word and understand an
article. In addition, I understand letters that appear in a magazine in order to relate information of
similar people.

II trimestre
D5. Respondo preguntas teniendo en cuenta a mi interlocutor y el contexto.
D6. Identifico la información principal de diferentes tipos de textos orales cuando tengo
conocimiento previo del tema.
D7. Ejemplifico con mis puntos de vista sobre los temas que escribo.
D8. Comprendo variedad de textos informativos provenientes de diferentes fuentes.
III trimestre
D9. Expreso mis opiniones, gustos y preferencias sobre temas que he trabajado en clase,
utilizando estrategias para monitorear mi pronunciación.
D10. Comprendo la idea principal de diferentes tipos de audio tales como: un noticiero y
conversaciones en una tienda.
D11. Redacto un ensayo de opinión usando las normas APA, buena ortografía, coherencia y

D12. Comprendo artículos e informes relacionados con problemas contemporáneos en los que los
escritores adoptan posturas o puntos de vista
Grado: Undécimo Etapa: Proyectiva Nivel: B2 Basic


C1: Students should be able to understand ideas complex texts on both concrete and abstract subjects, including discussions in their field of
C2: Students can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that make regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without
tension for any party.
C3: Students can produce clear information and text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on an issue the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

I trimestre

Núcleo temático Vocabulario: Gramática:

Review:  Passive voice /causative

 Reported speech
Marketing and saving ● Pet vocabulary (exam)
 Reporting verbs
the planet! ● Marketing

● Shopping
● Environment
● Recycling

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A1. I use an appropriate vocabulary to express my ideas

● Exchange personal information. clearly on curriculum topics and my interest in improving my
● Use variety of vocabulary to express yourself in oral communication.
the classroom.
● Talk about my plans using going to.
● Discuss another person's plans.
● Compare future activities or plans using
confirmation or negation expressions.
● Speak the sounds correctly / I / and / and /.
● Interview a partner using correctly formulated
● Use expressions that are astonishing.
Listening A2. I understand real conversations in order to answer
● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). questions with specific answers and complete forms.
● Fill out forms with relevant information related to
a festival-related audio.
● Answer questions about an audio correctly.
● I identify the sounds / e / and / i / in audios.

A3. I structure my texts taking into account formal language

● Organize a text according to its structure. elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and
● Identify the initial sentence and the final cohesion.
Writing sentence.
● Write a report using past and future times, taking
into account the main elements of the report. ●
Use cause and effect connectors in the report.
● Use the word because taking into account their
different uses.

● Match phrase and words within a text with their A4. I analyze the immediate context of a text to complete with
corresponding definitions. the indicated word and understand an article. In addition, I
● Understand and answer questions in a text. understand letters that appear in a magazine in order to relate
Reading ● Understand the information contained in a information of similar people.
● I answer questions based on a text.

II trimestre

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

● Royalty ● Relative clauses

● Films and televisión ● Some, any , no compunds
Movies and social life! ● Adjetives to describe characters ● All conditionals
● City life ● Time clauses
● Social interaction (phrasal verbs and expressions) ● Sentence stress /s/ /k/….
Habilidades Funciones pragmáticas Desempeños

A5. I answer questions taking into account my interlocutor and

● Use expressions to give feedback. the context.
Speaking ● Create trivia questions using wh advanced
questions with relative sentences.
● Use expressions to show certainty about what is
● Ask and answer questions correctly.
● Sound pronunciation: / s / / k / ....
● Describe the type of movies I like
● Ask and answer questions to identify common
● Express repentance.
● Talk about situations you regret. ● Talk about
problems and solutions

Listening A6. I identify the main information of different types of oral texts
when I have prior knowledge of the topic.

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation).

● Understand an interview to answer multiple-
choice questions correctly.
● Answer questions with the information I
remember from an audio.
● Listen, identify and correct sentences.
● Relate descriptions with people, objects or

A7. I exemplify with my points of view on the topics I writ

● Identify and write a movie report using the

Writing structure of this type of text.
• Write relative sentences.
● Use contrast connectors correctly
● Write a formal email, taking into account the
content and language required in the unit.
A8. I understand a variety of informational texts from different
● Identifying evidence within a text sources.
● Match phrase and words within a text with
Reading similar terms that are not in the text.
● I understand and answer questions from a text.
● Find information within a text.

III trimester

Núcleo temático: Vocabulario Gramática

It was made for me! ● Pet vocabulary (exam) ● B2 Grammar test

● Marketing ● Passive voice
● Shopping ● Causative voice

Habilidades Funciones Pragmáticas Desempeños

Speaking A9. I express my opinions, tastes and preferences on topics

● Describe a product that I have worked in class, using strategies to monitor my
● Respond when trying to guess pronunciation.
● Talk about family arrangements.
● Making decisions
● Make an oral presentation to sell and buy a
● Respond appropriately to the expression "thank

Listening A10. I understand the main idea of different types of audio

● Listen and write the sentences I hear (dictation). such as: a newscast and conversations in a store.
● Answer a specific question by understanding the
arguments given in an audio.
● Understand a newscast to answer questions and fill
out forms.

A11. Write an opinion essay using the rules apa, good spelling,
● Write an opinion in the form of a thesis coherence and cohesion.
● Use expressions to express opinions
Writing ● Know and apply the Standards apa
● Take into account the content and language

A12. I understand articles and reports related to contemporary

● Identify the information that the text highlights. problems in which writers adopt positions or points of view
● Match definitions with words that appear in a text
● I understand and answer questions from a text.
● Find information within a text.

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