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Police Personnel & Records Management
Final Examination
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Course: Yr:/Block: ______________________________ Score: _______________
Read properly and write the letter of the correct answer on the yellow paper and affix your signature below.
1. This category contains the findings of and action taken by the investigating officer based on inquiries made and by
obtaining the available facts of the incident.
a. Complaint sheet c. Assignment sheet
b. Investigation report d. Case record
2. This was considered as the heart of any of the police record.system.
a. Case records c. Identification records
b. Arrest and Booking records d. Administrative records
3. The following are the uses of police records, EXCEPT:
a. measure police efficiency c. present the community’s crime picture
b. crime prevention d. assist the courts and the prosecutors
4. These are records which do not relate to recorded complaint and investigation reports but are informational in
a. Miscellaneous records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Case records
5. What will be the basis for Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay to be promoted?
a. Miscellaneous records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Case records
6. Effective management of recorded information requires ongoing cooperative interaction between the records
manager and the archivist in order to:
a. ensure the creation of the right records, containing the right information, in the right format.
b. organize the records and analyze their content and significance to facilitate their availability.
c. systematically dispose of records that are no longer required.
d. All of the above
7. Matthew E. Mateo got his fingerprint immediately in the police station upon arrested by Police Lieutenant Cardo
Dalisay. What police record does the fingerprint of criminal fall under?
a. Miscellaneous records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Case records
8. What police record is under the arrest of criminal?
a. Arrest & booking records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Case records
9. The investigative report made by Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay with regards to crime committed by Matthew E.
Mateo is under the:
a. Miscellaneous records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Case records
10. Any uniformed member of the PNP who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of
his/her life above and beyond the call of duty, shall be promoted to the next higher rank. This promotion is called:
a. Spot promotion c. Special promotion
b. Lateral promotion d. Promotion by virtue of position
11. The improper performance of some act which might lawfully do is called:
a. Non-feasance c. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance d. Feasance
12. The exercise of the unlawful powers or other means, in depriving an individual of his liberty or property against
his will is called:
a. Oppression c. Disloyalty
b. Dishonesty d. Misconduct
13. How many percent of the monthly retirement pay if Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay if retired after 20 years of
active service?
a. 30 percent c. 50 percent
b. 40 percent d. 60 percent
14. If Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay change his mind and want to apply for lump sum, how much did he receive?
a. he will receive his retirement pay for the first five years
b. he will receive his retirement pay for the first six years
c. he will receive his retirement pay for the first eight years
d. he will receive his retirement pay for the first ten years
15. How many months to wait the lump sum of Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay if he decided?
a. within 2 months c. within 6 months
b. within 5 months d. within 12 months
16. Those conducted by the head of subordinate units to inspect police member in a regular basis is classified as:
a. Superior inspection c. Subordinate inspection
b. Authoritative inspection d. Staff inspection
17. This nature of inspection embraces the community relationship of the organization, the crime and vice situation of
the locality, and the prevailing public opinion concerning the integrity and reputation of the personnel.
a. Internal Affairs c. External Affairs
b. Interior Affairs d. Exterior Affairs
18. A PNP member of his or her own request and with the approval of the NAPOLCOM, retire from the service shall
be paid separation benefits corresponding to a position two ranks higher than his present rank provided that the
officer or non-officer has accumulated:
a. at least 15 years of service c. at least 25 years of service
b. at least 20 years of service d. at least 18 years of service
19. What is the rule in filing, if the first letters of the names are the same?
a. File in terms of the surname c. File in terms of the second letter
b. File in terms of the initial d. None of the above
20. If surnames are the same, what will be the rule in filing?
a. File in terms of the surname c. File in terms of the second letter
b. File in terms of the initial d. None of the above
21. What is the rule in filing when there are two surnames?
a. File under the first surname c. File under the second surname
b. File in terms of the second letter d. File under the first name
22. What is the rule when the file does not have the name of a person?
a. File by the most important word in the name c. File by the name of the relatives
b. File by the name of the place d. A and B
23. In indexing rule, the name of person is indexed by the:
a. first name as the first unit c. last name as the first unit
b. last name as the second unit d. None of the above
24. What is the rule in indexing if there is a title of the name?
a. Ignore the title c. Index the name and the title
b. Ignore the title and index the name as it is d. All of the above
25. If a nickname is used and the full name is not known, what indexing rule is applied?
a. index that name as spelled. c. index the address
b. index the name John Doe d. None of the above
26. If a firm name can be written as one word or two, what rule in indexing shall be applied?
a. Treat it as two indexing unit c. Treat it as one indexing unit
b. Separate indexing d. None of the above
27. If a firm contains a number,:
a. index the number as if it were spelled but treat it as two units
b. index the number as if it were spelled but treat it as one unit.
c. index the name but treat as one unit
d. index the name but treat as two unit
28. This nature of police inspection embraces administration, training, operation, intelligence, investigation, morale
and discipline as well as the financial condition of the police organization.
a. Internal Affairs c. External Affairs
b. Interior Affairs d. Exterior Affairs
29. PNP personnel are entitled to a longevity pay for how many percent of their basic monthly salaries for every five
years of service?
a. 5 percent c. 15 percent
b.10 percent d. 20 percent
30. Under RA 8551, the NAPOLCOM shall establish a system of promotion for uniformed and non-uniformed
members of the PNP, which shall be based on, EXCEPT:
a. Merits c. seniority
b. Availability of vacant positions d. Political influence
31. It is the process of designating a police officer at a particular function, duty or responsibility.
a. Deployment c. Assignment
b. Employment d. Mission order
32. This report shall be used as the second and succeeding pages of all kinds or reports.
a. Accident report c. Continuation report
b. Technical report d. Supplemental report
33. This report shall be accomplished by the investigator continuing the investigation if the case is left in pending
a. Accident report c. Continuation report
b. Technical report d. Progress report
34. The notice of Wanted Person shall be accomplished in how many copies?
a. 5 copies c. 7 copies
b. 6 copies d. 4 copies
35. Case files are always filed according to the:
a. serial number c. case number
b. identification number d. complaint number
36. How complaint/assignment sheet registered?
a. By stamping a serial number c, By stamping a case number
b. By stamping an identification number d. By stamping a complaint number
37. If the complaint is lodged in the precinct, the desk officer of the precinct shall prepare the complaint/assignment
sheet in how many copies?
a. 2 copies c. 4 copies
b. 3 copies d. 5 copies
38. Peter was the first arrested person last January 2020 in Urdaneta City Police Station and followed by Matthew on
March. What will be the arrest number of Matthew?
a. 20-1 c. 20-3
b. 20-2 d. 20-4
39. How many sets of fingerprints of the prisoner shall be taken?
a. 5 sets c. 3 sets
b. 4 sets d. 2 sets
40. Where can we file the original copy of arrest report?
a. Central Records Unit c. Fiscal or the Clerk of Court
b. Police station d. Jail
41. The jail booking report is under the direction and supervision of:
a. Jail Officer c. Booking Officer
b. Police Officer d. C and D
42. Who is responsible for the custody of the prisoner’s property?
a. Jail Officer c. Booking Officer
b. Police Officer d. C and D
43. This term measures whether or not important task goals are being attained.
a. Police efficiency c. Police effectiveness
b. Police competence d. Police efficacy
44. This management emphasizes broad managerial principles applicable to higher levels within the organization.
a. Scientific management c. Bureaucratic management
b. Administrative management d. Organizational management
45. There should be one manager and one plan for a group of activities that have the same objectives is classified as
the principle of:
a. Unity of command c. Centralization
b. Unity of direction d. Scalar chain
46. It is the task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the right job.
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Staffing d. Directing
47. It is the accomplishment of an orderly pattern of group effort among working men through the harmonious
adjustment of functioning of tasks, directed toward a common goal.
a. Collaborating c. Coordinating
b. Directing d. Teamwork
48. The level of production is set by norms, not by physiological capacities. This approach is classified as:
a. Human relations approach c. Classical approach
b. Behavioral science approach d. Traditional approach
49. It is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working environment.
a. Police selection c. Police screening
b. Police placement d. Police planning
50. This is the fourth series of number used to a certain arrested person.
a. Identification records c. complaint sheet
b. case report d. Arrest report
51. This is commonly known as Modus Operandi file.
a. Rogues Gallery file c. Criminal Specialty file
b. Methods of Operation file d. Criminal Techniques file
52. All persons requesting clearance certificate or other personal identification purposes shall be fingerprinted. This is
classified as:
a. Community fingerprint c. Civilian fingerprint
b. Ordinary fingerprint d. Personal fingerprint
53. This shall consist of sets of records of communication classified, arranged and filed alphabetically by the subject
to which they pertain.
a. Personnel records c. Memoranda
b. Corresponding file d. Assignment records
54. This file shows the history of each police officer, both prior and subsequent to joining the force, is indispensable.
a. Personnel records c. Memoranda
b. Corresponding file d. Assignment records
55. These records do not fall under categories of records that a police department maintains and which on occasions
create filing problems within a department.
a. Administrative records c. Identification records
b. Case records d. Miscellaneous records
56. Copies of ordinances and penal laws is under the:
a. Administrative records c. Identification records
b. Case records d. Miscellaneous records
57. Fingerprint records of criminal shall be sent to:
a. PNP Camp Crame c. NBI Manila
b. Central Records of the Police Department d. B & C
58. The identification number of an arrested person shall appear on the following, EXCEPT:
a. fingerprint card c. description
b. photograph d. None of the above
59. These are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set
limits within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned.
a. Policies c. Rules
b. Directions d. Instructions
60. This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules and
procedures or contract specifications.
a. Originated policy c. Imposed policy
b. Appealed policy d. Organizational policy
61. It set the standards prescribing the rules and regulations for the government of city/ municipal police agencies
throughout the Philippines.
a. Executive Order No.226 c. RA 8551
b. RA 6975 d. Article XVI Section 6 of the Philippine Constitution
62. It refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives.
a. Police training c. Police appraisal
b. Police preparation d. Police efficiency
63. It is the study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for employees in an organization
to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease.
a. Police Personnel Management c. Police Recruitment
b. Police Personnel Planning d. Police Effectiveness
64. This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the operation of the
police organization.
a. Originated policy c. Imposed policy
b. Appealed policy d. Organizational policy
65. What will be the police appointment if the applicant passes through the regular screening?
a. Temporary c. Permanent
b. Probationary d. Stable
66. Police Lieutenant Cardo Dalisay was promoted to the rank of Police Captain. According to rules on appointment,
who attested the appointment of Police Captain?
a. PNP Chief c. Civil Service Commission
b. Commission on Appointment d. President of the Philippines
67. In relation to question number 66, who appointed the rank of Cardo Dalisay as Police Captain?
a. PNP Chief c. Civil Service Commission
b. Commission on Appointment d. President of the Philippines
68. What indexing rule is applied if subject has used two or more names?
a. index the first known name c. index both names
b, index the unfamiliar name d. None of the above
69. This form is used when asking for files and serve as a receipt for a case or any number of items from a file.
a. Substitution card c. Out card
b. Borrower’s slip d. Charged-out card
70. Number property shall be indexed by the ________ of the serial number.
a. last digit c. last 3 digits
b. last 2 digits d. complete
71. The property not identifiable by a manufacturer’s serial number is indexed in what manner?
a. by description c. by type
b. by color d. by quantity
72. What is the standard size of borrower’s slip in police records?
a. 2X4 inches sheet c. 4X6 inches sheet
b. 3X5 inches sheet d. 5X6 inches sheet
73. What is the required in-service training program for the rank of Police Major to Police Lieutenant Colonel?
a. Officers Basic Course c. Officers Advance Course
b. Officer Senior Education Course d. Directorial Staff Course
74. This training that can be carried out daily for at least 30 minutes every shift of personnel, or formal instruction of
several hours a day concerning departmental activities.
a. Orientation training c. Department training
b. Organizational training d. Roll-Call Training
75. It refers to the capacity and ability to perform the duties required in the new or higher position and good qualities
for leadership.
a. Capability c. Aptitude
b. Potential d. Competence

Prepared by:


Instructor/Dean, CCJE

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