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How should Medellin be like the headquarters of the 4th industrial


Medellin has been an important part of Colombia in terms of innovation, however, it requires
significant economic impulses if it is to be measured with cities that lead the way in terms of
technologies and technological development is intended as New York USA, Seoul in Korea, Shenzhen
in China etc. But it should be noted that Medellin seeks to equate its technological gap with respect
to the aforementioned cities with innovation, research and entrepreneurship related to artificial
intelligence, the internet of things or IOT. To focus even more on the subject, I refer to the public
universities that have occupied an important part for research, for example at the University of
Antioquia there are several research groups focused on turning Medellin into a green city and with
technology that allows improving and take care of air quality in Medellin and its surroundings, the
systematic group made up of professors such as Ricardo, Aedo cobo among others, are developing
technologies that allow monitoring the environment in the city of Medellin along with guaranteeing
mobility and sustainability at the same time. Initially, monitoring is being considered within the
university campus, in order to carry out pilot tests and collect data and upload it in real time to the
university's own platform where the public of interest can access them. The sensors that have been
proposed to place are temperature sensors, air quality, noise and thermal sensation etc. The idea is
also to look for sustainable alternatives that allow reducing the gas emission rate that occurs within
the “valle de aburra”, for this reason they also raise the possibility of converting internal combustion
vehicles to electric, projects that are still in the process of mediation. Thus, Medellin seeks to
generate an important impact that allows it to catch up with cities with many more resources and
to be able to honor the pseudonym "Medellin headquarters of the 4 industrial revolution."

The global environmental emergency has led Medellin and its rulers to opt for the use of electric
vehicles, transforming their lines of internal combustion buses to electric vehicles, a change that is
in process and even seeks the idea of encouraging the use of bicycles. Providing green and friendly
cycle routes full of vegetation.

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