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Writing and Grammar.

The world in the 21st century is a global village, and just how closely we live within it has become
dramatically clear from coronavirus: this virus does not respect any borders. As the pandemic sweeps
from country to country, and healthcare systems and governments grapple to overcome it, the language
used to describe what is happening is evolving. There are not so much new words as new usages and
combinations of words which, were it not for the fact that this concerns everyone, would just be medical
or official jargon, and the situation is changing radically day by day – the UK government is advocating
social distancing*, and everyone is either considering self-isolating* or knows someone who is. Anyone
with the symptoms of a fever and/or a persistent cough has been told to quarantine themselves for 14

Because of the corona virus, all the humans were stayed at home by the governor to prevent corona.
Because everyone at home continues to not wrok or go to school, The economy drops dramatically and
everyone will be finding it difficult to find a money to make a food. Before corona. The economy was
used to be very stable. But after corona everyone lived at home and could not go out to wrok and the
economy was down and unable to buy for their living needs. If in the future the corona vaccine has
been found, so everyone won’t have to worry anymore to go work and the economy will be stable again

Because of corona, education has become unstable throughout the world. Because eduction used to
goes to school and listens to the teachers who teaches us about the materials that we want to learn. But
now because of corona, students cannot go to school instead of studying at home through technologhy
such as google classroom,zoom,skype,etc. because we can’t leave the house, so we will be studying at
home, for the future, sam as in the paragraph 2, if this pandemic is finished, education will be
returningto stability.

How to prevent this virus? First way, we must often take care of our health because this virus
attacks the immunity in our body and can make us become weak and unpowered, second, we must
wear a mask because it is require by the government to prevent it. Third, if you want to go out we have
to bring a sanitizer hand and always wash your hands if you have something hold on to, because the
virus can stick to the iron, doorway. So, many people decided to wear gloves to prevent it and usually
we are used to not wear gloves because the ones that are only doctorsto check on patients but because
of the corona so we also wear it, and the last, we must take care of our health such as eating regularly o
nutritiously,and jogging. so we must maintain our health and enhance our body's immunity to be far
from the corona virus

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