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Selection Path:

Three promising design possibilities-

1. Vaccine patch with biodegradable cone-shaped microneedles, instructional video,
cooler-type packaging.
- Cones would be made of sugar, which would dissolve and release the vaccine, leaving
less waste.
- Instructional video would be available to every user, makes sure directions are widely
- People could use the vaccine on their own
- Would be easier to give out to people in need who don't have access to hospitals
- Packaging that keeps the vaccine cold would allow transportation to take longer
- Expires slower
- Cooler-type packaging would be the most expensive option for packaging
- People may not watch the video
- No internet, no video
2. Vaccine patch with cheap materials, biodegradable microneedles, packaging that
perfectly fits each component, and instructional pictures on actual patch
- Cheap materials would allow for a profit while still allowing the vaccine to be affordable
- Biodegradable microneedles are better for the planet
- Instructional pictures would be the most accessible way of instruction to every population
- Easier to understand
- With packaging that specifically fits each component, waste is not created from extra
- This type of packaging can be expensive
- We would need further research on biodegradable microneedles to find out about
- Instructional pictures would be less detailed

3. Oral vaccination with nonprofit sponsorships, bubble wrap/packaging peanuts,

environmentally friendly manufacturing, and instructional manual included in packaging.
- Using a sponsorship instead of selling to big pharma companies is more ethical
- Environmentally friendly packaging will draw in more customers
- Bubble wrap/packaging peanuts is the cheapest packaging option
- Instructional manual allows for less money spent on nurses who might administer the
- Could be used where hospitals are unavailable
- Using sponsorships would make the product cheaper
- Special manufacturing can be expensive
- All of the other cost-friendly aspects of this design almost cancel this downfall out
- Bubble wrap/packaging peanuts are wasteful
- Instructional manual requires literacy

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