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1. Each group is given 45 minutes to present their assigned world mythologies.

2. The presentation must highlight the following key points:
 major creation stories (how the world of the specific pantheon came to be);
 cosmic universe (setting, dimensions, sections of the world of the pantheon);
 major deities (gods and goddesses) and heroes/heroines;
 major myths/stories (may include quests, origin stories, adventures, and the like); and
 creatures (monsters, animals).
3. Each group is given the liberty to choose the manner with which they wish to present their
assigned mythologies (e.g. showing of clips from film adaptation/s, role playing a scene, using
multimedia presentations, lecture-discussion, using of visual aids (such as graphic organizers,
encouraged), group activities, etc.).
4. The presentation will be graded using the following criteria:
Content 20
Presentation 10
Discussion 20
Content refers to the completeness of the information provided on the (major/highlighted) assigned world
mythologies. Groups must see to it that important characters and stories are well-presented and that
relevant examples are provided to reinforce certain details being presented—the groups are encouraged to
provide input from various resources as opposed to presenting only one perspective.
Presentation refers to the creativity of the presentation. Creativity means not only that the presentation is
colorful or made use of visual/audiovisual materials but also that the mythologies assigned is better
appreciated and understood because of the way it has been presented. Presentation also covers the overall
flow of the presentation: how well it started and ended, and how seamless the whole presentation was
from the introduction of creation stories to the presentation of different creatures—including, how well
the presenters entertain input and/or questions from their classmates and return to the discussion without
getting distracted or veering away from the point.
Discussion means the comprehensiveness of the discussion of the various mythologies assigned to the
group. In the discussion, the group has the opportunity to outline key details about the myths as well as
highlight important insights from the stories and the characters. The discussion must be ABC - accurate,
brief, and concise/comprehensive.
5. Please take note of the presentation dates:

Group & Literary Work Presentation Date

Group 1 – South and West Europe Feb 17 (MW); Feb 18 (TTh)
Group 2 – North and East Europe
Group 3 – Ancient Egypt and Africa Feb 26 (MW); Feb 27 (TTh)
Group 4 – Southwest and South Asia
Group 5 – Central/North/East and Southeast Asia Mar 2 (MW); Mar 3 (TTh)
Group 6 – North America
Group 7 – Mesoamerica, The Caribbean, and South America Mar 4 (MW); Mar 5 (TTh)
Group 8 – Philippine and Australia & Oceania

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