Leader Ship Skills For Managers (Autosaved)

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September 2020

Leadership Skills for


By Marlene Caroselli

Presented by
Isha Agnihotri and Vishal Sharma,
Table of Contents
1. Introduction about author
2. Quick Briefing of book and Content focused
3. Leader vs Manager
4. Leader as Visionary
5. Leader as Problem solver
6. Leader as Team builder
7. Leader as Manager
8. Leader as Communicator
9. Leader as power distributer
10. Leader as liaison
11. Leader as planner
12. The leader.. as leader

• Dr. Marlene Caroselli, born in 1948 and graduated
in 1967 from Suny Albany .
• After earning her doctorate in Education and
Human Development from, Rochester University,
• She wrote her first book “ The language of
leadership” in 1984.
• Dr Marlene Caroselli, has wrote over 60 books.
• She passed away in June, 2020.
• Her last book is “Applying Mr Einstein”
• The book Leadership Skills for Mangers was
published in September 2000.
• This book have in depth exploration of abilities
and qualities of leader as apposite to the
• The book have deep analyses of various
leadership attributes.

 Who gets done through other people.
What is a Manager ?  Working towards a goal by helping
others do their work.
Exercise Authority over
You are a manager if, quality of work and
Work environment

Serve as
Responsible for liaison
hiring, training between
and disciplining Employee &
employess management

Direct the work, rather than perform Motivate after achievement

 While manager works to carry out the
aim of the org. the leader serve to –

What is a Leader ? • Create new aims

• tweak old ones
• Initiate new course of action
• “good enough” is not Ok
You are a leader if,
Exhibit positive energy

Self actualize –
Create becoming all
something of that he can be
value that did and making
not exist others believe
before they can do
the same

Believing that working in Believes change is the

concert with others you can process and convince team
make a difference by “ I’LL GO FIRST “

ABCD Approach Anticipate-Benefitize-Categorize-Develop 5

Leader as Visionary
We can do no great things…. Only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa.

Traits of being a visionary leader

• See the invisible

• Welcome change Ask Yourself ?
• Appreciate vulnerability Are you sharing knowledge?
• Share knowledge Are you involving others?
• Attack complacencies Are you using best medium?
• Energies others
• Follow through Remember “ If the ideas are floating
• Bench mark into bureaucratic black hole,
• Set ethical
• Asses Yourself
employees will soon loose faith in your

Make no small plans, for small plans have no power to stir the soul.
Anonymous Sage.
Leader as Visionary

Lewins Change model

Never do today, what you did yesterday. 7

Leader as Problem solver
Divergent Skills
We all have capability to think out of the box.
As It is proven human use only 1.0% to 10.% of brain .

Technique for using the Divergent skills

Deviate - Be a trailblazer in the land of ideas. Juxtapose disparate elements. Don't be victim of culture. Address
rumor personally.

Incubate – Accept all problems can not be solved quickly. Make a list of problem and possible solution. Test
the idea.

Obviate- Don’t let the idea toxins to counter. Define WIIFM, Convert criticism in to question, Refer higher
authorities, Find logics, Self-depreciate.

Liberate- Think Janusian thoughts, Do 360° Evaluation, Think outlandish, Kinesthetic Thoughts.

Resuscitate- Everything old is new again.

I learnt to think like Mother Nature or Father Time
Dr. Jonas Salk
Leader as Problem solver
Convergent Skills
Logical and factual approach based on facts.

Technique for using the Convergent skills

PDCA Cycle - Dr W. Edwards Deming (Cycle begins again if data indicate that calibration is needed in original

Pact – Buy in for your idea long before launching it.

Act – 5W1H, Define first what has to be done, by whom, by when.

Fact – If plan needs adjustment, Always remember leader’s ego is secondary. What gets measured gets done.

Tact – Share the results with stakeholders and thank both idea toxins and idea supporters.

Nothing works best in every situation.

Leader as Team Builder
Team building is the process of developing a cohesive group of
individuals committed for working cooperatively.
Essentials for team building.
Keep mission upmost.
Always remember ‘WE’.

Authoritarian Democratic laissez faire

Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.
Henry Ford
Leader as Team Builder
Differing skills;
Pull out best from each team member

When team is passionate to commitment of success, it sometime leads to flare ups.

How to manage Conflicts?

Consensus means achievement.

Consensus using The Delphi Technique.

Consensus builder statements
Meetings with strict agendas

Its leaders job to help team

members function as an integral

Leader as Manager
To lead well, you have to manage well.

Managing Stress.
What causes stress? ......... Losing control on situations.

Introspect. How do you know you are in stress ? What kind of stress you have
good or bad? How do you know that you have done a good job?

Change. Develop your mindset to accept criticism and take it as opportunity to

learn about self.

Think Globally Act actually. Welcome criticism, learn new skills, techniques and
repeat/ rephrase your instructions to team.

High Stress control quotient: Internal stress control quotient should be

higher than external stress control quotient.

Managing Time
Set small, medium and large goals well in you time frame.

Leader as Manager
To lead refine your managerial skill.

Managing Emotion.
Wear you Managerial Hat. Always remember anger is one letter away
from danger. Build a support system before you need to use it. Have
Shelf-esteem where you have symbol of accomplishment, gaze at it.

Managing Energy.
Mental Energy + Positive Thoughts =
Successful individuals. (High protein
food = Optimistic thinking)

Managing People.
Listen deeply and sincerely. Don’t be rude or use unkind tactics. When managers act rudely,

53% employees lose hours of productive time worrying “ what will happen next time?”
46% consider changing jobs
37% report feeling less committed to the organization
22% “get even” by deliberately contributing less
12% quit their jobs to avoid perpetrator.

Leader as Communicator
To be a leader ….. Is to communicate powerfully.
Oral communication skills are best predictor of managerial skill and to do job. It is to connect at personal level
to dozen of other staff.

K-I-N-D technique
Kind word – Continue with Inquiry - New effort – Be Definite

Five C’s technique

Cite Occasion - Cite Commonalities - Challenge the Audience – Cheer them On – Conclude

Understand and convey the vision, find what drives team to get that vision.

Motivation technique
Loyalty : Leader must be willing to support team member and shows genuine interest in their
career growth.

Leader as Communicator
To be a leader ….. Is to communicate powerfully.
Motivation technique

Expansion : Make the expectations clear, motivate, give feedback and recognize their efforts.

Involvement : The leader is intended on getting ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Affiliations : Make everyone feel they made a difference.


The real problem is in hearts and minds of men. It is easy to denature plutonium than to denature
the evil spirit of man.
Albert Einstein.

An ethical leader carriers numerous responsibilities.

Honesty Fairness Win-Win-Win Participation Realistic

Outcome Idealism

Leader as Power Distributer
The judicious use of influence to get things done through other people.
M powers

Share the power with your team member by having turn the wishful thinking to workable
thinking and show team various “In” levels.

Inform Investigate Intend Initiate Independent

3 M’s

Mentoring : Set up a support system that helps people learn, grow and contribute.

Management: A manager manages people, processes, procedure but a leader help people manage
these things.

Mindsets: Involve the people who are uncomfortable in acquiring power.

Power is simply a word. How you interpret that word makes all the difference.
Leader as Power Distributer
Ethical leader share their knowledge and empowers other. They build a knowledge network.

Techniques to share knowledge

Create a skill bank, Involve subject matter experts for knowledge sharing.
Keep a notebook of training results or conferences
Email new learning weekly
Create or update the website
Request interviews by senior managers

Power Politics
Don’t try to avoid organizational politics. Instead, learn to play the political game if
you want to move ahead and have your followers move along with you.

1. Follow the grapevine: What is said unofficially and what is rumor.

2. Determine power brokers.
3. Speak up when it seems to be overlooked
4. Avoid self-defaming and underhanded behavior
5. Be professional in acknowledging the achievements of your competitors but do
not make your efforts seem less.
6. Learn to attend meeting in which important decisions are made.
7. Develop loyalty in your subordinates.
8. Imitate the verbal behaviors of those who blow their own triumph without
sounding harsh. 17
Leader as Power Distributer
Political Campaign “The Workplace Jungle”

+ Smart people + Passive and + Socializing +Wannabe - Praise getter.

with attitude Non people leaders - They keep
contributing but +They are more knowledge in
have good ideas - Connects with focused to the and people out
team only for goal - Lazybones
- Keep on social causes
insisting only rather - If not controlled
may act as full in
answer - Remains in contributing to
background the goal

Remember “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Leader as Liaison
Leader must also be a bridge.
Leader should be void-identifier and void-filler.

Leader act as connection between the people, ideas and the goal. The new mindset and old mindset.

Liaise with the customer to fill both common needs and different needs.

Thinks beyond the partners at workplace to the organization, to the industry, to the various part of the larger
communities, universities.

Improvise (Brain storm for sources of


The prism of Partnership Advise (Informal discussion to know what you

will give and what you will accept in return)

Devise (Make agreement that details

who will do what, why when,

Supervise (Monitor-Things are going

the way both parties expect)

Surprise (Mental respect)

Revise (Think the ways to revise the
original agreement to make it work better

Leader as Liaison
The Six C’s of partnering
Partnership agreements are usually characterized by their attention to following nouns.
Full hearted Commitment. Avoid entering in to half hearted commitment.

Determine early on the preferences each of you has for the type and frequency of Communication.

Creativity Learns from others partnerships and apply them to your own partnership.

Develop a Culture in which strategic alliances can flourish.

Anticipate Conflict and have strategy to resolve it.

Determine the Commonalities that can connect you to your partner and reinforce the values you both share –
before, during and after liaison. It is a shared desire to benefit from each other expertise.

Listen to what is being said and what is not being said. Listen to people nature , trends and statistics.
Listen to grapevine, and inside and outside.

Trust but Don’t everyone all the time in all circumstances. Build trust by doing you say you’ll do and
valuing your followers and your partners.

Leader as Planner
Anticipate the unanticipated and be ready for unexpected.
Make Long Range Plans, Medium range Plans, Short Range Plans.

Begins with the strategic Vision that inspires other by citing benefits.
Long Range Planning ●
Use leadership style you want, The values lies in plan not in style.

Medium Range Planning

Mission needed to do to make vision reality.

Mainly focuses on the list of tasks needed to acting upon.

Operational plans required to carry out the mission to achieve the vision.
Short Range Planning ●
Define the objective, list of task, match people to tasks, evaluate progress,
make adjustments as needed, and revise or devise.

The only things that evolve by themselves are negative things. The positive things you have to plan for.
Peter Ducker.
Leader as Planner
Shattering Myths.
Plan stifle creativity. Planning and creativity can go side by side.

Not reaching goal equals failure. It is not failure if target is not achieved.

Plans represents unrealistic dreams. Plans are dreams with deadlines but it does
not means they are unreachable.

Challenging goal cause undue stress. Challenging goals renew the confidence to
achieve more and improves performance.

Leader as Planner
Planning Tools.
Plan and show the progress being made through flow charts or evaluation matrix of before & after.

Manager and leader don and doff many hats, but the planning hat is one of the most exciting hats of all
to wear. It represents the opportunity to bring good ideas to life.
Leader as … Leader
Knowing how to get along with the people.

Be a visionary: Discover or create your organization’s destiny and communicate that

vision in ways that inspire followers.

Be a problem-solver: Use both Divergent and Convergent thinking to work on issues

that affect individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole, with creativity and

Be a team-builder: Bring people together and help them make the most of their
individual talents and personalities.

Leader as … Leader
Knowing how to get along with the people.

Be a Manager: To be a good leader must be a good manager, who manages work,

stress, time, emotions, energy and people.

Be a communicator : Listen well, speak well, write well, interview well, train others
well and interact well with others.

Be a power distributor: Be confident in using power and sharing the power,

knowledge, decisions, and resources with others, always be ethical.

Leader as … Leader
Knowing how to get along with the people.

Be a Liaison : From strategic alliances develop professional bonds through networks.

Be a planner : From operational plans and strategic plans to map out the route to
achieve goals and pursue vision

Be a Leader : Play wide range of roles, use diverse skills, adapt according to the
situation and keep in mind your responsibilities to your vision, to your team, to your
customers, to your organization, to your industry, to your community and to yourself

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