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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: describing cities and places / Evidencia: Describiendo

ciudades y lugares

You are going to see images of five cities and their landmarks. Write a
paragraph describing each city and country it belongs and the landmark shown.
Use the vocabulary from the box for the descriptions. The first one is done for
you as an example. / A continuación verá imágenes de cinco ciudades y sus
lugares representativos. Escriba un párrafo describiendo cada ciudad, el país al
que pertenece y el lugar mostrado. Use el vocabulario dentro del recuadro para
las descripciones. La primera ha sido hecha como ejemplo.

Note: We recommend to do some research on the places to be described

before writing the paragraphs. / Nota: recomendamos hacer una pequeña
investigación sobre los lugares antes de escribir los párrafos.

a statue / a cathedral / a bridge / a river / modern buildings / boats / a

harbour / mountains / a fountain / a canal / desert / a hill / a castle /
traditional buildings / an obelisk / a square / a shopping mall / a monument /
a tower.

New York is a big city in the

United States (North
America). It takes thousand of
visitors every year. The city
has a population of around 8
million people. There is a lot
to see and do in New York.
You can visit the Central Park,
the Metropolian museum and
Time’s Square. In the picture
you can see the Statue of
Liberty, a monumet built
between 1875 and 1986. It is
93 meters tall. The statue is
New York (USA) – The Statue of Liberty
located on Liberty Island in
the Hudson River.
It is an open urban space that is
located in the Vatican City,
within the city of Rome,It is also
one of the most beautiful and
largest squares in the world. It is
located in the Vatican, at the foot
of St. Peter's Basilica. At the
centre of the square is
an ancient Egyptian obelisk,
erected at the current site in
1586. Gian Lorenzo
Bernini designed the square
almost 100 years later, including
Rome (Italy) – Saint Peter’s Square the massive Doric colonnades. 

Located in the city of Sydney,

state of New South Wales,
Australia, it is one of the most
famous and distinctive buildings
of the twentieth century, next to
the opera is the Sydney Harbor
Bridge. Declared a World
Heritage Site in 2007, it was
designed by Danish architect
Jørn Utzon in 1957 and opened
on October 20, 1973 by her
majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in
Sydney (Australia) – The Sydney Opera her role as Queen of Australia.
House The Sydney Opera House has
been home to many of the
world’s greatest artists and
performances, and a meeting
place for matters of local and
international significance since
opening in 1973.
Stronghold that was once the
residence of Scottish monarchs
and now serves mostly as a
museum. It stands 443 feet
above sea level and overlooks
the city of Edinburgh (capital of
Scotland) from a volcanic crag
called Castle Rock. The British
Army is still responsible for some
parts of the castle, although its
presence is now largely
ceremonial and administrative.
Some of the castle buildings
Edinburgh (Scotland) – Edinburgh Castle house regimental
museums which contribute to its
presentation as a tourist

It is a skyscraper located in
Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
with 828 meters high, it is the
tallest structure in history.Next to
the Burj Khalifa there is a large
artificial lake where the Dubai
Fountain is installed, one of the
essential attractions of the city.
Around the lake you will find
bars and restaurants and, of
course, the famous Dubai Mall.
Its design incorporates elements
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) – The Burj of Islamic architecture, and its
Khalifa molecular structure has a "Y"
shape, this design was managed
to reduce the force of the wind
on the structure

Fuente de imágenes: Fotolia (s.f.)

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make
sure the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la

plataforma, así:

1. Dé clic en el título de esta evidencia.

2. Dé clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo.
3. Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. Dé clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterio de evaluación
Describe lugares, ciudades y países teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y
contexto requerido.

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