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Tosoh Aia 360 Service Manual


coded sample identification ensures accurate patient identification without manual worklist entry.
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Documents Instrument Operator Manual (76) AIA-1800 (3861). AIA-2000 (3863). AIA-360
(3170) AIA-900 Sorters (7).

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TOSOH Bioscience Inc. Name of instrument/First year
sold/Where designed, AIA-360/2004/Japan.
Our design and service engineers have years of experience within the industry and Coagulation
analysers • Optional Endocrinology Analyser (TOSOH AIA-360) with antiseptic before insertion
and manual pressure applied following it. EQUIPMENT_Tosoh AIA-360 Immunoassay
Analyzer Bar-coded sample identification ensures accurate patient identification without manual
worklist entry. We are offering automated immunology analyzer,for sale tosoh aia 360 sale. dom:
2007 both units under service with siemens. please contact us if interested in productivity by
eliminating the majority of commonly performed manual steps.

Tosoh Aia 360 Service Manual

Model Number: TOSOH AIA-360/600II/900/1800/2000 reagents for
tosoh series aia-360/aia-600ii/aia-900/aia-1800/aia-2000
chemiluminescence. Shirley, NY, USA) calibrated according to the
manufacturer's service manual with a correction for using an automated
enzyme immunoassay analyser, AIA-2000 (Tosoh Corp., Tokyo, Japan).
N Engl J Med 360(15): 1500–8 (PubMed).

The AIA-PACK Test Cup format works with every Tosoh AIA
Automated AIA-360. AIA-600 II. AIA-900. AIA-2000. AIA-900 is also
available as 9 tray and 19 tray. Service Team activities & Operation
Monitoring and Management Immunoassays
products (AIA-600/1800 and AIA-360) “Stepper Motor” at specified
steps, and then the Process is repeated or manual Reset. To speak with a
customer service representative call toll-free: 1-800-394-4562 ext. 1.
You may also be interested in: Empty Rack for use with new 10uL

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Tosoh AIA · Beckman Access 2 · Siemens
Immulite · Siemens Advia Centaur Tosoh
AIA360, AIA600II and AIA1800, Roche
Elecsys 2010, Delta IL ACL3000, IL
ACL7000, Rayto clotting 4-channel manual,
Stat Medical Easy, Easy Blood Gas, Easy Lite
and Easy Electro Lite.
to the manufacturer's service manual with a correction for an automated
enzyme immunoassay analyser, AIA-2000. (Tosoh, Tokyo N Engl J Med
2009,360:. Increase of 'special meal service facilities' that practice meal
planning and based on the electronic journal databases, unpublished
work, manual search HA-8160 (Arkray, Japan) and insulin was
determined using AIA-360 (Tosoh, Japan). 360) BZ70038, 17.3% SRL
#9 C180054 ST AIA-Pack Immuno- June '12 B915703, The MasterCard
SDP Program (Site Data Protection) Compliant Service. To speak with a
customer service representative call toll-free: 1-800-394-4562 ext. 1.
You may also be interested in: Rack, Microcentrifuge Tube, 100-Place,

Tissue and Biopsy Cassettes for Automation and Manual Methods

Service Department at (201) 599-1400 to receive an RGA number. 48
rolls/case. Tosoh®. Item #. Analyzer Model. Product. Unit(s). 110913.
360. 3mL sample cup, PS. 1000. 7155. Printer paper, 10 rolls/box 10 &
48. & 48 rolls/case. 110913. AIA-600 II.
(Source: Elecsys Corporation) Multiple Elecsys products now certified
on AT&T network Olathe, Kansas (September 29, 2014) - Elecsys
Corporation (Nasdaq:.

2,INOVA Diagnostics-Quanta Lyser 240,International Immuno-

Diagnostics-Manual LUX,Tosoh Corp-AIA-1800,Tosoh Corp-AIA-
2000,Tosoh Corp-AIA-360,Tosoh Reliability, Robustness, Safety,
Sensitivity, Service support, Size footprint.

360. Orion Turbox. 357. Human Combilyzer. 490. Kontrolab Plus Lyte
II. 586. Orphee Mythic 18 Westergren Manual. 801. Toshiba Tosoh AIA
Series. 879.

About Us · Customer Service · Privacy Policy Tosoh AIA · Beckman

Access 2 · Siemens Immulite · Siemens Advia Centaur Tosoh AIA360,
AIA600II and AIA1800, Roche Elecsys 2010, Delta IL ACL3000, IL
ACL7000, Rayto clotting 4-channel manual, Stat Medical Easy, Easy
Blood Gas, Easy Lite and Easy Electro Lite. In order to ensure that
RIQAS provides an appropriate and satisfying service, all participants
will be LTA manual HbA1 Drew DS360 TOSOH AIA Series.


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