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Research Problem and Objective

1. Research problems are educational problem problems, controversies, or problems that

guide the need to conduct research.

Good research problems can be found in our educational environment, such as:

 Disorders caused by students who are at risk in class

 . Increased violence on campuses
 . Lack of parental involvement in schools for students with challenging behavior

These problems concern personnel in our schools, classrooms, and college campuses.
In writing about the research problem, authors state it as a single sentence or
several sentences in a research report

2. Characteristics and source of a research problem (objective of research)

 specific: the problem should be specifically tested
 measurable: it s easy to measure by using research instrument, apparatus or
 achievable: the data are achievable using correct statiscal tools to arrive at precise
 realistic: real result are attained because they are gathered scientifically and not
manipulated or maneuvered
 time bound: time frame is required in every activity because the shorter
completion of the activity
3. Types of objectives
 broad/ general, states what is to be achieved by the study in general in term,
usually only one per study, related to core problem and topic of the study,shows
target population and place
 specific objective: it is short in term and small to focus general objective can
broken in small.
4. Distinguish between the types of problem statemament and its objectives used in
quantitave and qualitative research.
in quantitative a research the types of problem statements and its objectives used
in quantitative and qualitative research.
after identify a research problem, you should also consider if it better fis a
quantitative or qualitative approach. Because the two approaches is different their
essential characteristic, there should be a match between problem and approach. these
two factor explanation and exploration provide a standard you can use to determine
whether your research problem is better suited for either quan or qual sudy here are some
additional factors to consider:
quantitave: measure variable, asses the impact of these variables on an out came, test
theories or broad explanations, apply result to a large number of people.

qualitative: Learn about the views of individuals, asses a process over time, generate theories
based on participant perspective, obtain detailed information about a few people or research

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