Final Observsation

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Stop signs are often located at a dangerous junction, but the word “stop” varies from person to

person. For some drivers, it means a complete stop where the speed of the vehicle will become

zero. Others, it means a reduction in speed to zero which will allow them to carefully look at

other approaching vehicles. The study was conducted on the campus of Merritt College.

I chose to investigate if there is no difference between male and female drivers when they

reach a stop sign. I found this interesting because in Merritt College so many people do not

come to a complete stop or just run right through a stop sign. For instance, the one at Margie

lane that makes a right turn onto the campus drive. It is close to the school sign board that has

Merritt college on it. This is a serious problem because it affects the lives of others.

Data were collected on 15th may,2017 between 12:30 p .m and 12:50 p.m. because this was a

period for lunch on campus. Data were recorded for complete stops made at the stop sign,

rolling stop, and no stop. This study also considers independent variables such as driver gender,

vehicle occupancy, vehicle type and vehicle movement. The total number of female that stop

was 6 out of 10 and male stopped 6 times of the 10 cars. 2 of the female drivers had a rolling

stop and 2 did not stop at all. 3 of the male also had a rolling stop and 1 did not stop as well. I

had 2 vehicles with 2 occupants and the drivers were male. I also observed 6 van cars, 9 saloon

cars,3 family cars, and 2 pickups. In fact, most of the vehicle used the right turn to join the

campus drive road. However, about half of the drivers did not use the turning signal before they

join the campus drive when they were coming from the Margie lane.

When completing this observation, I concluded that there is no difference between male and

female drivers when they reach a stop sign. Although some research has concluded that female

drivers are more likely to come to a complete stop at a stop sign than male drivers. One area I

should have also considered was the duration of stop (either complete or rolling stop). This could
have helped me to understand driver’s behavior at this location and time to modify the situation

in that intersection.

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