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Practice Test







Test Name: Practice Test

Date of Test: 08-09-2020 17:38:58
Time Duration: 10
Marks: 90
Questions: 60
GATE Score: 0
Questions Attempted: 1
Right Answer: 0
Wrong Answer: 1

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

1) During adiabatic saturation process of air, wet bulb temperature

Increases and dry bulb temperature remains constant B)
Remains constant and dry bulb temperature increases C)
Remains constant and dry bulb temperature decreases D)
Decreases and dry bulb temperature remains constant

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: B

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

2) When warm saturated air is cooled

excess moisture condenses B)
excess moisture condenses but relative humidity remains unchanged C)
excess moisture condenses and specific humidity increases but relative humidity D)
remains unchanged
specific humidity increases and relative humidity decreases

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

3) Excessive pressure drop in liquid line in a refrigeration system causes

Under cooling of liquid refrigerant B)
Flashing of liquid refrigerant C)
Higher evaporator pressure D)
High condenser pressure

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

4) The coefficient of performance of heat pump [(COP)HP] and that of refrigerator(COP)R

are related as
A) (COP)HP=(COP)R +1
(COP)HP=(COP)R -1 C)
(COP)HP=(COP)R = 1 D)

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

5) Air refrigeration cycle is used in

commercial refrigerators B)
domestic refrigerators C)
gas liquification D)

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

6) Which of the following refrigerant has the maximum ozone depletion potential in the
A) Ammonia
Carbon dioxide C)
Sulpher dioxide D)

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

7) When dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures are identical, it means that the
air is fully saturated and dew-point temperature has reached B)
air is fully-saturated C)
dew-point temperature has reached and humidity is 100% D)
partial pressure of water vapour is equal to total pressure

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

8) Evaporative air cooler is used effectively when

dry bulb temperature is very close to the wet bulb temperature B)
dry bulb temperature is high and relative humidity is high C)
dry-bulb temperature is low and relative humidity is high D)
dry bulb temperature is high and the relative humidity is low

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

9) In a vapour compression refrigeration system, liquid to suction heat exchanger is used

A) keep the COP constant
prevent the liquid refrigerant from entering the compressor C)
sub cool the liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser D)
sub cool the vapour refrigerant from the evaporator

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

10) Excessive pressure drop in liquid line in a refrigerating system causes

high condenser pressure B)
flashing of the liquid refrigerant C)
high evaporator pressure D)
under cooling of the liquid refrigerant

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

11) Evaporative regulation of body temp fails when body temp. is

Equal to dew point B)
Greater than dew point C)
Less than dew point D)
None of the above

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

12) Which of the following statements are correct?

Dehumidification of air is achieved by heating. B)
Wet bulb temperature changes by addition of moisture at constant enthalpy. C)
For saturated air tdb, twb, tdp are same. D)
Dew point is reached by cooling air at constant moisture content.

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

13) Thermostatic expansion valve in a refrigeration system:

Maintains different temperature in evaporator in proportion to load B)
Ensures the evaporator completely filled with refrigerant of the load C)
Is suitable only for constant load systems D)
None of above

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

14) The equation ϕ = Pv / Ps is used to calculate the (Pv = Partial pressure of water vapour
in moist air at a given temperature, Ps = saturation pressure of water vapour at the
same temperature)
A) Relative humidify
Degree of saturation C)
Specific humidity D)
Absolute humidity

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

15) Replacing a water cooled condenser with an air cooled one in a VCS with const.
evaporator pressure will result in
A) Increase in condensation temp
Decrease in pr. Ratio C)
Increase in pr. ratio D)
Increase in condensation pressure

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

16) Theoretical vapour compression refrigeration cycle is represented on a T - S diagram




Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

17) A good refrigerant should have:

high latent heat of vaporization and low freezing point B)
high operating pressures and low freezing point C)
high specific volume and high latent heat of vaporization D)
low COP and low freezing point

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0


Consider the following statements;

In chemical dehumidification process
1. dew point temperature decreases
2. wet bulb temperature increases
3. dry bulb temperature increases
Of these statements
A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
1 and 2 are correct C)
2 and 3 are correct D)
1 and 3 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

19) Consider the following statements:

In Psychrometry, wet-bulb temperature is a measure of enthalpy of moist air, so that
in the psychrometric.
1.the constant enthalpy lines are also constant wet bulb temperature lines
2.the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature are same at any condition
3.the wet-bulb ad dry-bulb temperature are equal at saturation condition
A) 1 alone is correct
1 and 2 are correct C)
1 and 3 are correct D)
2 and 3 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

20) Match the following.

Refrigerant Application
A) Freon 12 1. Centrifugal system
B) Freon 22 2. Window type units
C) Freon 11 3. Ice plants
D) Ammonia 4. low temp. cold storage

A) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3 C)
A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 D)
A-3, B-4, C-2, D-2

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

The mass flow rate of cooling water in the condenser is 1 kg/min. & rise in
temperature of cooling water is 8°C & the refrigerating effect is used to produce ice
from water at 27°C & 360 kg in 8 hrs. Calculate the mass flow rate assuming the
referigeration is dry & saturated vapour at the beginning of compression & subcooled
by 10°C at the exit of condenser Determine COP theoretical

Explanation Lower Limit: 3.90 Upper Limit: 4.10 Right Answer: 3.9577 Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

22) Clearance volume is provided so that.

a) Piston does not hit & damage valves
b) To account for differntial thermal expansion
c) To account for machining tolerances
A) a & b are correct
Only a & c is correct C)
Only b & c is correct D)
All are correct

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

23) It is proposed to build refrigeration plant for a cold storage to be maintained at -3°C.
The ambient temp, is 27°C. If 5x106 kJ/h of energy is to be continuously removed
from the cold storage, the minimum power required(kW) to run the refrigerator will be

Explanation Right Answer: 154.3209 Given Answer: Not Attempted

Lower Limit: 155.00 Upper Limit: 154.00

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

24) Consider the following statements:

In a vapour compression system, a thermometer placed in the liquid line can indicate
whether the
1. refrigerant flows is too low.
2. water circulations is adequate
3. condensers is fouled
4. pump is functioning property
A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
1, 2 and 4 are correct C)
1, 3 and 4 are correct D)
2, 3 and 4 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

25) Consider the following statements:

In the case of a vapor compression machine, if the condensing temp, of the refrigerant
is closer to the critical temperature, then there will be
1. excessive power consumption 2. high compression 3. large volume flow
A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
1 and 2 are correct C)
2 and 3 are correct D)
1 and 3 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

26) Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
the lists.

List I List II
A. Bell colemen refrigeration 1. Compressor
B. Vapour compression refrigeration 2. Generator
C. Absorption 3. Flash chamber
D. Jet refrigeration 4. Expansion cylinder

A) A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2

A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 C)
A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 D)
A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

27) A pressure gauge on the discharge side of a refrigerant compressor reads too high.
The reasons could be
1. lack of cooling water
2. Water temperature being high
3. Dirty condenser surfaces
4. Refrigerant temp, being too high
A) 1, 2 and 4 are valid
1, 2 and 3 are valid C)
2, 3 and 4 are valid D)
1, 3 and 4 are valid

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

28) The significant advantage of using NH3 as a refrigerant is it's
low sensible heat B)
medium latent heat C)
high latent heat D)
low latent heat

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

29) By pass factor for a cooling coil

increases with increase in velocity of air passing through it B)
decrease with increase in velocity of air passing through it C)
remains unchanged with increase in velocity of air passing through it D)
may increase or decrease with increase in velocity of air passing through it depending
upon the condition of air entering

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

30) When moist air comes in to contact with a wetted surface whose temp. is less than tdb
but more than twb
A) sensible H.T - From surface to air latent & net H.T. - from air to surface
sensible, latent & net H.T. from air to surface C)
sensible H.T. - from air to surface latent & net H.T.- from surface to air D)
Both sensible & net H.T. from air to surface & latent H.T. from surface to air

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

31) In the case of sensible cooling of air, the coil efficiency is given by (BPF = Bypass
A) BPF-1
1- BPF C)
1/BPF D)
1 + BPF

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

32) During sensible cooling of air
Its wet bulb temperature increases and dew point remains constant B)
Its wet bulb temperature decreases and the dew point remains constant C)
Its wet bulb temperature increases and the dew point decreases D)
Its wet bulb temperature decreases and dew point increases

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

33) The expression (0.622 Pv/ (Pt- Pv)) is used to determine

Relative humidity B)
Specific humidity C)
Degree of saturation D)
Partial pressure

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

34) To fix the state point in respect of air vapour mixtures, three intrinsic properties are need
et, the psychrometric chart requires only two because
A) Water vapour is in the superheated state
The chart is for a given pressure C)
The chart is an approximation to true values D)
The mixtures can be treated as a perfect gas

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

35) If wet bulb depression is equal to the sum of range & approach of cooling water, then
the water
A) to is equal to tdb of ambient air
ti is equal to tdb of ambient air C)
outlet temp. (to) is equal to twb of ambient air D)
Inlet temp (ti) equal to twb of ambient air

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

36) The leakage in a Freon-based refrigeration system can be detected by using a/an
A) oxy-acetylene torch
halide torch C)
sulpher torch D)
blue litmus paper

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

37) Match List -with List - and select the correct answer using the codes given below lists:

List I List II

A) 1. vapour compression using expansion valve

B) 2. Bell coleman cycle (gas compression cycle)

C) 3. Vapour compression cycle using expansion


A) A-1, B-2, C-3

A-2, B-3, C-1 C)
A-1, B-3, C-2 D)
A-2, B-1, C-3

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

38) During the adiabatic cooling of moist air

DBT remains constant B)
specific humidity remains constant C)
relative humidity remains constant D)
WBT remains constant

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

39) COP of a carnot refrigeration cycle decreases on

Decreasing the difference in operating temperature B)
Increasing the upper temperature & Keeping the lower temperature Const C)
Keeping upper temperature constant & increasing the lower temperature D)
Increasing the upper temperature & decreasing the lower temperature

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

40) If a sample of moist air of ϕ = 50% at atmospheric pressure is isothermally

compressed to a pressure & two atmospheric then
A) Saturation pressure will increase twice the value
ϕ will reduce to 25% C)
Sample of air will become saturated D)
ϕ will remain unchanged

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

41) A refrigerating system operating on reversed Brayton refrigeration cycle is used for
maintaining 250 K. If the temperature at the end of constant pressure cooling is 300 K
and rise in the temperature of air in the refrigerator is 50 K, then the net work (kJ) of
compression will be (assume air as the working substance with CP = 1 kJ/kg °C)

Explanation Lower Limit: 24.00 Upper Limit: 26.00 Right Answer: 25 Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

42) In the above problem, the refrigeration is dry & saturated at the beginning of the
compression find cop therotical & mass flow rate

T hf hg Sf Sg Cpl Cpv
P bar
sat(°C) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kgK) (kJ/kgK)
1.89 -14 187.18 347.37 0.95 1.56 1.1 0.57
10.831 45 243.64 368.84 1.14 1.54 1.2 0.61

A) COPth = 4.389 & m = 0.212 kg/sec

COPth = 3.368 & m = 0.223 kg/sec C)
COPth = 3.71 & m = 0.27 kg/sec D)
COPth = 3.39 & m = 0.257 kg/sec

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

43) Consider the following statements:

The pressure in a capillary tube of a refrigerator decreases because
1. tube wall offers frictional resistance
2. refrigerant accelerates in the tube
3. tube transfer the heat
4. potential energy decreases
A) 1 and 2 are correct
1, 2 and 3 are correct C)
2 and 4 are correct D)
3 and 4 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

44) Match List 1 with List n and select the correct answer using the codes given below the

List I (Refrigerant) List II (Principal Application)

A. Air 1. Direct contact freezing of food
B. Ammonia 2. Centrifugal compressor system
C. Carbon dioxide 3. Large industrial low temp, installation
D. Refrigerant - H 4. Automotive air-conditioners
5. Aircraft refrigeration

A) A-5, B-2, C-3, D-1

A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 C)
A-5, B-3, C-1, D-2 D)
A-5, B-4, C-3, D-1

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

45) Two streams of moist air '1' & '2' mix together & gives stream of unsaturated air '3'.
m - Rate of total mass flow.
mw - Rate of mass of flow associated with water vapour.
W - Specific humidity.
t - Temp. of a stream.
Find t3=?




Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

46) Match list I (Effect) with List E (Process) in the case of an ideal refrigeration cycle and
select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List I List II
A. Work input 1. Constant pressure at higher temp
B. Heat rejection 2. Isentropic compression
C. Expansion 3. Constant temp, at lower pressure
D. Heat absorption 4. Adiabatic

A) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 C)
A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 D)
A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

47) The operating temperature of a cold storage is -2°C. Heat leakage from the
surrounding is 30 kW for the ambient temperature of 40°C. The actual COP of the
refrigeration plant used is one-fourth that of an ideal plant working between the same
temperatures. The power (kW) required to drive the plant is

Explanation Right Answer: 18.597 Given Answer: Not Attempted

Lower Limit: 18.00 Upper Limit: 19.00

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

48) Which of the following statements are true for Ammonia as a refrigerant ?
1.It has higher compressor discharge temp. compared to fluorocarbons
2.It is toxic to mucous membranes
3.It requires larger displacement per TR compared to fluorocarbons
4.It reacts with copper and its alloys
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
A) 1 and 2
1, 2 and 3 C)
1, 2 and 4 D)
2, 3 and 4

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

49) In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/sec and the latent heat
added is 20 kJ/sec. The sensible heat factor for the process will be

Explanation Lower Limit: 0.55 Upper Limit: 0.65 Right Answer: 0.6 Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

50) refrigerating machine working on reversed Carnot cycle consumes 6 kW to produce a

refrigerating effect of 1000 kJ/min for maintain a region at -40°C. The higher
temperature (in degrees centigrade) of the cycle will be

Explanation Right Answer: 43.88 Given Answer: Not Attempted

Lower Limit: 43.00 Upper Limit: 44.00

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

51) In an ideal vapour compression refrigeration cycle, the enthalpy of the refrigerant
before and alter the evaporator are respectively 75 kJ/kg and 180 kJ/kg. The
circulation rate of the refrigerant(Kg/min) for each of refrigeration is

Explanation Lower Limit: 1.95 Upper Limit: 2.05 Right Answer: 2 Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

52) Consider the following statements:

A psychrometer measures
1. wet bulb temperature 2. dew point temperature 3. dry bulb
Of these statements:
A) 1 alone is correct
B) 2 and 3 are correct
1 and 3 are correct D)
1, 2 and 3 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

53) Which of the following statements are correct

a) If the air is heated in a closed system, it's dew point will increases
b) As ϕ decreases, difference between wet bulb temperature & dew point will increase
c) In spray humidification process, the enthalpy of air will decrease
d) tdp is always an indication of amount of moisture content of air
A) b & d are correct
b & c are correct C)
a & c are correct D)
a & b are correct

Explanation Right Answer: A Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

54) A decrease in evaporator temperature of a vapor compression machine leads to

1. an increase in refrigerating effect.
2. an increase in specific volume of vapor.
3. a decrease in volumetric efficiency of compressor.
4. an increase in compressor work
A) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
1, 2 and 3 are correct C)
2, 3 and 4 are correct D)
2 and 4 are correct

Explanation Right Answer: C Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

55) Which of the following are the special features of a hermetically sealed compressor of
a refrigerator?
1. The compressor may be reciprocating to rotary type
2. No shaft seal is necessary
3. More silent in operation
4. COP is more than that of open compressor
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
A) 2 and 4
1, 2 and 3 C)
1, 3 and 4 D)
2, 3 and 4
Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

56) Determine the following properties, for atmospheric air at 25°C tdp & specific humidity
of 10 gm/kg. of dry air. Pv=? R.H.? & tdp=?
A) Pv=0.0165 bar R.H.=51% & tdp= 40°C
Pv=0.0160 bar R.H.=49.65% & tdp=14°C C)
Pv=0.0165 bar R.H.=49.65% & tdp=14°C D)
Pv=0.0160 bar R.H.=49% & tdp=40°C

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

57) Consider the following statements' regarding refrigerants:

1. Refrigerant NH3 is used reciprocating compressors.
2. Refrigerant CO2 is used in reciprocating compressors.
3. Refrigerant R -11 is used in centrifugal compressors.
Which of these statements are correct?
A) 1 and 3
1 and 2 C)
2 and 3 D)
1, 2 and 3

Explanation Right Answer: D Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

58) The enthalpies at the beginning of compression. at the end of compression and at the
end of condensation are respectively 185 kJ/kg, 210 kJ/kg and 185 kJ/kg. The COP of
the vapour compression refrigeration system is

Explanation Lower Limit: 4.00 Upper Limit: 4.00 Right Answer: 4 Given Answer: Not Attempted

MCQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

59) Which of the following statements are correct?

1. The human body-pan lose heat even if temperature is less than the atmospheric
2. Relative humidity can be increased by cooling dehumidification.
3. Warm air increases the rate of radiation of heat from the human body.
4. Increase in air movement increases the evaporation from the human body.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
A) 1 and 4
2 and 4
C) 1 and 3
2 and 3

Explanation Right Answer: B Given Answer: Not Attempted

NAQ Marks for Given Answer: 0

60) Specific volume of vapour entering in compressor is 87.95 m3/kg & a double acting
compressor is used whose mean effective pressure is 3.5 bar, bore of compressor = 90
cm, stroke = 70 cm, RPM of compressor is 500 rpm.
ηvol = 89.1. Determine mass flow rate (kg/sec).

Explanation Lower Limit: 0.07 Upper Limit: 0.08 Right Answer: 0.075 Given Answer: Not Attempted

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