A Project Report On Hand Crank Mobile Charger: Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati (M.S.) 444 602

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Project Report

Hand Crank Mobile Charger

submitted to

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,

Amravati (M.S.) 444 602

in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of



Rohit Jibhakate Satyalaksh Jawade

Ankit Lahase Bhika sabe
Deepak Raut Yogesh Thakare

under the guidance of

Prof. K.R.Gandhare

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering
Shegaon-444203 (M.S.)
(Recognised by AICTE, accredited by NBA, New Delhi, NAAC, Banglore & ISO 9001:2000)
2019 - 20
Project Report
Hand Crank Mobile Charger
submitted to
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
Amravati (M.S.) 444 602

in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of


Rohit Jibhakate Satyalaksh Jawade

Ankit Lahase Bhika Sabe
Deepak Raut Yogesh Thakare

Under the guidance of


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering
Shegaon-444203 (M.S.)
(Recognised by AICTE, accredited by NBA, New Delhi, NAAC, Banglore & ISO 9001:2000)
2019 - 20
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering
Shegaon, Dist- Buldhana – 444203, M.S., India


This is to certify that the project entitled “Hand Crank Mobile Charger”
being submitted by Mr. Satyalaksh S Jawade to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati
University, Amravati (M.S.) 444 602 is bonafide research work carried out by
him/her under the supervision and guidance of Prof.K.R.Gandhare.The project has
reached the standard of fulfilling the requirement of regulations related to degree. The
project is an original work and embodies the finding made by the research scholar

The results presented have not submitted in part or in full to any other
university, institute for the award of any degree.

Prof. K. R. Gandhare
Mechanical Engineering Department
SSGMCE, Shegaon.

Prof. C. V. Patil / Prof. K. R.

Gandhare Dr. S. P. Trikal
Project Coordinators Professor and Head
Mechanical Engineering Department Mechanical Engineering Department
SSGMCE, Shegaon. SSGMCE, Shegaon

Dr. S. B. Somani
SSGMCE, Shegaon.

It is our utmost duty and desire to express gratitude to various people who
have rendered valuable guidance during our project work. We would have never
succeeded in completing our task without the cooperation, encouragement and help
provided to us by then. There are a number of people who deserve recognition for
their unwavering support and guidance throughout this report.

We are highly indebted to our guide Prof.K.R.Gandhare for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information from time to time.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks, for his esteemed
guidance and encouragement. His suggestions broaden our vision and guided us to
succeed in this work.

We are sincerely thankful to Dr. S P Trikal (HOD, Mechanical Department,

SSGMCE, Shegaon), and to Dr. S B Somani (Principal, SSGMCE, Shegaon) who always
has been kind to extend their support and help whenever needed.

We would like to thank all teaching and non-teaching staff of the department
for their cooperation and help. Our deepest thank to our parents and friends who have
consistently assitted us towards successful completion of our work.

– Projectees
Rohit Jibhakate
Satyalaksh Jawade
Ankit Lahase
Bhika Sabe
Deepak Raut
Yogesh Thakare

Mobile phone is our means to remain connected. While the phones have progressively got
more powerful processors and large touch screen interfaces, their power requirement has
increased correspondingly. Unfortunately, battery technology has not been growing at a
comparable pace. Hence, there is a need to frequently charge the batteries. While travelling,
people face a common problem of charging electronic appliances. Our solution to this
problem is mechanical based hand crank charger. Mechanical hand crank mobile charger is a
device that utilizes mechanical energy, converts it into electrical energy and charges the
mobile. It doesn't require any electrical source. Also by going for this alternative source of
energy we can reduce the human footprint on Earth as we are using human effort instead of
conventional electricity. We have used a gear train and intermediate gears for transformation
of mechanical energy from hand crank to generator

Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Abbreviations and Symbols iii
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv
Chapter -1: Introduction 01
1.1 Overview 01
1.2 Background and significance of mobile charging 02
1.3 Objective 03
1.4 Scope Of The Work 03

1.5 Organization Of The Project 04

Chapter -2: Literature Review 05
2.1 Introduction 05
Chapter -3: Methodology 7
3.1 Components 9
3.2 Method 11
Chapter -4: Computer simulation 12
Chapter -5: Experimental investigation 14
5.1 Experimental Procedur1 14
5.2 Input Vs Output Graph 15
5.3 Speed Vs Current Graph 16
Chapter -6: Design Procedure 18
6.1 Gear Details 19
6.2 Generators Frequency Calculation Frequency 21
Chapter -7: Gear Calculation 22
Chapter -8: Result And Discussion 26
Chapter -9: Conclusion, Contributions,Scope of future work 29
Chapter -10: Reference 31

List of Abbreviations and Symbols

Symbol/Abbreviation Particulars
f The Frequency of generator in hertz
P No Of Pair Of Stator Poles
N Rotational speed of rotor in RPM
m Module
Rp Pitch Circle radius
Ra Addendum Circle Radius
Rd Deddendum Circle radius
Rb Clearance Circle Radius
Rf Fillet radius
N No Of Teeth
Pout Output Power Of charging circuit
Pin Input Power

List of Figures
Sr. No. Particulars PN
3.1 Pressing Handle 07
3.2 Rectification 8

3.3 Generator 9
3.4 Bridge Rectifier 10
3.5 Voltage Rectifier 10

3.6 Capacitor 10
3.7 Socket 11
4.1 Total Deformation 12
4.2 Equivalent Stress 13
6.1 Gear 19
6.2 Gear Train 19

7.1 Gear Anatomy 22

8.1 Circuit Diagram 27
8.2 Gear Arrangement 27

List of Tables
Sr. No. Particulars PN
5.1 Relation between input and output speed 14
5.2 Speed VS Current 16
8.1 Cost Estimation 28

Portable Mobile Charger

Chapter 01
1.1 Overview:

Mobile phone is our means to remain connected. While the phones have progressively got more
powerful processors and large touch screen interfaces, their power requirement has increased
correspondingly. Unfortunately, battery technology has not been growing at a comparable pace.
Hence, there is a need to frequently charge the batteries. While travelling, people face a common
problem of charging electronic appliances. Our solution to this problem is mechanical based
portable mobile charger.

In our day to day life we come across problem regarding mobile charging. Where ever we go we
seek for charging socket. As power banks are available in the market, however they compensate
the problem of charging for limited time.
Mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of batteries has always been a
problem. The mobile phone vary in their talk time and battery standby according to their
manufacturer and batteries. All these phones irrespective of their manufacturer and batteries
have to be put to recharge after the battery has drained out.
Mechanical hand crank mobile charger is a device that utilizes mechanical energy, converts it
into electrical energy and charges the mobile. It doesn't require any electrical source. Also by
going for this alternative source of energy we can reduce the human footprint on Earth as we are
using human effort instead of conventional electricity. We have used a gear train and
intermediate gears for transformation of mechanical energy from hand crank to generator..

This project is about the emergency charging. The charger works on the principal of DC motor
being used as a generator converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. But since the
voltage required by a phone is 5V a voltage regulator IC 7805 is used to get the desired output
voltage from the DC motor.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SSGMCE, Page 1

Portable Mobile Charger

1.2 Background and significance of mobile charging :

Cell phones have become an extremely popular device in the entire world and it is easy to say
they are part of our daily lives. In the year 2010 there was an estimate of over 4.6 billion cell
phones worldwide and the number has been growing by more than a billion ever since; this
translates to more than half the world’s population. Both the developed and the developing
world countries are buying more cell phones, but it is in developing countries where the cell
phone growth stays the strongest. However, cell phones need electric sources to charge their
batteries in order to work, but there are people in developing and third world countries that find
it hard to access electric sources.

It’s the year 2020. It’s a secret to no one that we live in an era where social media and the
devices that connect us to them are all the rage. People have become very tech-savvy and
internet-reliant. Information can easily be Googled within seconds using smart phones. And who
doesn’t have a smart phone these days? The temptation for business owners, therefore, is to
invest in social media marketing.

And while it’s not at all unreasonable to consider strengthening the online presence of your
brand, there is a business rule of thumb that should never be forgotten. Nothing beats the
traditional phone call. There is no substitute for connecting one live human to another. During
real live conversations, consumers are able to ask questions, have them answered and develop
genuine connections with their callers.

So for continuous working of your cellphone, it must be charged all the time. Since the mobile
phone companies are coming with more long battery life, this problem of charging cellphones is
somewhat seems to be unimportant until the battery get drained out. If we are at home, office
and places where we can connect to charging then there is no problem. But what if we are not at
nearby the charging socket. We are stucked at hilly region, flood situation or at a place where we
can’t connect to charging. Now you need an urgent call but battery is fully lost. In this condition
our EMEGENCY MOBILE CHARGER may work and help to do call. This device helps us to
get out of the problem of mobile charging and save us in a critical situation.
1.3 Objectives:
 To do charging in remote areas.

 To make charger portable.

 To do charging when there is no electricity is available.

 To make sure we have sufficient of energy(charging) in emergency case, to help us in a

critical situation.

1.4 Scope of the work:

 We must all conserve energy and use it efficiently. It's also up to those who will create
the new energy technologies of the future.

 All energy sources have an impact on the environment. Concerns about the greenhouse
effect and global warming, air pollution, and energy security have led to increasing
interest and more development in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind,
geothermal, wave power and hydrogen.

 Battery life is more as high voltages are not developed and there will be no chances of

 Versatility of Emergency mobile charger is high.

1.5 Organization Of Project

With ever increasing demand for energy, man has left no stone unturned in his search for the
same. Many methods of extracting energy have been experimented with and the best is done to
develop them. There are so many possible energy sources available for doing that. Such as: solar,
wind, water, static, mechanical etc. These types of energy sources are not suitable for all
situations. Some has distinctive advantages over others and some has disadvantages also. At
present, scientists and manufacturers are still trying to improve and meet our ongoing energy
demands for portable electronic devices. Of all the thus experimented methods of extraction,
generation of electrical energy from mechanical energy proved to be the most efficient. It’s the
easiest way to generate power. For mechanical part gear, pulley, lever system etc can be used.
But among them, gear system or gear box train system is easiest way to generate power in less
space. Using hand crank to wind up the gear box is most common way. This mechanism is used
back in the past to generate short amount of power in old telephone, gramophone and old radio.
In World War II, this wind up mechanism was extensively used in searchlights, sirens, radio
communications etc. Still, this mechanism is very useful now-a-days. We have explored other
methods and finally landed up with this solution: Portable hand crank mobile charger. In general
cell phone battery requires 3.6 - 5 volts dc and 180 - 700 mA current for charging. Since we are
using a 6volt dc motor as generator in reverse we will be getting the desired output easily.
Portable Mobile Charger

In this project we studied different research works related to the Mobile phone
charging, different electronic components, various principles and law related to the gear and
motors. also we learned different types of software witch is helpful for our project. To get
maximum output and for better efficiency we studied basic of each and every electronic
In this project there are different types of electronics components are use like rectifier,
capacitor, voltage regulator IC, resistance etc. Orher than electronics components the DC
generator, pressing handle (with specified design) are used in this project.

[1] Kalyani U. Chafle, B. M. Faruk, R. S. Shrivas, and N.S.Sawarkar introduced the concept
of “Coin Based Mobile Charger on Solar Energy” for mobile charging in rural as well as semi
urban areas.By studying this paper we got an idea about the mobile charging without electricity
and mobile charger. also we found that many people face charging problem specially the people
at village as there is lack of electricity. So by considering this problem we start to implement our
idea in such condition.

[2] Jitendra Sharma, Kavita Jain and 4 others developed “ Wireless Mobile Charger Circuit
using Inductive Coupling” we concluded that capacitor can be use for our project instate of
battery to store the charges and to improve the overall efficiency.

[3] M.Fareq, M. Fitra, M. Irwanto, Syafruddin.HS, N. Gomesh, Farrah. S, M. Rozailan

described and demonstrated that inductive coupling could be used to deliver power wirelessly
from a source coil to a load coil and charge a mobile phone.By studying this experiment we
concluded that rectifier circuit can be use for converting fluctuating (AC) current to the constant
(DC) current.

[4] Puranam Revanth Kumar discussed the concept of “ Wireless Mobile Charger Using
Inductive Coupling”. We come to the conclusion that the 7805 (i.e. voltage regulator IC) can be
used for obtaining constant voltage up to 5V.
[5] Ram Kumar Kunjam , Prakash Kumar Sen analysed and modified Spur Gear design.
By using the paper the calculation and the characteristic of spur gears are carried out.

[6] R S Khurmi and J K Gupta described in book “Theory of Machines” that speed can be
increased by using Compound gear train.By referring the R S Khurmi and J K Gupta
book“Theory of Machines” we concluded that speed can be increased by using Compound gear
To make an emergency mobile charger which will charge the mobile in rural areas without
electricity,we have certain methodology.t is a simple emergency mobile charger which Works
without electricity. It is operated by hand & hence it has two benefits, mobile charging &
exercise of arms. In remote areas, we face the problem of mobile charging,In such cases we can
use this charger.During flood situation, when there is no electricity, it can be Used to charge the

Fig 3.1 Pressing Handle

Portable Mobile Charger

1)What is Rectification?
Now this is the most popular application of the diode: rectification. Simply defined, rectification
is the conversion of alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). This involves a device that
only allows one-way flow of electric charge. As we have know, this is exactly what a
semiconductor diode does. The simplest kind of rectifier circuit is the half-wave rectifier. It only
allows one half of an AC waveform to pass through to the load. (Figure below)

M. Fareq, M. Fitra, M. Irwanto, Syafruddin.HS, N. Gomesh, Farrah. S, M. Rozailan use this

phenomenon of rectification in their research for converting the AC supply into DC supply for
charging the device.

n 2)Capacitor and Capacitance:
The capacitor is a component which has the ability or “capacity” to store energy in the form of
an electrical charge producing a potential difference (Static Voltage) across its plates, much like
a small rechargeable battery.

Capacitance is the electrical property of a capacitor and is the measure of a capacitors ability to
store an electrical charge onto its two plates with the unit of capacitance being the Farad
(abbreviated to F) named after the British physicist Michael Faraday.

Capacitance is defined as being that a capacitor has the capacitance of One Farad when a charge
of One Coulomb is stored on the plates by a voltage of One volt. Note that capacitance, C is
always positive in value and has no negative units. However, the Farad is a very large unit of
measurement to use on its own so sub-multiples of the Farad are generally used such as micro-
farads, nano-farads and pico-farads. Jitendra Sharma, Kavita Jain and 4 others uses the capacitor
in their research for storing the charges.
3) Voltage Regulator IC:
It is the electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage of a power source within
acceptable limits. The voltage regulator is needed to keep voltages within the prescribed range
that can be tolerated by the electrical equipment using that voltage. In this project we use 7805
voltage regulator IC. Because this IC maintain the voltage up to 5V as we required the output of
5V for mobile phone charging. Purnam revanth kumar uses two types of voltage regulator IC in
his project i.e. 7805 and 7821.

4) DC Generator:
In this project we use DC motor as a DC genrator.The dc generator converts the mechanical
energy into electrical dc supply. In a DC generator, field coils produce an electromagnetic field
and the armature conductors are rotated into the field. Thus, an electromagnetically induced emf
is generated in the armature conductors. The direction of induced current is given by Fleming's
right hand rule.

3.1 Components:
 Pressing Handle
 Cover
 Gear Mechanism
 Electric Circuit

Electric circuit include

1) Generator

Fig.3.2 Generator
2)Bridge Rectifier

Fig.3.3 Bridge Rectifier

3)Voltage Regulator

Fig.3.4 Voltage Rectifier


Fig.3.5 Capacitor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SSGMCE, Page 10

3.2 Method:
When we press the handle, then mechanical power is transmitted to the generator through the
gear mechanism, which is used to transmit the power. Here we are using compound gear train
and Spur gears. The mechanical power coming from the gear mechanism is given to the
generator which converts mechanical energy into electrical Energy according to Faraday’s
law.This electrical energy is in AC form. The rectifier converts the AC Current into DC current.
In this project we are using Bridge Rectifier.This DC current is fed to voltage regulator, which
maintain the Constant voltage level to the output which is 5v. Input should Be 2v-2.5v more
than the output.
In this project, we are using IC 7805 as a voltage regulator. This constant 5v DC current is
given to the capacitor which stores The electricity in electric field. In this project we are using
two Capacitors each at the input and output of the voltage regulator.When the load (mobile) is
attached to the charger then, this stored Electrical energy is given to the load through the socket
and the Mobile gets charged.
Portable Mobile Charger


4.1 Analysis of the product

Fig.4.1 Total deformation

Fig.4.2 Equivalent stress
Portable Mobile Charger

5.1 Experimental Procedure:

Our project design and specifications based on the experiment. In experiment we try to rotate
motor with the help of mechanical means.For this experiment,we needed a DC motor (12V ,250
rpm) ,Voltmeter and Ammeter and pulley to rotate motor.We setup a platform on which motor is
mounted and it is able to rotate with the help of hand.We then rotated motor and took out
various readings and conclude further results.

Equipment's and Specifications:

 2 DC motor of 12V each.
 Speed (rpm) - 250
 Ammeter
 Voltmeter
 Cycle wheel


25 395
50 790
75 1185
100 1580
150 2370

Table 5.1 Relation between input and output speed

Portable Mobile Charger


Fig.5.1 Graph for input and output speed

From above data ,relation between input speed and output speed is shown. And data shows that
relation between input speed and output speed is almost linear.
Portable Mobile Charger

Data for Speed(rpm) and current (mA) is given below

Speed (RPM) Current (mA)
300 610
203 413
154 402
147 392
107 310
50 220

Table 5.2 Speed Vs Current

5.3 Graph for Speed and Current is

Fig.5.2 Graph Speed Vs Current

Portable Mobile Charger

From the above analysis , we can see that when the load (torque) on the motor is constant, speed
is directly proportional to supply voltage. And, when the voltage remains constant, an increase
in the load (torque) on the motor results in a decrease in speed.
If a motor is running at a certain speed with a constant torque and the load increases, the current
will increase and so also the torque to maintain the same speed.

Even though with increase in speed ,current increases but it is not possible to gain more current
by increasing speed. The motor expected to generate current within limit of 300 mA to 400 mA.

This project is done in a way of electro-mechanical combination. So there is two part of design
procedure one is mechanical and another one is electrical. Here is the thorough description of
the procedure.

Block Diagram:
6.1 Gear details
Total no. of Gears used = 6
One of them is driver gear another one is driven gear and other three of them are intermediate
Driver gear
This gear is attached with the hand crank which is to be rotated by hand.
No. of teeth of driver gear = 48
Intermediate Gear
These gears are set in between the driver and driven gears.
No. of gears = 6
No of teeth in first gear=48/22
No. of teeth in second gear=48/18
No. of teeth in third gear =38/14
Here 12/35 means the upper part (shown on image) has 14 teeth and the lower part has
38 teeth.

Fig.6.1 Gear Fig.6.2 Gear Train

Driven gear
Fig.2 and Fig.3 shows the gears which are fixed with the dc motor shaft which will be used as
small generator.
No. of teeth of driven gear = 48

Gear Train
In the gear train the gears are arranged in such a manner that they can be run efficiently.

Gear Ratio
The gear ratio can be calculated directly from the numbers of teeth on the gears in the gear train.
The torque ratio of the gear train, also known as its mechanical advantage, is determined by the
gear ratio. The speed ratio and mechanical advantage are defined so they yield the same number
in an ideal linkage.
Gear ratio= (no. of teeth of gear A / no. of teeth of gear B)
According to this formula the gear ratio of the whole gear train is calculated step by step below

1. Gear ratio of driver gear and one intermediate gear= 48/22=2.18

2. Gear ratio among two compound gears=48/18 =2.67
3. Gear ratio among two compound gears =38/14 =2.71
Therefore, for one full rotation of the hand crank the revolution of the shaft of the motor(which
is used as small generator) will be = 2.18× 2.67 × 2.71 = 15.8(approx.) =16.times. i.e. nearly 16
times the motor shaft will rotate if the hand crank is fully rotated once. Now, this will help in
calculating the rpm of the motor. If the hand crank fully is rotated 20 times per minutes then the
rpm of the motor will be = 20 × 16 = 320

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SSGMCE, Page 20

6.2 Generators Frequency Calculation Frequency
When the number of stator poles and the rotational speed of rotor are known the frequency
of ac generator can be calculated by using the formula given below
f  (P* N) / 60
f=the frequency of generator in hertz,
P=the no.of pair of stator poles,
N=rotational speed of rotor in rpm(revolution per minute),
60=the formula constant that converts rpm(in minutes) into hertz(in second)

According to this formula the motor used in this project has the following frequency:
f=(2 × 320)/ 60 = 10.67
P=2(as the generator has 4 poles),
N=320 rpm
Now let's check the calculation with theoretical overview If the hand crank is cranked 20
times per minutes then according to the formula given below :
Teeth(A) × Speed(A)= Teeth(B) × Speed(B)
Therefore we have,
The gear ratio= Teeth(A) ÷ Teeth(B)= Speed(B) ÷ Speed(A)
We know,
rpm  (120f)/p
Where, f = frequency of generator,
p = no. of poles
In this project, f = 10.67 Hz
p = 4 Therefore,
rpm=(120 × 10.67)/4 =319.8 (approx.)
As we have assumed we will crank the hand at 20 times per minute. So,
Gear Ratio = 319.8/20 = 15.99 = 16(approx.)
So our gear ratio is 16:1 which we have calculated before.
Portable Mobile Charger


Fig.7.1 Gear Anatomy

Gear No 1:
Gear No 1: teeth = 48
No Of Teeth(N) = 48
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m* N/2
= 2*48/2= 48mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=48+2= 50mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=48-1.25*2= 45.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*50= 47mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N *1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm
Portable Mobile Charger

Gear No 2
Gear No 2: teeth = 14
No Of Teeth(N) = 28
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m*N/2
= 2*14/2= 14mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=14+2= 16mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=14-1.25*2= 12.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*14= 13.16mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N * 1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm

Gear NO 3
Gear No 3: teeth = 22
No Of Teeth(N) = 22
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m*N/2
= 2*22/2= 22mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=22+2= 24mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=22-1.25*2= 19.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*22= 20.68mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N * 1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm
Gear NO 4
Gear No 1: teeth = 48
No Of Teeth(N) = 48
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m*N/2
= 2*48/2= 48mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=48+2= 50mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=48-1.25*2= 45.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*50= 47mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N * 1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm

Gear NO 5:
Gear No 1: teeth = 18
No Of Teeth(N) = 18
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m*N/2
= 2*18/2= 18mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=18+2= 20mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=18-1.25*2= 15.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*18= 16.92mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N * 1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm
Gear NO 6:
Gear No 1: teeth = 38
No Of Teeth(N) = 38
MODULE(m) = 2mm
Pitch Circle Radius (Rp) = m*N/2
= 2*38/2= 38mm
Addendum Circle Radius Ra = Rp +m=38+2= 40mm
Deddendum Circle Radius Rd = Rp-1.25m=38-1.25*2= 35.50mm
Clearance Circle Radius Rb = 0.94*Rp=0.94*38= 35.72mm
Fillet Radius(Rf) = 0.39*m= 0.39*2= 0.78mm
Angle = 90/N * 1deg= 90/48= 1.875mm
Portable Mobile Charger

The maximum output voltage observed at the output port (USB hub port/ jack
port) is 5 dc The input ac voltage to the bridge rectifier is approximately 7.5 v which is reduced
to 5v by the voltage regulator LM7805. The Voltage regulator requires input voltage 2v to 2.5v
greater than the constant voltage i.e.5v.
In IC 7805 voltage regulator ,lots of energy is exhausted in the form of heat.The
difference in the value of input voltage and the output voltage comes as heat.So,if the difference
between the input voltage and the output voltage is high,there will be more heat generation.
Difference between input and output voltage should be less to maintain least power wastage.
There is a heat sink used reduce the heat produced at the regulator. Without it the regulation will
lose its efficiency

Heat generated in the circuit= (input voltage-5V)*output current

let us calculate the output power,
Output power of the charging circuit is :
Pout  Out * Iout(Max) = (5 × 380mA) W = 1.9 W
Then the input power is,
Pin  Vin * Iin (Max) = (7.5v × 400 mA) W = 2.8 W

Input Speed of the motor is 250 rpm and the gear ratio of the mechanical system is 16. Hence
when the crank rotate at suppose 100 rpm it converts into 16*100 rpm.

From the Experiment , the Motor can generate current about 300mA to 400mA.

Fig.8.1 Circuit Diagram

After studying the mobile circuit,the step down transformer is used in the circuit.Transformer 9-
0-9 is used.This transformer convert the the input voltage into the 9 V.

The gear ratio is 16.

Fig.8.2 Gear Arrangement

Portable Mobile Charger

Cost Estimation:
Sr no Name of equitpment Quantity Cost Of Equipment
1 Motor 12 DC 1 150
2 Bridge Rectifier 1 15
3 Capacitor-1000uf 1 10
4 Capacitor-0.1uf 1 5
5 Voltage Regulator 1 20
6 Connecting Wire 100
7 PVC gear 7 600
8 Mechanical set up 300
9 Casing 400
10 Transportation Cost 500
11 USB Port 1 25
12 Heat Sink 1 10

Table 8.1 Cost Estimation

Total cost of the project will be = Rs 2130

As the max output voltage of the charger is 5 v , so it is good to rotate gently the hand crank at
an approx speed 100 times per minute to produce the required voltage because the regulator
reduces the voltage in 5 v. So, to minimize the stress on the muscles it should be cranked well
but not more than 180 times per minutes. The casing used in this charger to setup its equipment
is not good one as it is made of thin plain sheets. The used crank also not attached to the gear
train firmly, so there us a chance of getting no outputs sometimes. If the fault is ignored
somehow the charging device will nothing but the human power which is many times lost idly
in doing nothing. The efficiency of the charger is good enough to provide charge to a 1300 mAh
Li-ion battery within a few moments. It takes few minutes to get some charge for the battery of
cell phone. The device which is a portable charger will be cost effective if it is made in the
factory for business purpose.
Portable Mobile Charger



We have studied all possible alternative energy sources that can be used in
emergency situations and finally wind up(hand crank) mechanism is the best option to generate
voltage instantly and quite easily.Furthermore, the gear box train allows us to generate short
amount of power through cranking. It is compact and rigid system, thus allows more portability.
We used a small dc generator as a generator in reverse operation. It’s operational efficiency
about 80 percent of its input, but through more cranking we can generate more sufficient voltage
than required voltage. We constructed a device that can instantly generate power. But our device,
based on gear train system is quite bulky, less portable and performs poorly to charge up the
latest smart phones.
We expected that the output voltage would be enough to charge up a simple Li-
ion battery which has less current rating used in usual cell phones, we have succeeded in
charging up such cell phone which has current rating less than the smart phones. We can achieve
the success over the less current production by using a motor (which is used as generator) of
better current rating. The mechanical set up we used in our device is not made according to the
requirement as the device to be made small but it is still efficient of giving a good output for
charging up cell phones. The goal we had set at the beginning of the project finally we have
reached almost near to with some short comings.

This project can contribute to the people who face the problems regarding
the mobile battery discharge.Now-a-days due to the vast use of mobiles,it is necessary to make
sure,the mobile is not discharged.Even-though mobile is provided with greater battery back
up but still we have chances of mobile getting switched off. Hence for the people who need to
inform someone or just to make a call they need at least quite amount of charging.For such
purpose,we have introduced a product that is portable mobile charger.

Portable mobile charger can instantly charge the mobiles.They are not like some
device that would charge it completely,but instead it will charge the mobile for particular limit.
The product is not work on electricity hence to the remote area where electricity is a big
issue,our product will be essential.
We also have considered the people who are struck in the nature calamity,floods. They
cannot contact the people unless their mobile is charged. Hence particularly for them the
portable mobile charger is the right option.
The trekkers have the journey pretty long. And they wont find any type of chargers in the
hills. So ,if they carry our product with themselves, they can easily charge their mobile with
respect to their need. As they cannot charge mobile completely that’s why with respect to their
need the portable charger can be helpful.

Scope For Future Work:

In this paper a novel method of charging mobile batteries of different
manufacturers using human power that is from (mechanical to electrical )has been designed for
travelers, rural and remote areas where the current supply is not available all the time. This
paper is very useful in today’s life because now days the necessity of communication is very
important. Portable (Human Power)mobile charger is very useful when we are going for long
travel. Future work focuses on decreasing the size of Geared DC Generator and to increase the
efficiency. This mobile charger is better than normal mobile charger because it has more

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SSGMCE, Page 30

Chapter 10

[1]. Kalyani U. Chafle, B. M. Faruk, R. S. Shrivas, and N.S.Sawarkar introduced the concept of
“ Coin Based Mobile Charger on Solar Energy” for mobile charging in rural as well as semi
urban areas.

[2]. Jitendra Sharma, Kavita Jain and 4 others developed “ Wireless Mobile Charger Circuit
using Inductive Coupling.

[3]. M.Fareq, M. Fitra, M. Irwanto, Syafruddin.HS, N. Gomesh, Farrah. S, M. Rozailan

described and demonstrated that inductive coupling could be used to deliver power wirelessly
from a source coil to a load coil and charge a mobile phone.

[4]. Puranam Revanth Kumar discussed the concept of “ Wireless Mobile Charger Using
Inductive Coupling”.

[5]. Ram Kumar Kunjam , Prakash Kumar Sen analysed and modified Spur Gear design.

[6]. R S Khurmi and J K Gupta described in book “ Theory of Machines ” that speed can be
increased by using Compound gear train.

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