Educ 7-Sandiego

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Assessment of Learning 1

Let us check the ideas you have acquired about the purposes of assessing
student learning in the classroom; identify and formulating learning targets; and
matching appropriate assessment methods with identified learning targets.

1. What are the different purposes of assessing students’ learning in the

The different purposes of assessing student’s learning in the
classroom may be classified in terms of the following: 1. Assessment of
Learning, 2. Assessment for Learning and 3. Assessment as
Learning. The specific purpose of an assessment depends on the
teacher’s objective in collecting and evaluating assessment data from

2. Why is classroom assessment important in the teaching-learning process?

It is important because assessment serves as the mechanism by
which teachers are able to determine whether instruction worked in
facilitating the learning of the students. It is also used to gather relevant
information about student performance or progress or to determine
student interests to make judgements about the learning process.

3. What is the difference between instructional objectives and learning

When teachers rely on instructional objectives, their energy is
spent trying to get students to meet the instructional  objective, while
students expend energy trying to comply with what the teacher says. In
contrast, learning targets help teachers and students forge a learning
partnership in the classroom.
4. Why is it important that learning targets and assessment tasks/activities are
It is very important that assessment is aligned with instruction
and the identified learning outcomes for learners. What will be taught
and how it will be taught are important are as knowing what we want
from the very start in determining the specific purpose and strategy for
assessment. For that assessment works best when its purpose is clear.

To know if you acquired the information you need to learn in this lesson kindly complete
Tables 2.6 and 2.7.

Table 2.6. General Purpose of Classroom Assessment

Assessment of Assessment for Assessment as
Learning Learning Learning
What Generally summative in It is formative in nature. It is formative in nature.
Why To determine learners To identify the needs of To help learners become
acquired knowledge and learners in order to modify self-regulated and make
skills whether they were instruction or learning adjustments to achieve
able to achieve the activities in the classroom the curriculum outcomes
curriculum outcomes. so that, students can be
assisted in achieving
curriculum outcomes.
When typically at the end of a During the instructional During the instructional
project, unit, course, process. process
semester, program, or
school year.

Table 2.7. Relation between Educational Goals, Standards, Objectives, and Learning
Goals Standards Objectives Learning
Description General Specific Specific Statement of
statements about statements about statements of student
desired learner what learners learner performance for a
outcomes in a should know and performance at relatively
given year or are capable of the end of an restricted type of
during the doing at a instructional unit. learning outcome
duration of a particular subject, in a single lesson
program. grade level, and or a few days.
Sample “I am interested “My fascination “At the end of the “I can
Statements game theory, with research will lesson in writing differentiate
mechanism provide me with literature review, between
design, and the necessary I should be able instructional
behavioral ambition to to demonstrate objectives and
economics, and succeed in by ability to write learning targets”.
would like to Harvard’s the literature
explore these program, while review section of
and other my extensive a thesis
economic fields coursework and proposal”.
in graduate field preparation
school”. will provide me
with the
necessary skills
to succeed in

Now, check the syllabus of this course and select any single lesson that interests
you. If applicable, select a lesson that should be completed in a day or week based on
the schedule indicated in the syllabus.
Complete the learning targets task by supplying the required information in the table

Title of lesson: Different Classifications of Assessment

Objective/Learnin Types of
g Outcome Lesson Content Learning Sample Learning Targets
Related to the Targets
Lesson Content
At the end of the Different Classifications of I can…
lesson, the students Assessment
should be able to
illustrate scenarios in A. Kinds of assessment Knowledg explain and identify the kinds
the use of different e of assessment.
classifications of
assessment. argue the necessary
B. Procedure on how to procedures that are
conduct the assessment Reasoning appropriate in conducting the

organize all the possible

purposes of conducting
C. The purpose of assessment from various
assessment Skills sources.

D. differentiation of speed write an effective test or

from power test and norm Product assessment using the speed
reference from criterion and power test. And own
reference test example/ test of norm
reference and criterion
reference test.
Now select a specific lesson for a subject area and grade level that you think you should
be able to teach and handle when you are already a teacher in a school. Using the
DepEd Curriculum Guide for the subject, create an assessment plan for student
learning by formulating learning targets and proposing specific assessment tasks or
activities to measure the identified learning targets. Use table 2.9 for this task.

Table 2.9. Assessment Plan

Subject English 9
Specific Lesson Use of Modals
 students will be able to define what modal is
 students will be able to explain what is the use of
Learning Outcome/s/
modals in a sentence
Instructional Objectives
 at the end of the lesson, student will be able to
construct a sentence using modals
Learning Targets Knowledge targets, Skills targets and Products targets
Students will be asked to sing a song of Kelly Clarkson
Assessment Task/ Activity “Because of You” and they will identify the modals that
use in the song.
To measure learners’ performance or achievement for
Why use of this
the purposes of making judgement in particular. Also, to
assessment task/activity
know if the learners have met the intended learning
How does this assessment This assessment will help to me to identify the weakness
task/activity help you of the students so it can allow me to improve my
improve your instruction instruction and focus on their specific learning needs.
How this assessment
This activity is motivating and engaging to the students.
task/activity help your
They will actively participate and enjoy the lesson while
learners achieve the
learning. This task will really help for my learners
intended learning
achieve the intended learning outcomes.
1. Examine the learning target/s you have developed. Are you satisfied with
Yes. I’m satisfied with the learning targets I developed.

2. Is there something you want to change or improve in the learning target/s?

For now, I think none. The learning targets I learned and develop is
comprehensible and they are easy to follow.

3. What type of learning targets did you use in your learning targets? Why?
Knowledge, Skills and Products. Because it is same to the learning
objectives which is head, hand and heart.

4. What was your basis in selecting the assessment method to measure the
learning targets? Why?
The types and the roles of this assessment in teaching-learning process.
Because it will help me to create a successful assessment plan.

5. How did the task in Table 9 help you understand assessment of learning?
It organizes the process of making assessment of learning. It helps me to
apply the learnings that I got and allow me to explore and create my own
assessment plan.

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