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College of Business Administration and Accountancy


A premier educational institution of higher learning, developing globally-competitive and value-laden professionals and leaders instrumental to G - God-loving
community development and nation building. E - Excellence
N - Nationalism
MISSION E - Environment Friendly
As an institution of higher learning, PnC is committed to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to achieve R - Responsible
their professional goals and provide leadership and service for national development. O - Orderliness
U - Unity
PnC Graduate Attributes S - Service to Others
1. Professional Competence
2. Communication Skills
3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
4. Lifelong Learning Skills
5. Interpersonal Skills
6. Productivity
7. Social and Ethical Responsibility

Degree Program Educational Objectives

1. Assume supervisory and/or managerial responsibilities within their organization
2. Pursue graduate studies in business and management
3. Advance their practice in the field of business.

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Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Degree Student Outcomes
1. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
2. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production and operations management, information technology, and strategic management) and
employ these concepts in various business situations.
3. Select the proper decision making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results
4. Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written forms.
5. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment
6. Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the workplace
7. Plan and implement business related activities
8. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility
9. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
10. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction.
11. Prepare operational plans
12. Innovate business ideas based on emerging industry.
13. Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability
14. Conduct business research

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Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
1. Course Title Operations Management and TQM 3. Course Code CBA 101
2. Credit units/Hours per
3 units/ 3 hours per week 4. Course Prerequisite NONE
This course focuses on managing complex management system and processes to produce and distribute products and services efficiently and effectively thru the various TQM
frameworks, concepts and quality improvement tools necessary for implementing the quality culture that characterizes world-class organization of the 21 st century. It will introduce
5. Course Description concepts around the ISO standards for performance excellence and explore the key actions necessary for transforming government and non-governmental organizations into world-
class organizations that deliver ever-improving value to their customers, clients and constituents. It emphasizes on the interplay between financial effects of quality operations to
financial performance.

6. Course Intended At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the role of operations management and discuss the key challenges posed in operations management.
(CILO) 2. Assess the importance of design quality through measurement and improvement techniques.
3. Integrate aspects of materials purchasing and supplier relationships into operations planning
4. To apply the concepts of products and operations management in pursuing career in entrepreneurship.

In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan:

Week Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks (AT)

1 Discussion of PnC Mission Vision

Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes
Course Orientation and Policies
2-3 Introduction to Operations Management CILO 1 Instructor Storytelling- Instructor illustrates Backchannel Discussion-
a concept, idea or principle with real-life While the instructor
application, model or case study presents, students use
digital devices to engage
in a chat-room style
conversation projected

Course Title Date Effective Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommended by Approved by
Operations 1st Semester Page 3 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Week Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks (AT)

alongside the instructor.

Students ask questions,
make comments and
share relevant


4-5 Competitiveness, Strategy and Productivity CILO 2 Socratic Questioning- The instructor Experiential Learning
replaces lecture by peppering students with Exercise (observation
questions, always asking the next question about operations in fast
in a way that guides the conversation food industry)
toward a learning outcome that was desired
from the beginning Quiz

7-8 Product and Service Design CILO 3 Discussion Row- Students take turns sitting Blender- Students
in a front row that can earn extra credit as silently write a definition
individual when they volunteer to answer or brainstorm an idea for
questions posed in class. several minutes. Then
they form into groups
Company Tour and two of them read
their ideas and integrate
elements from each.


9-11 Supply Chain Management CILO 3 Picture Prompt – Show students an image Focused Listings –
Course Title Date Effective Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommended by Approved by
Operations 1st Semester Page 4 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Week Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks (AT)

with no explanation, and ask them to Students list several

identify / explain it, and justify their answer. ideas related to the main
focus point. Helpful for
starting new topics such
a brainstorm.

12 Midterm Exam Week
13 Managing Quality CILO 4 Truth statements- either to introduce a topic Pass the Problem-
or check comprehension, ask individuals to Divide students into
list out “it is true that” statements on the groups. Give the first
topic being discussed. The ensuing group a case or a
discussion might illustrate problem and ask them to
identify (and write down)
the first step in solving
the problem or analyzing
the case (3 minutes)


14-15 Intro. To Total Quality Management CILO 5 Video Demonstration- using a webcam, What’s the Principle –
record a demonstration relevant to the topic After recognizing the
problem, students
assess what principle to
apply in order to solve it.


Course Title Date Effective Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommended by Approved by
Operations 1st Semester Page 5 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Week Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks (AT)

16-17 Focusing on Customers CILO 6 Truth statements- either to introduce a topic Pass the Problem-
or check comprehension, ask individuals to Divide students into
list out “it is true that” statements on the groups. Give the first
topic being discussed. The ensuing group a case or a
discussion might illustrate problem and ask them to
identify (and write down)
the first step in solving
the problem or analyzing
the case (3 minutes)


18 Final Exam Week

8. Textbook Stevenson, Sum. (2016) Production and Operations Management: Mc Graw Hill

Stevenson, Sum (2016) Operations Management: Mc Graw Hill

9. Suggested Readings and References Reid, Dan R. And Sanders Nada R. Operations Management: An Integrated Approach 4th Edition International Student Version, 2015 Wiley and Sons
Martinez, Esdras T. Production Management 3rd Edition 2000 Conanan Educational Supply
Howard, Johan Methods for Total Quality Management 2012 Koro Press
Online Content
10. Course Assessment CILO
As evidence of attaining the above CILO, the student has to do and submit the following:

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Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Assessment Activity Description and other details
Prelim Documented Interview on its
operations of selected fast food

Midterm Design blueprint on selected

service business

Finals Case analysis on Total Quality

Prelims a. Introduction to
Operations Management
b. Competitiveness,
Strategy and Productivity
Midterm c. Product and Service
d. Supply Chain
Finals e. Quality Management
f. Intro. To Total Quality
g. Focusing on Customers
Project on Total Quality Scope of Work including
Management a. Managing Quality
b. Total Quality Managment

11. Grading System
The final grade in this course will be composed of the following items and their weights in the final grade computation

Assessment Item Grade Source Percentage

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Operations 1st Semester Page 7 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Term Examination -50%
Prelim Grade Attendance – 5% 30%
Participation – 5%
Others – 20%
Term Examination -50%
Midterm Grade Attendance – 5% 30%
Participation – 5%
Others – 20%
Term Examination -50%
Final Grade Attendance – 5% 40%
Participation – 5%
Others – 20%
Passing: 60%

12. Course Policies Class Attendance

As per CHED policy on attendance, a student who misses a maximum of 20% of the total contact hours will be given a grade of failure due to absences.
Academic Dishonesty – is a deliberate attempt to misrepresent, fabricate or otherwise tamper with data, information, records, or any other material that is relevant to the
student’s participation in any course, laboratory, or other academic exercise or function. These may include but may not be limited to:
a. Falsification, forgery, alteration, unauthorized possession, or misuse of school official documents, records, or identification, or knowingly furnishing false
information to the university or to a university official.
b. Unauthorized accessing of electronic information of the university and securing, soliciting, and holding a copy of an examination or a portion thereof, that is
yet to be administered
c. Plagiarism or copyright infringement
Submission of Course Requirements
Course requirements must be submitted on-time.

Course Cluster Chairman:Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy

13. Committee Members
Course Title Date Effective Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommended by Approved by
Operations 1st Semester Page 8 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia
Member: Prof. Herbel Endencia

14. Consultation Hours

4:00-5:00 Pm, M-Th ,
2:30-5:00 Pm, T-F
8:00-10:00 Am, W

Course Title Date Effective Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommended by Approved by
Operations 1st Semester Page 9 of 9
Management and AY 2019-2020 Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy Prof. Remedios J. Bucal Prof. Filipina E. Manuel
TQM Program Head Dean, College
Ma. Herbel Endencia

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