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Supervised by

Submitted to King Khalid University in fulfilment of the

requirements for the Bachelor's Degree in Information System.

Academic Year 2020-

2021/1442 (Semester I)
Chapter Two: Background Material

Therefore, websites are considered to be the means

of talking that are used by people and they are on
the search engine and can be used through a
mobile phone or electronic devices. The site
includes text and pictures in addition to the
possibility of linking them to other pages. So our
project is about

Because of the development in the science of technology over these years and its great association in our daily
life, people have become very familiar with the importance of this technology in many important fields, whether
it is related to health, financial, commercial, or transportation issues.

One of the most important areas and topics that are spreading widely in our time is to facilitate the tasks of
people using new technologies and concepts related to technology. There are several systems that are currently in
operation, but if they are replaced by systems that adopt modern technologies in a smart manner, their work and
performance become more effective. What is meant by smart method is to rely completely on the communication
of devices together and reduce the effort and human thinking in carrying out this task.

One of the most widespread technologies in the field of human comfort and the conduct of websites and custom
applications in smart phones also recently became the most requested thing is the maps available from Google.

The Digital website is a place where tailors are gathered in order to make it easier for the customer to get a
suitable tailor, but in our current time there are many tailors and you do not know the skill of each of them, so
you go to the search engine to find the right tailor, but there are many options and you will find that your
confusion has increased or You find a tailor suitable, but you do not have time, so what we aim for him is to
provide a website that gathers the tailors in one place and reviews their work and helps some to market himself
well through customer opinions and also through which a person can find the right seamstress to sew his design
The private person deals with him via the website and shipped to him wherever he was, and we also know that
the opinions of people in our present time differ from one person to another, and the clothes have become a
fashion that the person wants to show himself through, so he wants a special design, but he does not find it, so
the second goal of the project is to make it design for himself or He chooses the design and fabric he like and
can find the right tailor without effort and save time.


The historical backdrop of innovation is the historical backdrop of development of instruments and procedures
and is like different sides of history. The term began from the Greek word echne which infers workmanship and
claim to fame. It was first used to portray applied expressions yet now it is utilized to depict the progression and
changes around us. It begins with the start of life on earth, and goes until the establishing of early present day
innovations, for example, PC and atomic force. The period of innovation began when wheel was developed
which is one of the most significant innovation and after it, an ever increasing number of things were designed.

Bit by bit various things began to be concocted yet the fundamental time of innovation and creation came in the
18 century when modern transformation began and machines got designed and different kinds of improvement
and creation began. The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain, and huge numbers of the mechanical
advancements were of British root. By the mid-eighteenth century Britain was the world's driving business
country, controlling a worldwide exchanging realm with settlements North America and Africa, and with some
political effect. through the activities of the East India Company, the advancement of exchange and the ascent of
business were significant reasons for the Industrial Revolution.

New data has enabled people to make new things, and then again, numerous logical undertakings are made
conceivable by advancements that help people in venturing out to places they couldn't beforehand reach, and by
logical instruments by which we study nature in more detail than our normal faculties permit.

In the event that we think back to the mid 20 Century, there was no entrance of the web and it was hard for
individuals to speak with one another and had issues in their organizations yet with the development of the web,
individuals could have eye to eye discussion by means of Skype, Facebook, live streaming, and so forth and now
individuals could have web based financial which has finished numerous issues for finance managers.

As all the more existing advancements are stacked onto one another and formed into something more
noteworthy, buyers and organizations the same can hope to see more open doors with future innovation.
Innovation will be quicker, can achieve more and all that will turn out to be more smoothed out to make
completing work, simpler.
Google Maps is a web arranging organization made by Google. It offers satellite symbolism, elevated
photography, road maps, 360° intuitive all-encompassing perspectives on roads (Street View), Google Maps
started as a work area program. In October 2004, the organization was obtained by Google, which changed over
it into a web application. After extra acquisitions of a geospatial information representation organization and a
real-time traffic analyzer.
he time of advancement started when the wheel was created which is one of the most noteworthy developments
and after it, a regularly expanding number of things were planned. A tiny bit at a time different things started to
be prepared at this point the principal season of development and creation came in the 18 century when the
advanced change started and machines got planned and various types of progress and creation started. Any
individual who has ever endeavored to make a piece of clothing rapidly comprehends that the most significant
component of the last item is the way well an article of clothing fits. Fitting is the specialty of planning, fitting,
creating, and completing articles of clothing. "Tailor", which initially shows up in the Oxford Dictionary in
1297, originates from a French wor — tailler—signifying "to cut". The Latin word for tailor was sartor, which
means somebody who fixes or repairs pieces of clothing; the English word "style", for something identified
with custom-made articles of clothing, is gotten from this word. The specialty of fitting dates to the early
Middle Ages. Probably the most punctual tailors were material armorers by profession, which means they made
specially, cushioned cloth articles of clothing that were worn under networking mail to shield the wearer from
the scraping related with hefty covering. From this occupation, the most punctual tailors societies were
conceived in Europe. Fitting started to expand in Western Europe, between the twelfth and fourteenth hundreds
of years. During the Renaissance, the conventional free robes worn by both genders started to be abbreviated,
assembled, fixed and sewn together in shapes that fairly looked like the real human casing. Preceding this,
garments was not bought; everything was made in the home, which implied that the individuals who had more
ability with needle and string were well on top of things when that individual style started to develop. When
individuals started to want apparel in specific styles, for various body types, or in novel examples, the interest
for gifted tailors created. The simple truth that tailors existed at all uncovers that perspectives about attire were
evolving. Garments were presently more than necessities; they were a path for individuals to communicate,
venture their status, and hotshot what they viewed as their best highlights. At the end of the day, the rise of
tailors is confirmation that style was creating as an idea.[1]

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