Wear Progress and Mechanisms in High Temperature Sieves

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Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53

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Engineering Failure Analysis

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Wear progress and mechanisms in high temperature sieves

M. Varga a,⁎, L. Widder a, M. Griesinger b, K. Adam b, E. Badisch a
AC2T research GmbH, Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2C, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
voestalpine Stahl GmbH, voestalpine-Straße 3, 4020 Linz, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sieves for high temperature (HT) environment are necessary for screening of iron oxide sinter in
Received 10 October 2014 steel industry. Sinter is produced at temperatures of ~1000 °C, crushed and screened for usage as
Received in revised form 18 June 2015 raw material in blast furnaces. To determine the critical cause that leads to sieve cavity widening
Accepted 21 July 2015
and subsequent productivity loss of the steel plant, a comprehensive damage analysis was
Available online 29 July 2015
undertaken. Sieves are equipped with plates covered by a hypereutectic hardfacing for wear
protection. Cavities are cut by oxygen plasma cutting. Long-term wear investigation was done
Keywords: using replica samples taken from cavities after defined time intervals during the sieve's lifetime.
High temperature
Thereby differences in wear progress due to asymmetric material flow, position and alignment of
cavities were studied. Additional temperature measurements were conducted via thermography
Wear of the sieve while in operation to identify service temperatures. Furthermore cross-sectional and
Tribology microscopic analyses were carried out after end-of-life of the sieve to investigate wear mechanisms
and microstructural changes.
It was found that plasma cutting of the sieve cavities leads to a wide range of cavity widths.
Continuous investigation of wear progress showed that the first interval resulted in significant
blunting of edges. After this period of running-in, the ongoing wear loss at the edges became
less pronounced. Significant wear was found descending up to 1.5 mm in depth along the cavity
sidewalls. Furthermore, large break-outs could occur at any time due to cracks in the microstructure
and fatigue. Nevertheless, blunting and cavity widening limited the lifetime of the sieve. Wear losses
were more distinct on top of the sieve at the beginning of the sinter flow. No significant influence of
the angle of the cavity positions in respect to the material flow was found. Cross-sections showed
microstructural changes due to the thermal cutting process. Microstructure changed from hard
hypereutectic structure to softer hypoeutectic microstructure, which is less wear resistant.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Sieves are necessary components within many industrial applications to separate material fractions of varying size. A special
application are sieves for high temperature (HT) use, e.g. for processing of iron ores. This work will concentrate on HT sieves used
for screening of hot iron oxide sinter within the pig iron production chain. Sinter is produced by the Dwight-Lloyd process [1] at
temperatures in the range of roughly 1000 °C. The sinter is then broken by a crusher to obtain particles usable in the blast furnace.
The fine fraction needs to be screened by the HT sieve and is subsequently returned and recycled to the sinter process, while still at
high temperatures (Fig. 1). As the sieve cavities wear out, the fraction of returned material increases leading to a decline of productivity
of the sinter process. Hence, wear resistance and geometrical stability of the sieve cavities are essential for excellent productivity and
reduced requirements on HT sieve maintenance.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: varga@ac2t.at (M. Varga).

1350-6307/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53 47

Fig. 1. Schematic of HT sinter sieve.

Edge stability and blunting, respectively, are scarcely investigated in literature, especially at elevated temperatures. High temper-
ature abrasive and erosive wear are investigated in more detail [2–4]. It is well known that temperature has a crucial influence on
present wear mechanisms and wear loss. Critical temperatures for cost efficient Fe-based materials are in the range of around
500 °C [5–7]. For highly loaded surfaces, hardfacing is a common wear protection, especially in HT environment. There is a wide
range of possible solutions although, mostly Fe-based alloys are preferred due to significantly lower costs than Ni- or Co-based
[7,8]. In abrasive environment, carbide-rich hardfacings show beneficial behaviour [2,8–10]. For HT applications, high amounts of
HT strength stabilizing elements like W or Mo are added. Nevertheless, temperature limits for these high alloyed Fe-based hardfacings
are mostly in the temperature range of 700-800 °C, because of matrix softening and tungsten carbide oxidation [4,7,11]. Hence, it is of
high importance to know exact process parameters, especially temperatures, present in the wear zone to identify wear mechanisms
and subsequently make an optimal choice in material selection. Furthermore, wear evolution over time is particularly important when
dealing with highly loaded edges and blunting, since blunting may cause essential loss in operability [12].
The aim of this study is to characterize the wear progress of the HT sieve in use during its lifetime operation. Additionally, a detailed
failure analysis will be carried out after application. In order to choose optimal materials for this application, wear mechanisms need to
be identified and a wear progress model will be suggested.

2. Experimental

2.1. Field data acquisition

In order to gain information about real temperatures within the sinter, sieve temperature measurements were carried out. Thereto
two methods were applied: a) thermal imaging of the hot sinter material and the sinter sieve applied from the top and b) temperature
measurement of sieve elements by thermocouples from the bottom.
Thermal imaging was carried out with a FLIR SC7600 single-wavelength infrared camera, with a filter for 300 °C - 1500 °C measure-
ment range. Frame rate was set to 100 Hz to capture the fast sieving process in more detail. Images were taken from a maintenance
door on top of the sieve with normal view on the flowing sinter from ~2 m distance. It has to be mentioned that results may be affected
by the large amount of dust in the HT sieve nevertheless, temperature distribution of the sinter over a time period can be captured.

Fig. 2. Wear observed in real application by replica method: a) general view of replicas taken from the sieves; b) shape of one replica after being removed (bottom side
up); c) cross-section of the replica revealing the sieve cavity's profile.
48 M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53

To obtain information about the temperature of the sieve plates, thermocouples (Type K, 6 mm) were mounted on the bottom of
the sieves and measured over a period of three days to obtain average temperatures of the sieve plates. Temperature values were ac-
quired every 30 s.

2.2. Characterization of wear progress during field operation

For a better understanding of the wear progress in the field application, replica samples of the sieve cavities were taken at certain
intervals of operation. The development of wear of the HT sieve was monitored over a long-term period, around one year. Samples
were obtained at all scheduled maintenance times (seven intervals) of the sinter sieve for cleaning purposes. For replica samples,
the vinylpolysilioxane precision impression material Provil® -Novo Light Regular was purchased from Heraeus (Kulzer LLC, South
Bend, IN, USA). This material was applied through a Mixpac® dispensing gun 2, DS 50 1:1/2:1 of Heraeus Kulzer.
To obtain complete reproductions, the sieve cavities were entirely covered by the moulding compound, which reached into several
millimetres of depth, as exemplified in Fig. 2a, b. Cross-sections of the replica samples were prepared to measure the width of the sieve
cavities by means of optical microscopy in the middle of the sample. The extent of the cavities was then analysed every 0.5 mm from
the surface down to a depth of 2.5 mm, which is depicted in Fig. 2c. Preliminary measurements revealed that maximum wear occurred
in the middle of the cavity length, hence subsequent analysis and wear comparison were done at this position. For each maintenance
time, the exact same positions of the sieve cavities were analysed and the difference to the original geometry calculated. Based on the
attained measurements the wear evolution of each sieve cavity inspected could be created.
The investigated HT sieve consists of three rows of sieve plates containing sieve cavities in fishbone structure, realised by oxygen
plasma cutting, a thermal cutting process. Altogether, eleven sieve cavities which are well distributed over the entire sieve surface
were taken into account. The positions were defined in the field before the first use of the sinter sieve and selected as to examine
certain possible differences in the wear phenomena distributed over the sieve surface. The distribution of material loss over the entire
sieve length as well as the dependency of sieve cavity angles and symmetry influences were investigated.

2.3. Material and failure analysis of worn sieve

Currently in use for the HT sieves is a hypereutectic hardfacing on Cr-steel substrate. It consists of 5 wt.% C and 21 wt.% Cr with
additions of Mo and Nb for HT strength and oxidation resistance. Achievable hardness according to the datasheet is 800 HV and ap-
plication temperature is up to 750 °C [13]. In today's large scale productions, the type of hardfacing employed is open arc welding
upon a heat resistant substrate.
To identify wear mechanisms and material degradation after field use, samples were cut from different parts of the sieve and
metallographic cross-sections were made in the laboratory. After macro-documentation, samples were embedded, ground, polished
and etched (picric acid) for microstructural analysis. Optical light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM—Zeiss® Supra
40) supported with an EDAX® energy dispersive X-ray analyser (EDX) were used for microstructural analysis. Particular attention
was paid to near surface defects and microstructure in the vicinity of the sieve cavity edges. Furthermore, the influence of the cutting
technique on hardness in surface regions was investigated by micro-hardness measurements (Future-Tech FM-700). Additionally, hot
hardness tests of the hardfacing after usage were done with a special test device developed at AC2T research GmbH [14] which allows
hardness measurements up to 1000 °C. Hardness measurements were done according to Vickers method with an applied load of
10 kg (HV10) at RT, 100, 300, 500, 700 and 800 °C. By means of hot hardness testing, useful information about material degradation
at HT can be gained which is an important parameter for wear at elevated temperatures.

Fig. 3. Thermal investigations: a) thermography of sinter flow; b) thermocouple measurement of sieve plate temperature on the bottom.
M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53 49

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Thermal loading in field use

The thermal imaging of the sieve process reveals details on temperature distribution over time and place. Fig. 3a shows a section of
the centre sieve on the left side row. The image reveals average temperatures of the sinter in the range of 150-200 °C, with some
chunks possessing significantly higher temperatures. Especially, bigger sized particles have much higher temperatures, as they
have higher heat capacity. During the transport to the sieve, the cooling process starts at the particle's surface which leads to relatively
low measured surface temperatures. But if sinter agglomerate breaks apart, the hot inner core will come in contact with the sieve sur-
face. Nevertheless, on the left of Fig. 3a the sieve surface without sinter on top can be seen, showing ~150 °C at this unloaded position.
To gain knowledge about the sieve temperature in the highly loaded centre of the sieve, thermocouples were mounted on the
bottom of the sieves. The temperature recorded for one day is depicted in Fig. 3b for the centre of the sieve. Average temperatures
on the bottom of the sieve plates are much lower than the recorded maximum sinter temperatures.
From the temperature measurements it can be concluded that local contact temperatures in the range of 500–600 °C can be
expected as a result of large broken sinter conglomerates contacting the surface with their newly broken hot surface, whereas average
temperatures are in the range of 200–300 °C. This temperature can be expected to be below critical conditions of HT wear protective
alloys. Thus, no microstructural changes are expected due to thermal ageing [2,4].

3.2. Microstructure and hardness

An overview and detail of the microstructure of the hardfacing as seen in optical microscopy are given in Fig. 4. The microstructure
shows a hypereutectic matrix with large primary Cr-carbides up to 100 μm length (Fig. 4b). Furthermore, many undissolved
FeCr-phases can be detected, which are added as reservoir for Cr distribution during the welding process. If they do not get dissolved
and subsequently form Cr-carbides during welding, FeCr-phases will appear as some hundred μm round hard phases. These particles
are very brittle, which results in many cracks and fissures within the ferrochrome, as seen in the cross-sections (Fig. 4b, left). The
hardfacing also shows cracks due to stress release which appear during cooling after welding deposition (Fig. 4a). Nevertheless,
this microstructure is typical for wear protection coatings deposited via welding in large scale production with high cooling rates [15].
The hardness gradient over temperature of the alloy is given in Fig. 5. The as delivered sample before field use is compared to a
sample acquired from a sieve plate after being in use. Due to the inhomogeneous microstructure of the alloy generally high
standard deviation is present. Nevertheless, it can be said that the as delivered alloy shows slightly higher hardness by a margin
of ~50–100 HV10. Hardness gradually drops with increasing temperature from ~900 HV10 at ambient conditions to ~400 HV10 at
800 °C. In the average operation temperature range of the sieve hardness decrease is just ~150 HV10 compared to ambient resulting
in ~700 HV10 at 300 °C for the field sample.

3.3. Wear progress and dependence of position

Several different mechanisms of wear progress of the sieve cavities could be observed. Based on the original curvature of the edges,
different running-in phenomena occurred followed by moderate wear loss although, some large break-outs may occur in any time.
Fig. 6 shows examples of the different mechanisms found on cross-sections of the replicas. Different colours show the wear progress
over time, where black stands for the original curvature and brown after permanent use for ~1 year.

Fig. 4. Cross-section of hardfacing: a) overview including FeCr-particles and relief crack; b) detail of FeCr particle with surrounding.
50 M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53

Fig. 5. Hot hardness of as delivered alloy compared to sample after field usage.

3.3.1. Running-in effects

The sieve cavities were processed by oxygen plasma cutting with one single stroke from the substrate side. The formed bur due to
cutting on the sieve's surface (hardfacing side) is removed by angle grinders. Plasma cutting entails various sharp and rounded shapes
of the cavities right after the production process. Different edge shapes are due to inhomogeneities in thickness and composition of the
hardfacing, as well as the subsequent cleaning process using angle grinders. Furthermore, it has to be mentioned that the desired
cavity width is mostly exceeded already in as-delivered sieves due to these inaccurate manufacturing techniques. Nevertheless,
due to economic reasons thermal cutting is preferred.

Fig. 6. Evolution of wear loss at sieve cavities: a) rapid running in wear loss; b) moderate wear loss; c) break-out at later stage; d) quantitative cavity width change
(same position as c).
M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53 51

For very small edge radii (Fig. 6a), i.e. close to rectangular edge profiles extensive wear was observed in the first weeks of field use.
This means that in most cases sharp edges were worn within the first observation interval. As major fragments were abraded, the edge
radii got increased and a round shape is formed. After this rather excessive initial wear, following measurements only exhibited minor
wear progress, for the now rounded sieve cavity edges.
Different wear behaviours appeared for sieve cavities with curved edges (Fig. 6b) after the sieve cavity production process. Blunt
edges are not intended by the manufacturing process, but the use of angle grinders for bur removal entailed curved edges in many
cases. After first usage in field application, no significant running-in wear was observed for round shaped edges. Subsequently, the
sinter sieves were monitored during the entire period and only minor amounts of wear were observed along with slight changes of
the edge radii. This can be explained by the specific load per area: the sharp edges must bear high specific load and wear fast while
at round shaped edges the specific load is less.

3.3.2. Longterm wear progress

Generally, operation of the sinter sieve resulted in the widening of the sieve cavities (Fig. 6d) by up to 4–4.5 mm in width at the
surface. Substantial wear on the cavity side walls occurred only up to a depth of around 1.5 mm. Beneath this limit, a few samples also
revealed additional minor wear appearance whereas most specimens did not show wear occurrences at all within corresponding
depth domains. Hence, the minimal cavity width, responsible for returned material, was mostly in the range of 1-1.5 mm depth
and it widens ~0.5 mm within the lifetime of the sieve. Yet, the starting width is uncertain due to the cutting process.
An additional wear phenomenon could be identified for some sieve cavities possible at any time: sudden break-outs of hardfacing
material occurred while monitoring the sinter sieve wear process (Fig. 6c). These break-out particles were several millimetres in size
and possibly will be situated on the surface of the sieve cavity edges or inside the cavities on the side walls. The incident of such
break-outs could occur after several months of operation and was certainly not a running-in effect. These break-outs lead to signifi-
cantly increasing cavity widths, as shown in Fig. 6d. Albeit such break-outs locally allow large particles to pass through sieve cavities,
the sieve's lifetime is limited by the gradual wear loss widening the cavities and resulting in increased amount of returned sinter,
which decreases overall productivity of the plant.

3.3.3. Influence of sieve positions on wear progress

Wear behaviour in correlation with the total length of the sinter sieve was measured on sieve cavity edges in the centre of the sieve
at several positions from the top of the sinter flow to the bottom. At the top of the sieve, the sieve cavities showed larger widening and
the sieve cavities' width on the surface extended over 3.5 mm. Additionally, significant wear on the sidewalls inside the cavities could
be observed down to a depth of 1.5 mm. Sieve cavities in the middle and bottom of the sieve exhibited significantly lower wear below
0.5 mm depth as well as less blunting and wear were observed at the surface edges of these cavities. Results show a distinct contrast in
wear progress depending on the distance sinter materials have covered over their course across the surface of the sinter sieve. It can be
concluded that most of the material were screened already at the top of the sieve which entails to higher wear at this position. Edges of
bottom sieve cavities downstream in the sinter flow come in contact with sinter material only during the later stage and hence, ex-
perience less abrasive contact.
Sieve cavities positioned with two opposing angles (schematic view in Fig. 2a) were measured in the centre of the sieve. Both
cavities exhibited similar initial surface diameters and widened by 1.5–2 mm, respectively. One of the cavities showed no measurable
wear below 1 mm of depth whereas the other showed minor wear down to 2.5 mm of depth. Due to limited variation in wear
progress, no characteristic distinction between both opposing sieve cavity angles could be made.
Several replica samples were taken at the top of the sieve to investigate differences in wear behaviour depending on the sieve
cavity's position on the left or right side with respect to the central sinter flow. Initial values for probed sieve cavities were substan-
tially wider at the left side caused by deviations in the production process. Following the end of the investigation period, the sieve

Fig. 7. Cross-section of sieve cavity: a) blunted edge and side wall of sieve cavity; b) detail of hypoeutectic zone; c) SEM and EDX analysis of sieve edge, the line indicates
the position of hardness measurement for Fig. 8.
52 M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53

Table 1
EDX-analysis of affected microstructure according Fig. 7c.

[wt.%] C N Si Nb Mo V Cr Mn Fe

Area 1 2.8 2.2 0.9 3.3 4.4 0.9 17.7 1.1 Balance
Area 2 2.8 1.8 0.2 0.5 1.9 0.2 5.7 0.1 Balance

cavity on the left side got extended by 2 mm on the surface whereas the minimal distance increased by roughly 1 mm. Due to intensive
wear throughout the first operational interval, increasing the cavity's width by 1.5 mm on the right side (Fig. 6d), the sieve cavity
width expanded by ~3 mm during the entire monitoring phase. On the sidewalls, a break-out of rather large particles occurred in a
depth of 1 to 2.5 mm, while the gap widened by around 1 mm in lower regions. Overall, no significant differences in wear behaviour
between left and right side could be noticed. It can be assumed that the sinter flow is almost symmetrically distributed over the
entire sieve.

3.4. Damage behaviour & discussion

The sieve process is driven by the flow of HT sinter material and externally generated vibration of the sieve. This leads to abrasion
where the sinter is sliding over the surface and also an impact component due to the vibration. It was found that the abrasion of the
sieve surface is negligible, compared to wear at the cavity edges, as no loss in hardfacing thickness could be measured. Significant wear
loss on the top surface could not be detected, while the cavity width changes significantly down to a depth of ~2 mm during field use.
Hence, the blunting and fatigue of the edges at the cavities are of major importance. Thereto, cross-sections of these heavily loaded
zones after usage were prepared. One sidewall of a cavity is visible in Fig. 7a. The blunting of the edge is obvious with the minimal
cavity width positioned at ~1.5 mm depth from the surface. On the sidewall of the cavity, a zone of ~0.5 mm shows clearly different
microstructures with large pores in the range of some hundred μm. These pores can be attributed to the thermal cutting process,
which leads to local melting and formation of pores. Furthermore, the microstructure is significantly altered by the cutting process.
It changes from a carbide-rich hypereutectic microstructure to a hypoeutectic microstructure in the vicinity of the cutting edge
(see detail Fig. 7b and SEM of pore therein Fig. 7c). The cutting process is applied from the backside of the sieve, i.e. from the substrate
side. Oxygen plasma cutting is operated at very high temperatures and hence, locally melts the components. This leads to melting of
the substrate first, followed by melting of the hardfacing, while in liquid phase the two materials get intermixed. The analysis by SEM
and EDX shows the presence of a local alloy containing less percentage of alloying elements than the hardfacing. The analysis (Fig. 7c,
Table 1) of the local alloy shows that the Cr and V contents were reduced to one-third and Mo content was halved compared to the
original hardfacing. This results in a hypoeutectic alloy with less hard phases.
Fig. 8 shows the hardness progression from the sieve cavity in the direction of the unaffected hardfacing, the position of the
hardness row is indicated in Fig. 7c. A significant hardness drop of up to 400–500 HV1 was measured due to the cutting process
which extends up to 1 mm depth. It can be assumed that this also entails lower abrasive wear resistance at the cutting edge
compared to the hardfacing. Hence, the cutting process with the huge input of thermal energy is disadvantageous for the edge
stability. At the edges and walls of the cavity where wear resistance is especially needed, the wear resistance of the alloy is locally
impaired by the cutting process.
In Fig. 7a, also a FeCr phase is present on the surface. This already shows some break-outs and massive cracking. When loaded, the
phase show brittle break-outs and wear out very fast. Hence, it can be concluded that the welding procedure was not optimal for the
deposition of the hardfacing, as many undissolved FeCr-particles are still present in the alloy. This leads to the assumption that very
homogeneously deposited hardfacings result in beneficial wear resistance.

Fig. 8. Micro-hardness measurement from thermal cut wall to the unaffected hardfacing.
M. Varga et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 61 (2016) 46–53 53

4. Conclusions

A comprehensive damage analysis of a sieve for high temperature sinter screening was undertaken. Data acquisition in field,
long-term wear progress observation and damage analysis after usage were done.

• Average temperatures of 200–300 °C are present in the application, although local temperatures can reach over 600 °C where large
sinter chunks contact the sieve surface.
• The sieve was protected with an open-arc welded hypereutectic hardfacing; sieve cavities were realised by oxygen plasma cutting
• The hardfacing has a very inhomogeneous microstructure with many brittle undissolved FeCr particles and relief cracks.
• Blunting of the edges and widening of the sieve cavities determine the lifetime of the sieve. Running-in wear in the first weeks of
usage is higher, followed by moderate wear loss due to erosion and fatigue. Larger break-outs can occur at any time due to the
inhomogeneous microstructure of the hardfacing.
• The thermal cutting process impairs the wear resistance of the cavity edges because local alloying of the hardfacing entails
hypoeutectic microstructure with many pores.

To improve edge stability, a wear resistant microstructure which is not impaired by the cutting process is necessary. Hence, future
work will focus on development of wear- and especially blunting-resistant hardfacings, as well as improved deposition and cutting
techniques. Furthermore, the optimisation of sieve cavity position and geometry, as well of the required number of cavities distributed
over the entire sieve plates may lead to economical savings due to reduced production costs.


The present work was carried out in the “Excellence Centre of Tribology”, Wiener Neustadt, Austria in the frame of Austrian COMET
Programme (Project K2, XTribology, 824187/849109). The authors would also like to thank voestalpine Stahl GmbH and Castolin
GmbH for active research cooperation, Arpad Török for microscopical analysis and Saranya Azhaarudeen for English language edition.


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