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Dr. Marites U. Sy

Name: RAGUDO, MARK ANTHONY Subject code: EDUC 312

Course: PhD Educational Management

August 30, 2020

Direction: Answer the following questions according to your principles as a Public School
Principal: Deadline of this task will be August 30, 2020 (Sunday) at 12 HN.

Student complaint: A student has written a letter of complaint about his teacher who is not
conducting his classes for consecutive meetings, had all his classmates signed it, and taken it to
the principal. What will you do as a Principal?
As the school head I have to receive their complaint. Listening to both sides is very important
and it is the first thing to do. As the school head I have to listen to both parties/sides. I have to
talk to the complainant/complainants first to hear their side regarding their concern. Then after
listening to their statements, write down or record the specifics of the complainant. I have to
keep the written documentation for future basis. In a separate dialogue, I have to consult the
teacher involved to explain his side about the complaint I have received in my office. Let the
teacher explain his side. You have to record again the statement of the teacher to be used for
future purposes. As the school head, I have also to investigate and weigh in the situation. If the
teacher has proven not attending his class without valid reason, I will impose disciplinary action.
Parent complaint: The school has received a written complaint from a parent about the actions
of Mr. Higgins (a teacher). It states that while on playground duty, Mr. Higgins separated two
students who were fighting. Mr. Higgins allegedly swore at this parent's child as he took the
students to a corner of the playground to resolve the issue. The student was verbally abusive to
Mr. Higgins. What will you do as a Principal?
As the school head, I have to remain calm and make the complainant feel that I value their
presence in my office. I have to receive their complaints and ask the statement of the child
involved. Record the statement of the child if it will jive later on to the statement of the teacher
and the other child involved. In a separate interview, I have to hear also the side of the teacher
and the other child involved in the fight. As the school head I have to investigate and get the very
root of the story. The other child may serve as a witness if the teacher really swore the parents of
the former child involved and if the child also verbally abusive to Mr. Higgins. Since it is just an
allegation. So as the school head I have to see to it and prove if such allegation is true or not.
Then after weighing all the statements and evidences, I have to call for a conference and explain
both sides the decision I have made.
Multi-complaint: While waiting to pick up her child on a Friday afternoon, a parent was
smoking in her car. The grounds person asked her to not smoke within the school grounds and
the discussion that evolved included much swearing and abuse. Each party has complained to the
principal about being abused by the other. Each story is different and each wants some form of
action against the other party. What will you do as a Principal?
For proper and fair procedure of the complaints since my employee is involved, as the school
head I have to entertain both parties separately to hear their statements. I have to record every
detail and keep a copy of it. I have to refer to the school policy that smoking strictly prohibited
within the school ground. I have to consult legal bases and DepEd Order as references to resolve
such conflict. I have to investigate since it is stated there that each story is different. I have to
make a decision and acknowledge errors made by both parties. If possible as the school head my
goal is to settle them. If it is not solved/resolved at the school level and the complainants are not
happy or satisfied with the result, as the principal I have to endorse to the higher authorities for
appropriate action.

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