Assignment 2 Andrea Correccion

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1. Find seven countries in this word snake. (Encuentra siete países en esta
culebra de palabras)

1. …Brazil X
2. China

3. Italy

4. Japan

5. Spain

the USA
7. Britain

2. Underline the correct words. (Subraya las palabras correctas)

1. How are you / you are?
2. I’m / I’re fine, thanks.
3. You not are / aren’t in Lima.
4. We’re / We’s from Spain.
5. Where am I / I am?
6. A. Are you OK?
B. No, I not am / I’m not.
7. A. Are you a student?
B. Yes, I’m / I am.
8. A. Are you from China?
B. No, we am not / aren’t.
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
(Coloca las palabras en el orden correcto para hacer oraciones y

a) student / am / I / a d) OK / are / you /?

…I am a student Are you OK??
b) teachers / aren’t / we e) you / are / how / ?
we aren`t teachers how are you?
c) the / from / I’m / USA / not f) London / we / in / are /?
I`m not from the USA We are in London?


4. Read the short answers and make questions. (Lee las respuestas cortas
y haz preguntas)
 ………………………
Yes, he is. He’s in Bogota.

En la respuesta corta tenemos: “Sí, él es. Él está en Bogotá”. Por lo tanto,

las preguntas podrían ser:
Is he from Colombian? = ¿És él de Colombia?
Is he Colombian? = ¿És él colombiano?
Como tenemos dos preguntas, escogemos una:
 Is he from Colombia?
Yes, he is. He’s in Bogota.

 Is she an Cheff .?
X rpta: Is she a chef?
No, she isn’t. She’s a teacher.
 Is this a peach?
No, it isn’t. It’s an egg.
 Are we 30 years old….?
No, we’re not. We’re 25 years old.
 They are in Japan ?
X rpta: Are they in China?
Yes, they are. They’re in Beijing.

5. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. (Completa la

conversación con las palabras del cuadro)

and thanks hello

I’m is my nice
thank good too

MIA: 1) good morning. 2) my name is Mia.

SEBASTIAN: Hello, 3) I`m Sebastian.

MIA: 4) nice to meet you Sebastian.

SEBASTIAN: Nice to meet you, 5) thanks

X rpta:5. too
MIA: Oh, Jose! This 6) and Sebastian from Mexico.
X rpta: 6. is
JOSE: 7) Hello Sebastian. How are you?

SEBASTIAN: I’m fine. 8) and you. 9 nice thank you?

JOSE: I’m good. 10) thank..

X rpta: 8. Thank 9. And 10.

6. Underline the correct words in the conversations. Look at the time!

(Subraya las palabras correctas en las conversaciones. ¡Mira la hora!)


ANA: Good evening / afternoon. How are you today?

SARA: I’m fine / nice, thanks. And you/ are you ?
ANA: I’m nice / OK, thanks.


LUIS: Good evening / night, Pepe.

PEPE: Hi, Luis. She / This is my friend Katy.
LUIS: Hi, Katy. How you are / are you ?
KATY: I’m good. Thank / Thanks you. Nice to meet / meet you.
LUIS: Nice to meet you, too. Good evening / night .

7. Read the following text and answer the questions. (Lee el siguiente texto
y responde las preguntas)

Hi. My name’s Kurt Adler. I’m from Hamburg, in Germany. I’m a student in Warsaw,
in Poland. My teacher is from the UK. My friends aren’t from Germany or Poland.
Lia is from China and Agnessa is Russian. Ana and Lucas are from Peru.

 Kurt is from: Germany A. Poland. B. Germany.

 He’s a: Student A. teacher. B. student.
 The teacher:UK A. is British. B. isn’t British.
 The friends: Poland A. aren’t German. B. are German.
X 

Lia is: China
Agnessa is from: Russian
A. Japanese.
A. Peru
B. Chinese.
B. Russia

8. Now,
TENÍAS QUE write a A
O Btext about you. Use Kurt’s text to help you. (Ahora,
escribe un texto corto sobre ti. Usa el texto de Kurt como ayuda)

Hi My name is Andrea Gutierrez. I`m from Caracas, in Venezuela. I’m work in

bank Azteca, My teacher is from Peru. My friends aren`t from Venezuelan or
Peruvian. David in from Peru and Cesar is Venezuelan, Diana and Tessy are

Hi, my name is Andrea Gutierrez. I’m from Caracas in Venezuela. I

work at Azteca Bank. My teacher is from Peru. My friends are from
Venezuela and Peru. David, Diana and Tessy are from Peru and
Cesar is Venezuelan.

Fecha de entrega: hasta el lunes 10 a las 10 a.m.

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