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2017 PSLE Science Suggested Answers

Q1 1 Q8 3 Q15 4 Q22 4
Q2 2 Q9 2 Q16 4 Q23 3
Q3 1 Q10 2 Q17 1 Q24 4
Q4 3 Q11 3 Q18 4 Q25 3
Q5 2 Q12 2 Q19 2 Q26 4
Q6 3 Q13 2 Q20 3 Q27 3
Q7 2 Q14 3 Q21 2 Q28 3

Qn Answer
29a The seed leaf provides/stores food for the baby plant/seedling.
The seed leaf provides food for the seeds to germinate.
The seed leaf provides food for the young plants until its true leaf appear.

NOT accepted:
Provide food for seed [seed is not growing, it does not need food]
Store food for the seed to survive
Stores food for the plant [“plant” does not specify the stage. Adult plant does not need food
from seed leaves]
29bi The young of Fish T has stored food

29bii The young of Fish W has [COMPARISON – comparative words are needed]
- larger fins /more well-developed body parts
- a more streamlined body
- longer tail
- more fins
- can escape from its predator
[Must have both points to get 1 mark]

29biii The eggs are hidden from the predator.

Predator cannot find the eggs.
The small opening of the cave prevent predator from entering.
The mother fish only needs to guard the entrance of the cave from predator /defend in one
direction against predators
The cave protects the eggs from the harsh environment

30ai When the temperature increases from 30°C to 35°C, the number of bacteria M increases but
when the temperature increases from 35°C to 45°C, the number of bacteria M deceases.

30aii “Based on the information given” – PROVIDE EVIDENCE FROM TABLE.

The temperature of the small intestine of 37oC was within the range of 35oC – 40oC where the
bacteria reproduced the fastest.


The bacteria grows fastest at 35oC. The temperature of the small intestine at 37oC is near 35oC,
the bacteria reproduce quickly.

30b Not all bacteria M is killed at 100°C/ by cooking. [1]

Bacteria M reproduced at 30°C, very quickly after a few hours.[1]

31 Insect L feeds on the pollen grain of plant D. (1)

Since plant D is near to plant E (where insect B feeds on), insect L will feed on insect B.(1)

32a Nucleus

32bi Pollination is the process where pollen grains are transferred to the stigma

32bii Ovule

32c Characteristics/Traits/Genes/Genetic information from the red flower has been passed down
through the seeds to the young plants.

33a Air is breathed in through the nose and transported to the lungs through windpipe.
(2) Oxygen in air is taken in and absorbed into the blood at the lungs during gas exchange
Blood rich in oxygen is transported to the legs when the heart pumps the blood around the

33b Less blood goes to the small intestine so absorption of (digested food) is less.

34a Stem Leaves

Roots Flowers

34bi What is photosynthesis?

[Conditions] – light, water, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll/chloroplast
[Products] – food/glucose/sugar and/or oxygen

Photosynthesis is a process where carbon dioxide and water is used to produce sugar and
oxygen in the presence of light and chlorophyll.

34bii When the food carrying tube is damaged, no/less food from the leaves will be transported to
the roots. The roots die and cannot absorb water for the leaves to make food.
When the water carrying tube is damaged, the water absorbed by roots cannot be transported
to the leaves for photosynthesis. No/less food from the leaves will be transported to the roots.

34c During the day, temperature is higher, so the stomata closes to reduce water loss.(1)
(2) At night, when the temperature is lower, the stomata opens to take in carbon dioxide and
stored it for use during photosynthesis.(1)

35a The metal lid gained heat from the hot water faster/more than the glass jar. [need to give the
direction of heat transfer]
The metal lid expands more than the glass jar.

[NOTE]: Both glass jar and metal lid gains heat, not just the metal lid!

35b 1st point

(2) Glass is a poor conductor of heat or
The outer surface of the glass (in contact with the hot water) gains heat faster than the inner
surface of the glass.

2nd point
The outer surface of the glass expanded more than the inner surface of the glass.
OR The glass cracked due to the uneven expansion

36a Evaporation takes place at any/different/all temperature but boiling takes place at fixed
temperature /boiling point.
Evaporation of water takes place at any/different/all temperature but boiling takes place at

36b Water from the banana evaporated into water vapour.

(2) The water vapour touched the cooler surface of the lid, lost heat and condensed into water

37a Iron / steel / cobalt / nickel

37b Any 2 out of 4

(2) - No more space/area on the electromagnet for the paper clips to be attracted
- The magnetic strength from one more battery may not strong enough to attract another
paper clip
- The maximum magnetic strength could have been reached with three batteries such that
the addition of the fourth battery does not increase the magnetic strength any more.
- The fourth battery added could be flat.

38a When the mass increases/decreases, the extension of Spring P increases/decreases

38b The pin acts as a pointer to allow the length of the spring to be measured accurately.

38c Gravitational potential energy [due to increase in height]

Kinetic energy [started moving]

[NOTE] There is NO elastic potential energy on metal disc. Elastic potential energy is
possessed only by stretch / compressed spring/elastic bands

38d 1st point.
(2) The metal disc will move upwards a shorter distance (1m)
2nd point
For the same mass removed, Q reduced its length less than P (0.5m).
Q was more stiff (0.5m) .

[NOTE] Part (d) is is asking you to compare the difference if one plate is removed using
spring Q compared to Spring P. It is not asking you to compare the swinging as seen in part

39a Shorter time (1m)

(2) Gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the block moves down the
As the plank is shorter, less kinetic energy is converted to heat energy and sound00 due to
friction force between block and the plank (1m).


Shorter time (1m)

As the plank is shorter, it is steeper. A ll gravitational potential energy has to be converted to
kinetic energy faster (1m) OR the rate of conversion of GPE to KE is faster, so the block moves
faster. (1m)

39bi M

39bii 1st point (1/2)

Mass of the wooden block

2nd point (1/2)

Start and end point / distance travelled by the block

[NOTE] Material of the plank must NOT be the same as it is the changed variable!

40a Insulator of electricity, non-conductor of electricity

40b 1st point.

(2) When it rains, the water level rises and pushes the wooden block with the metal sheet up.
2nd point.
The metal sheet will come into contact with the metal rods and form a closed circuit to
activate the water pump.

40c Lower the metal rods into the container / add water into the tank, so that the metal sheet can
touch the metal rods / close the circuit with less water from the rain.

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